
(95 KB, 1024x763, OHZEMPIC.jpg)
We've got drugs that can make people lose weight. Do you think there will be drugs that can allow someone to be really fat and not have the health issues tied to the fatness?
yes i already invented it decade ago for my fattening machine farm pigges and sows, if not they would be dead long ago
>>36742 (OP)

I hope so - but I don't know how the.hell that would work biologically. Like ultimately ozempic and all the new variants are appetite suppressants, you don't eat, you lose weight. A certain range of weight and muscle/fat ration is generally healthy for most people - it's not too complicated. To change how excess fat affects every system in your body, like even how excess weight affects your bones and mobility? How is a pill or injection gonna alter that.
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