
(149 KB, 1200x800, 172jae_001.jpg)
Tell about encounters you've had with girls who ended up being way fatter in person than they looked in their pics. Can be models you've met, girls from online dating, etc.

I'll start - last year I met a girl on Bumble, she looked like she had a fairly average build. If I had to guess, she looked like she was maybe 175-180lbs in her pics. So we made plans for a coffee date. When I went to pick her up, she opened the door and the first thing I noticed was how much bigger her belly was. I was unsure if she was the same person at first, but it was indeed her and she had to have put on at least 75 pounds since she took the pictures she used on bumble. Of course, it was a very pleasant surprise lol. Unfortunately, we only saw each other once more and decided it wasn't a good match, but it's still hot to think about how much fatter she actually was
I own a house I Airbnb/VRBO. During covid I rented it to a woman for 6 months so she could get away from a roommate situation. Headshot showed a very pretty mixed race millennial, slightly roundish face but slim neck and shoulders. The photo was head-on, i.e. no posing tricks, but for some reason my FAdar pinged and I said to myself "I bet she's fat." Lo and behold, she showed up 5'6" and 280ish. Face quite a bit fatter than the headshot but cute, not moonish; body-wise she was a very thick hourglass, huge boobs and a donk.

Spotted SSBBW Asshley in the wild once... MUCH bigger than I expected based on her pics. That ass was turning heads and not just FA pervs like me. Goes to show context is everything.
>hit it off with cute indie girl on okcupid
>looks thin/normal
>she comes over, between chubby and fat
>somehow it gets out that i like chubby girls
>she starts with an ironic defeated cry laugh
>gets emo and sad that apparently i wanted to fuck her because she was fat
>we fuck again
>she starts smirking
>starts rubbing her belly against me

she was fucking nuts and texted me like 4 pages of feminist tirades when i said i wasn't down to hang out, but at least it's a story
I've heard from a few people that Asshley is HUGE in person. Was her belly bigger in person too, or just her ass?
I experiemced this on dating sites as a rule, even when the woman was being honest about her weight. This actually happened on my first ever date with my wife. I guess I just didn't know what 300lbs looked like IRL.

After dating for awhile it kinda went back in the opposite direction as her size got normalized in my head.
I’ve posted about it before but I prefer not to name names when possible, but I was introduced to a “smaller” (sub-400, likely sub-350) BigCuties model by a mutual friend in 2019 and was blown away by the size of her, lmao. The internet really skews your perception of size.
Same story, opposite experience. Was surprised how not huge she was, I could pick her up easy.
I’m 6’3” and pushed around larger people playing high school football.
>I experienced this on dating sites as a rule, even when the woman was being honest about her weight.
Same. Almost every time.

The opposite scenario happened to me twice though. By which I mean she told me she was fat when we were texting (or had it in her bio) but when we met IRL she wasn't
Came across bigcutie vallery at a Costco near Anaheim back when she was still actively modeling for them. I always thought of her as a relatively mid-sized bbw, I knew she was somewhere around 350lbs at this point but she didn't look huge in her pics. Anyway, her ass and legs weren't any bigger than what I would have expected... her belly, on the other hand... just wow. Huge is an understatement. Like, her belly was certifiably fat as fuck. And not just that, she dressed in a way that really showed it off. Her shirt was tucked in (somehow) but her belly wasn't tucked into her pants the way most fat chicks do. I was hanging over her belt, probably a third of the way down her thighs. She was getting a number of stares from people who walked past her. The sight of her on that day is a mental image I'll happily hold onto for a very long time
It was a brief sighting — she was heading up an escalator, I was going down — that honestly I was so fixated on her hips and ass it didn’t leave an impression. I’ve seen bigger asses but it’s rare to see a white woman with a shelf like that.
I saw a local feabie girl at a grocery store around midnight and was shocked at how much bigger she looked on person.

She's ugly, ginger with cheeto hair and tall so not my type at all but it was still astonishing how big 5'11 and 580lbs really is.
was this in the northwest? I know one girl on Feabie that's tall and ginger too but 100lbs lighter
No south-east US. I pulled her weight and height straight off feabie though so you can prob find her if you're curious
think Asshley's downsized a fair amount in recent years which makes sense since she must be in her 50s, but at her peak she must have been enormous on proportions alone. I don't think she has a recorded weigh-in over the higher 300s but those hips and ass just had that take-up-a-doorway shit going on. one of my all time favorites.
oh and related to OP, Jae and Brianna are both 5'10" or 5'11", just a rare combination of height and weight. I can barely comprehend what that would look like in person
Asshley was like 375 in a weigh in she did during the pandemic. I'm not so sure she has slimmed down since then, but then again I have no idea I'd her OF posts are current pics or just re-using old ones. I do know the weigh in was legit when it was uploaded because she did mention the pandemic in it.

How much does Brianna weigh? I know Jae is something like 650 right now. I thought Brianna was always a little heavier, is she near 700 now?
Brianna has a 630 weigh-in out there but I've fallen off keeping up with her. 650's not out of the question
Hayley is on feabie?
>>34980 (OP)
Anyone got here FATfished?
>Girls trying to hide their obesity through profile pictures
>Or using photos when they were slim

And they say cameras can make anyone look wider. Which I know that's the opposite of a problem when it comes to fat models.
Kek, but also believable. Some of those clips of her out in the wild are NOT flattering to that girl.
I am extremely interested in this
It's not Hailey
(7.8 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1694178449363.webm)
Hayleythebignoodle aka GingerBunnyH/HayleyBunny
She's just 23 or 24 and allready 600+lbs with avery fast gaining pace. Just take a look at her old IG post and compare to her recent twitter IG stuff. Only thing wrong with her are her very infrequent curvage posts.... :/

This was many years ago when she was at her peak and in her prime, and like I said she was a head-turner both in size and shape. Good thing because I wasn't the only one gawking at her lol.

After a pretty impressive late-career blow up, Asshley has definitely slimmed down over the past year. I'm thinking she had WLS (again) because it happened quickly and she's looking really saggy and haggard. I think someone posted examples on her /SSBBW thread.
I am... cough cough... well-entrenched in the scene enough to be able to Facebook creep practically anyone. Asshley doesn't look dramatically smaller to me but obviously she ain't dressing to show off on fb pics, lol.
yeah after posting that I went and double checked on coomer, not great. ah well.
would shoot ribbons up her sweaty folds
Still would. Everyone looks better in their 20’s, but she’s got this “PTA member down to get rawed” look.
It’s psychological for me. If she appeared on the scene like this I’d be all over it. But knowing she was near-peak weight -and- MILFy-saggy as of 18 months ago kills it.
It’ll come back. With these girls, it’s just a matter of time.
You’re right but will she be showing it off?
Shes been in the game for like 20 years, now. If these girls are anything, they’re creatures of habit. I’d say there’s a chance.

She already came back from WLS once, too.
Your lips to god's ears. She might well do a Destiny and get chopped up twice only to regain it all (or most of it).
>>34980 (OP)
that pic you used... WAY bigger in person.

Has Destiny actually regained a second time? Or is everything out there old?
I think she was still sub-500 when she did this set. I can only imagine how huge she is in person. Her belly must be insanely fat
She mixes in old stuff on her clips4sale page but it's obvious what's what. From what I can tell she's on her way, though maybe not even halfway to where she was. It's like an index fund vs. crypto, WLS rebound is a long game but pays big dividends lol.
Didn’t she lose the second time so she could have a kid? I can respect that.
Second time is now, that was the first and it was like 20 years ago(?). She’s dropped out of sight a couple of times, a long career but sporadic. I remember that first post-WLS comeback and she had a scar on her stomach that was engulfed by belly flab. I’m a degenerate so it got me off. Anyway IMO she was at her hottest last year with the Covid weight and general middle aged entropy - tits huge and sagging, gigantic arms, mega cellulite on her thighs — ultra milf pear.

Wondering if she’ll keep posting her saggy post-WLS progress a la Cajun BigEZ. I stopped paying for her stuff but kept looking at her Southern Charms previews for years like a car crash on the side of the road.

Someone mentioned maybe she’s on Wegovy or some other GLP1 shot, which is encouraging. You reinflate immediately once you’re off it but that shit’s expensive and insurance companies are starting to balk at paying for a $1,200/mo drug indefinitely… That story is covered in another thread here.

Sorry for being verbose, blame insomnia lol.
OP you see Jae is 687 pounds now?? Holy shit
Side note: good to hear that’s what happens with Wegovy. My girl’s doctor is trying to get her on it.
Our dysfunctional, money-driven medical system saves the day for FAs. Only in America lol.
From what I understand, people tend to put the weight back on once they go back off it. Whether that's due to simply regressing to the eating habits that made them become so far, I can't say for sure. I know my girlfriend was looking into going on it, but can't due to money issues. Probably for the best, because she actually intends on losing a fair bit of weight, though she doesn't want to be skinny.

OT: The first woman I ever met off of Feabie was sitting around 375 when we had met up. I ended up arriving at our meeting point first, and watched her drive in. I had to do a double-take, just because her mass made her barely fit in the driver's seat. And my gf's a bit heavier than that.

Glad to hear I haven't been the only one disappointed by how small someone actually is, after being promised of them being much fatter. It's happened to me at least 3 or 4 times with dating sites. I was always upfront in my profile with "Fat girls to the front of the line", so that may have been a mistake, I think a few women played into it and kind of set up expectations too high (heavy?).

One person in particular I remember being really excited to meet bc she really played up how fat she was for a while. Talked about how she didn't fit in booths, car seats, movie theater seats... and she ended up being maybe 280 lbs soaking wet, maybe a size 22 at the most. I guess she was big by typical standards, she must have thought herself a huge landwhale bc she hated herself; she ended up being a huge pickme kind of person who always talked about her diets and how she planned to lose weight, so that alone made me lose interest very quickly.

To be fair to her, my standards are pretty skewed after dating increasingly fatter women for 15+ years.
That does sound like a bummer

I’d still do it

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