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Let’s her it old chaps. Post your saddest fat stories.
I want to travel while I'm still in my 20's and eventually I want kids.
I've been dating an SSBBW for 3 years now and I can't do either with my partner because she's too fat
>Too fat to fly
>Too fat to walk long distances
>Doesn't want kids
I think I'm going to call quits at the end of this year. We only also fuck once a month (at best) and she complains about me "fetishising her weight".

While I'm complaining, I don't know who in the BBW community is spreading this "anti-fetish" shit, but it's fucking retarded. The only people who are going to find obese women attractive are those with a fetish for fat people.
You date someone because of:
>Their physical attractiveness
>Their personality
>Tertiary: wealth, friends, etc
The fact is there should be a healthy balance between these. It's ok to find someone attractive because they're fat.

Yeah, you gotta hit a balance there between your preferences and practicality. It doesn't seem like you're compatible with this person anyway.
Watching my ex get WLS has been bittersweet. We broke up because we had nothing in common outside the bedroom, but she was far and away the hottest woman I've ever been with (500 pounds with a classic pear shape) and was still carrying a torch for me. The temptation was always there to get back with her, purely out of physical attraction, but I knew that if I did that it would break both of our hearts a second time when it inevitably didn't work out.

Her having WLS removed that temptation, and it also probably saved her life from the health and mobility complications of her weight, which were starting to get serious. But I still feel more than a little sad when I see recent photos of her (we stayed on good terms and are friends on social.) Not only did she lose nearly 300 pounds, the surgery aged her badly, so that she looks 20 years older than me even though we're the same age. I'll always treasure my memories of the time we spent together, because it was some of the hottest sex I ever had.
>While I'm complaining, I don't know who in the BBW community is spreading this "anti-fetish" shit, but it's fucking retarded.

I agree, but it's not even a matter of spreading rumors/memes, it's just that the vast majority of fat women (even ones who are publicly into size acceptance) hate being fat, and would rather not be reminded of it in the bedroom. It sucks for guys like us, and these women are shooting themselves in the foot as potential girlfriends/wives by not getting over their insecurities, but it's a "natural" response to the experience of having a body that most of the world outside our niche fetish thinks is gross and unacceptable.
I think I might be getting too fat to be fucked by anyone with an average sized dick without the perfect position and 3 thousand pillows under me and while it's super hot, it's also getting me down
Are you a woman? Where are you from?

If this isn't a LARP - liberator plus size wedge ramp combo. Life changing.
Yeah. I'm from CA
Thank you for the rec >>35096 gotta save up for it but I'm glad there's hope hah
>WLS [...] also probably saved her life from the health and mobility complications of her weight, which were starting to get serious
>but it's a "natural" response to the experience of having a body that most of the world outside our niche fetish thinks is gross and unacceptable
You should wait for marriage anyhow
Nurse: I tweaked my back once and it’s not worth it. So the only thing for me with these patients is that they will sit there in their urine and BM until I have 4+ humans to turn them. I will not attempt it with any less. Short staffing is not on our side with this but I’m too young to put my back out and certainly not for a human I don’t know personally. Same goes for any total care elderly person. Do I feel bad about it if they have to wait a while? Sure. But my safety and health is #1.
We just got one 1000lb lift installed in our cardiac unit. We've been told that more will come in the future. These rooms are also fitted with special seating because the really big patients tend to have really big family members. We now have potty chairs that fit up to 800lbs and complicated sliding equipment that inflates with two heavy duty blowers to move someone that big without needing 6+ people or risk tearing their skin. We have wheelchairs made super wide and meant to be pushed by 2 people. Plus we were told we weren't allowed to call them anything but "bariatric" for fear that the patient or family might overhear it called the "big boy" chair or the 1000lb lift sling, or the XXXXL whatever.
Do you think you can share some photos of her?
to be fair the fat fetish "community" does tend to be filled with maladjusted weirdos with no concept of boundaries. the amount of guys who will just open by calling you a piggy or asking to feed you without even checking that its something youre into. or completely ignoring you as a person and asking for "fat chat" or how much you weigh etc. these people also majorly skew perception because theyre way way more visible than just normal people with fat fetishes.
that being said though i agree. other fat women at large (heh) seem to be fixated on the idea of a relationship where the guy loves them for who they are and just ignores their fatness. it strikes me as absurdly miserable. i would rather kill myself than be with someone who is with me in spite of me being fat
if you go into a marriage as non-virgin you broke the first condition of a traditional REAL marriage. women don't wear white for no reason. might as well listen to your your natural instincs to sexually expirment then, this goes for both men and women. marrige without the first condition benifits mostly women, since men sacrifice their instinct to pursue multiple women for somone who didn't sacrifice their urge for male attention. in the end it causes sexual experience to be mostly reserved for women. realizing this. cheating is right around the corner knowing that the intimacy of feeling that you both have been their only significant other isn't part of your bond.

the harsh conclusion to this is that there's a pretty strict ideal time frame for a 1st marriage that generally only people in the bible belts commit to (and other religious communities).
I knew this story. I dated a girl who was partially just fat, partially a gainer. By the time of the breakup she was above 400lbs and wouldn't or couldn't do anything. Train trips were a hassle, the food budget was fucking horrendous, all that
Worst part was that she wastoo fat to do anything; yeah obviously she isn't gonna be a fucking hiker, but she was legit too fat to even properly game, or draw, or do any decent indoor hobbies, so she spent all day at home on twitter, wanking, or watching the same few shows. She was an absolute bore to date and I dumped her pretty fast after she got upset at me not wanting to be around her.

I'm dating a much more sensible BBW now, around 280lbs, she said she wants to cap out at 320 at the very max, no more. She's still able to go out and do things and have hobbies so that's a bonus
I have an anecdote that supports your first point. There was a girl I had a fling with last year. She told me she matched with a guy on tinder who started the conversation by saying he wanted to feed her to death.

>fat women at large (heh) seem to be fixated on the idea of a relationship where the guy loves them for who they are and just ignores their fatness
This describes most of the fat women I've dated.
"I hate my body but I like that you like it" - I've heard that line so many times. It's always a bad omen.
Ssbbw aren’t for everyone. Some people should stick to dabbling. I’m not saying mine is doing a 5k before going to an open mic, but you can keep them decently active if you’re considerate of accommodations and planning ahead. It’s mostly a comfort thing, both physically and emotionally.

How do you get too fat to game, unless it’s something with motion control stuff?

Will agree on the food budget, though. Fat girl or fat wallet; hard to keep both.

Gone are the good old days when a fat bitch wanted nothing but fast food junk, soda and Little Debbies. Now it's these mostly average-looking fat chicks wanting 5-star meals non-stop.

"I hate my body but I like that you like it" That means cut all ties and block, you're wasting your time otherwise.
Don’t they deserve nice food, though? It’s more that inflation is insane. Even a name
Brand 12 pack is pricey, these days

The real problem from my own experience and from the outside looking at just how modern women act. They just expect or demand it.

Having a nice meal now in then is fine but just expecting top shelf all the time? Nah that's a massive turn-off they got to earn that shit.

Most modern women just expect a free top-dollar meal for nothing all the time. How dare the one paying to expect anything in return. I personally have a burning hatred for white women who use men like their personal piggy banks due to my own experience though.

Women used to not be like this so much a few decades ago but now it's like a mind field trying to avoid the user gold-digging type or the I didn't get my way so I'm gonna cry rape type who thinks they are hot shit even if they are a 4/10 and bring nothing to the table with them but some other guy's baby on their hip with a body count over 50. No thanks.

Myself I have a damn good based woman, the same body count as me, no kids, fat as fuck tits and ass, splits everything 50/50, and no doing back flips to fuck whenever I want. Black of course because you can almost never get that with a white bitch.

There are a few based white women out there but most are cougar-age.
To be fair. If it weren’t for the piggy/feeder fetish decent looking gym bros would be entirely out of those fat women’s league.
Fucked way to look at it, pal.
I hear ya. I had an ex that continued to blow up after we broke up. She was a terrible girlfriend I wouldn't go back to in a million years but damn it she was hot and the weight was piling on. I couldn't help but check in on her socials out of physical attraction for a few years, through subsequent girlfriends, and I always felt bad about it.

One day she got her shit together, dropped the weight and has kept it off for 5+ years. She looks terrible, I'm completely cured of wanting to look at her, and it's awesome.
This fetish is just for autists; on both sides. Hence, such retardations.
What’s fucked about it? There are two sides to every story.
This only happens when obese AF women want to date men in shape who would be out of her league if he did have a fat fetish.
Never heard of a fat chick getting called piggy and fed by a morbidly obese man. Seems like the safe move is to date in your league if your not into fetishists.
Both posters are probably 5 foot tall dudes in their mothers basement.
No one is too fat to fuck with an average dick, it’s just two fat people might not be able to bump genitals cause of the fat guts.
7.75 here and really I can make my girl cum just my little finger if I need to.
I'm the op that said I was getting discouraged about being too fat to fuck.. My hole is like not as accessible as other ssbbw I've observed.. it's high up when I'm bent over and buried in ass and pussy fat. I was saying if they aren't 6'+ so they can get leverage or above average dick wise they struggle.. it's not impossible but guys lose their confidence/erection when they're back there trying to position and then I think I'm the problem idk it's probably not for real, you're right lol we'll see
I think the problem might be that you’re a man.
>>35008 (OP)
I'm with a woman right now, but she is super fucking entitled, and she puts absolutely no effort into keeping me.

Before we met, she constantly whined to others that no guys are interested in her, and even the loser guys weren't interested in her. Well, now she has me, and she won't even put in the bare minimum effort to keep me. I'm pretty sure she isn't showering everyday anymore either.

I'm the full package, I have an okay job, I'm in shape, I'm attracted to larger women. Yet, despite this being what she wants, and thus wouldn't have to settle for a lesser guy (even though she would). In other words, I'm the best thing that's ever happened to her, but it's too much to ask that she try.

I'm not sure if it's worth it to try any dating apps, I don't even know which ones I could use to find a serious relationship and not just pointless sex. Never used them before.
Her: Depression. Sounds like depression.
You: Codependent? Get your head straight and confidence up before jumping from relationship to relationship. You deserve to be happy and feel valued.
Both of you: seek professional mental health counseling.
Before I give up on this relationship, is there anything I can do to help her depression? I have a feeling that she might never ever seek help.

I don't know that I'm Codependent? I don't jump from relationship to relationship, I've had very few because it is really hard to meet BBWs IRL.
I asked because you’re in a relationship that you don’t seem to enjoy nor seems healthy.
It’s not really hard to meet bbws, we live in the fattest epoch in human history.
Focus on your own happiness, health and success. Get out into the real world. Have friends and hobbies. The fatties will find you.
Everyone says it's easy to meet them, yet, I never seem to run into any of them ever. I don't know where to go man. This current girl is the only one I've been able to find and date in the last 4 years.
Dude. You don’t sound like the catch you think you are.
Get fit, look successful. Be good at socializing and have a social life.
If you’re not swimming in fat women living in North American you ain’t a prize.
I am fit though! I just can't seem to find fat women IRL. What am I doing wrong?

I apologize if I sound like I'm coming off wrong, I'm not the best at explaining myself sometimes.
You’re in Canada. Have you tried leaving a trail of Tim Bits back to your house? You won’t get the ones on scooters, but someone’s bound to end up at your door

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