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I'm curious how many of you have intentionally gained weight and what your experiences with it were like.

How much did you gain and how long did it take? Are you still gaining? How did it feel, and how did it impact your life?
>>35389 (OP)

I've been gaining off and on for about half my life.

I was a skinny kid and didn't start gaining until I was in my final year of a two year college program. It was only a bit to start. from 125-145 lbs on my 5'3" frame. Took me another couple years to get to 170. Hit 200 when I was 30. I was as high as 260 three years ago. I loved it but had to lose for a couple reasons. Got down to 190 a couple times. Right now I'm in a gaining phase...I've gained 25lbs since the start of July. Hoping to eventually get to 275.

I've always wanted to be big. Have been somewhat successful. I like being fat, want to get fatter. We'll see.
>I've always wanted to be big
why the fuck?
because you're a fucking faggot, that's why
I’ve gained 40 kg in about a year and another 10 since. It felt amazing, but I’m super out of shape now. Which is hot but can also be annoying. Also finding good looking clothes that look more modern than my grandma’s can be a challenge.
Overall I don’t regret it tho. The feeling is unparalleled. And it’s nice being fat and hot and owning it

Your mom begs to differ.
Mmmm I love it when daddy talks dirty
Fuck off to >>>/bhm/ faggots.
How did you gain 40kg in a year? That's impressive.
Just eat a shit ton and not move. It was during the first year of the pandemic and I didn’t have a job so it was quite easy, I didn’t even really have to try
I don’t get why you people sit on a board dedicated to seeing bitches make themselves morbidly obese but the second a dude says they’re doing the exact same thing they’re a faggot? I’m all for calling out faggotry but in what way is it gay to get fat? You’d think this community would not be so aggressive
>board dedicated to seeing bitches make themselves morbidly obese
Speak for yourself. I simply like fat bitches, not the feeding fetish shit.
>but the second a dude says they’re doing the exact same thing they’re a faggot?
>in what way is it gay to get fat?
Yeah? Why wouldn't it be gay? Fat is feminine, muscle is masculine. Some fucked up tranny faggot autogynephilia going on there when you get turned on by yourself, your own weight gain.
>You’d think this community would not be so aggwessiwe
Boohoo. This is not your furry tranny queer kink safe space.
this man has never made a woman orgasm in his life
>Some fucked up tranny faggot autogynephilia
we literally had a similar thread recently where this was discussed
you're right about this, several admitted that being touch starved incels caused it
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Marine Corps veteran, male, 38 years old. I used to be ripped I'd say physically peaked at 170 lbs. During my PFT, I could do 18 pull ups, 100+ crunches in 2 minutes and run 3 miles in 17 minutes, 30 seconds. Could do a 10 mile run hungover no problem, and approximately 80 pushups with no break. I wasn't much of a weight lifter or juicer, so I stayed fit and ripped until I got out of the military.

Then the slow weight gain happened due to eating a lot of fast food (something I did probably 3 or 4 times while I was in) and a sedentary lifestyle with my LTR girlfriend at the time. I peaked at about 260 lbs. Had a difficult breakup with that same girl, smoked a lot of weed, abused Adderall quite often, tripped balls more than a few times, Volcel'd for about 3 months and lost a lot of weight. I was down to 190 lbs. Not fit by any means but no longer obese. I'm at 245 lbs now, currently trying to recover from an unrelated surgery then I'll get a gym membership and stop eating like a piece of shit.

My wife is 5'11, 300+ lbs. btw. I did ok for a typical overweight, vet. Not a gainer just a lazy fuck. I don't like being fat, I dislike this disgusting Randy guy and bitch tits and being winded so easily. The air quality doesn't help either
I don’t really get where your point is coming from. Never said anything about “turning yourself on”, all I did was ask why all the niggers on this website are pretty much fat people haters that ironically were wired to jerk their shit to fat chicks. No one is asking you to look at a fat dude and start rubbing one out. Being a fat person is not gay at all, people like you just have miserably autistic mindsets when it comes to fat people in general, outside of your little bubble of obese girl pornos
I was one of those damned souls

If I were getting laid regularly this would not be happening, of this I am absolutely sure
I bounced around in a 110lb range over the past 20 years, seeing both ends a handful of times. Generally 1-3 years, depending on the specific gain.

Being fat is fun and hot, but the eating sucks. At one point I was pushing a minimum of 4000 calories a day, for months straight. It gets old. I couldn't find the mental drive to get past my peak. Even doing things like entire pans of brownies, multiple pints of ice cream, buffet lunches, etc. - it simply wasn't enough.

Peak weight tends to dampen my testosterone as well, causing the urges to fall. Maybe eating better would have helped, but I didn't know how else to sustainably get the calories down.

Combine those two issues, my attention wanes, and the weight falls off. Then it's back to horny jail and another gain.

Everything's harder 110lbs heavier. But it was also clear the physique I want requires gaining that again. A BMI in the 55-60 range. And I can't put it together.

Past age 40 now, knowing those limitations, I've given up. BMI is around 25, might drop to the low 20's over the next few years. I miss the times when I was too fat. But at my age, failing yet again to put on 200lbs, seems ill advised.

I still have the fat clothes though, so I clearly haven't given to entirely. After the eating, clothes shopping us the worst part. Once you break into big sizes, fit becomes an enormous pain.
>I don’t really get where your point is coming from. Never said anything about “turning yourself on”,
Read carefully and search up the words you don't know, retard. This is OBVIOUSLY about men sexualizing their obesity and weight gain. How fucking braindead do you have to be to think the takeaway is simply fat = gay.
>all I did was ask why all the niggers on this website are pretty much fat people haters that ironically were wired to jerk their shit to fat chicks. No one is asking you to look at a fat dude and start rubbing one out
What the fuck are you implying here and what is your point, faggot? Men and women are not the same, muh fat people haters lol. You're dumber than a nigger which that makes you a niggerfaggot. No sane man wants to be obese, not to mention jerk off to it.
>Being a fat person is not gay at all
Again, that was not even my point. But it is a very well known fact that obesity causes testosterone levels to plummet. Fat produces estrogen, and fat is in many other ways, feminine.
>This is OBVIOUSLY about men sexualizing their obesity and weight gain
Some examples:
>>35389 (OP)
>How did it feel
>I loved it but had to lose for a couple reasons
>I've always wanted to be big.
>I like being fat, want to get fatter.
>I’ve gained 40 kg in about a year and another 10 since. It felt amazing, but I’m super out of shape now. Which is hot
>The feeling is unparalleled. And it’s nice being fat and hot and owning it
>Being fat is fun and hot
>Peak weight tends to dampen my testosterone as well, causing the urges to fall.

This is a fair point, absent the bigotry. I identify as a heterosexual male. But the fat fetish is my overwhelming sexual preference. The physical and social challenges of being obese, specifically.

A fat woman will draw my eye. But if she's working at a gym, despite being a couple hundred pounds overweight, it's way better. If she happens to be a he, the scenario is still workable. Hotter if it's me though. That's where men can fit into my fantasy. A projection of what I could be. How I could experience obesity.

To the external observer though, it looks pretty fucking gay. Getting too fat to see or even reach one's genitals is a turn on. That means superchub and small dick videos are on the table. In the latter case - it's a combination of fat engulfing the shaft and added estrogen diminishing the erection. Too fat fuck is a great fantasy, if not practical in reality. Best though if it's a woman causing it through sexual coercion, a bit of forced gaining.

Ultimately, it's a fetish. Escalated by decades of porn. Given the vast majority of willing feedists are men, I can't say I'd never go there. At the highest weights, body types tend to converge anyways. A willing feedee who's up for a couple hundred pounds of gain? Maybe I can overlook the dick.

Would I get with a dude to gain myself? If I was 20 again, and he was taking care of everything? It'd be a very tempting trajectory. Better if it was a woman, but the fat is the primary sexual object. There's plenty of opportunity for body contrast, public struggle, etc. Maybe taking it up the ass once in awhile would be a tolerable trade off.

Married though, so it hasn't come up. I did alright pulling a woman who can indulge my kinks. And I think if I had to do it again now, I could pull one of the rare female feedists. I've got woke politics, money and have given out a couple thousand orgasms over the decades. I could probably get it together.
Because there's nothing women love more than an estrogenated, purple-haired stumpdicked fatso who lets strangers fuck his wife. You freaks will cut off your own dicks to goon.
I've never gained weight purposely and my meds are also appetite suppressors so I've been unable to eat in excess for almost all of my life. I have no intention to change that too, there is a part of the fetish for me that is vicariously indulging through another's excesses so I feel like it would ruin the power dynamic. That said I've never been a feeder to a real person yet so all this remains theory

Join us bro. There's weed and all you can eat cookies. It's a great time. Way more fun than constantly defending your masculinity.

Thanks, you've cured me of any temptation to be even slightly chubby. I'm going to go bleach my eyeballs with images of adorable kittens and then lift some kettlebells.
>>35389 (OP)
I haven’t because I’m not a mentally ill faggot like 95% of this site

Better chalk up first. Handling those giant balls gets sweaty. I bet there's a shirtless poster of Pavel on your wall. You probably stare at it while doing Qigong, wishing you were John DuCane.

Seriously though, bulking season is just about upon us. Perfect time to explore a little weight gain. It does wonders for your strength. Win win.

I dunno why you guys are so afraid of a little self exploration. Maybe you finally get the 1 pood kettlebell overhead. Pussy.
>>35389 (OP)
Here's a confession: I'm not into gaining weight, at all. I've been fat and in shape and I'm basically a different, much happier and more functional person when I'm leaner. Now that I'm into middle age I really struggle with it and it sucks.

But I've had a low-level fat tranny fetish since I was a very young kid — by which I mean, one of my biggest fantasies is to impersonate a fat woman. I love my dick and don't want a pussy, identify 100% as hetero, and in fact I won't watch porn where a man is involved. I understand this is not atypical with transvestites, who have a very different psychology from transexuals.

As a kid I'd stuff my pajamas with pillows, way before I was sexually aware/jerking off. I mostly grew out of in adolescence though I did it very sporatically through my teens. I've only done this once in any real way as an adult, even at home. Years ago when I was home alone for a few days I got bored/curious. I put on my partner's bra and used water balloons as fake boobs, then walked around the house, feeling them bounce and jiggle. The feeling was amazing but after 10 mins or so I felt really stupid (as you would) and stopped.

Most of the reason I haven't indulged this is that I've lived with roommates or a partner since my early 20s and I'm terrified of getting caught. My current partner is fairly open and accepting sexually — knows I'm an FA, etc — but I don't want to test her limits. Also I have big shoulders and slim hips/legs and no ass, and a very heavy beard (and an actual beard for the past 15 years). I'm a decent looking guy but make for a pretty nasty-looking woman and I'd need to invest in Hollywood-level prosthetics to get the effect I wanted.

My dream is to have a realistic fat suit made out of silicon or some other fat-like material that would replicate a 400+ pound woman. Boobs are pretty easy to fake (as described) and belly too, probably, but hips, thighs, ass, arms, etc are another story. Not sure it will happen in this lifetime.
>>35389 (OP)
I have a femdom kink and I see a domme semi-regularly. She knows about my weight gain/fat fetishes, so she suggested I get fat for her to know what it's like and then visit her again in a few months so she could "whip me into shape". I spent the next few months deliberately putting on 20 or so pounds, occasionally encouraged by her via text message as she requested progress pics or told me what to eat for the day. By the end, for the first time in my life (I've been pretty skinny all my life), I was overweight.

I learned that being fat/gaining weight in itself didn't really do anything for me. At best it was an "eh, why bother keeping this up" feeling. There were some fun little side perks to it though. Was pretty neat going to bed every night almost painfully full from a huge milkshake I made before bed, but I could do without it.

However, when I got an encouraging (or teasing) message from her, it completely rekindled my interest. I think I totally get why women do this to themselves for attention. It feels really good.
>>35389 (OP)
Was always a skinny kid who enjoyed junk food. Student loans made that into an obsession, I got more than enough to cover accommodation and I worked weekends so I could spend the entire rest of the time I wasn't in class fully stuffing myself. If I had nowhere to be some days I would really test my capacity and day I got up to 4L of soda was really something. Needless to say I've gained around 150lbs in total and am currently losing so netting around 130lbs currently. But the desire to live like that again is strong.
Are you me, lol.
Are you still fat? What was your bmi in your peak? What did your mistress say?
I’ve been a feeder/fat fetishist for most of my life and over the years I’ve definitely developed a weight gain kink for myself, and while I’ve slowly put on a few pounds over the years, it was mostly inadvertent and never got past “chubby dad bod”

Things have gotten serious with the girlfriend and she’s very fat and has pretty much figured out the whole fat fetish thing, but I decided to tell her I also have a feedee fetish and she told me to go for it. I piled on 15 pounds in the last two months and am reasonably overweight now, and all I want is more. Also jealous of the femdom guy, that sounds incredibly hot, but clearly the actual weight gain does a lot more for me, so.
Good for you man.
Bro I feel man this shit is dumb and gross.
About 15 kg/33 lbs over I think 1.5 years of which I've lost 5/11 lbs as of now, both kind of unintentional, but I had the thought of actively gaining a bit a lot

Honestly it's quite hard for me to not lose at the moment or to put it differently, if I wanted to gain it would be pretty hard it seems..
Sometimes I simply don't eat enough to avoid fluctuations and on other days it's like way too much or "unhealthy"

Living with an ssbbw definetely makes you gain a bit if you often share meals or eat together
But living with a diabetic women makes both of you lose a bit apparently, judging by the 2nd half of this year ;)

I kinda like the bit of chub (was all skinny before) that I now have tbh and discovered a new side of me that could imagine being a bit more chubby (not like really big or sth, but a bit more) and stopping at a point where it affects my everyday life too much
I always thought that I only like fat women, but thinking about it I noticed that I also always wanted to have a little belly myself back in childhood
I can't be the only one here who really doesn't want to gain weight? I hate the idea of getting fat and it actually kind of terrifies me.
Does that make me a hypocrite? I'm single at the moment but I think most (if not all) of my BBW exes would think so
Don't feel too bad about it, cruising at a lower weight helps the male sex drive function normally, along with working out. Usually, though, the feeder-to-feedee pipeline starts off with normal people who just want big women, but the more they understand these women, the more the envy sets in and their routine slips. Some might enjoy it in an "ugly bastard" sense and still see sex normally (PIV), but I've seen a few where the size and the stuffing sensation for them and their partner becomes their dominant sexuality.

For me, the highest I got was 153 lbs, 5'8", and that was dealing with the stress of state college and eating fast food every day. The moment I was done, I slowly went back to 140-145 lbs and hovered there since, even when at my horniest wrestling with the gaining question.

There were times where I thought real hard about my sexuality too, but considering how the trans community sterlizes people in a one-way street and how many bug catchers lurk in the gay community, I'll take my chances alone doing my own thing. I don't like exercise and gymbros, but if nobody is in shape to defend my country from the buzzards who want it dead, we'll all be corralled in pigpens anyway to be disposed of by China or Russia. For now, I'll settle with minor dirty-bulks if the mood strikes me, but unless you already know somebody that likes you chunky, there's no point besides larping in yuri fantasies.
I think that's kind of what makes me fantasize about being fat from time to time. It's super taboo in my own mind and the taboo -> fetish pipeline is common
Same here, but If my gf said that she wanted me fat then as long as she got fat too then I guess I would, but thats just how desperate I am for her to gain i guess.
kek, if you spend your time thinking about destroying your body just to goon there's no way your limp wrists will defend your (nigger Gods') country. America dying of spiritual blight, the wretched, shuffling, goblinlike appearance of the average Amerimutt is only just the outwards manifestation of the disease. You would be healthier as fertiliser than spending another moment living in the pigpen that is America.
k Aussie, enjoy your Orwellian government that treats you like a pin cushion
Just ignore him. He’s some fosters drunk racist wife beater sitting in a shack by himself in the middle of the desert. He’s only abusing people online because the state took his kids away and he needed someone to hurt to feel big because he’s a small sad man
I was always super skinny, but wanted to bulk up due to childhood bullying and a lack of upper body strength. I've been following a mostly clean bulking diet for about 2 years and started really hitting the gym a year ago. I'm up over 50 lbs in 2 years (started at ~135, currently ~190 @ 6'0) and plan on continuing at least until the end of the year before beginning my cut. I'm medically considered overweight for the first time in my life (though it is mostly muscle mass) and I've never felt better.

I always ate healthy before, but my energy levels have gone way up, libido through the roof and anxiety/depression way down.
Only downsides I can think of were being noticably hotter and sweating more during the summer months, and my cardio has declined a bit since I've been trying to minimize it to keep the gains up.

Can 100% recommend the thiccboi look I've got going on right now
Not at all. I was only Class 1 and even then I couldn't sleep on my back or run a quarter mile (read: not even half a kilometer.) It doesn't help that I cycle between 170-190lbs/77-86kg. Gaining comes easy to me, but I'd rather keep it a fantasy.
What I find attractive in others and what I want to keep myself like are two different conversations. And I happen to like being skinny.

Now if I were with a partner that told me she was willing to gain just because of me - but also wanted me to - and I was adamant that no, only she would gain, yeah that's one-sided. But if it's just, hey, you're fat, I like it, I like being thin, you like me thin, wellp.
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im skinny as all fuck, but sometimes i do wish i would gain at least a bit
Sorry for the delay. Just saw this.

I'm back to 180-ish which is just about overweight for my height (5'11"). I'm no longer fat, really, but I still have a noticeable belly (I send her pics of it from time to time and she loves it).

I got up to a BMI of 28 (200 or so pounds) for her. She was impressed, but also very much into shaming me and making me try and fail to exercise in front of her.

She's been pushing me to get fat again and go even further this time given the winter's coming, but I'm not really feeling it anymore. It's fun to think about but most of the time it's just "eh, why bother"
I'm 50lbs over my ideal weight(6'2, currently 230) and I hate it, having a fat wife and then having kids means I haven't taken care of myself. At least once a day I think about how unhappy I am with my body compared to how I was when I was in my 20's. I started a 1500cal diet yesterday, wish me luck, if I keep it up I'll be at my goal weight by March. Not only do I want my body to be how I liked it, but I also want to feel more of a contrast between my fat wife and I again, that was super hot.
I've gained a little bit, from 62kg to 67kg, but I'm hoping to get to 71kg (that will put me in the overweight category). I also want to gain muscle, though, which I've also steadily been doing.
>>35389 (OP)
I'm a pretty active guy but this year I had surgery and needed an extensive recovery earlier this year. Right about the same time my girl was switching medication that caused a pretty drastic weight gain. So she was always wanting to have desserts and we ate pretty heavy all summer. I sorta leaned into it thinking it would be easy for me to lose once I got back to full strength. She was not happy about the weight gain, but it was so fucking hot. She outgrew most of her clothes. I don't know how much she gained but something like 300-350#. Now she is struggling to start to lose weight and is really sad about it. I don't like seeing her sad. I love her body and I'd love for her to love it more.
So the surgery didnt have lasting effect. Short term self gratification. Boy friend failures could cause regained weight. Getting old. Most men not interested. They want that young 20 year old bone
Im on go 24/7 thats what none of you realize.
From 2018 to 2022 I was a NEET and in that time I went from 160lbs to pushing 230lbs. I've found a job since then but kept the weight. I barely even noticed it until I mentioned my last weigh-in at the doctor's to a friend in October and she mentioned I now weigh twice as much as her. Gotta say I find that really hot.
I started dating my gf in 2019 and since then I've gained about 50 lbs and she's gained around 40. I'm 5'8 and 220 lbs and she's 5'0 and over 180. Idc if I keep getting fatter as long as she does and fat sex is awesome.

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