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I’m really not expecting god’s gift to moderating on a website dedicated to pirating fat softcore porn but some of the moderating on her is just baffling, especially in the Adeline thread on /ssbbw/.

I replied to two posts sharing 64encoded WeTransfer links informing the thread the the links were already dead after a couple hours, and that it’s usually the case with that filehost. My post was deleted. I’m fully aware the Adeline thread gets special attention from BBWChan moderation for some unspoken reason but it’s fucking ridiculous what gets deleted sometimes.

Anyway share your mod gripes here.
Modding on a site like this is a delicate thing because we went through a time when everything was getting scrutinized and jess & co was banning EVERYTHING. So the mods don't want to infringe on the imageboard feel.

But goddamn is the Adeline thread a slap in the face to that philosophy. You'll let kilotroll and unhinged political posting stay despite being completely off-topic, but pointing out that a model is losing weight along with other related discussion gets the axe? Either we're strictly a content-sharing or we're not. Make up your fucking minds. And yes, I saw the Randalin thread get cleaned up - that's not what we're referring to here. Adeline's thread always gets special attention the second her image gets a little tarnished. I would kill for that kind of attention on other threads, but mods pick and choose.

And I've seen that the mods try to ban notorious trolls and schizos and there's excuses due to VPNs and mobile networks. There have to be solutions to that and we need them NOW. Ban those fuckers yesterday. Fuck's sake, there's safeguards on 4chan to help fight this shit. Bring that here.
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>I replied to two posts sharing 64encoded WeTransfer links informing the thread the the links were already dead after a couple hours, and that it’s usually the case with that filehost. My post was deleted. I’m fully aware the Adeline thread gets special attention from BBWChan moderation for some unspoken reason but it’s fucking ridiculous what gets deleted sometimes.

Links get reported all the time for so many reasons. Some are from hard-asses who are reporting all base64 links regardless because they want them to go away (as they aren't really necessary anymore and people tend to hide shady shit within them), or just because as you said the link is expired and they don't want other people wasting their time decoding it. Or it's the model itself reporting it as an "anon". Whatever the case, sometimes when sifting through 50+ reports on the report page, mods will occasionally nuke things. I'm not going to say every decision is justified or properly researched, but I will say I've learned to just let my mods do their job. For every instance you see like what you described that might be somewhat negative from a modding perspective, there are 5 where you didn't see racism, CP, or gore, or politic-posting so the overall net effect is positive. That's all I'm going to say about that.

>Modding on a site like this is a delicate thing because we went through a time when everything was getting scrutinized and jess & co was banning EVERYTHING. So the mods don't want to infringe on the imageboard feel.
Hell we walk on such thin ice. Couldn't even delete a low effort, postage-stamp sized AI troll thread of taylor swift without getting revenge gore. It's ridiculous.

>And I've seen that the mods try to ban notorious trolls and schizos and there's excuses due to VPNs and mobile networks. There have to be solutions to that and we need them NOW. Ban those fuckers yesterday. Fuck's sake, there's safeguards on 4chan to help fight this shit. Bring that here.

It's true we maintain a giant database of IP and phrase bans, but there's just no way to effectively block someone who is determined, has time, and at least some amount of techinical knowledge. Saying there are safeguards on 4chan to prevent trolls and schizos is probably true, but thinking it's 100% effective is not. Besides, we don't run 4chan's software. We run lynxchan. We're at the mercy of some brazilian who decided one day to make his own chan software. At the time the transition from tinyboard to lynxchan made total sense, tinychan was a security nightmare with limited mod tools, and lynxchan was better. Still, the challenges we face today with CP and consistent IP hopping trolls does make me wish our modding tools were more robust, but it is what it is.
Can we at least get updated rules? Necrobumping threads should be against the rules but those are allowed some of the time. B64 isn't against the rules but you still get reports. And at least some clarification on what is off-topic regarding the Adeline and Randalin threads is warranted. I know going derailing threads isn't the worst thing and not everything has to be allowed, but fuck it's annoying to see actual good discussion purged because a mod is upset his waifu is in the spotlight.

At least something to point to would be helpful.
This job doesn't exactly pay the bills, nor even has decent clientele. And it's even harder to maintain when some dude is using a VPN to upload child porn and be destructive overall.

Not including the consistant homophobic, racist, and political spam that keeps getting posted.
Can we have a referendum on what's allowed and what isn't? Racism and homophobia are allowed on some boards but not all, and politics just happens everywhere. I just want some consistency.
What do you want me to say? Obviously, we'd prefer if people weren't assholes who racebait and woke-post at each other, but are you really suggesting we police each and every time someone calls someone else a faggot? On a chan? It's just not feasible. We have our hands full with a literal dumpster fire worth of CP and gore posting. Necro-posts and the occasional n-word are the least of our concerns. Asking for consistency on an anonymous image board open to literally the entire internet with not so much as an e-mail verification is naive.
>It's true we maintain a giant database of IP
>Saying there are safeguards on 4chan to prevent trolls and schizos is probably true
their ip database is just larger. you basically can't post with anything but a residential ip
who said they're trying to prevent trolls and schizos?
>Not including the consistant homophobic, racist, and political spam that keeps getting posted.
>What do you want me to say?
trim and reform your rules to the point that you can actually enforce them consistently and uphold their integrity. ban false reports. tell your niggerfaggot mods to stop arbitrarily deleting posts that are not:
>literal dumpster fire worth of CP and gore posting
and of that severe nature, just like you say. err on the side of race baiters, politics etc. since you can't keep up. normal people have a functioning 'brain filter'. no one is forced to read. no need to bitch and whine whenever *the* schizo starts rambling for example

Funny how the guy from Switzerland is downplaying the ordeal and acting like he could run the site better.

Then again, it's mostly the Swiss users who are causing most of the damage in the first place.
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>We have our hands full with a literal dumpster fire worth of CP and gore posting.

Which you and your team are still doing a shit job of maintaining. If gore or CP is up for more than a few hours, then you don't have enough cooks in your kitchen.

I can ignore the racism and faggotry, that comes with being on a chan board. I don't even mind that the containment threads never actually work. What I don't care for is mods having just enough time on their hands to prune their waifu threads that get out of hand in their mind, but ignore the ones that are a fucking mess by any other measure. And no I don't mean /gen/.

Define what off-topic is. Make everyone who volunteered to monitor this site adhere to that. Otherwise what the fuck are we doing here?
>Funny how the guy from Switzerland is downplaying the ordeal and acting like he could run the site better.
why is that funny, amerishart?
>Then again, it's mostly the Swiss users who are causing most of the damage in the first place.
how come?
The fact that Kisame exists is proof there is no moderation. Only white knight or paid mods that delete links or criticism on specific models.
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Don't bother anon. Kisame here grew up during the Bush Years. Americans know how to troll boomers when they go with their terror alerts.

Pic related is how stupid your demands are. We're not going back to 24. Like the Joker, I find your obsession with order pathetic and deserving to be mocked.
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> If gore or CP is up for more than a few hours, then you don't have enough cooks in your kitchen
My thread recruiting more janitors has been up for months. We've gotten exactly two new mods. What would you have me do? Forcibly enlist 10% of the user base by not allowing them to post until they contact me on discord for a mod interview? I cannot simply magically increase the numbers of mods on a whim. You don't think there are enough mods? Be the change you want to see, message me on discord for an interview.

Beyond that, how much time do you think each individual mod spends modding per day? Well, it's never going to be 24, people have to sleep. So that's 16 hours max, but is any mod REALLY going to mod for two full-time jobs worth a day? Fuck no, you'd be lucky to even get 8. The real deal average is 4 a day, at best. Then, do you think there's a schedule I could actually make my mods adhere to so that's there's overlap and no gaps? Ha! They are unpaid volunteers, I'm lucky they mod AT ALL, I can't very well tell them "Ok mod 1 you're up from 6am-10am, and mod 2 I need you from 10am-2pm, and mod 3 has 2pm to 6pm, and mod 4 , you're not gonna like this but 6pm-10pm..." etc etc etc. I have to let them mod whenever they have time. Mostly from the U.S., which means overnight has little coverage and there's just shit I can do about that besides stay up all night myself and refresh the reports page. Which brother, after 6+ years of this, no way. It's just not happening.

This isn't my livelihood, it's just a side project I've run. Poorly, according to some, but hey. It matters very, very little in the grand scheme of things. As I've said, we're in dire financial straits and based on the single $40 donation we've received since I posted that, we're not surviving into 2024. So, all the gripes and problems people have with administration here are literally just 5 months away from solving themselves. BBWChan will be gone, and everyone can move on to places with more stringent, consistent moderation.
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>we're in dire financial straits and based on the single $40 donation we've received since I posted that, we're not surviving into 2024
take inspiration from the openbsd foundation. also accept monero
Lol these idiots complaining about why there aren’t more mods popping up out of nowhere to janitor the place for free. “can’t get my burger during Covid without a wait, guess no one wants to WORK anymore.”
>My thread recruiting more janitors has been up for months. We've gotten exactly two new mods. What would you have me do?

Pin a "recruiting mods" thread on /bbw/, /ssbbw/, /bbwdraw/, and /tits/ (/booty/ is a lost cause). Maybe that will help?

No harm in trying.
oh and stop making it obnoxiously cryptic to apply to be a mod. From your janitor thread:
>...Anyway, if you've read all that and are still interested, message me on discord. Your first competency check is to find it, as we don't advertise it much.

Completely unnecessary. Make it easier to "apply," as you put it.

>>My thread recruiting more janitors has been up for months. We've gotten exactly two new mods. What would you have me do?

>> Your first competency check is to find it, as we don't advertise it much.

For starters, don't make it a chore for people to even apply in the first place. You think most people are going to hunt you down for an interview? You're no better than an employer who moans that his business is dying due to lack of staff, yet you only have one "Help Wanted" sign in the back of the building where no one can see it.

>> Ha! They are unpaid volunteers, I'm lucky they mod AT ALL

Grow a backbone for once and set up a schedule. It's not going to kill them to set aside 15-20 minutes at a time to scroll through each section for CP. This ain't a prison, you don't need 100% surveillance from 6-10 or 2-6.

>>So, all the gripes and problems people have with administration here are literally just 5 months away from solving themselves. BBWChan will be gone, and everyone can move on to places with more stringent, consistent moderation.

So you should've been upfront to begin with instead of being cryptic until it became financially impossible for you. Instead of blaming the lack of funding and mods, blame yourself for not taking his "side project" more seriously.

Only a faggot like you would think more people will work minimum wage to flip burgers. If the dude wanted more mods, then he would've made a better effort instead of posting a thread that most people won't even see and expect people to find his shitty little discord channel.

I guess the bastard wasn't that desperate for mods.
The hundreds of cp bullshit that gets nuked instantly means nothing to you eh. You just wanna bitch about the one that slips through. You have no idea how many shitposts there are. Nobody is forcing you to be here
how defensive. guess you aren't planning to address the issues
we don't give a shit about the shitposts. that's kind of the point of this whole thread
are these the logs for manual deletions?
That definitely isn't all of them. Killed new cp right after I posted my other reply, was 20 seconds old. Cleaned 40 posts of schizo shit out of a thread before that
>The hundreds of cp bullshit that gets nuked instantly means nothing to you eh

No not really. And the next time some little bitch from Canada wants to raise his voice at me, I'm beating his punk ass.

Have fun modding a dead site soon. Faggot.

Could care less about the schizo posts. I'm not trying to see an 8 year old on here.

But whatever, it's for the best the site shuts down. You mods always act miserable and lash out constantly. Barclays should've quit instead of letting it drag out as long as it has. And the amount of actual content compared to shitposts and CP is not worth it.
Yeah no, you guys signed your own death warrant. I maybe the resident schizo but even I think /preg/ and /Gen/ has full blown dementia.

Typical how the mods want to jump in NOW and sling blame on being under-staffed and users demanding too much. As if they expect people to shut up and be content with a few photos of naked children that slip through the cracks. Don't want to deal with it? Than that's on you for signing up in the first place. Should've let the site burn down on its own.
there's STILL CP on bbw btw
Nobody cares. You wanted the fascist state, you're gonna love it
Go learn how to cook, roastie
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I like how THIS is how you're announcing that the site is going to shut down. If it wasn't for this thread, you probably wouldn't had said a thing about it outside of your discord about it. Would've woken up one day to the site not being down permanently.
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Honestly? Let it die. It's clear that neither the owner, mods, nor community care enough this site to keep it going. The only things seemingly holding it together are a desperate need to acquire free fat porn and maybe trying to cling to chan culture.

I bet the CP will likely have this place shut down before the money runs out. Doesn't matter either way, place will be gone soon regardless.
The Adeline issue is absolute bullshit. Her boyfriend is obviously a mod or a friend of the mods.

I mean I’d bail on the site but there’s pretty much nowhere else to talk about this shit other than dead forums full of boomers and grandma fatties like dimensions or Reddit which is obviously full of trannies, woke tards and faggots.
Can't you permaban the CP posters, or is it impossible for you to do?
As it's been said multiple times, we just don't have the tools. You can use VPNs and other gateways to access this site. Beyond that, we have an auto-filter but it only works if they use the same phrase or trigger. They're savvier than that and that's why the posts have strange spacing & special characters to break things up. If it was as simple as a ban on anything that looked suspicious we wouldn't be here.

And for everyone getting ready to light fireworks for the death of BBWchan, I hope you realize no other platform is going to be as tolerant of your bullshit as we are here. It's not even about the content sharing (which good fucking luck trying to find anywhere that even allows you to post links), but the discussion here is objectively obscene, and we allow it because that's what a chan is for. Call me a niggerfaggot liberal and post a link to Plump Princess washing her ass anywhere else and see how long it stays up. This place ain't perfect, not by a long shot, but it's a port in a storm.
I can hide the CP images from appearing when scrolling the board or the catalogue but they'll still show up as the thread image on the 'thread bar' on the right of the screen. is it possible to fix that? just removing the CP promptly would be preferable since it stays up for several hours but if I could just hide it better I'd be satisfied tbh
> It's clear that neither the owner, mods, nor community care enough this site to keep it going.
It's not a matter of "care," they obviously do based on how much time and money they've put into keeping this place up in the last couple years alone.
The problem is that the corporate internet tries its hardest to throttle any organic community hub out of existence to force you to use their platforms.
>I mean I’d bail on the site but there’s pretty much nowhere else to talk about this shit other than dead forums full of boomers and grandma fatties like dimensions or Reddit which is obviously full of trannies, woke tards and faggots.

Could give two shits about conversations. 99% of you bitches do nothing but run your mouths instead of uploading pirated content. I don't need to hear you bitch about Reiina's partner, if Mochii is dead, or whatever the fuck K****e is talking about.

>The problem is that the corporate internet tries its hardest to throttle any organic community hub out of existence to force you to use their platforms.

I call bullshit StufferDB has only been around since 2017 and it's surpassed this site in every way. Yeah Xin is an lazy idiot, but he's a hell of a lot more competent than Barclays when it comes to running a site. People are just going to flock to there anyways.
>I hope you realize no other platform is going to be as tolerant of your bullshit as we are here.

You say it like it's a bad thing. I can easily do without this community's "discussion." I only want the free content.

Even if the chan dies, there will always be places for piracy. Maybe it won't be as easy, but it will continue somewhere else.
None of you 40s burnouts are worth protecting. I can generate low effort titty content as K-17 more than preg content.
> there will always be places for piracy.

Spankbang alone blows this dump out of the water. I always find content a day or two later over there as supposed to here.


I can generate shit too, doesn't mean I'll show it off to people.
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>The problem is that the corporate internet tries its hardest to throttle any organic community hub out of existence to force you to use their platforms.

Urbit is still in alpha and not ready for prime time, but some day we'll be trading BBW porn and scene gossip on Mars. Get your ship now, if you're smart enough to hack it, and prepare to become a true ~fatgal-wankyr in a few more years.
I still notice the jannies finding time to delete whatever bullshit posts. Get a life, focus on the CP..
Would sure be nice if I could access the reports to find it, don't have time to search the site. I kill shit from the front page
Stop nuking normal posts, faggot.
Awwww, muffin
>Would sure be nice if I could access the reports to find it, don't have time to search the site.

Literally in the first row of threads in /Gen is CP at the time I'm typing this. You do realize the newer comments are always near the top right? How is it that somehow you make things more difficult than they have to be?
Can't do anything in gen. Only mods are able too
Fuck you. Stop deleting normal posts. Learn 'too' spell, paedophile retard.
Lol. You are the biggest waste of space here, stop bitching. Be productive. Sorry I can't always spell check
all that cryptic recruitment shit just to get a guy that can't even spell "to"? "don't have time to search the site. I kill shit from the front page" lmfao
btw here is the link to the tranny janny discord https://bbw-chan.nl/.static/pages/links.html

My mistake, I meant /BBWReal.
>You are the biggest waste of space here

Says the guys who bitches and moans about a job that he volunteered for. Barclays played you like a sucker and now you're a bitter fuck who does nothing here but delete child porn all day and bicker with trolls.

Am I wrong?
I never have to leave my house unless I want to for years now and refresh this site (ssbbw/gen) multiple times a day nearly involuntary. If even I don't want to mod this site then I think no sane person would do it.
given that there's this problem of horrible shit being posted and not enough people to take it down makes me wonder what your policy on log retention is? How long are server/access logs kept with visitor IPs? because anyone who accidentally sees this shit is potentially liable too. As is the site for being subpoenaed. So it'd hope logs are deleted ricky tick?
Yet the mods are busy deleting normal discussion. Get your fucking shit together Barclays.

>>Yet the mods are busy deleting normal discussion.

Or how they can ban regular user's IPs yet still somehow can't ban IPs of CP uploaders.
Supposedly, DeviantArt is banning inflation artists for uploading pornography. I am not sure if this is related to artists on Discord getting hacked.
How is that a surprise? If you're spamming CP, you obviously have tools to push out posts and links as fast as possible to avoid being nailed down. No one is doing that casually. They're avoiding bans altogether and this site doesn't have the tools to ban those repeat offenders reliably.
>and this site doesn't have the tools to ban those repeat offenders reliably.

Sounds like an issue that should've been addressed long ago instead of just piling on more moderators. It's like using duct tape to stop a leaking roof.
>If you're spamming CP, you obviously have tools to push out posts and links as fast as possible to avoid being nailed down.

This site is literally outsmarted by a VPN. Hell, there are browsers now with them built in. It's easy as hell to bypass a ban here and post whatever you want.
What about the deluge of morons that start a thread with one or two thumbnails of a woman while begging or asking for ID in a 2 or 3 word post without providing any other content in return? /tits/ is filling up with these fucktards (/booty/ is much worse) who slide actual decent threads off into the void.
I don't care about shitposting and arguments. I just don't want illegal shit here. I don't visit this site like I did because of those posts now.
I do wonder, has traffic slowed down recently here since the increase of those posts???
I've been visiting this place for years and I never saw that crap at all.

So seeing that this place might not last into next year doesn't shock me. I quit sharing a while back since it became a begging place more so than a sharing place once coomer ( and kenmono) came to be. Upload something and those who download it won't reup it for someone else like it used to be.

If this place does die off, and it sounds like it will. It was fun while it lasted
Big thanks to whomever is nuking the Kilotroll posts.
I honestly think 4chan is trying to get BBWchan shot by gangbangers cause conspiracy nuts are obsessing over Kisame17
Even better is that I forgot about hyperpreg and DeviantArt is deleting all their garbage fan arts with the draconian laws alr righters wanted.
This is what makes people who hate Kisame and live off chan culture so utterly hilarious. Anons have the motivation of Elliot Rodgers and request 3/4 fat of she.
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Remember I am the woodpecker

braver than the troops

>>And for everyone getting ready to light fireworks for the death of BBWchan, I hope you realize no other platform is going to be as tolerant of your bullshit as we are here.

Cry me a river. No one told you to accept the Jannie job. You assholes can't tell the difference between the people who come here for the porn and the trolls anyways. That's your fault for not nipping the trolling and political talk it in the bud when you had the chance to. That's more annoying than the child porn.
This site still dying or what
If it is honestly its for the best can't say it was fun but hey it looks like its time to jump ship and leave and I'm out.

I checked their little discord, and it's literally Barclays and his goons circlejerking and shifting the blame onto the trolls and people who didn't donate money.

Ironically porn will be more enjoyable without models bitchng and whining about the site. And Kisame can fuck off into some dark corner and not trash anymore sites up.
Yeah it might be harder to find sites for porn but this place is a toxic cesspool anyway
Nobody cares incel. You can go fight with your imaginary friend Kisame on Discord if you don't like it here, coon lover

You cared enough to comment. Now go outside and read a book nigga.
I am on pills anon. Go shoot up the schools and die for Israel nigger
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Ignore people who whine about Kisame. They're just mad that Otaku won Asuka while Anno told them to be a wagie. Get back in your cage wagies
Shooting up schools is the white man's game, so have at it.

Imagine using pills as an excuse. I'll buy you and sell your house to Trump. Then I'll piss in your face while you're begging on your knees for mercy.


I like to thank Child Porn for being a reason why I'll never have to see you creatures ever again in a free-roam compacity. I've already messaged StufferDB and Preggophilia about the incoming surge of brainlets and spergs in the coming months.
I am not into that Chris Hansen snuff flick. I rather have warrior women, princess, queens and succubus, as well as elves
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>>34826 (OP)
Can we try a more efficient site design next year?
Obviously it's BBW-chan so fat women get the lion's share. Less boards mean more posters per board and obviousy every board should have its own draw thread, edit thread, write thread, roleplay thread, AI containment thread, etc. Boards for drawing and writing are too generic. Posting AI content outside of the board's AI containment threads should be reported. Please add a sage function so we can respond to bad threads we don't want to keep afloat. With few exceptions most franchises don't generate enough content to fill 300 posts or come close to 400.
Oh, and every board should have only one sticky that reads CHECK THE CATALOGUE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD.

Here are my board ideas.
/bbw/ - BBWchan: the site itself, general discussions
/c/ - chubby: smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight
/f/ - fat: bigfat, overweight, obese
/infl/ - inflation: because
/s/ - slob: lack of hygiene, smells, farts and vomit and shit and piss
/x/ - eXpansion: normie board, everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
/z/ - furry: everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal

I'm definitive on 300 posts per thread max and 150 threads per board max, and unsure on one attachment per post. With the newy freed up space we can add an archive for threads recently bumped off. I like this website and my goal is to free up space and time for mods.

Fuck off. You already floated this idea in another thread and were uniformly rejected. Copypasta won't change people's minds either, and your alternative organization schema strikes me as dumb. Also you were a whiny in a way I haven't seen outside of the worst subreddits (when a Canadian tells you to cool it with the whinging, you know you've gone too far).
Stop spamming this in unrelated threads as well. You bring shame upon the noble germanic race.
I would like to hear your arguments other than "Fuck off." By my estimations you can more than halve required storage space.
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>luther, marx, freud, hitler, nietzsche et al
>rampant cucking and autism every single time
It's a shit idea, fuck off
Here are the two anons comprising the "uniformly rejected" voice with "fuck off". They're moms' gay.
Other two anon's were nice and expressed a liking for the 2d/3dpd split and a lack of hope for expansion.
Post a better one.
It's fine the way it is, sure as hell no need for two inf boards. Slob is just alt. Lump all the fat chicks together, that will sure fly. Tits, booty and draw are the most active boards on the site. Ai is also pretty damn big. As I said. Shit idea
I'm talking about making BBWchan more intuitive to use like 2chan, 4chan, or 8chan before it got taken down, three very popular image boards. How should a new fan know they can draw or write for other boards when one is called /draw/ and another /write/?
>sure as hell no need for two inf boards.
Did you read my post? Right now there are two inf boards.
> Slob is just alt.
You'll notice there's no alt board in my suggestion.
>Lump all the fat chicks together, that will sure fly.
Where do you get that from? I thought up three seperate boards because from experience I know self-stylized fatphobes can like chubby women or men.
I'm really curious why two or three anon's are so negative about a tiny suggestion.
The only one missing is chubby, which is taken up by tits and booty. It's really not complicated
Please tell me where's the problem here because I really want to know.
Chubby women and drawing of chubby women go to /c/.
Chubby women and drawings of chubby women with big boobs or asses go to /c/.
Thin women and drawing of thin women with big boobs and asses go to /x/.
It's really not that complicated.
Nobody wants drawfags in real. Would be a massive mess. It's a terrible idea, give up on it
What part of replace /real/ and /draw/ with three boards is so difficult to understand? It works on 4chan. It can't be that difficult.
What part of no don't you understand. We are fine on storage and bandwidth. Paying for a server in questionable places is why it's expensive. Why clog up boards with shit that is not at all the same
>>39117 (Dead)
I'm trying to understand. Why is this the only image board that reacts so violently to a simplification of its experience?
How is that simplified. Real users don't generally give a shit about draw, draw doesn't generally give a shit about real. Just cause you are into inf and alt doesn't mean the rest of us want crossover
It's an OVERsimplification and it's inviting all kinds of chaos from people that have already gone through this. Plus we don't need the ire between those that only go to draw threads between anyone that only wants 3D. /trash/ regularly has that slapfight.

Also, the audacity to make /bbw/ the general complaints board. German engineering, amirite?
Okay, confession time. I'm no German. I'm an American *working* in Germany. For some reason my flag stays even when I move over borders.
Did I already say no more alt?
Fine! Let's add /3dpd/ to >>39097
My post said discussions, not complaints. I'm starting to suspect nobody else used any other image board but this one.
No need for us to be like every other chan, literally dedicated to fat fuckers.
You have it reversed. For some reason so many chans are organized like us, with seperate boards for content creation, and the ones which don't do so tend to be the most active. I figured integrating content creation into every board was the key to success.
Want to draw chubby but don't want to see morbidly obese requests? Go to /c/. Want to write stories for hugely overweight lovers? Go to /f/. Want to roleplay as a literal hog? Go to /z/. Are you a normie unsure if you really like rounder people? Go to /x/. I have been thinking about renaming /x/ into /exp/ for the lols.
are you a troll or are you just stupid
Little of both maybe
I don't browse much of the other boards besides /gen/, so not sure if it's across the site - But what's the deal with the one freak posting off topic threats to seemingly no one in every thread here? Is he ban evading?
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Fetish art is not popular in America because we're still a conservative county with strong work ethic. The problem is that nerds hopelessly sold out to the gay rights movement and come off as more obnoxious to Gen Z for wanting to live a hyper sexualized lifestyle. In an era where Only Fans is more popular than Spring Break, Rap videos, Huntington Beach, inflation artists are still losers cause they can't sell pussy to marines.
I will add that Gen Z knows who Cammy and Chun Li yet fetish artists can't sell their garbage to marines or David Petreaus despite crushing puss being common and American as McDonald's. Fetish Artists want to LARP as college student activists and shill terrorism while begging the courts to ban confederates, Nazis while having the neurosis of Woody Allen. It's why people are fleeing California for Texas or Florida for the Midwest. People are tired of cartoonists trying to be father figures. It's why the great replacement theory is happening. The left wants immigrants living on cheap land and broken English to be away from the loonies who talk about orange man or Kisame.
Work ethic?
Yeah, work ethic is exploited by the taxman and c suite.
Doesnt matter what license you have. If you have the license that can land you something solid. You know what they do? Put you somewhere u dont need it. Then when I have nothing.say they cant help you. Simple strategy they use to keep their cousins & relatives in top of the list.
I called her “smaller”, that post got mod deleted but the ones gaslighting us that Adeline is bigger than ever pop up to replace it.
It’s those anti-free speech Zionists who police every thread here.
That is why fetish artists are dirt poor. Catholics with their loser mentality think the taxman and c suite should be substituted for moral capital and get mad they get passed up to the illegal immigrant. This is why the archdiocese kicked the gay teacher out for not living the Catholic lifestyle. Riddle August is not a turbo Chad like RFK Jr.

I don't know what you are talking about. The internet has always been regulated.
This is the shit I'm talking about.
Interjecting as a mod, this isn't anything new here. Kisameposting has been a hazard of /gen/ for years now. You just gotta learn not to take the bait, not even to remind him to take his schizophrenia medication. (Hope you're doing well, Kisame)

But I do notice the rather pointed, if still aimlessly-directed, "threats" I've been seeing. Technically it's not breaking any rules, there's no doxxing or bannable profanity included, but it is just kinda weird to see pop up out of nowhere. If it gets to be disruptive I'll remove and ban, but for me personally it hasn't reached that point. Can't say the other mods don't feel the same - there's more pressing things that need to be watched out for.
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Kisame here. I know what I am talking about. My mom, aunt, and members of the church all work in healthcare. Healthcare is a union job for women that pays six figures as well as a pension as a RN, LPN. They all live in the suburbs and commute 100 miles into the city. They're not going to give up their Honda Fits, Mini Cooper, Jeeps, and Hellcat cause hard intellectuals want to use populations control to get into the city. I am well. All mental health is about fortifying the 9-5 workday and mindlessly praising the government as well as agreeable.

Corporations want schizos watching Fox News. Ron is crashing cause he's got no fucking personality. Where I live, LI is so schizo that we think teens could be a Mossad or are forced to call the cops for the thefts at 7-11
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I don't know what you're talking about. Artists deluded themselves into thinking normies will fund their art or support them. Now they got that job at Disney, Paramount, and WB and have to explain why company ratings are down or else they'll get laid off. I argued that work nowadays is similar to Office Space because Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, and the Daily Wire are just performative theater.
Got it. I'm not much caught up with the culture here. What no BBW ass must do to a man must be devastating.
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I bothered to check what's going on. Maiesophilia Men are being accused of googling at pregnant women on the web by TikTok/Instagram influencers and violating their right to privacy. Men complain that they're being persecuted and claim Rihanna, Ciara despite the fact that I've tell them mainstream society hates the sexual revolution. Just look at how TI got criticized because he made sure a gynecologist checked his daughter's virginity. I don't know what they mean because I don't do pornography, I am a cartoonist at heart and prefer a sillier direction as opposed to forced drama.
Look mod, I am well. My mom whines that I am an empty shell but I call her a femcel for barging into men's spaces and demanding men be Christian men. I am from Queens and I've stated time and time again that Queens is still a middle class conservative area. It just traded Judeo Christianity for Sikh and Muslims around the Van Wyck. The only Christians left are Latino Evangelicals and they live out in Suffolk off the Southern State. All the good food nowadays live off Jericho Turnpike. I live off Hempstead Turnpike where it's nothing but cheap auto and cheaper food. I am sure they're getting rid of the Hooters by the parkway cause the fat Hofstra students and fat conservatives don't want that casino by the coliseum. Better hope they don't get rid of the cheap buffet but the area is now seeing upscale eateries.
I am quiet cause my pastor has been complaining about the sex trafficking off Roosevelt Ave. Fatties roam Roosevelt Ave cause that's where the good food is.
>>34826 (OP)
>Anyway share your mod gripes here.
I have offered my job experience to improve this website, an equivalent of 1 week salary, and I have been snubbed without consideration. Is it really so hard to read the post before telling someone to fuck off? This is inline with stereotypes regarding fat lovers and ironically Germans I have to deal with daily.
Some boards could do well with a "one new thread per day" rule.
Nobody wants you as a mod because you're so self-evidently motivated by a desire to implement your personal grand vision of how *you* think the forums should be run. The rest of us aren't interested.
Am I missing something or has America changed in the 2-3 years I left?
I love this place. I love you guys. Love means I want the best for you. I don't want to be a mod and I can't for a lack of time. So the only thing I offer is my job experience to make production and interface "sleek" and only later some sweet donation money.
I want to make this website more like 2chan and 4chan and more accomodating to fresh blood I have actually succeeded to invite, is all.
I want to see this website become more efficient like 2chan and 4chan and more accomodating to fresh blood I have actually succeeded to invite, is all.
Edit: jetlag is still killing me.
German efficiency and German style hard right leadership is what we need from the mid community. We must stop the opposition.
What fuck is wrong with these scum? They buy CP just to mess up the site fuck it over? They should be put in front of a firing squad. Fucking human filth
.>>34869 IS this the scumbag Arty Marine?
>>34875 Uh Okay, why the hate? Also what?
I am happy I keep to GEN. BBW, and SSBBW
I'm here for discussion. I want to speak to people who think I'm a weirdo and won't judge me. I won't go to Reddit since it;s infested with leftists feminazis and faggot abominations.>>35750
The fuck?
Some are just coombrains, others sex-starved maniacs. I would like civil discussions without me being stalked by a fucking Arty Mairne whose head I live rent-free in because I kink shamed him for calling other people degenerates when he gleefully boasts how he enjoys eating his wife's ass. He should have been banned the moment the stalking started.
I love this place. I love you guys. Love means I want the best for everyone. This means cutting slack and straightening the act.
Less boards mean more people meet. I'm sorry if I sounded demanding in [current year + insert number].
Less boards mean less strenuous moderation.
More generals mean less chance content gets lost in a spam.
It's not rocket science.
Please at least try to consider the suggestion.
Aye. Send the tranny shit in the inciherator were it belongs
Why do posts keep disappearing?
Mods be gods.
I love you guys. I'm seriously not homo.

100% this. It's a pirate fat porn chat board. There literally isn't another place to get your fat kicks for free like here.

Stop the whinging and get on with why you come here in the first place. We've all had the odd post be deleted as part of a thread clean up, it's not the end of the fucking world at the end of the day.

Yeah, there's the odd dirty bastards here shoving up fucking filth CP, I've reported it a few times in the last few weeks and it's gone within an hour. We all know what it is, report it and reply to the post so anyone else casually scrolling doesn't inadvertently click into anything they'd rather not see.

Is your life really that hard you need to come on here and start a thread about the mods when you're getting more fat porn than you know what to do with?

Go on someone, derail the thread and call me some derogatory name. STFU
>Is your life really that hard you need to come on here and start a thread about the mods when you're getting more fat porn than you know what to do with?
To be honest yes. My life has become hard since moving and only to find out Germans are addicted to the status quo.
To make this a better place for everyone is my goal. It's one of the few remaining websites I enjoy interacting with nowadays. Is it so difficult to understand?

It is for you fucktard, I was agreeing with you being appreciative of the mods whose work is pretty fucking thankless.
I think if we had a separate thread for barely legal, age 18-20, bbws/ssbbws we’d be able to contains a fair amount of the issues and still promote free expression and free inquiry.
Why did the Mod Army ban Kisame? He was the best thing here
Mods on this site are faggots because they ban you for having dissenting opinions. Or when you hurt their feelings lmao. Must be because they’re janitors who do it for free
What are you talking about?
Kisame here. They have to protect their golden calf Mochii. Can’t say what we’re all thinking apparently. Models always leave, either becoming wise that they are destroying themselves or death from obesity related causes. Apparently it is insensitive to say the quiet part out loud of when one fat bitch leaves or kicks the bucket then I just find a new one. Some mod has been psyop’d by the namefaggot larping as Mochii into believing it’s really her guys omg!

Kisame was one or more obsessive manchildren who was way, way, too personally invested in porn models.

I'm sure he/they are still around.
Kisame here. I’m sure one of us is a he/they and it sure as hell isn’t me. This is what liberals want btw, hating actual men that have hobbies.
I am the real Kisame. All my electronics are on its last legs. I watched the Superbowl
What liberals? Are u stuck in the 90s?
I am off the grid.
I don't know any of these models and I am the real Kisame17. Americans care about the Superbowl more than pornography. Politicians in America want to ban pornography because it corrupts the youth. In reality, public schools traded paper for IBM and now all the IT guys and engineers refuse to work with NY cause Adams is nuts. The city is suing anyone that mildly inconvenience them forcing a brain drain that slows the city's growth cause lawyers want to make Manhattan into a gated suburb. Everybody's going into Miami nowadays. It's causing Biden's approval to crash cause he's peak fuck you got mine boomer. They're mald at Jon Stewart now. I am waiting to see Letitia James and Adams sue Jon Stewart.
I am well but us 24k a year restaurant workers are keeping the economy going. I give it a year before Hochul gets rid of James and Adams for Lord Biden.
I work six days a week now and am saving up for a car as well as apartment. I am not interested in making preg art.
I honestly think you guys are Kisame17 and are pretending to be black on black history just to vent about dumb white guys stuff.
next up: somebody suggesting a new /kisame/ board.
I don't know what you mean. There's just no interest in American Art. It turns out that without the autistics investing in inflation art, nobody's going to buy art and artists are just selling same face characters.
Mods didn't ban me. We're using more technology and AI in restaurants. Artists don't want to be cogs in the machine so they're getting ignored. The left is just unaware they're being replaced by robots
At this point I can’t masturbate unless I have Kisame writings recently in my head. It’s become a pavlovian response sorta thing. Can’t have porn with Kisame, he’s just part of fat girl pornography for me in a deeply and uncontrollably compulsive way.
That's up to artists like Cross Crescent or Chounyuu to decide if Kisame can be unbanned. I am on the side interest in art is down cause people don't want to pay for art when Crunchy Roll and Netflix offer variety. DeviantArt is already suspending artists cause they can't explain why they have fanworks of anime with inflated tits
Set Kisame free.
some mod (I presume it's g) is actively modding /gen mostly deleting schizo, off-topic and overtly agressive posts, but posts from Kisame that hurt to read are left up. modding /gen is inevitably going to be a subjetive affair
Kisame here. You /biz/ have been too aggressive since MAGA daddy can't run his criminal biz in NY. I am tranquilized on LI.
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guess you'll have to pay me more, so i can delete exactly the messages you don't like.
aka humor
Would implementing a blue/beige NSFW/SFW split like 4Chan be a benefit here? or would that be silly and mean more mod pressure? I know /bbwdraw bans porn but not nudity
Imagine power tripping so hard you censure /gen/.
Let’s start another thread about the Jewish genocide of Muslims.
I say the biggest problem with entertainment nowadays is that it's boring and oversaturated.
I don't care if you hate the proposal to reduce the number of bords. THERE'S CP ON /INFL/ AND IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED RIGHT NOW.
have you reported the post using the reporting function?
I refuse to click on the thread or in any way interact with it.
THANK YOU. This wouldn't happen if one mod could have all boards open at all times.
instead of using the available reporting tool, you prefer to mouth off some drama.

since you are signaling your entitlement by trying to dictate how the volunteers should be doing their work:
you're mistaken. you are not going to stir up the thread and spread your poison in a malicious whim.
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>he doesn't love drama
>he doesn't take part in flame wars and shitstorms
>he probably doesn't know this is how you make acquaintances with Twitter artists
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother they're here
I'm here to complain about mods deleting my very insightful posts.
send three examples (screenshots).
This made my day.
It's up to artists to unban Kisame17. Musk doesn't care for Twitter artists cause they're not buying Tesla.
How much does the IDF pay the mods per day?
Using porno sites to indicate empathy emotions. Come on. I wait for events like these. Going to have to try harder then that. The mob taught me ALOT.
I am not a foreign policy guy.
I am voting for RFKJr
Not enough because every time I send some illiterate Jew-hating retard to the ER with their own ignorance and illogic the comment gets deleted or the thread gets bumplocked.
Americans have this image of Jews as milquetoast and genteel.
> illiterate Jew-hating retard
Ahh yes. The old sandy vagina answer of conflating legitimate criticisms of Israel’s apartheid, war crimes and ongoing ethnic cleansing as anti-semitism.
Loser like you just make the Jewish people look like inbred, weak, whiney, betas who depend on crying to American military about what sad little victims you are.
>criticisms of Israel’s apartheid, war crimes

Sketchy, but debatable:
>ongoing ethnic cleansing

Plain old Jew-hating that shows your hand and undermines your point:
>inbred, weak, whiney, betas

Particularly since just one sentence earlier you accuse Jews of war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Because that's what Betas do, risk sanctions and possible foreign intervention by violating the rules of war, and erase entire populations. If that's true I'd hate to see what the Alphas are capable of!

Thanks for stopping by, the receptionist will validate your parking.
Or obnoxious and sneaky, and now that everyone suddenly gives a fuck about the Palestinians after 75 years, amoral and violent as well. Basically we can't win.
I dunno as I am going back to taking medicine to be coherent and organized. I honestly say that Jews should blame Schumer since the guy is trying to make Israel the 51st State of America rather than assist Bibi.
>>34826 (OP)
Can someone tell me why I'm banned from /ssbbw? And please unban me
Just briefly unplug your router
Dude. You’re the antisemitic one.
I complained about Israel. You conflated that with all Jews. You act like you can differentiate anti-Zionism from antisemitism but that’s just a bait and switch every time buddy.
Go back to ironically saying racial slurs about the ongoing human rights violations in America and Israel, you hipster dipshit.
This is what I’m saying, people like you and Bibi are giving all Jews a bad reputation.
Kisame here. No offense but I think the Jew problem is merely Biden running a pressure campaign to salvage his presidency. Schumer is somehow worse than Mitch McConnell. Bernie at least wants a 32 hour work week
You're dumb so you don't even realize your own cognitive dissonance. I believe you believe what you're writing, because otherwise how could someone continually trip over their own balls like this?

You said I make Jews (not just Israelis) look like "weak, whiney, inbred betas." These just happen to be common slurs used against us, not specific to my particular loathsomeness. As in, you wouldn't say this stuff about Japanese or Jamaicans.

From another angle, if your issue with me is that I'm a warmongerer and callous to the plight of Palestinians, those are not the adjectives you'd use. (And Bibi is a lot of bad things but "weak, whiny, and beta" are not among them.)

Just admit you hate Jews, and not just Israel. You were fairly explicit with it in past comments so it's not a revelation at this point.
Doesnt make you smart talking shit on a piracy website. Most people forget how to use common sense in the moment of danger.
At any given time easily 2/3 of this site is people talking shit so I'm in good (?) company. You yourself are talking shit trying to threaten me.

As we are all slaves to our perceptions, "common sense" doesn't exist. It's a term made up by people who can't or won't think deeply about things.
Yeah but genuinely want ro know what I did wrong
> Japanese or Jamaicans.
Why don’t you leave the victims of 2 atomic bombs and hundreds of years of slavery and economic warfare out of this.
It’s really telling what nonwhite populations you think you can use as props to justify genocide.
> Bibi is a lot of bad things but "weak, whiny, and beta" are not among them
Suck his pedo dick more. This homosexual oedipal relationship you have with your abusive stepdad is weird.
Too busy saving up to head to the mental health
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>it's really telling

Is it? Or just two random alliteratively named countries. Here's what a silly little turd you are:

>Myanmar and Mauritania

"Telling you'd choose a victim of 20th century American imperialism in Southeast Asia and a struggling country crippled by debt to the World Bank!"

>Australia and Azerbaijan

"Telling you'd choose an entity that only exists thanks to genocidal colonialism and genocide and a corrupt ethnostate with a horrific human rights record!"

Be a man, for once. Own your shit and stop deflecting.
When you've exposed yourself as a moron and a bigot, there's always...

>suck his dick, pedo!
Ppl expose themselves when they walk outside everyday. Stop living in fear if I wanted you dead you will be dead today.
Ok ill break into your home
My dude. Props.
It's Jewish Democrats who often hate Netanyahu or have interpersonal relationships with him. Trump already sucked all the power out of military adventures so this make Orban the strongman who protects Europe, Asia, and Ukraine against Russia. The far right will never thrive in Europe because that would mean being faithful to the woman crazy enough to pump out five children for them. Only schizos like Melania because a woman fierce enough to break your arm during sex deserve to be your wife. It's like how Christian Hendricks and Lynda Carter has to be hidden cause they're high test g-milfs who makes zoomers look retarded.
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I argue Netanyahu doesn't know what he's doing and the guy's just a war machine on autopilot. He thinks the Six Day War never ended. Hilter was at least shallow enough to want a barbie and live in the Alps. He's just too much of a bully who would be better off not in politics
Hitlers a incel nerd who seized power by complaining. Bibis more the football playing douchbag bully like Mussolini.
Jews don't even like the Packers, Patriots, Islanders, Eagles. They're such utter nerds
The federal government is banning porn cause it's mainstream on Netflix and the internet. It's not like the past where it was limited to Cinemax after night. It's so prevalent that people are making documentaries about Vince McMahon and Dan Schneider making fetish work in the 90s.
>tl;dr: I received a 48 hour ban for posting a (hidden) stock photo of a guy ready to shoot himself. Why?

Multiple people saying me and people like me are scum, parasites, inbred, evil, and that we should be thrown into ovens, gas chambers, etc. And while I don't agree with the sentiment, I indeed fight for their right to post such bullshit because I've had it with Meta, etc playing thought police. Not that I love people endorsing my and my family's death, but censorship of ideas has ever been a net win for any society.

Yesterday some dipshit barfs up the millionth "WHY OH WHY AM I CURSED TO LIKE FAT CHICKS WOE IS ME WHAT DO I DO???" post. The fourth such post on just the first page of /gen. So I respond with a (hidden) pic of a dude with a gun in his mouth: "Here's my advice."

Harsh? Yes. Salty? Sure. But I wasn't doxxing or threatening anyone. Just (symbolically) telling some invertebrate to accept the situation or at least STFU. So I move onward to another thread where I try to leave a comment and find out Oops, I've been banned for 48 hours. I go back and see the toxic thread itself was removed — win — but... WTF.

FWIW, this wasn't Bud Dwyer footage or anything. There was no gore, and by the way it was staged and lit it was obviously a stock photo, in fact from one of the biggest providers on earth. Available to any and all with a credit card and a few bucks a month, no age check required.

I then checked the rules and there's nothing against suggesting people "unlive" themselves. I've seen similar sentiments here before, not to mention all kinds of unhealthy behavior is featured and celebrated here.

And finally, let's face it, there is 100% no one on earth who will say "Hey, good idea!" and top themsevles just from seeing a pic of a stock photo model with a gun in their mouth. If they're that close to the edge anything can be that last little push.
where are the rules against cp, racism, criminal conspiracies, rape?
you can victimize yourself all day long, trying to normalize your behavior. but suggesting suicide or killing will never be acceptable. those rules are implicit.
if you don't understand that, feel free to leave and spread your poison elsewhere.
>where are the rules against cp, racism, criminal conspiracies, rape?

Exactly. Because I've seen everything you list except literal CP tolerated on this site, so clearly it's not "implicit."

My point was that blatant bigotry is OK here (just scroll up on this thread), yet an over-the-top though implicitly satirical suggestion not only gets the post deleted but gets me a time-out.

I don't know how things work in Algeria, but if I tell my neighbor "I'm gonna kill the mailman if he dumps my packages in the bushes again!" the neighbor doesn't go to the police to have me arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. The hyperbole is implied.
Racism wasn’t a problem when 10% of comments had a hard-r in them.
This nonbinary got its genitals in a twist when people started criticizing Zionists, a protected class of minorities in its head.
Simple. You guys aren't schizo like Kisame17 to make art and you're undermining Biden by critiquing his foreign policy on the Middle East cause he doesn't bomb peaceful civilizations.
you could have two, but you only take one.
Here's what I wrote:

>...while I don't agree with the sentiment, I indeed fight for their right to post such bullshit ... Not that I love people endorsing my and my family's death, but censorship of ideas has ever been a net win for any society.

Which means I have no problem with the board allowing anti-Jewish hate speech. I like knowing what people think rather than enforced politeness. I just want some consistency.

...but where'd you get "nonbinary"? I'm a man, by biology and identity. Maybe you're projecting your fantasy about Jewish "Thems"...? If that's the case, don't let me stop you.

Anyway isn't it the SJWs who are both anti-Zionist and pro-trans/gender rights? I guess it's no sillier than social leftists championing ISIS-ally Hamas with their homicidal homophobia and misogyny.

Within the schizo smog some truth shines through... Biden isn't bombing a peaceful civilization, nor is Netanyahu. Gaza is one of the most militarized regions on earth, with soldiers and materiel embedded throughout their civilian infrastructure. Hamas spent $3 on weapons and military infrastructure for every $1 they spent on education, healthcare, sanitation, etc.
I meant that Biden's foreign policy is sound. It's just that the radical left are undermining him by going after Trump and refusing to follow military advice which leaves America moving far right instead of center left.
Americans don't make inflation art anymore because Patreon keeps changing the rules to restrict pornography including fan works. I doubt Gen Z cares for Ricky Java, Farang Ding Dona
The only thing worse than Kisame is Kisame cosplay. Except maybe how Hochul wants the National Guard to punish the pregfat community for serving cops burnt bacon at the Blue Bay Diner.
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Trump is right that Jewish Democrats are a liability. Jews aren't Allen Ginsberg or the Beat Generation living in the slums. They're an adult rabbi with responsibilities.

Hochul is the authoritarian fascist mommy the left wanted. I can only guess the left wanted a buxom female lawyer who lactated when she detects perjury and got upset when Hochul is just Trump in heels
> I'm a man, by biology and identity.
Dude. Men have balls. You clearly are not a man. It’s like you trying to claim you’re not white. Who cares what YOU identify as:
You’re a white woman to me.
> Hamas spent $3 on weapons and military infrastructure for every $1 they spent on education, healthcare, sanitation, etc.
Compared to Israel; who spent $5 of MY money, fucking Jews (beggars, bankers and colonialist landlords.).
Assholes have it because they took it. Softies complain about who got it. Just take it when she gives you sexual inuendos lol most men cant read it anyways.
Ill just keep staring at that big ass. But I wont do anything until I get sexual innuendos. I love it here. Devil dick donkey kong godzilla cocktail juicy fruit
So I can't contribute to tits anymore because I got banned for "shit posting" which I don't do. Can I see why? Probably shouting into the void but I contributed a lot and don't even remember posting non content posts
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>You’re a white woman to me.

I get it, you're into trannies. But hey, I'm cool with it, and so is Israel. Try living in Ramallah and doing that shit — you won't last 48 hours.

>fucking Jews (beggars, bankers and colonialist landlords.).

Oh right, you're the guy who called me a racist and claims he doesn't hate Jews, just Israel lol.
No offense but I can't see my MC Li Li cheerleading for the IDF, which is what you're asking for. It would be so much work editing some Jewish characters who isn't Seinfeld, or Brad Garrett, or Adam Sandler to make an Israeli look Human. Jews just lack the heart Urkel had
I would give it a try
Calling yourself a tranny is a strange flex.
Way to ignore the point: Jewish people’s self identification as an “oppressed nonwhite group” is as true as chicks-with-dicks being real women.
You’re just the tip of the spear for white colonialism. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
>Calling yourself a tranny is a strange flex.

Swing and a miss. Anyway, you're the one who brought trannies into this. For some reason.

>“oppressed nonwhite group”

Be honest — have you heard those words come out of a Jewish mouth? Or is it some chan bile you ingested that justifies your weird hate boner for us? I personally identify as White. It's other people who look at me and ask "What are you?"

And I'm not oppressed, nor are any significant populations of Jews, anywhere. Hated, sure — you're Exhibit A. But oppression is something else.

> the tip of the spear for white colonialism

Angry morons like you buy the idea there's some Other People in charge, how convenient. They'll keep selling as long as you keep buying.
You shifts the goalposts an entire mile since October buddy.
Like I said, Jews aren't Allen Ginsberg. They can't critique American society for shunning the poor in the name of capitalism cause they've benefitted from Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Trump. It's the same reason they kicked the Obama people out with their talk of racial Animus. The MTA isn't going to stop congestion pricing for the bridge and tunnel lites
> Or is it some chan bile you ingested that justifies your weird hate boner for us?
I’m not some misogynistic antisemite, this is just sarcastic hyperbole on 4chan. I’m married to a higher earning Jewish woman from the ivies if it makes any difference to you.
It's official, Hamas needs to commit war crimsy
You're just not free spirited. I rather just take my medicine
I argue given that Mastercard is going after adult content creators by shutting them down, it means I can be 24k a year and free.
chemtrails, new world order, vaccine microchip, flat earth, inside job, deep state, any sort of propaganda lies aimed at maga idiots, internet anonymity,...
Not really. Just that it's a complex issue that you and the other armchair activist crypto anti-semites — sorry, "warriors for justice and peace" — want to pound into something simple enough for a Marvel movie pitch.

I'll choose to believe this because you seem fucked up enough for it to be true. So is she inbred and ugly too?
> So is she inbred and ugly too?
Who cares how inbred our kids are, her daddies invested more money in private school tuition than my BA+MBA coat me.
Ugly enough to think I’m cheating on her because she’s ugly, idk if she is but she’s def not fat enough.
Don't worry Jew boy, that reparations panel in NY is a five alarm disaster due to being a honeypot for anti-Semites. I find it odd cause the left needs Jews to manage Trump's properties.
Fine, as MAGA, I will be the swing vote. Democrats are feeding anti-Semites by listening to intellectuals who aren't going to leave the country and want Chinese imports. Just like how Japan dominated the auto and entertainment market in America, Democrats are wanting to rule America like a feudal state where angry serfs rule major cities
It's the same reason Pence hates populism. Not because he's a patriot but because he wants to be a closeted feudal lord who governs over America
> closeted feudal lord who governs over America
In his defense that is the original intent of most founding documents.
Biggest gripe with Pence is he’s not on board with the rest of the founders intent for Anglo Christian Nationalism.
Without the proper foundation in theology and theory this country is lost.
That's because Pence is Roman Catholic turned fundie
not to agree with, let alone defend, but by bibi is the exact kind of slimy weak beta you would expect. From his history to his face and mannerisms. Just because he gets away with it in halal dwarf land and calls himself the messiah like every second heeb on earth doesn’t change that fact.
>bitter retard posting from Germany
Unless "beta" has become meaningless except to mean "someone I disagree with," Netanyahu is not one of them.

Judging him on his "face and mannerisms" is idiotic. Look at his resume:

• Could have avoided IDF service but purposefully emigrated back to Israel to do so, and then reenlisted in 1973 after the Six Day War. He was wounded in action several times and led or participated in raids inside Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.

• Attended Harvard and MIT simultaneously and graduated to a top level job in finance.

• Israel's longest serving PM despite at many points having more enemies than friends in his governments — he was ejected twice and came back twice. Despite being Biblically corrupt and totally botching the run-up to Oct 7 he may still remain in power after he's done thrashing Gaza.

• Hawkish on the PLO/PA and Hamas/IJ/Hezbollah even compared to Meir/Sharon. Despite bullshit about Israel being a colony or whatever of the US, he went up against Clinton, Obama, and now Biden to do what he wants how he wants, regarding settlements and military action within the Palestinian territories.

I don't know what "halal dwarf land" means, but while kashrut and halal dietary laws are superficially similar they're not the same.

Netanyahu called himself the messiah, and while I know many Jews of varying egos, I've never heard one refer to themself as the messiah, either.

You know nothing about Judaism, Israel, or anything else.
>Netanyahu * called himself the messiah

Harvard is infamous for having fat military and navy guys like Steven Bannon or Netanyahu who shift hard right intellectuals cause they don't want their children going to liberal elite schools.
I chalk it up to the Zionists movement being the fundie equivalent to trad wives. Netanyahu just wants to be a feudal lord
Bibi spends his time tell old grandma he’s a standup man who will defend them against unarmed women and children.
His army has more in common with school shooter and the Uvalde police than any organized, trained military.
Total incel beta behavior. All while claiming to be “god chosen people” but also universally oppressed victims. God chose his people, you’re just his red haired stepchild.
So he is N edomite
Nah, Bibi is a boomer like Trump.
Trump IS a boomer but he’s no Chad.
Maybes he’s tall enough to be a fat-Brad with a combover who pays for pussy and that’s Beta AF.
We haven’t had a full alpha president since Jackson and he was so alpha he was battscrazy. FDR definitely got mad pussy and was probably the most Chad POTUS.
The manosphere is crumbling cause it can't articulate what it wants. I can honestly see Trump winning if only because journalists can't sell their fanfiction to straight laced center left who cheat on their taxes and own foreign assets. NY succeeded in becoming Europe vans now they're mad nationalists refuse to invest in Manhattan and are loyal to the homefront
>judging him on his “face and mannerism” is idiotic. Look at his resume:
This is where the “call hr” meme comes in handy. Two dudes doing “the same thing” is not “the same thing” lol.
Each of your bullet points reads like he’s a applying for a senior position at Betas R Us. Waiting for you to bring up his mean falafel (prophesied by rebbe no less!) or how well he handles his hard lemonade after a hard day of blundering pompous bullshit and organizing a disinformation machines barely above par with people he calls rats.
I studied photography before becoming Kisame. Making good pictures took months to edit along with sets to construct in the past of journalism. Now it's all done on green screen which makes journalists appear old due to a lack of color, direction, and lighting. This is why journalists were chads in the 70s-80s while they look like ghouls now.
(31 KB, 595x291, Screen Shot 2024-03-23 at 4.43.19 PM.png)
>[illiterate babble]

Good to know Betas R Us only hires decorated war vets, double Ivy League grads, successful banker, 3 time Prime Minister.

You and the sputtering Jew-marrying "MBA" >>46458 will make excellent cashiers at Alpha Zone.
Netanyahu is not successful by any stretch of the word. The fat right is made up of failures. Ben Shapiro got rid of Candace Owens cause she wanted success, not teen genius. Just look at how the Kenosha shooter flees at BLM. We're living in a time that MAGA is making money while facing legal issues and Netanyahu still can't persuade the Haredim to do anything about Hamas or what ever cartoon supervillain is threatening Israel
>discussions in the moderators' general
Do you see why frens use 4chan and it's themed design and autists don't?
How are we supposed to respond if posts keep getting deleted?
Put the old timers in the office for a few weeks send these assholes for badboy training in texas. So they fix it. Go learn how to swin and workout while youre at it maybe you will come back better people no one do it big like texas
I did not expect the CP spammer to hit /gen/.
I really wish I had reacted to this warning by closing the page.
don't scroll down with images turned off folks
Rachel, piggy, missy elliot, 702 & love booth
shut the fuck up
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>Open /bbfurries/
>There's another one
>Take a glimpse at the home page
>There's also another one in /gen/
Son of a bitch motherfucker
Now the Jews are murdering American aid workers and their IDF goons are spamming cp on any website that criticizes the Jewish faith for being a fascist military state.
I flat out don't care
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Can we have improvement threads please?
You allow 1 (one) improvement thread per board and let anon's tell us what they like about this website and how they would further help the mods improve the experience. It'll be an exciting experiment.
Let's see what they come up with.
Thank you for unlocking the thread. You really didn't need to delete any posts.
Can you help me find the brap comic? It eludes me.

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