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I don't TL:DR someone else can do it.

I'm pushing 40 so to late in life with to few propects or any disire to start over. I have had this fetish all my frucking life. Had to hide this shit most my life because the 90's and 00's was not set to bursting with fat bitches everywhere you turn. Life really sucked back then when so few women where fat as fuck and internet as least for me was unheard of. To get onto things I met this women online, was not even looking at the time. We hit it off though as we have a very common way of thinking on many things. We have been togather about 5 years now. Fucked idk how many times as well. She was over 270 at first and it was fucking amazing huge tits, big ass with thick thighs, love handles, pillow belly flab hanging over the thighs and hams for upper arm. I found her very atractive. Wanted her to gain much more and she knew I did. She gained up to over 350 something with no plans to stop. We both have many commen ways of thinking, both very based. We are a perfect match mentally and physically for each other. But then out of no where she got a health problem not some common weight related shit but some fuck shit a person at any weight or age can get. Came totally out of now where and derailed everything. Shes not dieing or nothing but what are the odds it just happen to be the same shit my many years beforehand X's mom had. No one in my womans family has this shit just her so we don't know why this fuck it happen. At 350 she had no breathing problems, was very active for someone her size and had little problems getting around and then as if over fucking night still at 350 she started gettign out of breath very easy, having no energy amoung many other health problems I wont say as I don't want to say from keeping her identy private incase one of her fat lovering X's lurks here. Shit was all fucked now. Docs pushed weight lose hard as fuck they didn't really know what else to do but there mind set was "oh shes fat there for its only because shes fat". It had fuck all to do with her weight it has to do with this bullshit health problem I am very familer with it and weight has fuck all to do with how bad or good someone can deal with it. Its just a matter of finding the right cocktail of meds and there fine. So now shes lost 70 or so pounds, she still looks fat but just not the same.I guess I should be like a fucking normie should be all "but your health is what really matters" "its just a fetish" blah fucking blah. No I want her fat as fuck, My whole fucking life I've wanted a women so fucking fat she can barly waddle around being housebound from her weight borderline immoble. I had an X that was borderline housebound fucking loved the hell out of every sceond of that lard ass struggling to breath and get around, dick was diamond 24/7, she had massive sagging tits at lest an M cup and a belly apron past her fucking knees with upper arms dripping with lard rolling over her elbow.s As I said diamond dick for her body 24/7 but it didn't last as sexy as she was she was dumb as a fucking box of rocks and could not hold the simplest of conversations to save her life. Not in a cute anime type way, just a stupid as fuck annoying way. It got old and we split. The woman I'm with now smart as fuck. Can hold any kinds of conversation you throw at her and always has the perfect reply to any question. But now I'm unsure if she can ever gain the weight back much less till being a fucking cellulite ridden blob of my dreams. We won't split but shit fucking sucks beyond words this bullshit health problem happened out of no where and the fucking docs got her to get weight lose to fix shit even though it cured fucking nothing after the weight lose. She still has every fucking health problem from this shit so wtf was the point of her even getting weight lose if it cured fucking nothing. Now do I have to give up on my fucking fat fantasy? Will she forever not eat more then a fucking tea cup a day? Will her gut ever sag past her thighs again?

Dreams taken from me by weightlose when my womens weight lose fixed none of the underlying problems of her health. Fuck those fucking docs for making my women lose fucking weight to cure her health problems when all it did was kill my fucking boner and cure fucking none of her health problems.
Another resend I'd never start over is I love my woman just fucking very annoyed about the weight lose and most women today are complete std ridden body count higher then the miles is long from the Earth to the Sun so not remotly worth the trash out there.
Asked ChatGPT to reword your post to be legible because at 40 you shouldn't be writing with almost no sense of spacing or breathable grammar (anyway I have great sympathy for you though I'm 25 and I understand the dilemma):

I am approaching my forties, which I believe is quite late in life to consider starting anew, given my limited prospects and a lack of desire to do so. Throughout my life, I've carried a unique fetish that I've had to keep hidden for the most part. This was particularly challenging during the 90s and 2000s when the prevalence of curvaceous women was not as widespread as it is today, and the internet was largely unfamiliar to me. Life was considerably more challenging back then, with so few women fitting my particular preference for a fuller figure.

To provide some context, I happened to meet a woman online when I wasn't actively seeking a relationship. Surprisingly, we clicked almost instantly due to our remarkably similar worldviews. We have been in a relationship for approximately five years now, during which time we have been intimate countless times. When we first met, she weighed over 270 pounds, and I found her incredibly attractive. Her voluptuous figure included ample assets – large breasts, a generous posterior, thick thighs, love handles, and a soft belly that gracefully hung over her thighs. Even her upper arms had a delightful layer of flesh. Her physical appearance was highly appealing to me. I desired for her to gain even more weight, and she was well aware of my inclination. She eventually reached a weight of over 350 pounds, and there were no intentions of her stopping there.

Beyond our physical compatibility, we also shared a deep intellectual connection, with both of us having strong, well-grounded beliefs. It seemed that we were a perfect match mentally and physically. However, an unexpected twist came out of nowhere when she developed a health issue, unrelated to her weight. It was a condition that could afflict anyone, regardless of their weight or age. This unexpected health problem completely derailed our plans. Thankfully, she is not facing a life-threatening situation, but it was astounding that the same condition had previously affected my ex-partner's mother many years ago. No one else in my partner's family had experienced this condition, leaving us bewildered as to why it had struck her.

At 350 pounds, she had no breathing difficulties, remained active for someone of her size, and encountered minimal issues with mobility. However, it seemed as though overnight, she began experiencing severe breathlessness, fatigue, and a host of other health problems, which I won't elaborate on to protect her privacy from any potential eavesdropping by her ex-lovers. Our situation had taken a devastating turn.

Medical professionals strongly advocated for weight loss, as they couldn't identify any other effective solutions. Their mindset was fixated on her weight, assuming that her health issues were solely due to her size. However, I knew from my own familiarity with this condition that weight had no bearing on how one copes with it. It's merely a matter of finding the right combination of medications. Her health could be effectively managed without drastic weight loss. Despite my protests, she lost around 70 pounds, and although she still appears curvaceous, it's not quite the same.

I acknowledge that the conventional response would be to prioritize her health and consider my fetish as secondary. Some might suggest that it's just a fetish, but I've longed for a woman who is exceedingly overweight to the point of being nearly immobile, essentially housebound due to her size. I've experienced the intense attraction that comes with it before, as I once had a partner who was almost housebound, and I cherished every moment of witnessing her struggle to move and breathe, with my desire unwaveringly at its peak. She had massive sagging breasts, at least an M cup, and her belly extended past her knees, while her upper arms were adorned with layers of soft flesh that would spill over her elbows. My desire for her body was insatiable, yet our relationship was short-lived because she lacked even the most basic conversational skills.

My current partner, on the other hand, is incredibly intelligent and capable of engaging in any conversation effortlessly, always offering the perfect response to any question. But now, I find myself uncertain whether she can ever regain the weight, let alone reach the point where she becomes the cellulite-covered embodiment of my fantasies. Although we won't part ways, the situation is undeniably distressing. This unexpected health issue emerged out of nowhere, and despite her weight loss, none of her underlying health problems have improved. It's perplexing to me why the doctors insisted on weight loss when it has proven ineffective in addressing her health issues.

In conclusion, my dreams have been shattered by a misguided emphasis on weight loss, which failed to alleviate any of my partner's health concerns. I harbor frustration toward the medical professionals who prioritized weight loss over a comprehensive approach to her health issues. Despite these frustrations, I want to emphasize that my love for my partner remains unwavering. It is the weight loss and the challenges we face in trying to restore her health that have left me deeply perturbed. Additionally, it's worth noting that the modern dating scene appears to be fraught with issues, with many individuals harboring concerning sexual histories and elevated risks of sexually transmitted diseases. This further underscores the uniqueness of my current relationship.
Thanks for the help Anon. I was one of them slow learners who just got pushed through school in the 90s with that "no one gets left behind" shit I just barely pass high school back then because of my shit slow learning problems. Really thankful for the help and understanding Anon.
I know you're not OP, but I'll reply to you for the sake of visibility.

OP, I think you should stick with her. I think you should prioritize getting her the meds that'll actually help her health and then once she's better, have her go right back to gaining. But above all, I would suggest expressing how you feel and being communicative (if that's something you already do, of course, don't blurt it out of nowhere.)

I don't mind the ChatGPT thing it's worded a lot better than how I said it but I agree with you I have no intentions of ever leaving my woman.

I love her very much and finding the right meds has been a real pain in the ass but hopefully someday the right kind will be figured out.

I'm very open with her about my fetish, she is very accepting of it. Honestly, she seems like she would willing to keep gaining more weight. But this health crap just came out of nowhere.

We don't understand how it happened as no one in her family has ever had this type of health problem so it really sucks that it put almost a total stop on her gaining more weight till it's figured out at some point. she was gaining so well beforehand.

After the WLS and her losing so much weight so fast it really sucks but I hope her body over time will be able to handle eating more somewhere down the line.

Still very annoyed about how much the docs she saw pushed the ever-living hell out of WLS to fix her health yet it changed nothing just made her lose a lot of weight well fixing none of the overall problems.

I can't stand doctors personally they don't care about fixing people just about getting them on a ton of for-life meds for their own profit. A patient cured is a customer lost to doctors.

I can't wait for one day when she can gain again and hopefully till nearly immobile or at least housebound, I'm just happy she knows that what I want and is very understanding about it and accepts it.
>>35000 (OP)
I am actively trying to cure myself of it. Issue is I can’t stop fapping to fat hentai. I don’t even like real life fat girls, I think they’re disgusting and smelly, but whenever I see bbw hentai my dick just goes insane and sometimes it’s the only thing I can get off to
imagine being 40 and referring to yourself or others as based


>Asked ChatGPT to reword your post to be legible because at 40 you shouldn't be writing with almost no sense of spacing or breathable grammar

fucking lol
>>35000 (OP)

I can barely read this. Not just because of the grammar, but that history from 90s-00s is kinda true.

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