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How to find fat women to be friends with my wife?
Hopefully they'd coerce her into eating more and getting fat and fatter but that's besides the point.
To give some useful backround information:
Where I live there aren't really any young fat women and if they are they usually are eternally single misandrist feminist types who besides whispering thoughts into her head about health at every size(which is good) and getting fat to test me if I'm faithful(which is a good thing although stupid) they will probably also put the thoughts of cheating on me in her head(which is horrid).

What I hope would happen if she had these kinds of fiends is her telling them that I hate/am disgusted by fat women and especially the prospect of her becoming morbidly obese, so that she uses them for getting fat(potentially fatter than each and everyone of them) while not taking anything they say(unless it relates to gaining weight) to heart.

What I am saying is that they aren't family oriented at all and are like crabs in the bucket(how DARE she be skinny/skinnier than me/happily married) who will drag her down(or what they see as down)
Ideally they would be fat wives themselves which could coach my wife into getting fatter by the day, being a faithful wife and urge her to have kids.

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