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Will she be okay if she gains more weight or will her knees collapse in after a certain thereshold is met?
>>36224 (OP)

She's not ok. Her knees hurt. Eventually she'll either use a scooter or lose the weight.

Well there's your answer OP.

You can see the problem is cascading up from her feet. The arches have collapsed, causing her ankles to drop inwards, which we see in her knee. Big women often cannot get supportive shoes that fit their feet and don't have the activity to strengthen them otherwise.

The knee is also rotated outwards, probably from tight glutes, due to sitting with her legs spread for that belly all day.

So yes, they have collapsed and will continue to get worse. She can get orthotics in the shoes to relieve some collapse near term, stretch out her hips, and do some strengthening. Probably best in the water, since aggressively loading a knee at such mechanical disadvantage will only hasten wear.

This part of caring for your ssbbw. Encouraging self care to make them as comfortable as possible, mitigating the obvious trade offs of carrying a couple hundred extra pounds.
Or she should just lose weight and realize this lifestyle is not sustainable
bitchs legs bending in like the Big Show's in his one AEW match lmao
Can’t tell if this is lazy trolling or you think you’re going to change minds on a board dedicated to immensely fat women.

Either way you’ve got your head up your ass

At this point, her best life probably does not include significant weight loss. She'd waste her healthiest years starving, sore and sweaty. It'd be miserable. Instead of playing in a niche where she's appreciated, she'd become ignored at best.

The dirty secret of diet and exercise - it generally adds only enough lifespan to offset the time spent doing it. Once you account for that, the question becomes do you enjoy it?

In her case, I'm betting the answer is no. She's better off with self love, living a full life while playing the hand she's been dealt. And looking at the pictures, she's doing all sorts of fun stuff. More than most of the coomers here.

Let go of the concern trolling and judgement my friend. Lean into the fetish and enjoy the beautiful women. There's never been a better time.
Her knees hurt because she’s heavy asf and all that weight happens to be above her knees.
Her posture isn’t even close to bad. If she was skinny no one would even notice, but her figure accentuates her typical unhealthy thottish posing.

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