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Reposting since the old one got bump locked: post stories about your partner being fat or getting fatter. Be it physical things, conversations, incidents, whatever.

My girlfriend as of a year ago in particular started off a bit chubby, 5'6 around 150lbs. Eventually started gaining weight overtime as girls do in most relationships, but around January this year she started getting take out A LOT more often than usual and blew the hell up. Right now I would say she's sitting at 250lbs, unfortunately she's not a fan of the weight but for now I'm enjoying it.
>>35798 (OP)
Okay, I'll bite. I posted in the last thread twice...I'm a feedee, and my girlfriend while not being a feeder exactly does enjoy feeding me and how much I enjoy getting fatter

But the only thing is, even though my weight has started to plateau a little, she is starting to really get chubby. She's gaining weight faster than I am! Obviously it takes less calories for her though. In the time I have gone from 275 lb to 297 lb she has gone from 165 lb to 198 lb

I'm a big fat guy, and my bad diet has really rubbed off on her. The other day we were joking about it a little, and i've been a really bad influence on her. As an example she went from being content eating only two crumpets for breakfast with butter to having 3 or 4 slathered with peanut butter, drizzled with honey and then with cheese melted over the top ( a favourite 'special recipe' of mine). She literally will just pile her plate high without worrying how much food there is, saying I can just eat whatever she is too full for... usually she doesn't end up giving me much extra

When she feeds me while riding me she can't help but eat too. She has told me that eating has become really erotic to her because of me. Occasionally when teasing me about how fat I am she will tell me it doesn't matter how fat she gets, she will always be slim in comparison- and she'll make sure i'm such a fat blob nobody will ever notice. It's hot as fuck to me.

She always says she wants to lose weight, she's worried about her health etc. but anytime I suggest healthier meals for her, smaller portions, or exercise she complains and tells me she doesn't want to, it's too hard, etc.
My girlfriend had a couple explosive growth moments over the course of our relationship. I told her I was into this on the first date and made it clear if she wasn’t interested that was ok. She was about 115 pounds at the time. Obviously she didn’t gain much, about 10-15 pounds over the course of the year, but when Covid hit she fucking exploded because she did nothing but sat around at her house and ate everything I ordered (which was an absolute load of food). She gained around 45 pounds during the course of Covid and when we moved in together she was about 175/180. After that she kinda stayed the same for a little while but randomly she decided that she wanted to try gaining super hard again so every night I would make her a blender full of milkshake. Usually had like 1k calories worth of protein powder, half (or full) container of heavy cream and usually some ice cream or water. She would literally drink these every night for like a month. When she decided she didn’t like that anymore she was already a whale, like 215 pounds. I kept the fridge stocked with those 500 calorie shakes you can buy on Amazon (she drinks them as like a normal drink) and yeah. She’s a balloon now. She’s unemployed rn and just started smoking weed again and I woke up one day to the coffee table littered with empty snack packages she had eaten at like 3am. This was after having a whole pizza for dinner. She hasn’t weighed herself in forever but I can just tell she’s a total fat slob now.
kys larping faggot
lol cry more

Kind of similar to this, I’ve posted about mine and her fatscapades in the last thread (keeps eating like a garbage disposal and gaining, is confident in her body but knows she needs to lose some weight, goes right back to it)

I’ve been gaining a little myself and have been working that into our sexting to which she’s been responding positively, so I finally got the balls to ask her point blank if she knew what feederism was the other day, and she was like “Yes but I’m not into it for me because I’ve gained too much weight and things are getting difficult now and I don’t need to be putting on anymore, but we can certainly feed you up if that’s what you want.” Which was instant diamonds on multiple levels. Her last weight she knows of was 320 (she was 280 when we started dating a year ago) and she said she wasn’t going to check again because she’s scared of what she’ll see, and I’m guessing she’s a solid 330 if not 340 now. Her thighs are massive, her gut is getting huge, and I’ve noticed gobs of back rolls forming lately too. She said she’s gonna start eating better and go back to the gym, which I was fine with, because I’m cool with being the pig now.

In the like 3 days since then, I’ve come home to a big container of buttery Italian grocery store cookies destroyed, a big bag of McDonald’s destroyed, and this morning while I was working I watched her sit on the couch and hork down a big plate of leftover Shepard’s Pie, a bunch of cookies I made the other night, and a huge bowl of cereal in like 15 minutes. Then the words “I was gonna go to the gym today but I just don’t want to.”

She’s doomed to be a fatty lol
My girl just keeps getting fatter, and she's continually seeming to care less about it.

She pushing 400 (it's been a few months since her last weighin around 360ish, but she's been gaining that quickly!), and comments that she's been feeling like she's getting fatter after every meal. And she's honestly not wrong. She's been on new meds that help her digest foods more normally, but it's seemingly causing her to blob out quite quickly.

I now always put on all of her non-slip on shoes and paint her toenails bc her belly is getting too big. I've been doing most of the housework and errands bc her stamina is so low. I don't mind, as I notice her face, arms, and legs softening, her hips widening, and her belly making her lap disappear at an alarming rate.

Her behaviors are changing too. She's enjoying food more than she ever has, and is indulging in whatever she wants lately (probably making up for lost time she wasn't able to eat freely), on top of eating more in general for her meals.

I noticed yesterday we had an unopened bag of party size Doritos. She ate the entire bag (2,300 cals) while I napped, and when I woke up to find the bag completely empty, she acted like nothing happened, and proceeded to ask me to make her dinner. Hoping to see how far we can ride this wave, she's looking amazing, and is showing no signs of changing her behaviors. Guess I have to load up on chips and take more naps.
Post photos.
>>35798 (OP)
I posted a bit in the other thread, but since then broke up with the bitch and have since been dating a new girl for about 3 months now.

To put it simply, new gf is a complete upgrade in terms of feedism and stuff like that. Not sure on weight, but she looks similar to the chick in OP's post, except bigger breasts and slightly less of a belly hang. Best part is that she's a chef, so she loves her food and has straight up told me not to expect her to lose weight at any point. I have told her bout my kinks, and she is cool with them but no interest in actively gaining weight. Which is fine by me. Im not gonna try and make her gain weight, and I believe she'll do that well enough on her own. I will, however, happily bring her sweets and snacks. Girl eats so damn much and after I met her family, its clear why. Her mother is huge, easily 350-400Ibs and every time I've had dinner with them they have to give me a smaller portion because they eat at least twice as much as me. Lmao.
Put a ring on it while you can still find one that fits
I plan on it, don’t know about finding one that fits though lol. My post was over a week ago and she has yet to go to the gym like she wanted, and has been absolutely pigging out with the excuse that since we’ve been doing more (heavy, hearty) home cooking “real” meals lately, her body needs to eat more of it.

A couple of days ago she was on the couch and unbuttoned her jeans and let her gut out, so I went and grabbed her belly and said “Aww is somebody getting chunky again?” and her response was “Again? It’s never ending.”

God what a dream. That would turn me on so much. I got a hot bbw gf but her diet is not conducive to weight gain. She skips a lot of meals and I always end up finishing her portions. Idk why she's fat really, unless she pigs out when I'm not around. I think she's just kinda depressed and on various medications really... not as hot as open gluttony.
Me and my GF broke up on mutual terms sorta, but remained good friends. It's been around 6 months and she occasionally sends me pics of her. Just today she sent me a pic and she is looking huge ontop of that while she didn't ask to get back together she invited me to come live at her place for a while due to my current living situation "as a friend" she says but idk. I really do want to get back with her especially after seeing her latest pic but I don't want to be strung along. Any advice?
What was your relationship like before? Were you feeder/feedee? What were your reasons for breaking up?
Now’s your chance to test the waters. Get a bunch of food and bring it over and ask her to eat it or feed it to her. Nothing to lose, if she says fuck no then it’s easier to cut ties and walk away. If she agrees then you get to feed her and it might bring you closer together again.
Not knowing much about this, I think I’d approach it with a “nothing to lose” attitude too. Could be fun
Sorry for asking so many questions but we need context:
How long were both of you together? >1 year is a serious relationship IMO, so her inviting you to live at her place is weird and may imply she's kinda crazy or unstable. Please avoid this type of girls at all costs.

Why do you want to get back with her? No need to answer here, just think whether you have good reasons or it's just that you long for her sexually.

Has she (or you) muddied the waters? Like being mean or insulting each other.
She got the birth control shot and became a bitch which created a lot of problems and she couldn't just get off because that stuff lasts in your system for months. We weren't feeder/feedee because she was really self concious about her weight.

We were together for 8 months and things were great before the shot.
Many reasons too as to why I want to get back with her. On top of her being incredibly attractive, me and her share a lot in common and she was the first girl I knew who I felt like I could be myself with.
Well, I think you could give a try and see if things go well! It doesn't look like a toxic relationship. Some common interests are key in a relationship (like traveling, movies, video games, etc.).

Ngl you'll probably find more girls who can make you feel like you can be yourself comfortably with them, so don't worry about that.
JFC. At least with pills, you can control the dosage and if that fails, you can use a morning-after pill.

I'd comfortably say that the shot is a dealbreaker if she's going to keep on it. Let her explore her options as she may be showing some regret, but if she's not going to take the relationship seriously, better to pack up and look for other "gal pals" on the side. Sometimes, by dating other women, you can make other women jealous and rekindle their desire.
As long as she's switched away from the shot it seems like there's no harm in giving it another go. Does it seem like she's become any less self-conscious about her weight now that she's gained even more?
Idk if anybody else has this problem but my girlfriend eats like a fucking pig when she’s high, and I mean she goes above and beyond. She’ll come to get at 4 in the morning looking like she’s about to blow the fuck up.

Problem is when she’s sober she feels HORRIBLE about it. I wonder if she has some kind of mental block because when she’s high she loves it when I tease her weight and call her a piggy, but when she’s sober she hates it. It’s weird. She’s massive tho so I ain’t complaining.
It's called Binge Eating Disorder.

Just make her feel pretty and buy her something flattering.
In my experience weed makes women super-horny, moreso than men. Your girl is tapping her inner feedee and likely knows it turns you on as well. Then she sobers up and all the inhibitions come back. No different from a chick who gets drunk, has a one-night stand and regrets it in the morning.

If she doesn't eat that way straight it's not an ED, it's marijuana, a more powerful appetite stimulant than any pharmaceutical. Which is why they give it to cancer patients undergoing chemo to boost their appetite. Just like the high itself, it hits everyone different, but some people get insane munchies.
One can beget the other. If it's cyclical, and she continues doing it, it's an ED.

If she does it once in a blue moon then it's not. But it sounds like she does it often.
It's not cyclical and she only does weed occasionally. Sometimes she'll do it for a couple days and then not smoke for a little while. She also eats a truckload normally but when she's high she doubles it and enjoys it.
Oh, that's good.

What's your grocery bill like. Jeez.
My gf has no intention or interest in gaining weight. However, this does not stop her from pigging out. Any time she comes over to my place, we stop off and get a "a big munch" on the way over. Chocolate, cakes, buns, pretty much anything. Best part is that she let's me feed her too.

No interest in actively gaining, but at this rate, I'd be surprised if she hasn't put on a little bit of weight in the last few months.
If you want a morbidly obese gf than you can’t worry about your grocery bill. If I budgeted for food she would have never gained 100 pounds
I'm just curious what you spend on groceries idc about budgeting
Probably like 5-600 a month.

Easiest and cheapest way to get your girl fat is to make a lot of pasta and melt an entire stick of butter into the sauce. Barely noticeable, delicious and adds like 800 calories to an already high calorie meal. Plus it makes them gassy
Add salt and a ton of parmigiana and it’s fat girl manna. Mine ate the better part of a pound of linguine last time I made it.
My girlfriend is lazy and can’t cook and doesn’t supervise me so for the past 2 years I’ve been fattening her up like crazy. I bought these packs of 500 calorie weight gain shakes and I will dump out half of her Starbucks coffee and put two of them inside as often as I can. She downs the whole thing multiple times a week. Also when I cook meals that have any kind of sauce I just straight up melt an entire stick of butter in the microwave and pour that shit into her portion and stir it. She has an undeveloped pallet so she never notices. I’ve been doing this for like 2 years and she’s gained like 120 pounds, she’s probably consuming like 1000 extra calories on days where she’s not over indulging. On days where she’s hungry or smoking weed, forget it, she can easily clear 3/4K extra calories. She’s gonna be a massive tub of lard sooner rather than later.

My favorite memory I think about sometimes is when we first met she was like 110 pounds and never ate and she had a hard time finishing a 6 piece nugget meal from McDonald’s with a medium coke. That is like a snack to her now.

Another time like 6/7 months after we started dating (this is a few months into her new “diet”) we were walking in the mall and she was complaining about stomach pains and without warning ripped the fattest fart I’ve ever heard. She was mortified and her face was beat red and she insisted we leave the area as soon as possible because there was no way people didn’t hear it. That incident lead to a semi breakdown because she had gained substantial weight and felt like a “greasy fat pig”, but she cheered up when we got ice cream.
>Another time like 6/7 months after we started dating (this is a few months into her new “diet”) we were walking in the mall and she was complaining about stomach pains and without warning ripped the fattest fart I’ve ever heard. She was mortified and her face was beat red and she insisted we leave the area as soon as possible because there was no way people didn’t hear it. That incident lead to a semi breakdown because she had gained substantial weight and felt like a “greasy fat pig”, but she cheered up when we got ice cream.
larp or not, this was funny as fuck
does she really not notice the manipulation? is she that dumb?

I mean it’s subtle stuff, is she supposed to be noticing extra butter in her food or slightly large portion sizes? It’s not larp and I’ve been debating posting pics but I’m not sure I’m comfortable.
LARP or not, why do so many of you guys get with women that are legitimately skinny. It makes no sense to me. I don't even prefer women all that big, especially by this site's standards, but thin women are completely invisible to me.
The fun part of this fetish is turning skinny athletic women into fat quaking blobs who have trouble walking up stairs. Dating a 400 pounder from the start is like skipping to level 100 in an RPG.
>It’s not larp and I’ve been debating posting pics but I’m not sure I’m comfortable.
I understand feeling uncomfortable about that, but the coomer in me is going to come out and say it anyways: do it
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even subtle this is morally super fucked. won't say it isn't a little erotic though. legitimately posting pictures would be less reprehensible than what you've been doing already
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I’ll keep it PG since I feel anything other than this is just a horrific violation without her express permission. We’ve talked about it and she’s not comfortable with anything else which, frankly, I’m not either, but yeah. She whaled out.

I am trying to upload some basic pics but it keeps saying error.
In fairness, a lot of people with this fetish are already 'a little unhinged'. But you do have a point. He's already doing stuff without her knowing, what's a little more?

Damn she did gain weight. Nice. But I will say man, if you do actually care for her, stop that shit now. I know some guys here will call me a bitch for telling you to stop making her fatter without her permission, but seriously it's not worth it in my personal experience.

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her" only works until she does know and by that point you are fucked. So, my unasked for advice is if you actually really like her and its not just a horny thing, stop posting pictures of her and stop making her gain weight without her knowledge or consent. You can't have your cake and watch her eat it too.

This is malarkey. You're just "cooking good" for her. People have been doing it for eons. Relationship weight gain is inevitable. The shakes in the coffee is a sneaky maneuver though. Take that for what it is - you're risking getting caught each time. If my Ol' Lady caught me doing that, she would rip me a new one, even though she's gained about 100 pounds since we got together too. She just eats good though and is lazy af.

Yeah the problem with the manipulation claim is that there is a positive correlation between amount of butter present in food and how good it tastes. The shakes, ehhh, but the cooking is just normal shit. How do you think most women gain so much weight after marriage?
Been dating this girl for just over two years now long distance. About a month ago she managed to get a remote job and has since moved in with me. Been open with her from the start about liking bigger girls and all the feeder stuff. She's into it too but mostly because I like it. She started out fairly skinny but with a bit of chub. But after two years of relationship and ordering takeaway on my card she's grown quite a bit. Every time we saw each other she had grown. She's 5'4 and started at im guessing around 140lbs, and now sitting at 220 ish. Her thighs and ass have gotten big but most of her weight has gone to boobs and belly. She's mentioned she likes eating what she wants all the time and doesn't have to worry about me judging her for her size and eating habbits.

She used to be into hiking but since lockdown shes lost a lot of interest in it. Shes actually become quite sedentary and lazy, always prefers to order food or have me cook. Weve enjoyed a few feeding sessions in the bedroom with pizza and weve both had great fun. I intend to marry this girl and hopefully she's happy getting quite a bit bigger.
Damn that is impressive. Don't burn your wings with this one Icarus. It may just be cut back on the sneaky stuff and let her gain naturally. It sounds like you've already done the groundwork and subtly established desired eating habits for her.
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I met my wife about 6 years ago and when we first met she was just a bit thinner than my previous girl friend. I believe when we first met she was 5"6' and 225 pounds. When we very first started dating we had a very open conversation about our kinks and fetishes so if we wanted to stop seeing each other because of something the other person thought was gross or a deal breaker then we could walk away.

She brought up a few pretty hot kinks that I never imagined myself wanting to get into and I mentioned a few she wanted to try out. Then she asked me the question "So I imagine you must be into fat chicks too, huh?"

I froze and laughed it off a bit and replied with "Well I do kind of prefer bigger chicks over skinny ones.."

Later we pulled off somewhere and continued talking about various bedroom topics and one thing lead to another and we were making out in the back of the car until some folks with a flashlight started heading in our general direction.

A few dates and nights sleeping over later and she out of the blue asked be about "what the biggest girl I would ever consider dating and introducing to my friends and family" and I paused and said "I've never thought about it but I would have to say... like 400 or something around there?". She looked surprised but in a good way and said "Oh wow, that's a lot.. I was just reading this post about..." and she went on to describe an article about men dating very plus sized women and its relation to something that i don't recall.

Since then she has steadily put on the weight over the years and after having a change at work after covid, she works fewer and fewer hours until she is basically just working part time. But during this ramp down in productivity she began to absolutely pile on the weight to the point that bright stretch marks were forming on her belly, hips, thighs, boobs, and even her side rolls were getting a little mark here and there. She was starting to warm up to the concept of the fat fetish and really enjoyed me worshiping her soft growing body but she never officially stepped into the territory of feedism or allowed me to hand feed her for the sake of arousal.

One time when we were drunk on my birthday she started eating a slice of pizza all seductive like and pulled out her belly from inside her leggings and let it plop into her lap. She started to gently rub and squeeze her belly while I watched completely dumbfounded. I could feel my self getting harder and harder as I watched and she looked down at my bulge and told me to pull it out. She grabbed a couple more slices and continued to eat while she watched me start to stroke myself to her drunkenly chowing down on 5 slices of pizza. As I was approaching climax she grabbed a soft small towel and handed it to me before leaning over me in my office chair and her belly hanging low in front of my face. This was my first real experience with feedism in the bedroom and every year on my birthday I have gotten to watch her seductively shovel food into her face and play with her plump body.

Over the course of 2 years she went from 225 when we met all the way to 339
before she had a moment of clarity recently and now she is on the weight loss train and dropping pounds pretty quickly with almost zero exercise aside from a few walks a week, just from portion control she has dropped almost 30 pounds.

I think she wants to continue losing the weight to look good at an upcoming wedding (which she has done a few times before this big diet push) but I have a feeling the moment the wedding is over and she feels free to eat what ever she wants again, she is going to steadily pile on the pounds once again.

And what happened to me through all of this? I went from the best shape of my life before I met her (no six pack obviously) to being the biggest I have ever been In my life. My old highest weight was 290 and my lowest was 235 but I am now sitting at 320 pounds all because she has always dished up way more than she can actually eat and hands off the extras to me with the explanation "I seasoned it though.. I cant put it back in the leftovers container.." and pleads me to finish it for her. Because of that and some of my own poor choices I am now the fattest ive ever been and I think she's actually really into it. At the start of our relationship the grabby feely side of things was mostly from me to her. But since ive gotten pretty hefty, she cant keep her hands off of me. She rubs my belly all of the time, she squeezes my ass and grabs my thighs, and she wants to be big spoon a lot of the time so she can continue to feel me up.

For the time being though we're on the weight loss journey but I hope there is one day in our future where we can just let go and be as fat as we want to be. (pic semi related I guess)

Holy shit she blew up. Please teach me how do to this.
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It's going to be a long one, anons. So it was my first real serious relationship which lasted at least a year. She had a typical Russian female name, (which is all Byzantine names actually, lol), average appearance, and nothing about her was unusual at first glance. When we got to know each other a little better, it turned out that she is a pretty smart person, but really, and I mean REALLY self concious. She was higher than me for maybe an inch, and very skinny, almost morbidly thin. Unfortunately i don't have her before photos (they existed but didn't make it through our break up) but you got to believe me, it was skin and bones. Don't build great expectations though, I failed to make her even chubby, but counting my bad odds, in the end i think i did a good job.
Now it's fair to ask, why did I even start dating her in the first place. Well it's all very trivial: I was young and inexperienced, I dubbted that I really need a fat wife that much (turned out, I need one for sure) besides I had low self esteem, rating myself at 4/10 at best. I thought maybe this is my only chance, yada yada yada. You know all that crap, I am sure.
Anyway, it turned out that she wasn't like that all the time - she literally starved herself into this, thinking she is a fat cow. She had a lot of problems, including daddy issues, which she admitted, and one of them was hardocre anorexia. At the moment we started dating, she already accepted her mistakes and started to eat almost like a normal person, but she was scared by the prospect of getting any fatter, and she wanted to stay like that. Surely this was completely unacceptable for me and I got myself into the challenge. Hell, I wasn't even affected by ethical dilemmas of fat fetish, because at her current weight I was literally healing her by forcing to gain MOAR.
Long story short - at first it was really difficult to force her to eat a lot, and not because she couldn't handle large plates, oooh no. She was quite a glutton, but always restricted herself to absurdity. But once I figured out which meals and especially sweets she likes the most it was game over. Back then I worked at railway maintenance, and that meant occasional night shifts. I remember cold winter mornings, when every time I was returning home after work, I treated her with cheesecakes from a local bakery. So her breakfast became a lot more sugary from there on.
After a couple of months she got used to new rules, but to achieve that i had to go through a lot of trouble, scandals and had to rely on manipulative tactics. And even after that she refused to weigh herself at any terms. I still don't know how much she gained, unfortunately. But I think it was 30 pounds at least. She acquired a really nice muffin top, chubby thighs and not bad boobs at all. In white summer dresses her belly was super noticeable and fabric was tight. I know it sounds like not much, but after that skeleton-like condition it felt like a miracle.
I had to update her wardrobe as well. At first she was in denial and tried to squeeze in her favorite skirt, and even succeeded, but as soon as she exhaled, the top button popped open. She almost screamed in frustration. It was cute. Somewhat later she was dressing for some important occasion, I looked at the drawer and asked her why she didn't wear these nice outfits over there. She replied me exactly like that: “Now check the size on the labels and look at how fat you made me”
Once when she was completely naked in the room, I mentioned again that she is too slim for me, and after that she stood next to the mirror in frustration, slapped her belly and moaned: “but I am fat already!”
Her friends started to notice too. They teased her but in a friendly manner. They started to offer her cakes whenever they hung out, and she never refused. One of her friends once mentioned that she is finally looking like a fertile woman.
I really don't know how much fatter she could become if we didn't break up. She has all the opportunities, her body type was just made for gaining. I would absolutely love to see her at 200 pounds or bigger, and often fantasize about it, obviously. It's funny, but our break up has nothing to do with the weight issues and my pressure. She was quite a bitch to be honest, greedy and lazy, but not in a hot way.
So that's the story of my first relationship and my first experience as a force feeder. Of Course it's just a fraction of the whole story, but I already wrote too much. Cheers, anons.
Thank you Rusanon wonderful contribution
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Just a small thing, but my gf keeps bragging about how much she can eat recently. As well as just flat out saying she would rather eat than work out.

And also, the other day I was talking on the phone to her whilst she was eating her dinner. She mentioned that she only had 3 chip/fries left just before I was gonna hang up, so I say "Well I gotta go, you enjoy your three chips, or probably two now." And she just replies, "Oh they are gone now, you know where they are."
Bros, shit like that makes me hard as DIAMONDS.

Also, the image is not my GF, but thought I would grab a pic with a similar looking body to her foe reference.
Nice you gotta get her on the gain train
As much as I would like her to get a little bit bigger, I'm not gonna push. She knows about the fetish but said she has no interest in actually trying to gain weight. However, she's not trying to lose weight either. And with how she eats, she'll just gain naturally for sure.

Yesterday I was at her house with her mum who was telling a story about a woman she used to work with who would just destroy a rotisserie chicken made for a family of four and my gf just looks at her and says "yeah but, I would do that too." And once again, I'm trying to hide a boner from her mother lmao.
Went out to a burger joint this week with the other half who has gained a significant amount of weight in the last 5 years since we were dating. She started off pretty underweight but this year managed to go from normal BMI to obese. She currently sits at around 180lbs.
Anyway, we sit down opposite each other to look at the menu and say right next to me on the bench seats against the wall is an slightly older woman who needed the bench seat more than anyone as she was double the width of the standard chair in there. Her T-shirt resting on her belly clearly showing the outline of her jeans cutting her in two. I look at her plate and it’s the biggest thing on the menu- a massive steak and fried dinner. The steak was huge. I looks at her and thing “that is what makes a big woman. She has 10+ years on my missus and I wonder if she started off at 180 10+ years ago.”
Imagine my excitement when my once petite little Slavic underweight hottie orders the exact same enormous steak and fries. She’s been eating like a 300 lb woman all year and it’s so hot. Her gain this year has been tremendous and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a mindset. She sees it, she wants it, she eats it. And it’s really making her pack on the pounds.
I have warned her a few times that eating like a 300 lb woman will make her a 300 lb woman on time but she doesn’t believe me so I stopped warning her and started filling the cupboards with her fav snacks and taking her out to dinner often.

Following up on this post - it's only been a few months, and my partner has gained a significant amount of weight. There's not a doubt in my mind she's passed 400, and I'd be willing to guess she's pushing ~420 (heh). It's been an incredible few months, if she keeps her current momentum, I could see her pushing 5 bills by this time next year.

What changed? She's someone with long term inability to eat how she wants (and really, barely at all), until recently, and she has long-term absorption issues that lead to very easy weight gain (I've historically always eaten more than her until recently, and I weigh about 1/3 that she does). Bless her new medications, but she's been able to indulge to the point that she's going to bed stuffed SOLID every night. She's been allowing herself to engage in every whim and intrusive hunger thought that crosses her mind. She gets into vicious cycles of sweet/salty snacks, multiple soft drinks a day, a protein shake almost every morning, on top of 3 square meals, and every meal comes with sides and desserts. It's been amazing to hear her ask me to grab her snacks what feels like dozens of times a day. Her being mostly unemployed and being stoned almost constantly has helped this whole process quite a bit, too.

A recent highlight, she's gotten into those pre-mixed no-bake cheesecakes - she's cut out the middle man, and is just using it as a dip. We (mostly her) ate through one container as a cake the week of Thanksgiving, and went through another the following week as a dip for various pretzels and cinnamon crackers. Just last night, she wanted Oreos. We have two kinds in the pantry- she wanted me to bring her both. I fell in love all over again in that moment. lol

And I can see and feel the difference. She used to be an exaggerated hourglass figure, but now she's really filling in. She's never had a huge belly, but now it seems like the majority of where she's gaining is going there. Her double chin is constant now, and she's even starting to get a neck roll underneath. Her thighs have always been bigger than my torso, but they're just cartoonish in how big around they're getting.

The hottest thing I noticed? The last few times she was on top, I had to FiGHT to breathe unlike I've ever had to before, and when I'm on top, I've been feeling more and more like I'm floating above the bed.

It's been an amazing few months, hopefully this train just keeps a-rolling. I don't foresee it slowing down anytime soon.
The hottest thing I noticed? The last few times she was on top, I had to FiGHT to breathe unlike I've ever had to before, and when I'm on top, I've been feeling more and more like I'm floating above the bed".

Get yourself to the gym and work on back and shoulder pulls (which in turn will work your arms). I always found it easier to take the biggest women I've slept with when I was more ripped upper body.

And if she's keen on going with that lifestyle you'll have to start doing more. Worth the ride tho, and just bring loads fitter makes it easier to compensate. Plus, super fat girls on top is the fucking best. Tits and belly in your face and grabbing everything round her hips. Fuck yeah 👍
My girl was about 120 pounds when we started dating, she was a volleyball player and her family was super into fitness. She was thicc in the right places thanks a life of fitness. I feel in love, we got together a few months before I got my electrical engineering degree. Got a nice job, started treating her, house packed with cakes. She slowly started to plump up. Fast forward to two years. The cycle continued and now she is pushing 400 lbs at 5"4 and i am so turned on. Problem is, we both love doggy but her ass has gotten too big. I could effortlessly make her cum super hard when she was thin, but now it just wont work. Any advice?
You feel in love huh?
Take your retarded larp somewhere else or otherwise polish your story up so it goes at least somewhere beyond the literal lowest common denominator clichés
>she is pushing 400 lbs

Assuming this isn't a larp how did she just passively accept this? How did she mentally go from athlete to landwhale so fast?
>Assuming this isn't a larp
It is
It's got the full markings of every bad larp post
>she was super slim and sexy fit and obsessed with fitness and 100 pounds
>despite that she gained 3 tons in 5 weeks
>only reason listed is "I left food around"
>somehow she doesn't have any reaction or agency (you know, the things that real people have when they gain 300 pounds)
>some made up problem (she's too fat for such and such position, I can't afford all this food lol!!! I just can't resist around her) complete with question on how to "solve" as cheap engagement bait
I feel like I've seen this post a million times
Do you have a better story to tell?
>>35798 (OP)
Measured my wife’s hips last night because I can tell she’s put on some weight and she’s nearly 70” around. She’s only 5’4” so she’s been bigger around than she is tall for a while. I’m 6’3” so my next goal is for her to be bigger around than my height.
That's excellent news, what is she weighing in at?
I'm not sure, we've moved houses recently but I think she's right around 400, maybe a little over. I'd love to see her get on the scale because I think she'd be genuinely shocked. I think she thinks she's still around 375 or so, but she's definitely gotten bigger recently.
Not really weight gain related, but today my gf was over and I was playing Cyberpunk. I let her mess around with the character creation. I have a female character, so eventually she got to the "breasts" option which I had set to "BIG".

I laugh and say, "Don't judge me, but ofcourse I've got it set to big."

She looks to me, then to the screen, then down at her chest, then at the screen again and says "you call those Big?"
(195 KB, 1600x960, anne_and_sasha_by_tubbytoon_dfw8bzd-fullview.jpg)
Hey, I have already posted this story, but the thread is not in the archives, so I kinda have to do this again

>Be me, autistic, and into fats
>crush is my best friend ever, she is cool, mature, cute AND underweight
>confess to her
>I get rejected because she is lesbian
>we still are friends and shit
>eventually, confess her that I have a fat fetish and I have been trying to fatten her up a bit so that she can reach actual normal weight and also have some fun while at it
>she is fine with it, we put our limits and stuff
>she goes to another city to study in uni and covid hits
>fw to end of covid, finally see her again
>she has a pudgy belly, still on healthy BMI but her ass is huge
>tells me she got a girlfriend
>see photos of her
>she is fucking massive, but i can quite figure out her real figure because of her clothing choices + positions in the camera

This is the update:

>ffw to a few days ago, she comes to the city and the 3 of us meet
>man she is fatter than I have though, her triple chin is massive, she waddles around, her belly and tits are gigantic, and she is a heavy eater too
>we start asking questions about each other
>what i got from the convo is that she is a feminist who loves books, loves showering, loves nature and all that shit
>by rock hard boner fought a hard battle, but in the end, it died
>they are getting married

It's kinda sad to get rejected and the girl she goes to has a 10/10 body, they could at least invite me to a trio or something
Were they actually interracial too? That makes it even hotter
Actually yes, crush is latina brown and her whale gf is white as snow, i remember we had to stop multiple times for her to put sunscreen on her chubby face
When I met my girl she was around 190. Around a size 14. Super bottom heavy. Big foodie. We’d eat out a ton hanging out between classes. She’s got asthma that wasn’t diagnosed at the time so never joined me at the gym.

Covid hits and she starts birth control. Arms and ass exploded during this time. She also grows to a G cup. She gets to 245.

Recently she fell and broke her foot so she’s been bed bound for a few weeks. She got weighed at the doctor yesterday: 265.

She’s a size 24 now, but still wears mostly 20-22 and always looks like she’s spilling out. She doesn’t seem upset by this news and asked me to get her a big treat for growing bigger. That ass is almost 60”
When I met my wife for the first time she she must weight around 160lbs (she is 5'4) and she's "apple" shaped with larger shoulders heavy breast, cute pot belly and small ass.

When we move in, she start to slowly gain and grow a nice round belly.
At this time, she knew that i prefer bigger girl but she never ask much about this and I never told her to gain weight or other fetishes I have.
I just let the genetic and my talent as a cook do the job.

She quickly passed the 200lbs to reach 220 lbs. Her boobs get heavier and bigger and her belly keep getting rounder and softer.

Now, 3 pregnency later, she is not far to the 300lbs, she get a huge fat belly, her love handles are huge and her ass grow in harmony to her fat body.
To sum up she was a young curvy pot bellied girl and she's now a 300lbs apple shaped milf in her 30 with much pleasure.

She is clearly not into gaining and she's not very confortable with all this weight, she claim that she start a diet every year but she clearly let her body goes fatter slowly but surely.

Last mounth, she had a medical check-up for a new job. She anticipate the weight question and wheight herself before (she never does that normaly).
She came to me and said "I just weight myself and it's not okay at all !". I've noticed that her belly is way fatter those days, she wear less clothes because she outgrow the most of her wardrobe and the last jeans she can put on leaves huge marks on her belly when she takes them off.

She don't want to tell me her weight exactly, she just said "that's too much, way too much" and say that she go on another diet.
When the medical check-up came, the doctor don't ask to weight herself and didn't even mention her obesity.

So two weeks after, when we order burger (large burger), she order two for herself nevertheless ;)

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