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I'm gonna piss people off but it's a honest damn question.

Why do people simp hard as fuck for ugly ass 1/10 to 5/10 fat woman, models or not.

Like Fat miss T with her weird spots all over her gut and that disgusting hog nose.

Then you got Bobbi Jo I think shes fucking replusive. She is clearly a scammer as many on here and feabie say so, she just looks like a slob, jacked up teeth, that gross vain covered pasty ass, flithy ass clothes with nothing but rips and holes in them I'm sure that asscrack smells like rotted shit.

There is goofyjenny or jenniferhill1440 or wtf ever her name is. Her body looks good but from the neck up it fucking kills it. I can't even with that elf looking slant eyed almound shaped head.

Lastly, Tammy from 1000lb sisters, she looks like a Beluga whale with that swol up forhead even now though people still seems to get off to how she looked then but shes like a 2/10 on anyday of the week even now.

Why do people like this?!

Someone help me understand why standards of beauity are so low. I mean what happen to the idea of wanting a women with a good looking face at the very least?!
You’re not wrong… but neither are guys who are into these women. It’s because for some of us it’s as much or more fetish than preference. Fetish meaning they’re into the fat itself and its effects, rather than being into beautiful women who happen to be really fat. And by “effects” I mean the fact FMT’s skin is fucked up and BJ is trailerish are features, not a bug. Even the models being unattractive in the first place can be a dominance thing, where the guy feels superior granting her the privilege of fucking her. A lot of this is strictly fantasy too… Like, they’ll be into a 600 lb blob who ~looks~ like she stinks, but confronted with an actual smelly ass, they’d run for the hills.
Thanks for the honest answer Anon.

I mean I love a fucking blob too, but I got to have a good-looking face at the very least.

Hopefully, she is not as dumb as a box of rocks either. I've got a woman dumb as a box of rock but so damn fat she could hardly walk in the past and that shit is not like some cute anime shit its fucking annoying as hell when their IQ is room temp. Never again.

Going after a person only for the fetish is a lose-lose from my own experience. There has to be more going on intelligence-wise and looks-wise.

Luckily I got that now. Great face, is smart as fuck, fat as shit, and keeps herself very clean. No way in hell I'll ever go back to just fetish needs. I would love more people to have the same standards for themselves as well.
>>35232 (OP)
I made a post about this the other day but the mods deleted it.
Thank you again for the honest answer. For me it's a preference.
Like I said, for 99% of the guys jerking it to these women, it's strictly fantasy. Think about it — if the 1,000s of guys jerking it to BJ really truly wanted a 700lb woman at least one would have stepped up by now and put her in a decent house, fixed her teeth, etc.

Far as long-term, you're right that you have to find some kind of compromise between looks/preference and general compatibility. Because no matter how hot she is, you WILL get sick of fucking her, whether in 2 years or 10 and you need something deeper to sustain it.

Not that your sex life has to die... It just becomes more mental and you have to work at it a bit. A gal who's maybe not your ideal but down with your fetishes and fantasies is way more valuable IMO. Not to mention with our thing, there's the looming specter of WLS or serious health issues.

Yeah I know fetish/preference has been done to death in other threads but I felt it applied here.
It’s largely a case of 1-5 rated guys going for 1-5 girls. There is a point (usually past 700) where skin on the body gets weird, even though hygiene habits have not changed or worsened.
Because they prioritize body fat over actual beauty. They would rather invest in a 4000 calorie a day diet than $40 in hair and skincare products.
Plus there aren't a lot of fat women in pop culture to lust over. With traditionally attractive women, you've got marilyn monroe, raquel welch, various bond girls, playboy centerfolds, nikki minaj, kim kardashian. A long time ago, all we had were the occassional fat women in cartoons, films, etc. Nowadays with the rise of body positivity, we are starting to get more hot fat women. I could imagine the fat women with ugly faces could be our equivalent to a butterface. The woman with the hot body but ugly face. Since fat women are hard to come by, we take what we can get.
Women with more conventional beauty are likely to be more aristocratic than bumpkin peasant. Many exceptions exist in the genetic lottery, but compare an Instagram fatty like juiceefruitee who is an actual rich elite, with top tier genetics. The face of a mild chubster yet is morbidly obese meatball. If she were skinny she'd be a supermodel. She just is a super indulgent gluttonous bitch in the best way. So much that social pressure didn't get to her to get lipo etc.

Also good points, just wanted to offer different perspective
>Since fat women are hard to come by, we take what we can get.

Definitely something to that. When I was a lad conventionally pretty fat women really didn't exist in the media, much less in porn. It was so many years til I saw one I think I just got used to feeding my fetish with plain to even ugly women. Like, I'm not into Tammy 1000 but I seem to have a higher tolerance for butterfaces than many or most guys on this site.
Hard to say anon. Comic Books are on the decline because creators hated fat men in faded t-shirts appearing in conventions despite Bryne looking like one. Those fat nerds got into anime when they weren't buying Marvel books or watching Star Trek. Anime also had a problem with fat Japanese Otaku demanding Evangelion, Tenchi, and Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon. Anime is now on the decline because those fat men with their disposable income went to V-Shoujo. Sports is the last entertainment where fat men rooting for the Giants, Jets, Mets, Yankees, Cowboys, Raiders are still accepted. Just look at how Disney brought back sports to cable because fat men are funding their movies while the skinny college liberal can't sell the Owl House, Gravity Falls, or cartoons for adults.

Comedy has a different problem. Everything can be laced back to Rosanne being obnoxious along with Monique. Even music sucks cause nobody wants to see Lizzo cause she's a degenerate who makes Madonna look normal.
Butterfaces are fine as long as the body isn't deformed or shapeless blob like MissT. That's what differs the feeder fetishists from "preference" i think. They being turned on by feeding and the sheer size and number on the scale versus the body 'itself'.
Holy shit anon, how have I never heard of this goddess before your post? You sure she's not some sort of eugenics lab creation or a product of the secret Fat Bene Gesserit breeding program? This is astounding beauty.
The filters and make up arms race creates unreasonable expectations. Conventional beauty standards are more strongly victim to these, leading to a greater perceived divide. In person, the gap isn't so dire.

The behaviors the lead to extreme obesity can accelerate aging and cause skin conditions. So in some respects, it's part of the package. There's a brief period where the newly fat have a skinny face, but that's unsustainable. Dinging a girl because her face is red or her jaw gets buried, is an unrealistic standard. Absent plastics, the big ones are all headed towards a certain look.

I think the teeth thing is tied to the correlation between obesity and poverty. Great braces are $5-$10k. Implants are $5k each. Ongoing dental care $1k a year. They're not ugly, just poor.
Hard to say. Latinas are the only ones I see who age into some goblin at age 30 upon having children and getting fat. Fat sports fans have always been immune to aging
Anyone relationship that’s founded solely on a fetish is doomed to fail. That said, so is a self-hating fat. Dated one for five years, and it was like she resented me for thinking she was beautiful. After we split, she went on this triathalon kick, then gave up and gained back what she lost. Full reset for the next sucker.

Seriously, those are the ones to watch out for. Usually the self hate is just the tip of the iceberg.
I honestly think preg and fat needs to go full Dave Sims with their fetish art. Many of them are divorced, fat, and hate society.
I will keep saying this. Obese women are not long term dating material for men who have a shred of self respect. dignity, and standards.
I haven't seen anyone touch on this yet, but models in general aren't usually top tier when it comes to looks.
I can take a trip to Walmart/McDonald's and see fat women leagues beyond the ones I typically see online.
>Obese women are not long term dating material for men who have a shred of self respect. dignity, and standards.

Why do you think they're called "Feeders" and not boyfriends? That's all they see them as, free food and a place to live at.
No don't go Dave sim, it would be suffering and being alone and being seen as a nutjob with insane text pieces. Plus in order to go that crazy, all you need is a bad trip with drugs followed with a divorce, more drugs and only hanging around strippers and prostitutes. It sounds good at first, but all you'll do is be alone in the world with no one loving or caring about you. It's best if the fat artists embrace other people and have good relationships
Part of why Disney and Warner Bros aren't selling is being making superheroes moral leaders are unrealistic. Krillin is popular because he reverted back to his smug ways when Goku isn't around in the Garlic Jr saga, allowing him to get Maron, 18, Zangya. It's the same reason Yamcha got an alien girl in Heroes, of why Inuyasha got Kagome. Even Suge Knight is popular cause he wasn't trying to be a father figure.
So many things.

Never heard of juiceefruitee, I don't fuck with CHY-NAH tic tok trash. Also, her face looks plastic as fuck and I've known and met zero plastic-faced women like that who were not hateful gold-digging shallow cunts.

Personally, I'd only talk to women at least a 6/10 to an 8/10. Small window on the face but that's average to me and tend to be attached to women, not total slobs, and not too high up to be fake cunts about everything. It's my Goldilocks zone for faces. Body wise I'd go for high-5/10 to low-9/10. But I've mostly landed about mid-6/10 to mid-7/10 on average personally. Getting the combo with both my window for the face and body? Well, that's happened 3 times counting my current LTR. I've landed outside of that window combo 6 or 7 times maybe.

WTF are you going on about? I see nothing but pop culture talk about shit I can't follow, What the hell is "V-Shoujo"? And what do guys being fat have to do with all that pop culture shit you're talking about? Explain to me like I'm 5 about whatever you're saying because IDK what you're saying.

Dave sim who? Never heard of them.
Dave Sim is a comic writer and artist who created a comic called cerebus the aardvark, it started as conan parody before becoming an analysis of politics, and religion. In its early days Dave Sim experimented with LSD and had a bad trip and was institutionalized and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was eventually divorced and did more drugs and fooled with women to celebrate his bachelorhood. Years later, he wrote a text piece about how women are parasitic emotional creatures that ruin the lives of men around them. While men are supposedly more logical and rational than women. He insists that he's not a misogynist, just anti-feminist. He published this text piece in Cerebus and lost his readership. The story then becomes how women are ruinous to men. Then becomes SIm's religious views which are a mix of Judaism, christianity and islam. The story is Cerebus reading and reinterpreting religious texts.

The other controversy in recent years is that Sim groomed a 14 year old fan and talked about how cute she was.

He reminds me of incels as he values being alone, he took his bad experiences with women and rationalizes how women are irrational creatures that ruin men, valuing sex over a personal relationship and being a groomer of teenage girls. The difference is his views cost him his audience and he doesn't use modern tech to get his views across. He is rather contemptuous of modern tech, speaking down to artists that use google images. He also doesn't have social media and only has interviews with sites but that's it. He keeps his views to comics he publishes.
Going dave sim would mean to be alone and publish ones views in insane text pieces.
For sim's craziness, I don't just think it was just drugs and divorce, his goal for Cerebus was to last 300 issues. He wouldn't hand it off to another creative team. He wanted to be responsible for writing and art for 300 issues and for the final issue to end with the title character's death. The closest thing to cerebus is manga like one piece, fairy tail, my hero academia where they lasted for about the same length in terms of content. I do wonder if this task contributed to his views just needing to find something to fill 300 issues of a comic with and if he just decided to fill the last third of the series with his views on women and religion.
Speak for yourself. Had my current one for 5 years. Not so much a feeder as an architect with this one, but either way she’s bigger now. Are there challenges? Yes. Is she gonna panic, hit the gym, and resent someone liking what her appetite has done to her body, though? Absolutely not.
Tell us oh wise master, how did you find a sane woman? Tell us your secrets!
She uses filters to de-fat and smooth out her face, narrow her nose, etc. A while back she posted a few pics without the filters, and it turns out she’s attractive but in a more ‘round-the-way, upper tier Big Cuties kind of way. Not the 8-9 she presents to Instagram. Those photos might still be up but they’re buried deep at this point.
I am saying that fat people were uncool in American and Japanese society cause they were associated with losers. Without losers, pop culture fizzled out as those misfits found other hobbies like trains, buses, or sports to spend their money on.
>>35232 (OP)
I just try not to look at the faces is really all it boils down to. Just trying to focus on the body shapes or the way they dwarf the dude underneath or whatever. It's why they're not top shelf in my spank bank.
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As an alt-comics oldfag who watched Cerebus jump the shark in real time as Dave went crazy, I kind of like that Simposting is becoming a /gen/ meme.

The real question is, which Big Cuties correspond to which female Cerebus characters?
Boberry is obviously Jaka, stunningly beautiful and the cause of obsession in men, but a stuck-up bitch who's secretly from a wealthy background
Heather is Astoria, the strong, independent woman who knows how to use her sex appeal to advance her financial and political power

Those are the only two I can remember, kek. Sim was a great cartoonist and Gerhard was an even better background artist, and there are particular scenes and panels which are burned permanently into my visual memory as striking and memorable images. But I did a binge reread of the entire series a couple years ago and was disappointed by how poorly the writing held up as a cohesive narrative, even during "the good parts." I think it's one of those series where you had to have been there, because the references are so specific to its time and place. I can't imagine a Zoomer who's not plugged into the 80s/90s direct market comics fandom getting anything out of it. In modern Internet culture, I think a close equivalent is Homestuck, which likewise fell apart as a narrative when the creator started sleeping with fans and getting high on his own farts about what a brilliant metafiction writer he was.
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I was never a comics person, I was a video game person from 2600 to everything else from just before the early 90s till now.
Are you senile anon? I am the real Kisame17 and I dress in flannel, black, and sneakers with graphic tees or floral print. I'm a Yankee Haitian redneck
I don't read comics books cause it's for Jews who wanna act tough but mad that the Haredim seems them as con artists. This is why the hate Cyclops and Supes. You want real mental anguish, just look at how Jack Kirby went full bonkers cause Stan treats him like a lackey.
Cyclops sucks because Scott Summers is a SIMP who got CUCKED by Logan. The 90s animated series is cannon, end of story.
so now the real question, who are the "high rated" ones? support your claim with evidence.
Wolverine is just Vegeta and Broly for comic boomers. One thing I miss about cartoons is that Supes and Cyclops can be low-key dirt bags as much as Lex and Magneto. I also feel that Magento works better as David Duke with superpowers and not a good guy
What is it with the jew bashing? Yes superheroes are power fantasies and loads of people from different backgrounds identify with them. It's a sad delusion to assume that persecuted groups in society are the ones pulling the strings on everything. They aren't. Jews aren't in control of the media, liberals aren't part of a cabal controlling the world, gay people aren't harming anybody, satanists aren't engaged in blood orgies. I have jewish blood though it's super thin and small.

To me yes a lot of works are power fantasies but you see people that are christian, straight, gay, black, hispanic, asian, etc. that write and consume this media as well as those that are jewish.
>I don't read comics books cause it's for Jews who wanna act tough but mad that the Haredim seems them as con artists.

I don't know wtf happened to this thread, but as we're way off the rails anyway, I'll respond: You're mixing two distinct Jewish neuroses here. I'm a 3rd gen, 100% Jewish American so I know what I'm talking about.

Superman was created by nebbishy Jews who were scared to death that what was happening in Germany in the late 30s could happen in the USA as well. Not an unreasonable fear.

But none of us are or ever were "mad" at the Orthodox (no American Jew says "Haredim" — that's for antisemitic retards who watch a few YouTube videos and think they're scholars). We feel guilty that we've assimilated, erasing our culture and religion in a way that Hitler, Torquemada, etc couldn't.

Yes, the Orthodox constantly call us out on it, but "con artists" is a weird way to put it. Then again your whole post is illiterate so I don't even know why I'm taking it seriously.
I didn't say that Jews were controlling the world.I can't picture Lower Manhattan, Midtown, Century City, and Burbank formulating a plan to take over the world with the power of investing. I am sure the Netanyahu types collectively groan when Ben Shapiro shows up.

The Haredi are as thing in NY. They're ultra conservative Ukrainian or Russia. You must be one of those Orthodox who live in Westchester, Hudson Valley, or the suburbs. I also can't fathom Superman being Jewish. The rack on Power Girl does feel Jewish and Russian tho.
As an illiterate, I feel like Kefka and Sephiroth are more Jewish than Superman. Sasuke and Zuko are more Jewish than Supes. I don't know what comics did but giving Cyclops a harem of midnight readers calmed him down
You should all be shoved into lockers jfc
I'm glad this thread got turbo-autism'd. It was a whiny concept to start with.
Democrats are too full of bluster to hate. Silencing Trump was a bad idea cause it made them dumber
Ok. I bothered to check and Republicans are banning that stupid queer romance books that's self published. Let's face facts, a lot of queers are the same people who would watch Oprah religiosity, read Precious, watch Tyler Perry, Roots, Maya Angelou's "I know why the Cage Bird Sings"
Can the thread get back on topic and off /Pol/ 4Chan and comic book crap.
Standards are low because dancers are lazy. Cardi B admits that exotic dancers are lazy and Only fans are for grifters. We used to toss fat sluts in teen camp, but it was dehumanizing to fatties. Men would get paid to break down fat people. Now we have the Merchant Navy at Kings Point to get rid of that temptation for fat sluts to lie, cheat, and steal. Asians ship their fat chicken to JROTC to make them paratrooper boomers
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I find it hilarious that you think 4chan, /pol, Musk are tough when biographies paint him and his followers as wimps. Aaron Rodgers got destroyed in a Jets-Bills game because of his anti-vax views. We're assuming Trump will win because the GOP is runned by arrogant blowhards who have to force McCarthy to impeach Biden while moderates are dead.
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I do apologize for taking right wing but nobody's interested in politics cause it's a fight between conservatives and the feds over who's the biggest wimp in Congress. The feds are proving to be the biggest losers by installing a black informant into the Proud Boys and giving him 22 years for plotting to conspire against the nation cause he didn't say 'Trump did it'. These 14 Amendment arguments aren't encouraging either. Let the Donald get dementia. How else is the military going to get their puppet king to cover up the covert ops to make fat women trads wives? I am not concerned about Trump. I am convinced that they'll just give him Adderall. The feds want controllable punished Trump to scare Putin even if it means keeping John Bolton from bombing peaceful village before he sheds his mortal coil.
Even as we speak, Fox News is getting sued by NYC and Oregon for lying to investors by allowing conspiracy theories.
The Jets were better under Adam Gase. Fight me.
They're just marginally better than the Giants
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what the fuck is this thread?
A case study in why gen actually needs mod intervention
Making the decision to do a car loan instead of fetish art
I am about to make a smart decision and invest in auto
Did you eat the onion for a bitch named:
DR Anita B Etin? “An eater be eating”?
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Guys, it's not a hard concept, just don't reply, read the first line of nonsense and move on. Why do people not get this? Have you never been on an image board before?
>I think the teeth thing is tied to the correlation between obesity and poverty. Great braces are $5-$10k. Implants are $5k each. Ongoing dental care $1k a year. They're not ugly, just poor.

In addition, if you don't get certain dental related things done as a kid, it becomes almost impossible to get it done as an adult, so if they are poor growing up and can't afford it, it doesn't matter if they climb out of poverty later, by then it's too late.
Kisame here. I have metal fillings. Mines only cost 200 bucks. I dunno where people are getting the 5k from. The 5k places closed down.

IMO, skylar and fitsid (with glasses). I find them extremely cute, although they're probably a 2-4/10 for most people, tho. Some of the models quoted in this thread are ugly as fuck or blobs who are considered a 0-1/10 for everyone outside this fetish/preference.
Implants, bozo. Not fillings.
Implants are for boomers.
Wolverine isn’t Vegeta. Different character arc.
Vegeta is Kahn Souphanousinphone.
Vegeta is that neighbor you feud with for a few years but then later go on vacation together because your kids are best friends or dating and constantly dancing themselves into corporeal fusion.
No. Vegeta is Japanese Wolverine. Goku shut him now by saying the lowest born can beat the elite. Even in the Canadian dub, Vegeta talks as if Goku foiled his plans multiple times.
I think you are on drugs anon. I am not on /Gen/ I am focusing on getting a car loan
Fat people in the East Coast are federal employees who live off food stamps and spend $400 on groceries to feed a family of four. Thanks to the limits on what people can buy with food, it goes to booze and processed junk that gives them diabetes. This is how you get fat people like the mom and daughter who projectile vomit at the sushi house in the Japanese restaurant, then sue over the anxieties caused by food poisoning. To be honest, if you're eating anything off the highway, then it might be bad. Those old boomer diners off Merrick are already closing cause Suffolk is already a raging dumpster fire.
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In short, the government takes Kisame's fudge rounds, I don't back conservatives.
Her filterless face is still miles above anything I've seen guys settle for, here or IRL.
You're 100% on that. Just saying she looks like a different person without the filter.

I miss those diners but that model isn't sustainable anymore. They'd have to charge $18 for a plate of eggs to make it work and Boomers won't pay it.
pics or gtfo brosnan
>>35232 (OP)
I think there is just such a small pool of woman who are willing to post the really degenerate shit. The pool shrinks as the size of the models increases.

We see a lot more conventionally attractive women below like 250# range. The hotter a woman in that pool of models is, the less weird shit she has to do to get attention.

When the models get above like 500# there is such a small pool that most of them who are willing to post anything at all will get some sort of attention. And at the extreme end youre talking about there is so few 500#+ hogs that post slob shit and the real degenerate shit people love, that even the ugly ones get noticed.

When I am feeling real degenerate I just zone out on the face and focus in on that big fat belly or whatever. I cant imagine I am the only one that does that either.
That one woman with Pear in he name is a prime example of this situation. Her towering forehead, paper-thin jaw and fucked-up proportions are lauded by people for some reason. Her body is only vaguely pear-shaped. Honestly, I find her repulsive.
There's legit vitriol against those women that are supersized and pear-shaped, as they're the "acceptable" supersized women. And more often than not, they don't want anything to do with the blobby fats. Roll of the dice with genetics and fat distribution, so it's definitely a "fuck You, got mine" with advocacy for Jazzy Pear, BoBerry, Sadie, etc.

we are 8 billion humans on this planet
we all have different tastes
we all wipe our asses in our own way

move on
Seriously... it amazes me how judgemental people on a "BBW" board can be. We're all freaks, most guys think even chubby women are disgusting much less fat ones.
Tbh I don't think I've seen good IRL fat fetish material in years. My good it's so fucking bad nowadays.
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>bbw = big beautiful woman
>the women are all big but not beautiful

You're Finnish, Nordic women are either supermodel tier or look like cave goblins at any weight.

BW stands for black women normally and isn't as catchy
That's why I only watch Nordic looking models (Adeline, AbbyGlazed, afatvikingbabe if she got a better set-up than a 2009 Nokia)
Adeline looks like she could be Spanish barring the nordic snub pig nose
>>35232 (OP)
Standards are getting lower because the prettier fat girls out there can make more money doing plus size modeling and don't have to degrade themselves by making porn, it's just that simple.
>make more money doing plus size modeling

beauty is in the eye of the beholder. some people find certain women attractive some don't. its best not to call them out as they might allready be insecure about how they look. i speak from experience. enough said.
Dumbest take out there.
Half the ssbbw models are toothless, balding, women who’d be hideous at any size.
The hottest ssbbws were not anything special outside of the weight. The top tier models looks like Walmart workers when they first post.
more like they make better money advertising their looks as a plus size model to marry some rich arab.
>Half the ssbbw models are toothless, balding, women who’d be hideous at any size.

So much this.

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