
(36 KB, 735x388, tom.jpg)
>be me at the pub last night
>sitting outside with friends
>group of girls comes and sits beside us
>turns out they're friends of one of the girls in my group
>one of them is a 9/10 ssbbw
>tall, blonde, tanned, good hair/makeup/dress, easily 400+
>i perk up when i see her
>but i don't get a chance to talk to her
>after a while they go inside
>ssbbw puts her hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze as she walks past (making me think she must have noticed my reaction when she came in lol)
>my friends say we should go in to join them
>i keep waiting for this to happen but it never does
>i thought it would be sus if i went in by myself cos i don't know these girls and didn't actually talk to her
>eventually decide "fuck it" and go inside to look for her
>can't find her
>go home
Dumbass, ask your girl friend who that was. Literally just be like "I wanted to say hi but didn't get the chance, think you could connect me?"
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Yeah, I know. I forgot to mention that she was a friend of a friend of a friend. Like I didn't actually know the girl in my group who knows her, if that makes any sense. I'll still try but I'm not too optimistic

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