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How come black guys are allowed to get with fat white women and there's no stigma, but a white man doing is treated like a freak?
Except it’s the opposite. Both races make fun of the black dude/fat white woman combo all the time — it’s been a comedy staple for 30 years. Dating fat women within your own race is basically a non issue, beyond general fat phobia. Meanwhile most of the time when a black dude dates any white woman there’s a huge amount of shit from other black people. And outside progressive cities and college towns mixed race couples are the ones very much still stigmatized.

FTLOG let’s stop pretending FAs are victims. We’re just not. Everybody man the fuck up and stop whining. If you don’t have the balls/self-esteem to handle some stranger laughing or whispering once in a while, or you can’t defend your partner to your family you shouldn’t be in any kind of a relationship.

FUCKING THANK YOU. I'm tired of seeing dudes using race as an excuse because they're too much of pussy to handle criticism. And it's the same ones who have no problems slinging slurs around here that have this mindset.
Agreed. If you’re cooking up excuses like OP, you’re never gonna do more than pull pud. There’s a stigma, it ultimately means shit, and it’s changing.
I’m a white dude with a fat black wife. Yes we all make fun of fat white women.
White women who date black men are mostly trailer park trash and pretty racist despite being with a black man.
I’m the 36751 ranter and I’m white. What’s your point?
>>36739 (OP)

If you're fucking what you think is pretty, then why would you give a shit about what anyone else thinks? This is the problem.
>>36739 (OP)
This is a retarded question based on an incorrect premise. There's a HUGE stigma around black men dating fat white women. So the question is wrong in the first place. Just look at the white guy in that picture. Looks like he'd be in line to buy ten slaves the day they made it legal again.
That photos all kind of messed up. That hambeast is crowding her husband out of the shot to give her Crypt Keeper dad more room.
He’s 1000% out of her league.
White chicks are the most common people to fuck black men, objectify their bodies, and refuse to bring them home to instead marry a nice Jewish lawyer.
Nobody cares who you fuck and you’re gay if you care that much about what people think that you’re depriving yourself who you’re attracted to. Grow up loser
>Just look at the white guy in that picture. Looks like he'd be in line to buy ten slaves the day they made it legal again.
He's probably sad that his grandkids aren't going to look at all like himself, his wife, or his daughter. Which is perfectly understandable and not remotely racist.
On the contrary, only racists care that their grandkids will be a different color than themselves.
Thank you. If my parents said something like that they’d never see the kid, problem solved.
>says racist thing
>frames it as perfectly understandable and not remotely racist

This is why you're single
You must have the driest dick in the land
It wouldn't be racist if any other race said it either.
It’s nice that when I see one of these threads with a completely unhinged premise, the first reply is usually someone with their head on straight. OP needs to get a grip.
Well yeah, except “would,” not “wouldn’t.”

Amazing how you don’t see it. Your original comment is almost the definition of racism.
are you ready to call most of the world racist?

You have the brain size of an ant if you think Black people or Hispanics can't be racist. Then again, Canadians aren't really the brightest.
Let them take the white girls, i'll take the native chicks. 100% recommended.
He’s ugly as fuck and looks like his IQ is under 60, what are you talking about?
Sounds like either project or cope, my friend
Damn…..she’s hot..uhhhh sauce pls
carelessmorgann (Morgan Haberry-Robinson)
Everyone loves to talk about Native genocide, but the truth is their numbers are so low because whites breeded with them. And their genes aren't nearly as strong as black genes. Hence how someone with a quarter Cherokee ancestry can have a DNA test where the Native doesn't come up and Thandie Newton's quarter black daughter looks looks as black as her.
I think that post was saying that neither are racist. And I agree. Racism means that you hate people. You can not hate people but want your family to resemble your ancestors.
>Racism means that you hate people. You can not hate people but want your family to resemble your ancestors.

Maybe that's how you feel but that's not what the Canuck meant. Because you never know what'll happen, even between caucasians.

Say Grampa is stereotypical Southern Italian — short, olive skinned, brown eyes, dark wavy hair and a big nose, and so is his son. But sonny marries a pale blonde 5'11" Swede, and the kids wind up looking like her.

In the Canuck's scenario, is Gramps just as upset as he would be had sonny married a black woman? No, he is not.
>Everyone loves to talk about Native genocide, but the truth is their numbers are so low because whites breeded with them.

You mean "raped," which is also a form of genocide.
Smallpox killed 98% of native Americans. You can thank Europe’s lack of scientific progress and white peoples generally poor hygiene.
What you’re saying is idiotic to the point you may be retarded or mentally ill— not an insult, please seek help.
Wanting your daughter to marry inside the race is racist, it’s racist to prefer your grandkids fit a specific race, rather than love them for existing.
>Wanting your daughter to marry inside the race is racist, it’s racist to prefer your grandkids fit a specific race, rather than love them for existing.

Dumb/insane or maybe just not explaining it properly, because this is what I was trying to say. The Northman was insisting it wasn't about race but wanting ones' grandkids to look like them, which is bullshit.
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So much denial.
I mean look at pic related. A headline you'll never see written about her other children.
This child has never been loved or loved anyone, racial trolling online is the closest thing he has to community.
If your features are so weak that they get diluted out of existence your a genetic loser who contributes nothing to your family and people.
If the only features you care about are racial identifiers, you don’t deserve prodigy that acknowledges your existence.
I’m in a mixed race marriage, my parents found out the hard way that they could cling to their feelings of racial supremacy or have a child who knows their name.
Thinking some clickbait dingleberry has any bearing on actual human relationships proves you've never experienced one. Your comment should win some kind of self-ownership award.

>they could cling to their feelings of racial supremacy or have a child who knows their name

In Europe at least African dudes absolutely suck at flirting with white girls, and most of them aren't interested in black guys anyways, leading to any white girl being a catch even if she's obese.
European women are ugly
My best friend is half black. His dad is African and his mom is a really fat Irish woman. If you're curious about whether she's attractive, she looks a bit like Valerie but I was never attracted to her (by which I mean I don't find either her or Valerie attractive). Anyway, his parents are the only couple like this (skinny black guy + fat white woman) that I know personally.
African men are into fat women, pretty consistently across the continent. This includes Egypt and the Maghreb.

Agreed. OP is just butthurt that women don't like him, and instead of facing his own issues he's trying to redirect anger at black people. Typical beta behavior.

I've been with my fat SO for over ten years now and nobody has ever treated me like a freak, and I've never known anyone to treat any person like a freak for dating a fat woman outside of a handful of insecure people during my high school years.

If you treat anybody like a freak because you don't like how their partner looks, it's more a reflection on you than them. Most likely insecurity.
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Fat Black Women is synonymous with Walmart shopper in a scooter, or degenerates like Lizzo. Lizzo's popularity plummet cause she was sexually harassing her team. Fat Black Women used to be sent to fat camp where their sociopathic tendencies were beaten out of them until they die or lose pounds. Now Walmart hired security guards so they can be beaten harder and showed at TikTok
>>36739 (OP)
Not all cultures are good. Reference Summer of '21, Chicago, Walmart leaving, Target's loss, flash looting in most blue cities, etc. It's in your interest to be racist
why are you people all so fucking neurotic?

>>36739 (OP)
he isn't treated like a freak. it's really not an issue
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Walmart is synonymous with toothless white women shaped life refrigerator.
Lizzo was created by whites women to feel less ugly because they have no ass. No black peoples actually like Lizzo, she’s a fat-hag-flute player, white women can keep her.
Fat black woman is synonymous with actually having an ass and enjoying their curves.
Fat white women are either trailer park trash or new money consumer-brained Karen’s.
White woken have no skills or culture. Plus they’re drunken sloppy bar-whores thru college years.
You remember when the white thieves at Goldman wrecked the economy in 2010, or the Holocaust, plus all the inbreeding (Hapsburg kings through American trailer parks, white people just love having sex with their family).
White culture is rotten.
Kisame here. I don't know. I live in a blue state and I haven't seen crime despite working at a shopping center.
Lol, (((white))) thieves at Goldman
There's jokes for sure and that's normally it but from my own life experiences it's easier being a black dude and into fat white chicks and big women in general. Than it is to be a white dude. I've never once had my attraction seriously questioned and never gotten any super negative reactions from family or anyone else. I've seen white people not talk to their kids because their partner is fat or show said fat partner an extreme amount of disrespect or constantly tell them about losing weight. Not mention I've never had a fat white moan question my attraction to her is real or not
WASP frat boys and Jews, amirite? Can’t stop breaking banking laws. White culture at its prime.
You know you don’t have to give a fuck if your parents approve of your fat girlfriend. It’s in no way harder than being the black dude marrying into some uptight white family with a hambeast daughter.
My girlfriend is immobile but my parents don't judge her they help me feed her and care for her and maintain her complete dependence on me
>my gf is immobile
press X to doubt
This is the most sour grapes thread I think I've ever seen on this awful board.
Man. Remember when the racists were less of sandy vaginas.
No one’s got sour grapes, white chicks are just drunken sloppy whores with no ass.

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