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Anyone here ever actually meet up with anyone they meet on Feabie? Post stories
>>36897 (OP)
Nobody has ever met up with anyone from Feabie. Feabie is nothing more than facebook for people so terminally boring that they need to drive attention from people purely fetishising them desperate for a modicum of attention.
>>36897 (OP)
I met up with a girl for a coffee date. She said she was passing through my town and looking for something to do, so I took my shot. She was definitely bigger in person than her photos would suggest. We talked and it became clear to me that we weren't a match (feminist party girl jetsetting around the world, bragging about taking unknown drugs from strangers in German clubs and being strung out drunk on tours and embarrassing all her friends, plus she had a double belly which I'm not fond of), so I let the date go on longer than I wanted until we both mutually excused ourselves. She messaged me after the date thanking me for a nice time. She never actually rejected me over message, but I thanked her for the date, made sure she got to her hotel fine, and that was that.

Perhaps if I was a coomer just looking to fuck as many girls as possible the date would have gone different, but I'm looking only for my perfect soulmate and my previous experience with a brief fwb relationship has cured me of any desire for casual sex, it all just feels so hollow and unsatisfying without genuine love behind it.
I've met up with a few people.

Some are homies. The one I dated had a lot of unresolved issues, but that's pretty par for the course.

6.7/10 experience overall.
>>36897 (OP)
I saw a girl in my city for a year, she was older than me, 31 while I was 25 at the time and I liked that. When I started seeing her she was 305 and the last time I saw her she was almost 320 but she was short and carried A LOT of weight in her booty and thighs. We first started just by hooking up but we both liked the stares we'd get walking into various restaurants and we really enjoyed doing cute couple-y things so we eventually started going out for dinner, we'd order too much food while giggling and laughing and talking about attractions and other things. While we were seeing each other she started dating but wanted to continue to see me because the guy she was dating (a long term friend) wouldn't go down on her and I'd also make her cum multiple times a night, she liked the contrast between my super thin frame and her big soft frame. Unfortunately I was very busy and not very horny at the time so I only saw her once every month or two before she reluctantly became serious with her guy. She messaged me a few times after that and I haven't talked to her since, she slowly became inactive on feabie, removed her pics, then her profile. I still think about her every now and then. She had really dense fat, not so jiggly but still soft and amazing proportions, she was pretty much all belly, ass, and thighs and her face was so pretty, and she talked in a southern-drawl that drove me wild.

The other girl I see we are actually pretty good friends even though we live far away, she lives just outside of my home town so I make an effort to see her whenever I'm around. She's over 400 but doesn't know her weight since she maxed out her scale. When we have sex she just completely engulfs me. She's actually insatiable in bed, I remember the first time she rode me (we weren't planning on having sex, I had seen her a few times before, I just liked hanging out with her, prior to this there was no hint of sexual tension but this time was different) we had to move close to the wall so she could use the wall for balance, my back was against the wall and her belly was pushing me against it so hard I could barely breathe but she just kept on going, I don't know how she moves so much weight around for so long but it's so hot. She has a beautiful double belly and she has much softer pillowy fat and loads of back rolls, she's very cute. With both of them too my favourite thing is probably taking them from behind and watching their back fat ripple with each thrust, it seriously rules.

Overall if you treat folks with respect and dignity and humanity feabie is actually a decent place. It was better in the past but I still talk to some of the women I've met there, most of which I haven't even met up or hooked up with simply do to living in completely different parts of the world but still finding eachother interesting or at the very least, very attractive.
>>36897 (OP)
Yeah I met up with a BBW on there that is active in the community. She was hot, fucked, fed, and dated awhile. Good times. Feabie is worthless though if not local, only good for the user base and search by location functions.
I had a similar story. Being engulfed in fat was amazing. We spent all of a Labor Day weekend in a hotel ordering food, going on fast food runs, doing some light oxy, and primal fucking. I really don’t care what she did to the toilet, then shower. I mean the bathroom was basically unusable in its entirety. But it was incredible to watch her go through that much food over three days— stuffs gonna happen.
Excuse me, what?????? The shower???????

Did you fuck a woman or a barn animal??????
>>36897 (OP)
Ive hooked up with maybe 10 girls from in the greater boston area, but this was before the site turned into a way for random girls to beg for money. I have no regrets but I prefer to just fuck fat girls through regular dating apps. Very few of the girls who call themselves feedees are actually comfortable indulging in it irl. The rare few of them who happened to be super fat, pretty, and comfortable with the fetish were some of the best experiences fucks of my life.
I've gone out with three girls from Feabie. one was extremely mentally unwell and very stressful to be around, another had issues but was okay at managing them, and the third was if anything better adjusted than me. all in all I think I've done quite well out of it

guys like to complain about the quality of women on Feabie but the quality of men is even worse. if you can hold a conversation without constantly trying to turn it into a one-way fetish rp, you're already in the top 10% of guys. if you put a decent amount of effort into your appearance too, you're easily in the top 5%. get a feel for what someone's like over chat, don't rush into it, don't be creepy about your fetishes, and you can do pretty well out of the site.

that said: if you aren't really into fetish stuff or feedism, it might be easier to just use regular dating apps. especially if you're in a sparsely populated area
You try eating like that for four days straight in an ok motel
Wrong again simp.
If you’re able to do that, anyone who gets action will tell you there are hotter, fatter, kinkier girls on every corner of ever American city.
This guy fucks. I’ve had IRL relationships with women who liked the fetish and gained 100-200 pounds purposely, twice. On feabie the women pretend to be fine with their freakshow bodies for money.
Plus feabie girl are fucking ugly.
I'm not American so I'll take your word for that. but lol at calling me a simp as if "don't type one-handed and you'll get laid easily" is some insane male feminist sentiment
greater Boston-ish area here. I've had more success banging fatties from Tinder/hinge than Feabie but in my experience there aren't as many of them out there as I'd like. Feabie having feedism awareness built in was also an advantage for me because I hate explaining it to normal folks
>If you’re able to do that, anyone who gets action will tell you there are hotter, fatter, kinkier girls on every corner of ever American city.

Hotter sure, but you're deluded if you think you're going to find fat girls who are genuinely into feederism in the general population. Its not common and less common still to find those who would give in and ruin their health for their arousal.
Nope. Gen-Z has a massive breeding/prego kink going not to mention more openness to kink in general. Most women like being feminine and eating. Or frame it as body positive rebellion against white Anglo beauty standards and humiliation BDSM.
Feabie women in general are least likely to have a feedee kink compared to the general population. Plus since the pandemic, hot women are fatter than ever. Anyone who follows fucks can tell you that loser.
>Talk to localish QT 3.14 for a while
>Decide to meet up one day, because we have nothing better to do
>Her car is busted and she didn't have the money to fix it, so we can't really meet midway, so I drive there
>Despite using hand-written directions and never being in the area before, getting there mostly goes off without a hitch
>Get to her place
>She's every bit as hot as I'd imagined she would be off of pictures
>While just chilling at her place was theoretically an option, we had never actually hung out before, so it felt more reasonable (and safe) to just drive around a bit
>Due to previously-mentioned car issues, I had to do the driving, no big deal
>We converse about various things, turns out she has really terrible luck with people
>Once had someone tell her they were going to the bathroom, and promptly ditched her mid-meetup
>Feel this on a spiritual level, since I've had similarly terrible luck with online meetups over the years
>Go to local grocery store for lunch, since it had been a while since I ate
>Got some boneless wings and paczkis, she had never tried the latter
>I insisted on paying for her, since her financial situation was worse than mine
>She was very insistent on paying for it herself
>Brettygud.jpg, and she found a new food she likes
>Drive to mall, continue to shoot the shit while we drive, by this time, any sort of awkwardness had melted off, we're clicking really well, better than any other meetup I'd done prior, from Feabie or otherwise
>Walk around the mall for a while, don't really do a lot outside of buy some smoothies
>Look at what's playing in the theater there
>Nothing of interest
>Decide to go back to her place and stream something
>Get back there, go to her bedroom, lay down and curl up
>Opt for Step Brothers
>Get about midway through the movie
>Feel my lower body acting up
>Fart's starting to come on
>Decide to just let it go, assuming it would be silent
>It wasn't
>In a last-ditch effort to save face, I reference scene related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FOk4bCAQhc
>She thinks it's fucking hilarious, goes into hysterics
>Finish watching the movie, continue cuddling, enjoying her curvature
>It starts to get late and I had work the next day, on top of not having the stuff to do an overnighter so I opt to head back home
>Both of us would rather just be cuddled up for the night, but alas
>We go into the chilly outdoors to my car, she insists on paying for my gas, despite previously-mentioned money problems
>I opt to decline the offer
>We part with a big hug and me getting a peck on the cheek

And that's how I met the girl who would eventually become my girlfriend. While she would nuke her account some weeks after, and only briefly reappear on the site months later, I think the site ultimately worked out for both of us.
I have a similar story but it wasn’t just a fart, plus it wasn’t me it was her and it happened in the shower.
Try explaining that to you roommates when they’re ankle deep
I did once in like 2019. I got dates from okcupid otherwise back when it was a more reasonable site to use. The feabie date was by far the worst. I let it go on longer than it should've.
Why don’t you just take the grate off the shower when you’re having your girl over like the rest of us do. It’s a quick job with a Philips head.
I met my 7 year girlfriend on feabie, but we broke up about a month ago.
I'm really sorry about that, LHM but why didn't you get married by such a long time?
I have, I lost my virginity from it. I was so downbad I just messaged all the woman in my area until one responded. I think my sheer persistence is how I was able to end up meeting 4 woman from feabie irl. But make no mistake I wasn't successful on most of my dates, my general social ineptitude ruined to not be able to see them more then one or twice (aside from the gold digger one)
I keep seeing OptimusFine/SpooktimusFine in person and while I have a girlfriend, she is insanely hot, biggest belly i've ever seen, sticks out 2 feet no joke. Anyone got wins? lol
>tfw I almost met up twice but chickened out, once with a fat Italian butterface who really liked me
>the other time with a chubby Asian MILF (also kinda butterface but still cozy)
>tfw chronic self-sabotager incel
Wish we had evidence of that 2 foot belly
Feabie’s a funny place if you’ve been watching these ladies since they were first discovered on MySpace as hambeast a with no shame- and then watched them become bitter old cat ladies.
They all seem to go through the same life stages of being: ugly fat women, find out about the fetish, stuck up hoes playing pay-to-play, lonely old weirdos like MsFatBooty.
There’s some awareness among them that the smart hoes were early adopters who partnered up back in 2015-202 phase and nowadays there’s too much supply of confident fat women for desirable men to bother with the women on Feabie.
I will not go there, i'm a creep but i'm not gonna go this far lol.
Damn, dawg, that's kinda bummy. If you're the boyfriend on her profile she sounds like she really likes you. Oh well.
I actually think she's getting catfished but that's another story
Oooooh, sad.
this sounds like nonsense made up by someone who doesn't actually "follows fucks"
Why do you think that?
Went to a couple of Feabie meetups that were local, they were cross posted with FF, so there was a bit of both there. Pretty small time, I think there were 6 that showed? pretty cringy, but did hit it off with a girl there, we hung for a bit afterwards. I'll agree that unless you're local, feabie sucks.
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During my time on Feabie I have actually met with 3 girls from the site so sit down by the fire and hear me rattle on about my tales from the site I left.

1. It was early on the site what i could call the golden age (if there was ever was one) where I met a girl on there and she messaged me and i of course responded we went out on a couple of dates and nearly fucked in her car but all i did was play with her fat tits and belly but me being me i wanted to meet her more when our work/life schedules didn't really match up I would just work and chill while she was being a teacher aid(?) singing for her church etc. Later I broke things off not wanting to mess with her for lack of contact then in a fucked up twist of fate she went to work at my last job and it was indeed awkward but she later quit when she found out that our job doesn't really do hand holding much(basically we didn't mind if you ask for help but we don't want you asking how to do your job) and I was just acting like she didn't exist. Idk where she at or what's she doing.

2. Met her on Feabie the dif between her and the first girl was she wasn't in the same town I was in but a bit away. we chatted and we met up now this was around the time of the pandemic basically she was pear shaped in a way like her mom but I digress so we meet up went around shopping then I went home. Continue to talk throughout the pandemic and one time we went out and decided grab a bite and after we did I asked could we do the deed. She agreed I rented a hotel room and we did it. Fat wide ass, fat tits and a double belly. We fucked and grabbed her some food for later dropped her off and went home. Me being a smooth head wanted more of the cookie jar but she clearly saw that I wanted tail but we slowly drifted away and stopped talking then I decided to talk to her again. When she did, she went back to her ex and that fucker essentially sexually assaulted her and hoped the state with his then prego girlfriend that he had at the time as well. Doing this left the poor girl scared. She was no longer interested in sex due what happened and I wanted to (again) go back to the cookie jar but respected her decision not to because I told her that sex is on the table but you don't have to eat it. After that we stopped talking yet again. After loosing my job way after girl 1 left I decided to talk to her one more time to at least be friends no sex just friends. Found out that she and her mom had a falling out (I Think) and she moved to the next state since I was jobless at the time I decided "hey since you are off, lets just me up again and since you are you are in a new town we can look around" she agreed and when it came time to me up, I couldn't talk to her anymore she blocked me on everything except maybe text so in a vitriol filled anger I text I told her off and never talked to her again.

3. This was around the time Feabie was become a shit show of itself found one girl that was in town. But she rarely answered her messages on the site (which must make since because all you get is dudes hitting you up). Since she was a feedee I sent her a few bucks on cashapp to see if she responded and she did found out that she wanted to be a big as fucking possible which I was so down for as for body shape she was more apple I would say be she was fun we ofc talked and chatted offsite and I went over her place one night and we watched tv and she gave me head while I played and fondled her I came over every once in a while when she was free and we just meet and fuck but I would try to get her to eat but she rarely did per se but we stopped talking after a while of schedule differences I tried to talk to her a while back but no answer..

After leaving Feabie I do feel that broke off a shackle that is called Social Media , part of me wanted to return but I think I best I stay off and find fat chicks on a different site or app but as with most relationships I did grow and learn from my mistakes and hope in the next one never to repeat them again but I don't honestly think I would get the type of luck of meeting fat chick like I did on that now toxic echo chamber of a site

Story time over. Now go to bed.
>>36897 (OP)

>took an 11 hour coach to meet her
>ended up throwing up from alcohol when I was there
>kicked out the pub
>she wanted to stay so I went back to my hotel alone.
>never saw her again.
>had to take 11 hour coach next day.

This was during a desperate phase.
I fixed the grammar on your post because trying to read it gave me a fucking headache.

1. It was early on in the site's history. What I would call its golden age (if there ever was one). I met a girl on there and she messaged me. I, of course, responded. We went out on a couple of dates. We nearly fucked in her car but all I did was play with her fat tits and belly. But, me being me, I wanted to meet her more often. Our work/life schedules didn't really match up. I would just work and chill while she was being a teacher, singing for her church, etc. Later, I broke things off. I felt like I was messing with her because I wasn't contacting her often enough (or vice versa, I don't know what you meant here). Then, in a fucked-up twist of fate, she ended up working at the same place I worked at the time. It was indeed awkward but she eventually quit. She quit because she wasn't satisfied with the training provided (or lack thereof) by our former employer. When we worked together, I just acted like she didn't exist. I don't know where she is now or what she's doing.

2. I met her on Feabie. Unlike the first girl I mentioned, she didn't live in the same town as me, but a bit away. We chatted and met up. Now, this was around the time of the pandemic. She had a pear-shaped body. So did her mother, but I digress. So we met up and went shopping, then I went home. We continued to talk throughout the pandemic. One time we went out and decided grab a bite. After we did, I asked her if she wanted to have sex. She agreed. I rented a hotel room and we did it. She had a fat wide ass, fat tits and a double belly. After we had sex I picked her up some food for later, dropped her at her house, then went home. I wanted to continue having sex with her, but she correctly assumed that I was primarily interested in sex. As a result, we drifted apart. Then I decided to talk to her again. When I did, she went back to her ex. He sexually assaulted her and left the state with his then-pregnant girlfriend. She was understandably scarred by this experience. She was no longer interested in sex due to what had happened. I still wanted to have sex with her, but I respected her boundaries. I let her know that she didn't have to have sex with me unless she wanted to. After that, we stopped talking yet again. I lost my job (at the aforementioned company). At this time, I decided to try talking to her again. I told her I just wanted to be friends, without any sex involved. I found out that she and her mom had a falling out (I think) and that she moved to another state as a result. Since I was unemployed at the time, I decided to ask her if she wanted to meet up and have a look around her new town together. When the time came for this meetup, I discovered she had blocked me on everything except (I assumed) text. I sent her an angry, vitriol-filled text and never spoke to her again.

3. This was around the time Feabie had started to become a shit show. I found one girl that was in town. But she rarely answered her messages on the site (which is understandable since I presume she was getting a lot of them from other men). Since she was a feedee, I sent her a few bucks on cashapp to see if she would respond. And she did. She told me she wanted to gain weight and get as fat as possible, which I was very interested in. She had an apple-shaped body. She was fun. Of course, we chatted off of Feabie. I went over to her place one night. We watched TV and she gave me head while I fondled her body. I came over every once in a while when she was free and we would just have sex. I tried to get her to eat but she rarely did. We stopped talking after a while due to schedule differences. I tried to talk to her a while back but I didn't receive any answer.

After leaving Feabie I felt as if I had broken off a shackle that is called Social Media. Part of me wanted to return, but I think it would be best if I stay off and find fat chicks on a different site or app. As with most relationships, I did grow and learn from my mistakes. I hope not to make the same mistakes in my next relationship. If I went back on Feabie now, I honestly don't think I would have the same luck as I had before.
Not to goof on your experience (we've all been there) but I didn't realize you could take an 11 hour bus ride in the UK without winding up in a large body of water. Unless you went around in circles.
Great Britain north to south is like Detroit to Atlanta. google says that's a 22 hour bus journey (and 10 hours by car lol) to give some perspective to an american.

I live in the northern isles so idk the public transport situation down south (never even gone on a train :/ ) but I hear it's not great.
Did a LD thing with a very well known gainer. My god was she a complete un-self aware narcissist. Lot of false promises and being broke as an excuse. Sex was terrible, too.

She aldo claimed to have some of those "lazy wife diseases". Hindsight I see she was in it for money and even being extremely depressed, I consider that my all time lowest, haha
Did anyone ever gain weight with a partner they hooked up with from feabie? I used the site but never went out with anyone from it. I did definitely get influenced to gain a few pounds by talking to a few people on that site.

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