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Ok, so like how do I stop being so into fat women? This fetish is really becoming tiresome…
Look to conversion therapy. The only thing that really kills sexual urges is disgust. It's generally not a durable adaptation though. Constant reinforcement is needed.

You could kill your sex drive entirely, through drugs or lifestyle, alternatively.

I'd rather bang fat chicks, personally.
Honestly, this. You're much better off liking fat chicks. Go find yourself some ass to grab and a belly to jiggle.
>>35847 (OP) Just log off for a bit. A little time spent away from porn, and thinking on the more extreme or specific aspects of fat women, will make the obsession get less intense.

You'll still be attracted to fat girls, of course. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But you won't obsess over everyone you see, or hope every thin girl in your life gains weight, or need an ultraobese woman, or whatever specific aspects of the fetish you in particular focus in on. And most importantly is your brain will start thinking about things other than sex and gluttonous fat whores.
I have tried literally every method you can think of, OP. Literally every gimmick, ancient or modern, besides outright chemical experimentation or castrating myself.

I'll put it simply: If you were "born with" this fetish, thinking fat girls were cute before puberty or something, there is virtually no hope for you. Just accept what God gave you. Maybe He wants you to make a cow happy. It's over.
>>35847 (OP)
I don’t understand the issue, unless it’s become an obsession. In that case you have a sex addiction that would follow you whether you switched to liking skinny women, or dudes for that matter.
Hey buddy,

Wont take too much time as some wise folks have already left some really honest comments.

In short, yeah, its over man, there is no out of this. I once spent a summer forcing myself to jerk off to only thin woman thinking that would change something. It didnt. Even full rubbing I literally could not even get my dick erect looking at LITERAL SUPER MODELS.

What am i doing today? Saving up for an engagement ring for the love of my life that just so happens to be 2.5 times my size :)
(For you number perverts. Im 145, shes like 375ish)

My advice? Lay off the porn and at least try to mingle with borderline overweight/obese girls. Nothing crazy but hey, only you know were your actual preference begins weight wise. Do you still find like 180 pound girls cute?
So even if I abstain from pornography, the feelings will only subside, but never truly go away?
Why would any God make me this way?
It depends. Generally, I like girls that weigh 200-500 pounds. Although there are outliers
*Im the 145 pound guy with the 375 pound gf*

200-500 you say? Yep. You're stuck in this club man. Its really not a terrible thing. I mean, you could be gay (also not terrible).

Like i said, i would refrain from porn and at least see if you can manage a healthy relationship with a girl around 200 pounds, then go from there. But idk, i still kinda think its too late. TBH the fact you even found BBW chan tells me your too late.

It'll all be ok tho. Take it from me...im currently running one out cause my Gf is sleeping and watching her belly rise up and down with every breath has me has hard as rock. This may fear you but its a content future. Embrace it kid.
>found BBW chan
I’ve been lurking and occasionally posting for years lmao

I don’t really see any incentive to get into a irl relationship now
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Convert to Islam
"Eat of what Allah has provided for you" ... Allah has given him an overpowering urge to be with fat women. It is his job to accept that burden.
I would never consider joining Islam, but even if I did, I wouldn’t choose to be a Majus.
Even if I was religious I’d find it a little bit dubious that God would give people fetishes for no reason, using your same logic wouldn’t that apply to gay people as well?
stop whining faggot, fat girls rock
Yes. "And whomsoever Allâh guides, for him there will be no misleader." If Allah has made a man crave cock, it is his duty to suck as much cock as possible.
If you want actual advice, here is the only advice that will help you.

Do not live for your fetish, do not live without it. Don't try and deny something that is part of you - that will only lead to unhappiness and a life that will suffer under the pressure of secret shame

Find someone who makes you happy and whose company you enjoy. The rest doesn't matter.
Lel the fattest countries are usually Islamic, they eat, shit and sweat lactose 24/7. So yeah, a 72 tons virgin for your daily dicking, why the need of a paradise if her massive body could become one in this mortal realm.
Not OP, but I’m going thru a similar issue, and you seem like a fellow regular person. I think skinny girls are cute, like facially, but Im not attracted to a thin girl vag. If I tried to fuck a skinny girl, idek if I could get hard. I get off to fat bellies and spilling love handles, but I guess maybe the right compromise is a chubby girl? Deep down I want a 350 lbs whale (ig similarly to you) but I don’t want the baggage that comes with that, if that makes sense. Any advice?
And what about Mexico?
>>35847 (OP)
How interesting! At the end of my twenties, I had a gf who turned out to be a feedee. While we both enjoyed it, it was also clear that there were some points that had to be discussed. For example, we both wanted to have an active life together, growing old together, having children together. A little tummy won't be a problem with this, but feeding was really out of question. The whole ting did not turn out for other reasons, but it was my beginning of starting to distance myself on a very basic level. I still love chubby women, but I am not into hefty obesity anymore.
im mostly tryna go cold turkey bc i dont wanna be unattracted to the woman ill have kids with in the future considering obesity causes a higher likelihood of a genetic predisposition to obesity in their children not to mention autism and miscarriages
>obesity causes a higher likelihood of a genetic predisposition to obesity
that's a cope
child obesity is because trash parents pass down their trash habits
>>36005 imagine being attracted to fat women and not knowing a single thing about the genetics of obesity

this whole thread is embarrassing, either chop your dicks off or stop complaining
You’re flat out wrong. You are defending your fetish as a cope. Fat is a dominant trait. Now, i am not sure if let’s say Lisalou carries a fat gene or not, as she grew up a regular person, and made herself fat unnaturally. But Roxxie on the other hand, 100% has hereditary obesity, she was fat all her life if I’m not mistaken. Now I’m curious. Can you gain a genetic predisposition to obese children if you were born skinny?
>imagine being attracted to fat women and not knowing a single thing about the genetics of obesity
just because i like fat women doesn't mean i'm going to subscribe to your dumbass green hair tiktok theories about obesity.
why are so many of you in conflict lol, try to hold two thoughts at the same time. it's a sign of intelligence.
>You’re flat out wrong.
what? you're denying common sense cause and effect. obesity comes with trash food and trash eating habit. you're saying this genetic predisposition came out of nowhere during half a century?
>You are defending your fetish as a cope
what the fuck are you talking about
>But Roxxie on the other hand, 100% has hereditary obesity, she was fat all her life if I’m not mistaken
she 100% inherited eating far too much all her life if i'm not mistaken
>Can you gain a genetic predisposition to obese children if you were born skinny?
lol the absurdity of this question just shows how confused and detached from reality you are
please read a twin study on epigenetics and obesity instead of acting like everything you think is correct without any further investigation
>please read a twin study on epigenetics and obesity
send me one
lol go ahead and prove me otherwise
I grew up obese but it's not genetic so i don't wanna risk pass that down to my kids through a woman predisposed to be fat but yeah it can either be genetic or a learned habit bc some people gain fat easier and find it harder to lose w the same habits as people who don't have that issue. y'all are actually irresponsible human beings if you entertain the possibility of having a kid condemned to a life of obesity or autism not to mention risking miscarriages. the only way I'd marry a fat woman is if I had a vasectomy so she could be my personal fuck cow while I live a healthy life
throwing around individual (OLD) articles and saying 'uhh just look for them" doesn't prove anything. there's an article in a journal for every kind of viewpoint, but i accept the validity of the (again, pretty old) meta analysis nature article
>but the idea that fatness it an entirely learned behavior is braindead
i never really stated that. i said that one way or another, obesity is caused by trash food and trash eating habits. western (food) culture is largely the same and degenerated, personalities who are more 'fond' of food are of course, with the lack of restraint and self-control, going to indulge and easily become obsese. note that obesity is also strongly correlated with other things, most importantly, IQ (which is important in the aforementioned)
someone somewhere sometime had to start the generational "hereditary" obesity. that wasn't until recent history, coincidentally, with the influx of available, cheap, energy-dense foods and then sedentary lifestyles that it has become a public health crisis from basically nothing. we are seeing this real-time in the persian gulf...
we also tend to forget how central public restraint had been before that. there has always been efforts to prevent obesity. and with religion and morality abolished, so was gluttony as a real sin
>some people gain fat easier and find it harder to lose w the same habits as people who don't have that issue
difference in metabolic rates is in the couple of hundred of kcals at most. wrong self-evaluation of eating / activity habits are notoriously common. you always need a third party for a honest comparison. i've caught myself 'forgetting' many times
>>36034 if anything the fact that so many of these studies are 30 years old indicates that we've known about the genetic contributors to obesity for decades and you still think it's tik tok propaganda. if you actually looked at the first study, you'll see that twins raised in different environments are still likely to end up similar weights. indicating that it's not just "calories in calories out" in a vaccuum. now that we live in an era where food is easily accessible, those who are predisposed towards being fat, being hungrier, slower metabolisms, etc, are filling their true potential that our ancestors weren't able to

and no. pre 1900 no one gave a shit about gluttony or weight loss or preventing obesity. it really seems like you haven't done any research about this and are just parroting whatever knowledge about body weight you got from bbwchan and maybe some gym bros with a middle school reading level
>>36034 the article is old because this has been common knowledge for 30 years. your assertion was that it was "cope" to say that obese people are likely to have obese children because of genetics, and yeah obviously the calories they consume turn into the fat, but their appetite, capacity, metabolism, absorption etc is genetic. given that twins raised separated with different lifestyles end up similar weights, it's probably way less "trash parents feeding their kids trash food" than most people would think.

and lmao at the idea that people in history were not obese because of their self restraint vs not having a grocery store or mcdonald's near by
follow up because I'm Retarded: did you read the first article? because that one is better by far. also i made sure to verify the credentials of the researchers and look through the citations to verify quality sourcing. i would be interested to see if you could find one that says the opposite of similar academic rigor.
>>>36034 if anything the fact that so many of these studies are 30 years old indicates that we've known about the genetic contributors to obesity for decades and you still think it's tik tok propaganda. if you actually looked at the first study, you'll see that twins raised in different environments are still likely to end up similar weights. indicating that it's not just "calories in calories out" in a vaccuum. now that we live in an era where food is easily accessible, those who are predisposed towards being fat, being hungrier, slower metabolisms, etc, are filling their true potential that our ancestors weren't able to
>and no. pre 1900 no one gave a shit about gluttony or weight loss or preventing obesity. it really seems like you haven't done any research about this and are just parroting whatever knowledge about body weight you got from bbwchan and maybe some gym bros with a middle school reading level
(original post)
>if anything the fact that so many of these studies are 30 years old indicates
indicates that they are subject to the reproducibility crisis. 'science', particularly in this field of study is rapidly evolving. much of what we thought we knew about genetics in the 80's-90's has been revised
>you'll see that twins raised in different environments
how different were those environments?...:::
>given that twins raised separated with different lifestyles end up similar weights, it's probably way less "trash parents feeding their kids trash food" than most people would think.
we are largely in agreement. what you're missing is again... how different is it really?
looking closer at the study, it says correlated or shared environment provided no difference (of course), but what the study regards as non-shared enviroment IN THE WESTERN CONTEXT has an to 31% component on BMI.. that's an enormous difference from 0, and it would be interesting to look into the extremes within that. frankly, most "western" low-middle class parents are similar trash nowadays
>"The results of this study should be interpreted in the light of the concept of heritability. Heritability does not imply an invariant, immutable genetic influence such as occurs in the case of hair or eye color. It describes instead the genetic influences found among persons living in a particular range of environmental conditions. Under different environmental conditions, different estimates of heritability might be obtained. Nevertheless, the conditions in which the subjects of our study live are those of much of Western society, and our results should apply to persons in that society. Similar results have been obtained by other studies in Western society, whether of twins in America6 , 7 or of adoptees in Denmark3 , 5 or America.4 Genetic factors appear to be major determinants of the body-mass index in Western society, and they may account for as much as 70 percent of the variance."
but most important of all..:
>Like the studies described above, our study assessed genetic influences on the body-mass index. Unlike those studies, however, ours involved few frankly obese persons. The relevance of these results to obesity thus depends on how the middle range of values for body-mass index relates to the extreme that characterizes obesity. In this regard it is reassuring that three adoption studies have found that genetic influences extend across the range of weight from thin to very obese.3 4 5
this is the major flaw of using this study for this discussion
so we can't know from this study alone how it applies to obesity.. did you even read what you sent?
>also i made sure to verify the credentials of the researchers and look through the citations to verify quality sourcing
okay, i don't care. this is a discussion, not a link throwing contest. the value is in your conclusions and thoughts
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forgot to attach
and another thing to note:
>The mean age (±SD) of the twins we studied was 58.6±13.6 years, with an approximately normal distribution around the sixth decade of life; 2 percent of the pairs were more than 80 years old, 18 percent were 71 to 80, 31 percent were 61 to 70, 20 percent were 51 to 60, 18 percent were 41 to 50, 9 percent were 31 to 40, and 2 percent were 21 to 30.
i deleted my first response bc i was incorrect and excessively douchey about it, perceptions of diet and obesity have been different throughout cultures for a long time. if they had mcdonald's tho....

i feel like we are now getting into the nitty gritty pedantics of it like *how* different were the environments these separated twins were raised in, like i said there are hundreds of twin studies documenting exactly this over decades that you can look into. a lot of them are paywalled tho, which is why i suggested google scholar if you have it.

this article is good too actually and maybe we are both a little bit right and a little bit wrong and it has to do with the pregnancy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK573068/

this is a lot more complicated than i thought, i have a lot of reading to do, tbh i think you are correct that we mostly agree, i was just annoyed with the reductionist "cope it's all trash parents and trash food" when obviously every human body is slightly different and will process and store energy differently . ttyl ily <3
>if they had mcdonald's tho....
sure, it's fair to say fast food is an enabler. like a bad parent :)
i touched on that by mentioning the persian gulf. many similar stories around the world
>like i said there are hundreds of twin studies documenting exactly this over decades that you can look into. a lot of them are paywalled tho, which is why i suggested google scholar if you have it
right, i am only saying that it's hard for to make a case from that study alone. i don't know much about this topic but i go though life presuming that humans are about 50-60% genetics 40-50% environment in general. it's usually right. cumulative learning, and sometimes resisting our nature is what makes us intelligent
https://scholar.google.com/ is a free search engine, and you can plug the DOI of paywalled articles into https://sci-hub.se/ to read them for free FYI
>this article is good too actually [...] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK573068/
>this is a lot more complicated than i thought, i have a lot of reading to do
i'm open to learn more on this topic. article looks interesting, i'll read it later
>i was just annoyed with the reductionist "cope it's all trash parents and trash food"
i was being provocative on purpose, indeed
I believe that weight is genetic ever since I saw 2 twins with identical sized big butts.
Couldn't be that both twins had the same upbringing and learned the same unhealthy habits... Yeah Genetics can impact fat distribution and metabolism, but weight isn't genetic.
Obviously more anecdotes, but when I was a teen I had a girlfriend about 160cm/140 kg, and at about the same time she was reconnecting with her previously estranged extended family. Her mother refused her from seeing her fathers family but after she turned 18 she obviously could do whatever she pleased, so I got a bit look into that side of her family and I swear to god they were the fattest family I've ever seen. Her cousin was 21/22 years old and apparently she had gotten too heavy to walk up the stairs in their home without it being a massive issue.

Of course, this proves nothing but I just find it so incredible how large they all were considering my then girlfriend had nothing to do with them in her upbringing, when she also was that large. Worth mentioning that none on her mothers side as I saw were big either, my gf was the fattest on that side by a long shot.
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i get your point but for the record booty fat isn't unhealthy. fat distribution is definitely genetic.
fuck me why is fat woman ass so hot?
>>35847 (OP)

In what way are your sexual preferences tiresome?

Do you think you'd be less tired with some other sexual prefence or fetish? This is seriously one of the most minor preferences you can have (you're not even gay) and you can't cope? I'm sorry, but get over it.
I had a girl fall asleep on me while watching a movie once. I was sat up facing forward and she was laying down across me. Watching her mountain of a belly rise and fall as the credits rolled and I couldn't do anything because she had the entirety of her weight on my lap was torture in the best way possible.
Do you really think being gay in the Western world in 2023 is harder than having an intrusive unsatisfiable desire for constant weight gain?

I feel like these discussions are always people with considerably different levels/engagements of/with the fetish talking past each other. As shown for example by those who insist that it's a preference and not a fetish (not saying you're doing that, just something that happens that I thought of since you used the word preference).

I have no idea where OP stands. But when I date a 200 lb woman, I want her to be 250 lbs. Once she's 250 lbs, I want 300. 300 becomes 350. 350 becomes 400 (have never dated someone who reached that). I can only get an erection by thinking of her getting fatter and even that is hard to do in the moment. I need some sort of explicit acknowledgement — fat chat, a scale, a measuring tape, outgrown clothes — to feel strongly aroused.

This is not porn-induced. In pr!school I would get my dick hard by reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. When I was in k!ndergarten/early elementary school I would fantasize every single night about walking on my street, seeing a classmate, taking her home to my basement, and pushing her belly button or the button on her jeans, and her swelling to an inhuman, Violet Beauregard type size. Later in elementary school this became a fantasy about my close semi-romantic friend (you know how when you're right before puberty and you have those unique, Bridge to Terabithia type relationships with girls that would've been explicitly romantic a couple years later) in her room during one of our sleepovers revealing that she had been wearing a girdle the entire time and again becoming that size. I masturbated to these thoughts before I ever found a weight gain story or a tight button down shirt YouTube video, let alone this place.

All of this is objectively extremely maladaptive. It's similar to OCD or some other sort of mental illness. That is my relationship with a fat fetish is. On the other hand, there are people whose relationship with a fat fetish is wanting to have vanilla PIV sex with a 250 lb woman. Both of those are valid, neither of us are right or wrong about what a fat fetish is, it's a limitation of language. But can you see why I might feel frustrated and distressed, how I might be hurting my partners and myself, why I might want this to go away, how it might be frustrating to see this called minor?

Of course it could be worse, I could be into vore, or furry stuff, or extreme sexual sad!sm (though of course many vanilla people view my desires as such). But I don't think it's unreasonable to find this hard to deal with. And sorry, I know it harshes a lot of people's buzz to see what's often described as "moaning", but people with paraph!lic disorder will inherently end up on a board with paraph!lic content.
Get with a few of them. Notice how few of the models can stay single long.
Big girls, and ssbbws aren’t for everyone. It’s hard work, It’s a sweaty, humiliating, boring lifestyle.
Most of them are boner killer level crazy/self-conscious about the weight. Or just boring funkopop consumer hog people.
I agree that it’s not for everyone. If you can’t handle a broken chair in public, you’re a tourist.
It’s way worse than a broken chair. It’s a fairly shameful, boring life.
If you’re tall and fit, it’s kinda obvious you’re in a fetish relationship, anyone else looks like a loser dating a fat chick to normies who are disgusted by them.
Secondly, fat chicks are pretty boring. Physically they cant do much but consume food and media. Mentally, they’re rarely the brightest bulbs.
Thirdly, they’re sweaty, prone to being smelly and just generally take up a lot of space in public.
It’s easier in the south and Midwest where people are less cramped, and generally more often obese. But in any non-flyover state obesity is looked at as a pretty big stain on your personhood.
There’s the health, fertility, and mobility aspects as well.
I get off on that reality and like the look of a comically mismatched couple that obviously a fetish. But to say “a few broken chairs” like it’s only has an impact on furniture is absurd.
Jesus Christ, if it’s that bad for you, date a thin one. I dunno what to tell you, dude.
You can't help who you are. Believe yourself, more than anyone else.
No. I’m into the fact that they’re shamefully disgusting hamplanets barely capable of life. It’s called a fetish dipshit.
>If you’re tall and fit, it’s kinda obvious you’re in a fetish

This is only true until you have kids then anybody looking at her thinks "she ballooned up after kids, he's a good man for sticking by her".
Small price to pay for having a good amount of control over someone. These women are dependent, and not just because of their weight. They lack a willingness to be self sufficient, and have subsisted on enablers. If you don’t do it, someone else will.
Interesting stuff.

Same for me, but developed a porn addiction because I could not scratch that itch until years later.

My gf went up to almost 550 after our last pregnancy and now she wants to shed it off.

On one hand I agree with her 100%, let's go do stuff, be active etc, but on the other, I just want her to get to 600.

It's so difficult to navigate thru, i've been working hard on my porn addiction but i'm afraid once she loses it i'll never be able to be satisfied sexually.
Take some pictures before she loses weight.
oh yeah don't worry.
Lol do you think you can share them with us?
Fuck no, she posted years ago but won't happen again

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