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Have you ever had a fat girl you were so close to dating/hooking up with that you still think about?

I went on a few dates with a girl I met on tinder who looked pretty hot and chubby, but when I met her she was a lot fatter and taller than I thought. We got along really well but while we were still just casually hanging out my ex gf got in my ear and caused me to fuck it all up.
I made a thread last weekend about a missed chance with an ssbbw >>35549 (Cross-thread)

But there was another one years ago I still think about sometimes.

The long and short of it is that I matched with an ssbbw on tinder. She looked like a really fat version of a scene girl. We had a lot of interests in common. I asked her out a few times and she would never give me a straight answer. Now at the time (early 20s) I was used to getting that treatment from girls, but it stung coming from her because I was actually really into her. After a while I realised she was probably just using me for attention (in hindsight her appearance should've clued me in there) and I gave up on pursuing her.
> Now at the time (early 20s) I was used to getting that treatment from girls

Could you elaborate? Did girls stop treating you like that? Or have you prevented them from doing it?

I'd like to show the other side of the story: not regretting this stuff.
I let go a fat girl recently. I wasn't sure about what I wanted —either a relationship or just hooking up— because I didn't know if we were compatible. She definitely wanted a relationship and I didn't like that pressure. We had a date, had fun and got to the third base. However, I found out later that we were incompatible in essential stuff —like her desire to form a family.

Anyway, what I want to say is that there're lots of things to consider, so missing an opportunity doesn't mean anything. There're tons of fatties out there.
>Could you elaborate? Did girls stop treating you like that? Or have you prevented them from doing it?
I was originally going to link this Family Guy skit in my first post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZt9vVjQjrg
That's the kind of behaviour I was talking about.
Honestly, girls just stopped treating me like that as I got older. Though if it does ever happen again I wouldn't put up with it. If a girl pulled that shit nowadays I'd just (politely) tell her to fuck off.

In response to your story, I had a somewhat similar experience recently, though it was her who dropped me. I don't feel good about it but I don't necessarily regret it either.
I was dating a BBW a few months ago. She was a hot shot corporate lawyer (making a LOT more money than me) and a few years older than me. It wasn't too serious, we were basically just friends with benefits. I think she was glad to have a young fit guy who could make her cum lol. But in the end she ghosted me. Didn't actually break up with me, just stopped talking to me cold turkey. She never told me why (obviously) but I think her attitude might have been the same as yours; she decided we were incompatible and that was that. I'm not saying you did the same thing to that girl, just that the thought process might have been similar.
I've posted about my numerous (not bragging) bbw conquests while in the military thread. I'm the Marine artilleryman if you give a shit.

Anyway, post military, I'm in college. I had just gotten out of a LTR with a thick, Mal Malloy pre pregnancy type woman. Not gonna rehash the whole relationship here, go to the military thread if interested. The only important thing to mention is the breakup was bad especially for me, since I caused it and felt immediate regret. I succumbed to the temptation and attention of a younger girl who was also studying the same major as me. We had a few classes together. She was cute. 5'4" probably 120 lbs. Small tits, however a very nice bubble butt. I took her virginity too. She was very fun but very crazy. OCD, severe blood phobia. For instance she stayed the night at my apartment (she lived with her parents), got her period and freaked the fuck out and had to call her mom to calm herself down. Like she locked herself in the bathroom. She would also wash her hands with scalding hot water and her hands would crack up because of it. Like an idiot I insisted we watch Fight Club. She had a slight meltdown because of the blood. She was a good fuck you, I'll say that. For being a sheltered girl, she loves the be picked up and fucked against the wall and being bent over and having my thumb up her perfect asshole. I ended things with her rather quickly though. She was too crazy and I had my regrets and guilt which still plague me to this day.

But that's not what this story is about. The one that got away was after this crazy woman. Laura was a friend of my younger brother and we had mutual friends. Didn't really hang out too much in high school. I partied with her the day I got out of the military when I got home for good from Pendleton. I was dating the Mal type girl so I didn't pursue her or was I interested. Let's call this one Laura. Laura is a Laotian BBW. Quite frankly she's a unicorn and I find her very attractive. We don't hang out much, we party when I go back to my hometown or whenever she's in my college town. My gf at the time, Melissa we'll call her, always thought Laura was into me. She noticed she liked and commented on a lot of my Facebook posts. I shrug it off. Just some context. After Melissa and the crazy girl, I partied with her and some mutual friends. If was summer so I was back in my hometown. We were barhopping and we got very drunk. We stumble back to my friend's apartment. Laura and I lay on the living room floor and I make my drunken move. I spoon her. She turns around and I immediately kiss her and she looks at me and kissed back harder. I then feel up her tits, I think they're c cups. But fuck, her hips were so wide and soft. I peel off her jeans, lift up her shit to suck on her tits. Pull her thong to the side and start fingering her and rubbing her clit while deep French kissing and lip biting. I go down on her, holy fuck it's the best tasting pussy. Wrote the alphabet on her clit with my tongue, started a whole foreign language too that would make Tolkien proud. I don't have a condom, I tell her this. She only demands that I don't cum in her. Cool. Rail her on the floor, she's loud as fuck telling me how big I am. Fuck. I start holding her hands down, her legs are wrapped tight around me. We were both fucked up but horny. I lasted a while, finally came on her tummy. We both pass out. We come to, she feels bad for the one night stand because she actually had feelings for me. I told her I did too.

Things got weird after that. She thinks I bragged to my friends about our one night stand because a mutual friend knew we had sex. Like assumed it and made a big deal about it to her. I'm not the kiss and tell type. I try to convince her I didn't say anything to anyone but she has trust issues I guess. We talk on the phone a few times, flirty at times, make plans to party again but they never come to fruition.

It sucks because I'm still very much attracted to her. We remain friends on Facebook. She pooped out a couple kids, got a little plumper and even hotter. She could have been mine. FUCK!

I'm happily married to a 5'11" BBW giantess Armenian but fuck that one stings to think about.

I have more stories of course.

Thanks for sharing, anon. I've seen a lot of women who managed these situations poorly. It's impossible to find the reasoning behind their attitude: poor social skills, lack of sympathy, the fact that they might be interested in keeping specific guys as their second choices, lack of self-esteem... Fortunately, these are exceptions because most girls show clear signs when they're not interested... even if they don't say it directly.

Anyway, bumping this thread bc I'm interested and I'm sure there're some anons out there who can benefit from writing down these stories to stop worrying/feeling bad.
Share stories with your new wife, she sounds like she gives you a run for your money. How’d you meet her?

We met in college, we were both College Republicans and worked for the Ron Paul campaign in our state in 2012. She's been roughly the same size since then. We started off as FWB on my birthday. We fucked, she was really into me but had a bf at the time which she promptly dumped the next day. Then we fucked like rabbits for a month then she went home in another state for the summer and to take care of her sick dad. I asked her to send me her panties that she wore which she obliged. It was awesome. Then she came back and we made things official.

She's great. Giant ass, huge thighs, soft belly, pale, submissive. She has low self esteem however and is always critical of her own tits, which I constantly reassure her that they're fine. They're large C cups at the very least. I told her if she wanted a fat transfer, I'dhelp pay for it. We've been together since 2012, married since 2020.

She is very sexual, accepts my kinks of which I've spoken about in the butthole thread here in /gen/. I accept her kinks too. She's very much an exhibitionist so we plan on traveling to an adults only, nudist resort in Mexico next year so we can fuck in public.

That's all I can think of right now, I'm at work.
Kisame here, I flat out don't know anyone who identifies as College Republican or sides with Ron Paul. Every Christian I've met wants to get into the Ivy Leagues. Even the far right Hakeem Jeffries went to SUNY Upstate and Georgetown in DC. All the fat chicks in my area go to Molloy, Adelphi or Stonybrook for nursing. Trump is hated by the right because he's the College Republican who went to University of Pennsylvania. Even Oz lost because he and Trump won't stop acting like Philly goons and didn't went to Drexel. Philly is so bad that the city has to hire armed guards to protect the cheese steak from getting stolen by retarded zoomers down at Market or by I-95.

Most people I know in PA tend to like Trump and fucking hate Toomey, Romney, Cocaine Mitch. Don't worry College Republican anon, MAGA hates Bannon and Alex Jones up north. See, Trump Republicans own the the steakhouses, cheese steaks, and burger joints. There's a perception that the center left became "fuck you, got mine" boomers.
I am at work too, but I don't think Trump losing the ability to do business in New York State hurts him as much as the news broadcasts. The left loves the Donald because criminally low prices help them. It's an empty threat like Mitt Romney threatening to take away Big Bird and defund PBS. There's a good reason my brother and his GF went all the way to Jersey just to see 50 cent, the left is burning so many bridges with their celebrity friends and driving them into the arms of Trump. All those fat unionized nurses aren't going to help sociopathic robo boomers and invest in businesses to troon kids. The future of people like DocGyara is that they're going to be wheeled in and out of daycare by some 400lb immigrant, or forced to work as Elon Musk and Vivek's biolabs. Tim Scott already made it his life's mission to fire unions and replace them with cheap immigrant labor. My Gen Alpha nephew doesn't even know what Duane Reade, K-Mart, Sesame Street, Rite Aid is.
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The future of America is going to be just like the Jetsons: working till you die of a stroke at the booth or worse, Japanese salaryman culture

Great, another schizo response from the guy that jacks off to anime and works in food service.

It's almost as if people have their own opinions and thoughts about politics.

You seriously need to consider finding a mental health professional or completing high school because you really don't know how to type a coherent thought.

Firstly, don't care who you are and no idea what it has to do with anything.
Secondly, why the hell are you clogging up this thread with politics? The guy was talking about his hot Armenian wife, mentioned Ron Paul to set up the story, that's it.

If you want to argue about politics or the future of your country, do it somewhere else where it's actually on topic. Not on a fetish board.
You’re announcing your name like someone knows or gives a fuck
How big is she, and does she plan on getting any heavier? I can only dream of having a tall gf or wife.

Give all the details you can
See, in my case I am 6'3, so there's no real chance I'll find a woman taller than me. Thankfully, I'm into shorties, and that's just what my gf is.

Though I do see the appeal of a dummy thicc momma standing over me like a mountain
I don't care about your pathetic life stories. Nobody I know unironically talks about Ron Paul. Did you wear a helmet and listen to the Daily Wire?
Okay, and? Your point is?

I'm irish, I don't know or give a fuck who Ron Paul is. You are just making yourself look dumb by posting off topic garbage.
I bet you made up your sex life since no sane woman would date a man with a BBW fetish. I bet you're divorced like Saxxon
>Pretending to be Republican to get into women's pants.

That's so stupid. What next, you're going to tell me you were Johnny Bravo?
Man I hope you aren't a gambler, because you suck at betting.
Just say you got molested at Jakes 58 and Atlantic City. What? Did the mob beat your for betting at Belmont?
Don't tell me you do crypto? We know micks are too ugly to gamble
Ah okay, I see your thought process. You see things that remind you of other things and immediately go for the most out there, but specific insult you can find because you think it makes you sound smart. It doesn't.

But thanks for mentioning Johnny Bravo, that's a good show. I need to rewatch it some time.
Then why are you here exactly?
Sounds like jealousy
She is 5'11" and about 350 lbs. She resembles Vanessa Blake before her weight loss. Armenian, light brown hair, blue eyes, giant cellulite ass. She doesn't plan on getting heavier. I'm not actually a feeder, just an FA. She is not into gaining weight and she would be weirded out if I were into that fetish. She knows I love fat girls and I have a smell fetish. I've convinced her to not shave her bush or arm pits because it helps with the smell fetish. But this thread is about the ones that got away, I could make a thread about our current wives/GFs if people were interested but I've already posted quite a bit in /gen/


Cool. He was still very popular during the 2012 elections. I was a very hardcore right libertarian back then. I'm not anymore. Does that help you out in any way?


Feel free to ignore my stories if you want. I have no reason to lie or make up anything. Maybe you're just projecting your jealousy. I don't know and have the time to figure out who the fuck Saxxon is, nor do I care.


I wasn't pretending to be a Republican to get pussy in college. That's fucking stupid. I admit there were way more women in the Young Democrats group at my university but there were still quite a few women in College Republicans. In fact, if you were actually wanting to write up a conversation with a BBW/SSBBW, Young Democrats would probably be a pretty good spot, the toxic feminism is probably very rampant though. My university was quite conservative compared to most other universities, but it was still majority leftist.
I doubt your story and thought process. I think you are senile and suffering from dementia
I don't know what leftist or leftism is. It's too vague for me to interpret.
How the fuck can you not know what a leftist is when you used the term "the left" in this post >>36303

I can't tell if you are young and stupid, or old and sad. Either way, there are atleast 2 braincells bumping around in there to make the sparks of "creative" insults you come up with.

She sounds awesome. Gotta love partners that understand your fetish.
Kisame here. Leftist is a term use exclusively by conservative neophytes who run their own blog and radio. Americans don't use neologisms or listen to the Daily Wire. Pence is outright hated for being a conservative talk radio host copying Rush Limbaugh much like how Ben Shapiro is hated for copying PragerU or David Horowitz.
I used to find you funny kisame, now you just post nonsense with random political names dumped in them. you need to get help for your mental issues :/
Why do you shit-talk right wingers all the time when you are a self proclaimed conservative/repub? Are you a false agent?
You deserve to be ruled by King Charles and his sidekick Megan Markle

Right wingers are just milquetoast lawyers
I am already on coffee, prime energy drink and brain boosting vitamins. This is what we Americans do when you take away our entertainment.

That's fine if you wanna live in your fresh-out-of-the-NEET lifestyle you're currently stuck in for the next decade. Not sure what else I can tell ya bud, I'm not gonna share pictures of her. Keep on projecting before you take your meds, schizo.


I'm not even joking, are you ok mentally? Are you manic? You honestly sound like a Chat GPT bot.


Thanks anon. She's pretty great however like any marriage we have our issues. I'm just one of the few guys here that's telling everyone that's it's possible to get a BBW/SSBBW gf/wife. Not all id hopeless.

Well, Das Ritter/Kisame are hopeless, but they're outliers.
Right-wingers like Milley and Bolton are hated for being quislings in Democrat controlled DC while demanding Biden bomb peaceful civilizations to satisfy their bloodlust.

I am on brain boosting drugs and don't have a means to express my outlet thru art. I am well mentally. I am not allowed to do macabre works like the past. Assuming I do Li Li pics, it would be like 4kids or Pioneer Dub as people are oversensitive now.
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PragerU is comical. So much circular logic it hurts my head. It’s like that scene in Billy Madison
I already explained my actions as Kisame17. Babyboomers like my dad are retired from the workforce. Republicans are losing the voters to Trump because they want to fire workers to build plants in Latin America and China. Democrats are also losing to Trump because the party became insufferable theater nerds who just tweet while not submitting policies. Silencing Trump was a bad move cause without his volatile personality, the anger is focused more on how the Justice Department keeps undermining the FBI and the IRS just to enforce the law. Trump is just gaslighting people into making mistakes.
I feel bad for America. I really do. Conservatives do deserve to be run by theater nerds like Reagan.
I am focusing more on breast enlargement at the moment. I am not doing any preg related images.
Very clearly not pregnant, but whatever.
I am more into big breasted women. Weight gain, pregnancy, and inflation are seen as the same thing cause artists make the same variants and charge more.
The first one, I actually DID hook up with her, but she got away in a sense that I wanted a relationship and that never happened. We were both in college, met on Tinder, met her in person and she was more chubby than in the pics. Clearly had put on some weight after starting college. She wasn't necessarily fat but she was chubby in all the right places and getting bigger. Went on a few dates, went to a frat party together and fucked in her room after the party. Sex was pretty good, aided by her pudgy belly and thick thighs. Unfortunately, a few weeks later she told me she didn't want anything serious for the time being, and we kinda drifted apart after that.

Second one was a Bumble date. Only had face pics on her profile so I kinda expected her to be a bit heavy, and she was. When we met she had a big overcoat on since it was freezing cold, but when I gave her a hug I could feel there was a lot of fat under that coat lol. Anyway, the date kinda sucked, and we never saw each other again, but I've always wished I could have gotten her in bed just once

Thanks for getting this thread back on track.

Back in the late 1990s I was on lads party holiday in Majorca, and we always started off in the same bar and there was usually a group of girls similar age in there. The usual, cheap happy hour drinks, standard food menu and karaoke from 20:00 until 22:00 which we'd use most evenings before moving on.

Anyway, one of the girls was huge, as I found out almost 400lb. All in the right places, massive ass and huge breasts she had no problem showing off. She'd got up to sing the first and second night we were there, and I complimented her on her song choice and said she had a great voice. I inadvertently broke the ice with her, without intending to. By the third night we'd seen them in a late night bar and I could see some cunt was being a drunken fuck and making his name calling heard, so I took this as my move, remembering her name Becky from being called out I went over and asked if she was ok (knowing she wasn't) and basically kept her engaged in conversation so much so the guy fucked off. One of her friends thanked me and encouraged us to hang out with them. Long story short, she wouldn't go clubbing with them on account of them always being wasted so I suggested a few drinks with me instead. I still wasn't trying to get with her until we left, when she sincerely thanked me for 'helping out a big fat girl getting shit' when she knew I wasn't interested. Now or never, so I said who says I wasn't. She knew who was single out of all of us from talking and we pretty much mutually decided to kiss.

This was all pre-mobile phone days, so I told her we'd be in the local bar tomorrow, but i'd meet her a little earlier if she wanted. I guess that was a date. We left pretty much by 22:00 that night and went back to their self catering apartment with the worlds biggest pizza. Bang, hit me like a full speed steam train after we'd heavy kissed, she came out onto the balcony in underwear, oblivious to anyone who might have seen. Fuck me she was huge, lesson learnt, big girls have some serious shapers doing some fat sculpting. So that was it, I pretty much saw her every night until we went home. She went home a night before us.

I had her number but she was down in London where I was in York working all kinds of hours as an Assistant Pub Manager. I should have persued it, but after a few calls it didn't go anywhere.

A few years later and mobiles, emails and the internet was a thing and I spotted her on a bbw dating site, she'd left a 'at the hot place email clue' so I messaged her. She'd dated an FA for a few years but he left at the thought of settling down with her. She suggested I go down to Big Girls Paradise, a London club night back then, so I did. I don't know what weight she was but she was maybe 70lb bigger, her movement was inhibited by it. She thinks we should go back to my hotel, thank god I was still working out a lot back then. Her ex loved grabbing her and I never did 4-5 years earlier. I'm surprised the bed didn't break.

She was the one that got away, though at the same time, it did make me realise that dating girls who are 450-500lb is a big difference to the amount of 300lb girls I regularly would date.

I've seen her comment on feabie a few times, she pops up now and again. Noticeably smaller tho still I guess 350. I married a great woman of similar size and been together 12 years. I kind of settled down before her with someone for 5 years. She just stopped liking being fat. I'd never have said i was a feeder, though at the same time I've never encouraged a woman to diet either.

Whilst I'm at it, biggest girl I ever slept with was 530, she was great, fairly local, but unless it was date nights she didn't make an effort, more reasons I guess i settled with my wife. Also, dating a super fat is more manageable when both of you are young.

TLDR, had a holiday romance, had a one night stand with her 6 years later.
*** same person as above. Typo, was 5 years, not 6.
I went on a date with BigCutie Valerie/dcbbw twenty-some years ago, and if I ever doubted I was an FA, just watching her ass when she walked was enough to give me an erection. We made out, but it was a long distance thing and we drifted apart, partly because I was a doofus who didn’t know what he wanted. But I hope she’s well. I’m haunted by the memory of that ass.

There was a girl i knew in college who was 5'4ish, maybe 340lbs, fairly big all over but definitely pear shaped with a colossal ass that wobbled so perfectly when she walked. My buddies teased me so hard for liking fatties and i still worried what people would say so i never did anything more than make out with her at a party... but man, that butt was something, even now ive got vivid memories walking behind her drunk on a weekend night and seeing that jiggle

She entered a relationship, lost almost 200lbs, and moved across the country
So, back in the mop-and-bucket grind at this boujee pad, I kinda fell for this chick – let's call her Belladonna, real drama queen. Now, she ain't your typical chick; she's hooked up in this wealthy dude's harem. Yeah, I know, like a telenovela on hallucinogens.

Belladonna? Social media maestro, BBW vibes, up all night living that extravagant life for the 'Gram. Me and Belladonna? We vibed, man, secret winks in the hall, quiet chuckles over the absurdity. It's like a screw-loose love story.

So, picture this: hopeless romantic janitor, yours truly, trying to yank her out of this harem rodeo. Broom, mop, spillin' my soul about busting free. But nah, my poetic moves? Epic faceplant.

Fast forward, Belladonna not only stuck but dropped the dime on me. Curb-kicked, jobless, love's ghost. Here I am, looping about the one that skedaddled, scrubbing less-than-fab toilets. Life's a roller coaster 🎢
Kisame, this is the most articulate thing you've ever posted
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I’m not your Kisame, I’m Kisami.
And I’m tired of pretending I’m not.

See my posts here, I completely forgot about this BBW in college who I flirted with and another I hooked up with.

First girl, we'll call Lauren. Lauren was a very cute SSBBW. Classic Anglo-Irish features: sandy blonde hair, brown eyes, very cute face. I met her while I was tabling at the student union for Young Americans for Liberty/Ron Paul 2012 campaign. We had set our table up and a campus feminist group set up next to ours. I wanna say it had to do with a walk at night time to empower females? Slut Walk, maybe?

Anyway, Lauren had set up and we started bantering about politics. I have no problem with arguing my position on politics, however I was attracted to this woman so I decided to ask her opinion on things I knew we would agree on, i.e. abortion rights, self defense, being against the police state, etc. There was just something about her that drew me to her. She was very passionate, cussed a lot (which I do too), didn't care what others thought of her. I ran into her quite a bit, especially at the bars. I don't think she had a thing for me or anything and I never actually got to shoot my shot. I think she had bad experiences with men and possibly didn't fully trust masculine men. I drove her home once while I was working as a delivery guy. She was drunk. I don't hit on women who are drunk while I'm sober so I kept it respectable. I remember turning the AC on and she kinda jumped back into the seat as if I was trying to grab her leg or something. Anyway, she started dating this effeminate twink looking guy and deleted her Facebook after she broke her leg and it didn't heal correctly because of her weight.

The other girl, I'll call Rebecca. Rebecca was a strange one. More chubby than a BBW. Cute, nice ass, nice tits. Brown hairs, light brown eyes, Air Force veteran. Certifiable insane tho. She had a kid and lost custody of it to her ex. That's how I determined she was fucked in the head. Also she was a serial liar and intentionally vague about her life. We met in YAL/College Republicans. She called herself a Mormon hippie, she was/is really into fantasy/sci fi movies. I invited her to lunch at the student union a few times, we flirted quite bit. I was so fucking horny at this time, I think it has been about 6 months since I got laid. I pushed it quite a bit, "let's go hang out at my place, we can watch Firefly and smoke weed" etc. It was always some reason she couldn't do it. She said she lived with her ex was a huge red flag but I'm not trying to marry this woman. Anyway, I let her know I'm not that interested in being gamed with. Then she said she wanted to hang out, which we did. Hung out, kissed a little. Told her my roommate wasn't home so we went to my room and smoked a couple joints, make out some more, I lifted her shirt and unbuttoned her pants, she was so fucking wet. Took her pants off and immediately go down on her. Get a condom out but she tells me she's on the pill. I know it's probably a bad idea but I said fuck it and went in bareback. She told me to cum in her, which I did. Smoked and fucked a couple more times before she had to go back home to study.

This exact scenario played out like 6 more times. I got tired of her little mind games and mental shit. She started saying she was having dreams that she was gonna die. She was great fuck though. Her pussy was so delicious and she had a perfect butthole. I'm lucky she didn't get pregnant and I didn't catch anything.
Someone lied to you. Said you have to wake up early go to a job you hate buy things to look rich. Come home with your body fatigued & call that being successful. You have been brainwashed for a lifetime and i dont see any way out for you fools. Once you lose your job youre all fucked. I see it coming. I have seen it come. And oh you better beg god for mercy for what you did to his chosen one. Someone made your yearly salary by making smart financial business decisions. You will never become rich working 9-5 busting your ass for a company owner. Wake up. Self made people are the only survivors during this time of A. I. Technology.
>campus feminist group
>Slut Walk
>I think she had bad experiences with men and possibly didn't fully trust masculine men
Checks out.
I don't know what you mean. The radical left are losing the campus as their base of operations because even though the left hates Trump, it needs him to ward off the crazies. Colleges may not vote Republican but they still take conservative money and causes cause the bar is still conservative. Biden isn't going to listen to crazy cat lady. He's ignoring Adams cause black mayors and educators talk like Trump.
So I was in grad school and it was a masters program that was pretty small. You mostly did all your classes with the same group minus some electives for specialization.

The first day for orientation there was this brunette gal with a really attractive face that probably weighed about 325. We went to another classroom on the tour and she was very clearly trying to hide how visibly winded this made her on our hilly campus, since we were all of these people she just met and would have to work with for 2 years so wanted to make a good impression. After that, she was always way early and settled so no one ever saw her having to catch her breath.

She had a nice ass and double belly, the kind where her jeans would nicely dig into the middle emphasizing a nice top roll if her shirt was clingy. Sometimes her shirts would ride up in back and expose her love handles, which were an absolute mess of stretch marks of every kind... the silvery ones, red ones, you name it.

The classes would go kind of late, like past 8, so you either had your dinner there during a break or skipped. Naturally she was never seen eating a single thing any time, which, since she maintained her large shape the entire 2 years, meant she was surely bombing a drive thru with a sizable order on the way home many nights.

We had drinks a couple times and she said loudly to the person next to her at one point she thought I was cute, but unfortunately 1) I was in another relationship and 2) by then I knew her well enough to know she was a self-hating bundle of emotional baggage.

Still, if it weren't for #1, I would have gone for it anyway, although I guarantee it would have been lights off, "don't grab or allude to my fat and pretend I'm thin" kind of sex.

I ran into her like 2 years after graduation at a professional event and she had dropped a lot of weight. Then I moved cities, but on social media I've noticed she put it all back on during covid.

Omg fuck off Kisame, you need psychoanalysis
My pastor distrusts modern academia. Christians think that academia is making people gay instead of promoting Christian values like RA Torrey and DL Moody or Kenneth Hagin or Billy Graham. It's better than when I was a kid when Pokemon, Power Rangers, and Halloween made kids demons on sugar
He doesn’t need any more psychological analysis, the man is the single greatest hyperpreg artist of our generation.
He needs to take his meds and show up to work on time.
I plan on voting for Trump in 2024 since I don't believe in safeguarding democracy or the ballot. Democrats need to admit ballot stuffing and legal maneuvers are boring.
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Many years ago I had a date with the girl in the pic. Its a bit hard to tell because she's tall and angling her body in the first pic but she was absolutely mindblowingly huge in person, maybe close to 500 pounds and wearing all stretchy spandex clothes. Quite possibly the fattest person I had ever seen in real life in extra thin Massachusetts. Seeing her walk kinda reinforced that belief as I had never seen fat move like it did on her. It really was like a waterbed. Maybe as wide as 5ish people, she had to turn sideways to fit through the 3' wide entry door and didn't really fit in the booth (top of belly over the table) even after pushing the table way towards me. After we left I got in her big ass SUV that she could barely get herself into and we drove to a secluded parking for some privacy to do basically everything we could except fuck.

Of course that never happened. She just led me on for a few weeks and then admitted she had a BF and couldn't go through with it. Biggest blueballs imaginable.
Sorry to hear this but I’m also from Massachusetts and wondering if this girl’s initials are DJ? If so, you weren’t missing too much.
>>35814 (OP)
Friend told me about this cute chubby girl who was a sperg; she started following me and liked my posts but I was too anxious and depressed to even as much as ask her out. She has a BF now, and I'm happy for them but man did I fumble the bag there.
Nah, first name started with an E. She was from Worcester. Even with the subpar review I'm still curious to hear more about the DJ girl if she's from the area and really is that fat.
I was at ONU (a college) and was trying to get this thin girl with big tits. One of her friends was kinda shy/didnt talk much. She was blond and chubby. She liked me but at the time I didn't realize it until it was too late when I transferred. She said hi to me while I was leaving the dorm. I hope shes okay, I still think about her.

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