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How many models are actually fat by choice and want to be not lipedemia and autism?

Seems like every model is pretending to have the fetish and really kinda hates it. Explains all the failures to gain and WLS.
>>36387 (OP)
Stop spamming this board with your shitty fucking threads.
This has already been discussed in depth countless times. Lurk more.
Plus why does autism, a learning disability marked by sensory processing issues and socialization issues make one fat?
Actual autists have all sorts of eating disorders but there is no indication most of these models have autism. Everyone is fat. Almost no one by choice.
>>36399 we actually pretty much all have autism
>>36399 there's actually a pretty direct correlation between models who are neurodivergent and those who are "actually into" the kink. you have to be autistic to wanna get this huge.
>>36387 (OP)
People who are obese are unironically diseased and mentally ill. If you purposely make yourself obese, then you for sure have a mental illness
Are you a model or what?
>there's actually a pretty direct correlation between models who are neurodivergent and those who are "actually into" the kink
I believe that but I don't think most models deliberately do it.
>you have to be autistic to wanna get this huge.
Why autism? Trendy much?
>>36387 (OP)
>How many models are actually fat by choice
Almost none of them
>and want to be
Highly debatable, but a slightly greater percentage than the previous bullet point
>Seems like every model is pretending to have the fetish and really kinda hates it
This applies to real life too. In 99% of cases, the best you can hope for is a girl who'll pretend to go along with it for your sake if she really likes you
>Explains all the failures to gain
Wrong. They're pretending to gain, and using "failing to gain" as an excuse as to why they don't actually get bigger
>and WLS
Think about what autistics really like: stuff like weighted blankets and squeezing in tight spaces and sensory comfort. What's better for that than a thick coat of fat?

Also, I know even women with this fetish who are otherwise "asexual" but get off to fat stuff because autism very commonly causes paraphilias. Errors in brain mapping and such phenomena.

If it wasn't fat, they'd like feet, giantess, monster girl, furry, you name it (and sometimes we like all of them at once).
You can definitely find some fuckin pigs online who are really in it for the love of the game. Often not the best looking but man you can find some ladies that are really into it.

I think a lot of the top models and ladies youre talking about like the idea of getting fat but dont like being fat. Or maybe a partner gets them into it and its fun at first and is profitable but once they start to really feel the effects they want to pull back.

Who cares man its just porn. Just leave these damn girls alone and enjoy it
> I think a lot of the top models and ladies youre talking about like the idea of getting fat but dont like being fat.

This is my partner. She thinks my preference is sexy and appreciates that I love her fat. She really likes me playing with her belly and fupa too. But she doesn’t want to live as a fat woman, because it sucks.
Yeesh, ChubbyChiquita's lookin' rough. Is she sick or just depressed??
For feedee models everyone’s story is different, rarely you have people actually into it like chubbychiquita, sometimes it’s just “oh whoops I gained a few pounds and weirdly liked it, let’s explore this”, it’s also sometimes used as a way to learn to love their bodies after putting on weight.
But sadly most often it’s ladies who aren’t into the fetish at all, talk shit about feeders behind the scenes, and use bbw modeling as an easy way to try and make good money. I actually think the op pic is a good representation. 1/4 ladies (CC) into it, 3/4 playing along. They can’t fake being fat though.
Ngl I felt kinda bad but at the same time she actually looks sick/like she forgot how to shower, like?? Why is her hair flat and lifeless and why does she look like she has the flu. Just clammy and ill.

If they got her because they needed someone to make them look better they succeeded.
Jesus man, enough. She looks fine.
To each their own.
You guys have to stop saying CC looks bad or she won’t share the content they made lol. It’s one unflattering picture, she’s just making a weird face in it. She looks fine.
??? Will the rest of them not release their own content with her in it?

Also she's a big girl. If she can't take a valid critique of her appearance as a fetish model she should find another way to make money. The people on Tumblr even agree with me, they're just saying "we like that you look gross," lmao.

She's cute. Like I said, she just looks sick.
>>36668 i think the point is that we've all already acknowledged i look gross in some of the pictures and we are all ready for you to stop talking about it
"some" is generous.

Why are you looking for reason to make yourself feel bad?
Washya hair and get some vitamin C, boo boo.
>>36672 dude are you capable of just leaving shit alone or are you obligated to poke at everything and everyone in attempt to make all these other anonymous guys with their dicks in their hand think you're cool? you dunked on the fat sweaty onlyfans girl so good. congrats.
and thank u :)
Aren't you supposed to be body/ fat posi and shit? Embrace your greasy hair and bod, girlie.
The more you're hammering the same point, the more it sounds like you tried to slide into her DMs and got rejected for being a creep. You're trying too hard, bro.
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She’s kinda just a typical Becky.
Get called ugly and need to jump to some suburban girl shit of mocking people for being broke.
Typical feminist golddigger bullshit. Stop giving this mid-grade, midsized, suburban drama queen the attention, she’s just here to cash in on the community.
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There are probably hundreds of fat girls online that you didn't find attractive and start a crusade over. Can I ask why you're so laser-focused on CC? You're refreshing her tumblr to post screenshots and re-stoking the same argument here. It's sad.
U ryte u ryte

still greasy tho lmao
Different anon, different rizz.

Someone else agreeeeesss, lmaooooo


What a bizarre line of reasoning.
Why are we so focused on cc? Isn’t Reina a whole can of worms herself?
Because the bitch doesnt look like she showered for three days

Y'all can pick apart whomever you want. I'm not sure why my criticism is getting traction.
Do you know what we do to unashamedly out zoomers here?
>Typical feminist golddigger bullshit. Stop giving this mid-grade, midsized, suburban drama queen the attention, she’s just here to cash in on the community.
None of those words are in the Bible
mmmmmmmm, nothin' like self imposed intergenerational conflict

" rahhrahh young people bad; old ppl good"
I'm a zoomer too. I just have the decency to pretend I'm not
If anything the moral of today has been embrace yourself: be it sweat, grease, vitamin deficiency, or gen z.

Love yourself, sweaty. 🙏♥️
It’s one. Bad. Picture. Jesus Christ. She doesn’t even really look that bad in it, she’s just making a weird face. Wait to see pre than one picture at least before you start saying she doesn’t know how to shower. And we know she checks bbwchan, so like, maybe don’t say unnecessary mean things about her on here. Do you people want her to disappear and stop posting again
let's be real: 90% of us are millennials and zoomers, two sides of the same sad coin.

the only conflict between us is which of our generations' futures are fucked the most.
Oh, yawn, I guess you haven't seen the other ones.

What's she going to do, NOT post them not recoup her travel costs? It's not like the other ones aren't going to post their content in "solidarity" if she chooses not to.

She's calmed down anyway.


Rock, paper, scissors?
When I saw that video my first thought was immediately that CC absolutely MOGS those other thotlets. Girl’s beautiful.
Also Don’t worry bby that fag is just OD’ing on fruitiness and possibly being an asexual autist if this threads confessional sounding content is anything to go by.
Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
>Model makes it clear that she reads a thread about her
>Guys on here promptly become even more harsh in their critique to the point it's almost just unneeded bashing
Like clockwork, It's like they think it humbles them.
You could also just not be an asshole, since you know she reads this thread. Like idk it’s just basic human decency lol don’t be dick. You wouldn’t call someone you know in real life ugly and unwashed when you know they are in the room, listening to you. Get some social skills dude
I would absolutely tell someone that they need a shower if they haven't bathed and looked and smelled like they'd been rolling around in a sewer. That's what real friends do, bro.
See, guys, she's over it!
This guy ruined a perfectly good time of watching 4 Beckies posting insulting bad pictures of each other.
Damn I love free shit. Ty!!!!
she's not gonna fuck you
>Autism Speaks
This is like posting a PETA article about taking care of animals
Why is “suburban” in quotes? You’re one of the most basic Becky models out there.
What kind of Karen meltdown because someone pointed out she refuses to work with black people.
she's not going to fuck you dude
Why don’t you go brexit the fuck out of here Abner.
Nearly all fatty fuckers have autism it seems. I've never seen a bunch of people this argumentative. Just jack off to fat chicks you retard maybe fuck them too
Are there chicks into it? Yes.

What proportion of fat women who post themselves online are into it? Slightly smaller, of course.

What proportion of pros/models? Near zero
This response makes no sense to what he said. He wasn’t defending her, he was insulting her.

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