
(704 KB, 768x863, kuibmwopkv651.png)
After a model dies, which a lot of the heavier ones might eventually do soon enough, what do you do with their content?

Preserve it, but never touch it like a museum artifact?
Preserve it and appreciate it like a rare Pokemon card?
Delete it in respect?
Or still wank off to it to honor her memory?
>>35500 (OP)
why put emotional value on an internet prostitute?
I mean in a way is it any different than watching a movie with someone dead in it? I get the whole jerking off thing but I’m sure there’s millions who have rubbed one out for Marilyn Monroe or some other dead person. I don’t think it’s some moral dilemma, it’s just a porn video that they willingly distributed.

Because he's a normal person who can show empathy towards others? Not everyone can be neutral and emotionless like the Swiss.
>>35500 (OP)
Makes no difference to me. I don’t know any of these models as people. I have a feeling plenty of normies have jerked it to Marilyn Monroe post 1962.
>Not everyone can be neutral and emotionless like the Swiss.
apparently not simping over the fake personalities of internet whores i don't know is a swiss trait
good points

When you care enough to find out that the model died in the first place, then you have emotions for them, whether you want to admit it or not. Otherwise you wouldn't be jerking off to them at all.

Also Swiss people are just inherently douchebags who play the neutral card so they won't get their asses kicked in every war.
>Swiss people are just inherently douchebags who play the neutral card so they can cynically launder money for both sides
You don't throw away a painting because the artist died. This is no different. Enjoy it. Share it.
>When you care enough to find out that the model died in the first place
the only way i would know is because of this place
>Otherwise you wouldn't be jerking off to them at all.
attraction and having feelings for someone are different things
>Also Swiss people are just inherently douchebags who play the neutral card so they won't get their asses kicked in every war.
i just find it funny that you're drawing connections between my national identity and this. you're the creep for having an emotional bond to a whore you've never met, doesn't care about you, and fakes her personality
textbook simp, you probably pay for porn
>textbook simp, you probably pay for porn

you're on a board with it's core identity based around women (the word women is in the site name)
coming here equals seeking out the thrill of peeping sexy women, dedicating an amount of time and attention to them. its an act of worship in all honesty.

soley pirating makes you only marginally less of a simp than somone who pays for porn
with the added inconvience of not being able to select the vids you watch freely
You sound like huge faggots. Shut the fuck up and stop crying over e-prostitutes you virgins
Me, a naive young lad on the internet, shocked to learn there's incels in switzerland too! I thought all those countries were supposed to be so much better than the us. Unless you're using a VPN, in which case youre jsut a regular old incel. Go shoot up a school and get killed my the cops please, you fucking worthless faggot. Or save everyone the trouble and just kill yourself alone in your room like the pathetic loser you are
Take your meds beta schizo

Anyone who still uses faggot as an insult is a homosexual in denial. And the only crying here is from you when you realized your left hand is pregnant.


Learn to spell correctly before attacking someone else you clown.
Lol k. What ever helps you sleep and night and cope, faggot
>word salad
>Go shoot up a school
that's right, we do have right to own arms. difference is we're a high trust society not overrun by niggers with an actually functioning democracy, so that very rarely happens
>sleep and night
sleep at night*
Based mountain German. Your land and history are so cool. Unfortunately I've been hearing from podcasts and posts online that there are fucking Mexicans of all people immigrating into holey cheese land and burrowing into upper management roles. Mexicans offhandedly mention that their cousin works in Switzerland blahblahblah and I've been coming across more and more mentions of that. What the hell's up with that? I would have expected your government traitors to import Chinese or Indians (oh the horror) before huge groups of pablos.
He's now going to call the Albanian cartel on your ass you dumbfuck
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I agree with the Swiss colleague somewhat.
I doubt anon is not just an American or Anglo using a VPN. Switzerland is God's country
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There was another case of an overweight bitch crushing her victim, the one where plus sized models, but their bodies were huge as shit, fell by accident on a man who keep taunting them all because of the stage they were parading around couldn't hold the three of them at the same time instantly collapsing, crushing the man to death. To this day I wonder if someone at /ssbbw/ recognizes them.

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