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I've heard that going to the gym is a good option to get a fat gf too but I want to know if it's actually common to get a fat gf from going to college or if I should just get a membership at planet fitness.
Why the fuck would you chase fat girls at the gym? No self respecting bbw is wasting their time with some planet fitness bullshit.

Go do things fat girls like. Book stores. Cons. Festivals. Animal shelters. Swimming pools. Food truck night at the brewery. Buffets. Cake decorating classes. The library.

Can she sit on her ass or eat while doing it??? Go there!

The gym, lol.
I'm just saying, there's always fatties trying to shave off pounds at the gym.
Which means they don't like their body.
And that's perfectly ok and normal

I'm guessing you haven't spent much time in the gym. Ignoring the self hate problem, the ratios are fucking terrible. It's a sausage fest. Way more men than women, and most of the women are thin. You might as well waste the next year swiping right on tinder.

Go volunteer at an animal shelter. You'll get a 10:1 ratio in your favor. And there's puppies.

Find things you like to do, that the girls you like do. Go there! At the very least, you'll have a good time.
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There's a gorgeous bbw redhead (sort've looks like picrel) in my New Media class (her belly stuffed in her jeans is etched in my memory), who I would love to ask out, but I'm a sperg with terrible foot-in-mouthitis and am worried about making things awkward for the rest of the semester if she says no. Should I shoot my shot when I see her this Wednesday?
Don't be a pussy and do it. Probably won't be as awkward as thing you think. I asked a girl out in university and things didn't work out but it stopped being awkward after a while
have you talked to her before and do you know whether he's actually single or not? if your start talking to someone you'll usually know their relation status without explicitly asking about it.
*if your start talking to someone you'll usually know their relation status a few sentences into the conversation...
>Go do things fat girls like. Book stores. Cons. Festivals. Animal shelters. Swimming pools. Food truck night at the brewery. Buffets. Cake decorating classes. The library.
Fat girls like sitting inside, they only come out for work and college. They are a lot like other women in this respect.

So trade turnips with them on the animal crossing sub reddit. Flirt on voice chat.

My point stands - do shit the women you want like, that you like. Fuck, get a job repairing bariatric beds, if that's your demographic. Once word gets out, the infinifats will slip into your DMs.

Women want a man who shares an interesting life with them. Whatever their definition of interesting is.

If you want anything more than mediocre sex, expect the same. But for God's sake tilt the odds in your favor. Don't spend all day biking, then complain you can't meet any ssbbw's. They were at the fucking Barnes and Noble Cafe, eating cheesecake and iced coffee, waiting to be asked about their book.
This is horrible advice. Do not try to turn platonic interactions into flirtation, women nowadays consider it creepy, abuser m, grooming tactics.
You have 2 options today:
1) wait for her to clearly and unambiguously give you a cue to flirt with her
2) dating apps.
#1 is really only for men who are attractive and her type, you’re more a #2
Beyond an icebreaker, no.
I once nearly got a GF on Call of Duty. I was playing with friends and she played a few games with/against us and thought my banter/voice was cute. We added each other and partied up here and there over the next week or so. She lived only an hour or two away, but we never ended up getting together ironically because I told her I was into bigger girls and she wasn't into it. I enjoyed her shit talk for the time we played together though.
I've watched a friend of a friend walk into a Victoria's Secret, half drunk, approach the first employee he saw and proceed to say "You're really pretty. Can I get your number?" to which she smiled, thanked him and asked for his phone so she could add herself as a contact.
Yeah. If you know the look you know the look. Somehow I get offered to buy drugs when I walk downtown in my office clothes, i buy them but how did he know to ask.
My advice was for the losers here who don’t get as much ass a a toilet.
Fuck it, I'm gonna shoot my shot with the chubby arthoe. I'm quite good looking, but I'm afraid the AuDHD kneecaps that merit... Can't find out if I don't try. Wish me luck, fellas.
You are a cuckold who has happily accepted his place in a broken society where even relationships have become completely commodified. "Don't approach chicks bro, you need to either be a passive beta and wait for them to approach you (lol! lmao even!) or shill out your time and money on dating apps that are designed to make you feel ugly and helpless." Seriously pathetic, please take a long look in the mirror.

Getting a girl's number is easy, most of them will be happy to do it because it's both flattering and the easiest way to get you out of their face. But without a genuine connection or immaculate texting skills it's a lot harder to turn a number into a date. Definitely worth trying, but it getting someone's number isn't the skeleton key to their chastity lock.

Good luck Canuckbro, may the maples be with you.
Keep us posted anon, we're rooting for you, buddy!

In my experience, all of these are good advice... when applied to the correct situation. Took me a while to learn that and honestly, still learning.

I met my current gf on Tinder. A chubby, nerdy book worm chef who is very much an introvert. I got her number after texting her all day and then a few days after that I called her and asked her out. It takes patience and confidence when to make the right call. Not just "Hey, you're hot, wanna go on a date?", at least not right out the gate. But again, it depends cause that could work on some people.

Also worth noting that my gf was not the first girl i matched with on Tinder. The thing either dating apps is that 90% are looking for a quick fuck, and 99% of them are not chubby gals you are likely looking for.

Also, >>36286 best of luck my AuDHD brother, use your dorky quirks to your advantage.
I'm a university grad and I can say with certainty that colleges ARE a good place to find fatties. Something to do with freedom, easily available slop food and a stressful attitude creates lots of fatties.
That being said the quality of the people at a college is uh... questionable to say the least

In my experience many of the fat girls were either obnoxious annoying tumblr types, hardcore feminist liberals, or would troon out and become disfigured fat men.
So yeah, quantity is a yes, quality is a no
>troon out and become disfigured fat men
This probably deserves its own thread but it breaks my heart to see this, when a nerdy fat cutie transforms into a neckbeard with zippertits. Especially when they're still attracted to men after their transition.
I agree with this guy. high quantity, low quality. I got with a cute chubby gal in college, but turned out to be a wackjob racist, gaslighting bitch. its good for a while, then they either get bored of the fucking, or decide that they cant let you go.
Man conservatives are weird. Every city is a Mad Max apocalypse and every college girl is a trans man radical feminist.
Plenty of fat babes on campus, every school has a fat sorority. Find yours. Go where drunk women eat pizza, you’ll find them. Get a more attractive male freind and jump on DUFF grenades for him.
Dude way to misconstrue what I said: I’m the guy here who fucks models then complains they’re faking the fetish.
I can tell you, if women aren’t making it easy, if you’re not getting approached by women you’re probably an unattractive beta who’d only make it worse by hitting on bitches out of your league.
Totally class-dependent. Every directional state university sorority is a fat sorority. There are ~50 attractive BBWs in the Ivy League. And 20 of them are at Cornell.
What's there to misconstrue, you might as well have written "I am a massive beta cuckold" across your forehead in permanent marker.
I just showed your post to Boberry (she's lying in bed with me btw) and she's been laughing ever since. We think you're a loser who uses anonymity to tell unimpressive lies on a Rangoon Radioplay relaychat.
The second GOP was such a dumpster fire that it persuaded people Trump will win the nomination and the White House in 2024. There's a perception that Pence at this point is a demagogue who believes his own rhetoric and he came out far more crazier than his boss going for the death penalty. The inquiry into Joe Biden just whether or not Gaetz can demolish McCarthy. Most militant radical feminists I know hate troons and its easy to see them pull the lever for the Donald because of troon Andrea Dwarkin-Michael Moore screaming rape. Best part is the left has no one but itself to blame.
Fuck off Kisame, you have no idea of the demographic trends and underlying spiritual rot that create your Amerikkkan Nigger high fructose corn syrup bread and primary circuses. Your "politics" are bad theatre, the Superbowl for "people who care."
I don't know what that retarded Australian babble is. Still mad that Rupert Murdoch quit before he can put fatties on Page Six of the post?
I am being honest when I say fat women in America hates public housing, public schools, public transportation. The end game of the left is to tear down America and make it more like Paris, Berlin, Dubai, or Moscow. Nevermind the fact that walkable cities would be inaccessible to fat people and they'll sue to break in. That's not factoring in the fat bears, coyotes, racoons that will break in. Fat women are already eaten by gators in Florida or bears, and in rare occasions, fired by a Bison for being annoying
literally just open hinge, swipe on fat girls, let the alrogithm learn, and you'll find fat girls

most college girls are skinny. wtf is this thread dude
Idk about fatties kisame but Cornell’s athletics programs are full of Amazonian dimes who are comically enough not super athletic.
Basically a step over from paradise.
Kisame here. College girls eat Panera, shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. They were fit enough to jog to Chuck Schumer's apartment for a pro Palestine rally

Nobody watches the college sports. Sad part is fat Jets fans are more athletic than college chicks

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