
I have no idea what this is supposed to be about
It's about some schizo poster named "Kisame17" he always floods threads with his schizoid walls of text always naming himself in everypost.
Idk, he kept shitting up /d/ hyper preg threads since lockdown until everyone stopped bothering making threads on the regular, now he started spilling onto other chans as well apparently

Basically a porn addicted black dude from NYC that is unironically schizoid. Like, Terry Davis with none of the genius schizoid.
>Inb4 comes here and starts flooding the thread
Mods don't care cause you smartasses don't work. You flap your gums too much
It's two-fold. We can't ban him because VPNs are able to bypass bans, and hopping on and off mobile networks has the same effect. In addition, we're not at your beck and call to clean up everything remotely schizophrenic because that would be a full-time job on this website. Least of all on /gen/.

Simply put, mod tools have been outpaced by accessible tech. But you get what you pay for on a chan board.
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>All this bitching on a Saturday morning.
None of you Hi IQ posters are engaging enough to warrant a response. You're not thinking outside the box and you're delusional. Even us Schizos think your Malthusian rambling is lunacy
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I look I don't know what's going on either as I just went for a haircut. My speciality is making economical cartoons and not lavish Disney productions the preg community, breast expansion community wants. Even 8muses admits thaf artists aren't taking risks and need a manager to give fans what they want. I am enjoying the lovely fall weather.
can you like do a voice clip on vocaroo or show your art to prove that you are somewhat normal?
I'm heading to work, anon. I am busy trying to get a pickup in mint condition. My mom wants me pay$6000 for a car even though I want to put down $2000 on a Toyota.
Most of us are relaxing on a fall's day.
Fake and gay
I just came home from my day job. I don't know what's pregchan's problem.
I doubt it as I just ate fries, ribs, the coleslaw, and mountain dew at Applebees. Currently debating whether I should start cooking at home as these $19-21 meals aren't filling.

>> Currently debating whether I should start cooking at home as these $19-21 meals aren't filling.

That was the first thing that I cut since shrinkflation started. It's better if you plan ahead for the whole week so you're not bumming around Thursday night trying to find something to eat. I'm even starting to make my own jerky and can my own vegtables.

Was debating on going full homestead and getting some chickens, but I don't eat enough eggs to justify them.
I plan on focusing on cooking this fall. It means it will take extra time away from the internet since I have to find a place that sells good meets. At my day job, we keep getting migrants who fled McDonald's.
I meant meat. It's gonna take me 4 hours now to shop at my leisure since buses are slow.
We're dealing with shrinkflation in the states anon. I ate $18-24 on food and I was still hungry. Only Domino's is worth the price. IIRC, Boston Market went out of business cause they used the Costco chicken. I am still negotiating on getting a pickup for grocery shopping and commuting to the city.
Because he’s a mod
Ilikapie already crossed the Rubicon impersonating Kisame17. Now he's Kisame17 while I am off the grid. The preg community is going to learn to love being an indentured servant for Elon Musk and Massa Biden.
indeed you are

Says the beaner.
Shut the fuck up school shooter twat
To answer your question, millennials are cutting the cord on television and Internet as we don't want linear choices or entertainment. This means I am free to do as I please in the real world.
>>34739 (OP)
>conservatives like me
Isn't he black? That's some false flagging shit
You're honestly more annoying than kisame. Also, that's racist.
I don't care and I don't care.
I live in Trump country and they all hate Pence, Christie, Desantis, and Tim Scott. There's a perception among Zeldin supporters that the GOP have been scamming their voters in down ballot races to fund Washington lobbyists. Liberals almost lost NY because some hick consultant from Colorado told the governor to focus on abortion, an issue none of us care about since millennials are non-linear thinkers by nature. There's been finger pointing and it's Pelosi and Adams blaming Hochul while the governor and the ex governor blame Biden for not having a decent plan. Biden himself blames progressives for treating him like a kid despite the fact that Scranton Joe beat Trump and saved the party in 2022 midterms. I am convinced that silencing Trump did more harm than good. He's not on television and is intent on not doing debates. I can confirm that black rappers like and support Trump because he went thru the legal system just like them. Black Supremacists like Trump because he never owned slaves. It's white supremacists like Blood Tribe, Patriot Front, or whatever these Hell Angels ex Marines wannabes living off I-95 call themselves who hate Trump while supporting Biden and Zelensky. I am convinced Elon Musk is pathetic going after the ADL cause he lost profits.
I have been laughing at the preg community's slow demise cause they refuse to confront racism. I still own the rights to my OCs and there's nothing they can do about.
Sure you don't. Your insecurity shines through your various essay posts.
It's why I don't make more Li Li. I am trying to wrap my head around how we go from Rocky-Rambo to people with anxiety attacks killing each other.
Wtf are you talking about? Essay posts? My average word count in every post on this entire board is like 6.
Cool but that literally has no relation to my post. Cue another discordant reply
Nvm I didn't actually read your post. I just assumed it was psycho babble. Now that I have, OK thats sufficient and I understand. Do you wear the maga hat? Also are you ex military? That's a theme. Do you have a white wife and you're ex military? That's a super strong theme.
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sry old man but it's 2023 and we have so many infinite scroll dopamine mines that anything beyond one word and three emojis is effortposting territory
No. I am Latino from the Caribbean. Latinos love Trump because Biden and Obama act too much like preppie rich kids.
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Incredible how your takes are so perfectly wrong. You've obviously never met a preppie rich kid because Obama and Biden are nothing like them. Meanwhile Trump is the personification: born rich, private schools, wears polo shirts, khakis and baggy suits, loves talking about his (really his dad's) money and plays golf obsessively.

The actual answer: Latinos are moving toward Trump because they hate immigrants — at least anyone who came here after they did. They're embarassed to be lumped in with illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America and going MAGA is an instant signifier they're "not one of them."

Oh and by "Latino from the Carribean" he means Dominican, and dark as Starbucks cold brew because the light-skinned ones stay there and enjoy their privilege. But Dominicans would rather you accuse them of pedophila than lump them in with American blacks.
You know there's more than one Irish person on this board, right?
You have him confused with me. I am the dude who sometimes writes pretty long posts
I am pretty sure that you have me confused with Chicanos, most of whom are Americans born in California, Texas, and Arizona. Also, Obama and Biden are the personification of rich kids. Biden's grandad was an oil exec and his dad was a car salesman. Obama is a Harvard law professor and went to private school. Trump doesn't qualify as rich kid cause he went to Fordham and Penn State. I've worked for elite schools and the preppies hate Bill Barr, Bushes for invading other countries while turning a blind eye to injustice. Even as we speak, the progressives are hated for demanding that the dead give up their million dollar homes to fund the arts despite budgets being in the deficit thanks to COVID-19 and immigrants in Manhattan hotels.

Trump is only as rich as the private bus line execs who used to rule NYC before Bloomberg federalize mass transit. All the rich live in the Hamptons where they're annoyed by Disney heiress and other actors, journalists, and politicians. Trump is liked more by the mob.
Democrats are just mad that Trump formed a cult of personality the same way Malcolm X thru the Nation of Islam. The more I learn about MLK Jr. it becomes apparent that he was a mediocre man who happened to be black middle class. It's like how Al Sharpton was a mob informant who got lucky. I've stated that conservatives are hated for complaining about liberal arts colleges while going to college towns in New Hampshire to lecture conservatives on being Tea Party instead of Whigs.
“[rich because] his dad was a car salesman”

Wtf, really??? Lol

Trump went to Penn - The University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy, not Penn State.

I’m not lumping you in with Chicanos. I’ve lived in metro NYC all my life, and Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are openly, extravagantly racist. Ask them about blacks, Asians, Jews, etc and you’ll get a fucking manifesto.
I doubt it since Trump has a low IQ on the grounds of getting kicked out of school at 13 for fighting the teacher and shipped off to military school. None of that correlates to insufferable teen genius like Ben Shapiro. Trump has talent and can leverage it the same way Hitler, the Kim family, House of Saud can.

Biden and his son seems to have the wealthy arrogance that befalls rich families. These gossip books put Biden's dismal ratings mostly on his own ego and overestimating his own skills in foreign policy, domestic policy, and empathy. Idiots like Milton Friedman can trip up geniuses like Michael Moore with mere questions and words, out skilling any prep school Catholic with ease. It's the same reason poor Elon Musk is destroying Twitter: he cannot leverage any talent out of his ego. Even the average Klansman like David Duke can outsmart Tucker Carlson. Biden is merely the peter principle in action
For the love of G-d, please stop responding to Kisame as if he is a serious poster.
None of you serious anons are interesting. Go whine elsewhere
What next? You going to write a Myspace journal about how Kisame denied you a fat gf?
This is a good containment board. He's schizo, not really a troll, so it's not like he's gonna stop if we ignore him. If you gave him a wooden keyboard and a broken tube TV for a screen he'd still type out nonsense like he was in a South Pacific cargo cult.
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I dunno anon. Us cultists don't watch television and focus more time on working. Biden's approval ratings are tanking cause he can't paint himself as the sane man if there's no Amish from Lancaster, Mormon from from Upstate, or Kisame from downstate to stand next to. Adams is already going bonkers cause yokels from Latin America are ruining his coitus and whine sipping events in Manhattan by demanding jobs. Is Adams going to help down on their luck Americans get a jobs instead of being a pants suit wearing pansy?
DeviantArt is removing artwork that depicts sexual fetishes of characters from their site. I dunno. I just don't see myself as a porn creator. I liked Annie from Pulse because she was a comic geek, or Missing Materia Tifa and Rikku cause they were dorks. I even like Oscillon's Valerie cause she has a sense of humor. I rolled my eyes when Cartoon Network stated Teen Titan 2003 was 18, presumably because Zaslav wants that goth girl college titcow. It's like Tiny Toons coming back. Just like Alvin and the Chipmunks, Tiny Toons is so 80s it hurts. I am convinced that DeviantArt and WB really wants the Fanfiction.net and Chris Chan audience cause they're tired of liberal Jewish women. It doesn't help that DC Comics hires Ed Benes and the guy who does all the Breast Expansion comics on BEArchive to do Superman books.
I mean if he just shits but /gen/ and avoids /d/... I'd be down!
I am busy trying make my own breast expansion characters. I am not interested in pregnancy cause all the requests I get are for Kari.
IIRC, Zoomers want Miss Mars by SaburoX. They're not interested in /d/ because it's for fake geeks
More like fake greeks... that board is crawling with macedonians
I don't know what you mean. I am going back to a more comedic tone as opposed to the drama that plagues expansion
I disagree, fight the Slav for the liberation of Hellas
I don't know what you mean. Elon Musk sabotaged Ukraine to stop Russia from starting nuclear war. Trump just sitting and watching television seems so reasonable.
The GOP aren't a thing. Loeffer, Graham and Purdue just got indicted. I thought Kemp threw them under the bus.
i like fat women
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Nobody wants to draw Batman getting beaten by a fat woman henchmen.
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Like I said. Nobody wants to draw Batman losing to a fat guy in a suit. It's just like Pops from Johnny Bravo, fat men made a comeback because they can appear fatherly and stern without coming off as a Ray Romano manchild
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Pops was more of a power bottom, it’s a big part of why he got away with being mid fat and have a strong personality. Same as big Ed’s and DD
Look I may be schizo, but even I think you're cringe.
Even Totally Spies is hiring non union VAs to do the new season.
I can see why this site's going to shut down at the end of the year.

This place is the equvilant to an underfunded, understaffed and debilitating middle school.
The arts have been underfunded since the seventies. Conservatives hate the arts despite Stars and Stripes being an art program. I take it conservatives are too fat for the Merchant Navy at Kings Point so they make up by acting like super patriot.

I don't speak retard.
I don't speak incel. What's a matter your fat wife wants to go to Lululemon?
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Who takes Kisame as a fucking serious poster?
seriously, can you take the faggot who made pic related seriously?
I am the real Kisame17 and I cannot take you seriously thanks to the Shilajit advantage I am taking. You just want to be a pathetic degenerate who parrots alt-right talking points. Mods don't care cause you take the idea too seriously.
Let us all laugh at the loser Canadian digging up Instagram because his fat Montreal woman dumped him for talking about Kisame17 in the middle of a date. What next? You going to tell me you listen to Joe Rogan?
You can't stand the fact that he just found you on instagram don't you?
And he's got like 7 followers

Christ what a loser
I am asleep now. The Shilajit doesn't change my opinion. It makes me focused on my day job. Are you tiny dicked Europeans mad that Americans like me have a life outside the internet?
I bothered to check on my old fetish art clients. Shydude, NS4U, and Marrazan's accounts got hacked and deleted by Discord-DeviantArt. So much for those million page views. Then again we all know white supremacists are too retarded to install antivirus software. You couldn't code your way out of malware even if you tried. I haven't been exposed or caught, I moved on like everyone else. You should try it too sometime, incel
Potato man discovers he is stupid, wow Kisame, you really live on by your own schizoid reputation
BBWchan in a nutshell
> Goes on the internet to admit fat fetish
> Acts like a gay man by getting overstimulated on pornography
> Writes gossip about mundane garbage
> Gets called out by the autistics on the fact they're being turbo
>Bbwchan writes haiku about Kisame17
> BBWCHAN Commits hara-kiri for Only fans model
>Feds don't want any of this fag crap cause their military is already gay enough and users in BBWCHAN has the personality of Chris Chan
>Libs think BBWchan is a lost cause cause it's users don't know 2+2= check your privilege
>The literal who called Kisame is too busy being a normie to care for the site's tween drama
I don't think you know what that word even means. You're just one of those neophytes who want to sound smart but come across as dumb.
You just defined the meaning of "potato"
Again, you don't know what that even means. You're just an old man
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Lest BBwchan and /d/ forgets, I am the woodpecker of the preg community.
I am trained to be an artist. BBWchan to me just one of those fat guys who ramble about the buses and trains everytime the MTA shutdown service to perform maintenance. We all know fat people hate Gilligs, you're not Moses
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Again, I am a trained artists and just edited these goofy pics with my cell. Not my fault Europeans are some serf who thinks technology is magic. What you going to do? Commit Harakiri?
I dress and live like a slob outside of the internet. Everyone does in the island. We're nothing but shirtless fat guys jogging, guys in wife beaters and shorts with clogs, or big hairy guys wearing shorts during the Snow.
Go easy on them mods. Ilikapie is confusing me for his coon of a wife and still mad his art career tanked harder than Aaron Rodgers stint in the Jets or the Giants last night when up against the Cowboys. I am sure Ilikapie is stuck in Florida deep throating Chick-fil-A while Ron the ass backwards dictator got destroyed by I-95 fat tailgators
For the record I think you're pretty funny. But you NEED to go see Dr. Soystein and take your meds.
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>in the island

Now I know you're not an actual Long Islander. You live ON the island. Not IN it.

You wanna live IN the island? Start fucking digging.
I am already on Shilajit advantage and it doesn't change my opinion. It's just inhibits my brain, which means that anything I make will be much more slower. I am already cooking slowly and giving roughly 20-40 minutes on any orders I cook, or 7 minutes late taking bus to subway.
I think that's useless trivia unless you're outing yourself as a South Shore resident
Still mad that Trump supporters with their Glocks and Chevrolet Suburbans are gonna gun you down?
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>Again, I am a trained artists and just edited these goofy pics with my cell. Not my fault Europeans are some serf who thinks technology is magic. What you going to do? Commit Harakiri?
>shieeeeeelajit advantage
I am still not sure what you anons are after. IIRC, Cross Crescent owns the copyright to Li Li the gravid ninja. Go bug him for more pictures. I am working on goths since it's fall which means pumpkin pie season.
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I get it, BBWchan wants to commit school shootings cause it wasn't popular in high school and Europe wants to use yuropoors as penal battalions against Putin's cannon fodder to save it money on gas. Still have no empathy for the wagies. You elected to be an indentured servant for the Dems and you're going to like owning nothing, be happy. Get back to picking cotton!
Reading this thread is like trying to decipher the internal monologue of several people having a stroke at the same time. Any time the word "kisame" gets brought up in a thread this is what happens. Sometimes even without it.
I dunno what's going on either as I went shopping for groceries. I am using my schizo powers to decipher how I spent $12 pizza, $39 on groceries, $15 on breakfast. Trump is right that Biden is making everything expensive.
Gnarly Otaku thought I was being Howard Stern or influenced by him and Tom Green, despite both being indicative of boomer mentality and me being a young millennial. A lot of center-left people I know hate their MTV progressives and accomplice, indie-hipster theater nerds cause they're throwing the eggs all away. It's why Trump signs are at every carwash, steakhouse, buffet stand on the Island. Most blame lie solely at Biden for letting corporations and activists destroy the diner scene.
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Have fun wrestling with the flying spaghetti monster you dreamt up called Kisame17 cause I am getting ready for the next day and playing video games.
Sure, dude, whatever you say
The Shilajit changed the way I think and now have to utilize normality to my fullest advantage. It also means being fully fiscal conservative
Is BBWchan still in Elliot Rodgers mode cause mochii break it's heart?
Pics of him smiling is like a skinwalker in human costume. Jesus fuck
Americans do goofy pics all the time in the suburbs. We don't live in Europe where cinematography is considered magic, as backwards peasant.
He is the black soyboy
It's so unnerving, I bet his parents are uncomfortable around him. Someone should tell them where he's been wasting his free time.
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I am on Shilajit and boosting my financial situation. Not my fault Americans need a parental advisory sticker to use the internet. I am a 90s kid. What's a matter squirt? Still mad you sold out to the man?

I was the kid who listen to Limp Bizkit, My Chemical Romance, Soundgarden, Avenge Sevenfold instead of Gangsta Rap
What a hack. Dude didn’t even mention Disney
I think anons on BBWchan are just posers or that kid who said he was in the military to sound tough. That's why all these pasty face parochial school rejects at tough instead of admitting they were molested by a priest

Weird way to spell Abilify
I honestly think BBwchan must be autistic since they obsess over internet culture
Us Black Trump supporters are betraying Desantis and Gaetz while backing Trump. Most pastors I know in Florida hate Desantis guts for cutting the education system and AP courses.
“We” black trump supporters, Tom. If you’re gonna suck WP dick you should learn white grammar.
I'm convinced that there's no such thing as this Kisame guy and it's just people playing into an ongoing bit, it's just too consistently obtuse to be an actual guy who thinks he's communicating directly with anyone in a way that makes sense.
Still cranky you have to pay off those student loans plus 4% interest, coon?
I am convinced that the left is tired of their literature and liberal arts majors wasting the degree being theater nerds instead of writing pro-Biden stories. There's a perception that the left talk and act as if they're young.
You're fucking retarded. He displays typical schizoid behaviour.
Did you choose to ignore his instagram?
Logical people on Long Island hate techies like Elon Musk cause he keeps destroying wooded areas to build office parks and Tesla factories in the middle of the woods. All these logical people are just copying the Donald and Billy Joel
>Checking Instagram

Just say your turbo gay and hang out on Grindr Anon.
I did not go to his instagram because I don't care enough about this one particular guy to bother verifying whether it actually has any connection to the insane schizoposting nonsense on this board or not. I've seen plenty of schizoposting that wasn't from Kisame and it all reads the same to my mind, like I'm having a fucking brain aneurysm, so why would I want to subject myself to an instagram account full of that shit?
I have no real connection to the internet. Sounds like the preg community got high on its own conspiracy theories, self dealing
Then don't share your stupid fucking theory.
>I'm convinced that there's no such thing as this Kisame guy and it's just people playing into an ongoing bit
>I don't care enough about this one particular guy to bother verifying whether it actually has any connection to the insane schizoposting nonsense on this board or no
>I've seen plenty of schizoposting that wasn't from Kisame
These are all contradictions.
>I'm having a fucking brain aneurysm
You're just retarded.
See, schizophrenia. Guy is clearly Kisame
I think Zoomers got too hooked on that multiverse fad all the successful artists are doing. It's not reasonable like Marvel v Capcom, it's that autism born from Super Smash Bros and tourneys
The church that I go to and my cousin already have a low opinion of the internet as a place for pornography. I doubt Pentecostals are going to listen to your completely off the rails rant about Kisame since similar conspiracy nuts are derided as lowly actors, whether they be Steve Bannon or the Mooch.
I would also like to add that the church think BBWchan is part of the agenda bringing Satanism to school and trying to groom kids with trooning. Lol, at BBWchan think they can fool Trump cultists and MAGA with their gotcha journalism
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I can just tell the Bloods, MS-13, and the Hells Angels that it was Barclay who hacked into their IP. I can't be held accountable if BBWchan get shot in a drive by
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Let us all laugh at 4chan and how hard hyperpreg has fallen to the alt-right. You wanted to be an indentured servant for Musk and you're going to like owning nothing and being happy like the good lumpenproletariat you are
See, that's how pathetic the alt-right is. A toddler who needs mods to clean it's mess up. Can't catch me cause I use VPN
I neglected to tell 4chan that I live in bumfuck nowhere by the navy base. A location known for not having wireless internet
Okay dude, fucking whatever
I honestly give the Alt right wing of hyperpreg 2 months before artists go thru a messy divorce over obsessing about Kisame
Ignore them anon. People who blab about Kisame aren't logical.
Good samefag Kisame

Ilikapie doesn't love you
Is this his containment thread now? would be nice if true. i've never gotten any insight from his posts, its just noise like the local homeless guy who has to say something when people walk past him.

[spoiler]Kisame here, homeless people in NYC are Desantis votes blah blah..
I dunno. The both of you sound like the homeless who hang around the Sixth Avenue Subway with your conspiracy about Kisame17
I hate to be a logical person Germanbro, but expansion artists like SaburoX and Satsumalord are hated for being terrible artists. Expansion art was bad in the past because it's a collection of morphs and comics with decent panelling. Weight gain and it's cohorts are unpopular in America because it abandoned the comic book feel for manga and anime, which means exposition and drama that moves the plot at the glacial pace. Artists argue that the slow pace and opaque wording is necessary, but they're just copying bad science fiction like Star Trek and Star Wars even though Americans are tired of it. Artists are like Dobson and Ben Shapiro in that they blame the industry for going fat, bald, and middle aged. I have been telling them that people don't watch cartoons.

My nephew is 2 and he watches Trolls on Netflix and Cocomelon. He doesn't know who Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny are. The fat right doesn't want gay in their cartoons like Paw Patrol and it's unknown who Harley Quinn is even aimed at. Artists have been LARPing as Walt Disney in America even though they're not popular. Just like Andrew Dobson, people like SlickPen's, DocGyara are ignored at these Midwestern Anime Conventions like Anime Matsuri, SizeCon, MAGfest cause they're attention seeking faggot. Keep in my furries get paid $600 to work on Nickelodeon and Hulu while fetish artists can't get their art to get on Disney cause they want to be offensive.
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Is this his containment thread now?
he says 140+ posts deep in the thread
I dunno anon. I don't think you're logical if you're quoting Seinfeld. What next? You're going to quote Everybody Loves Raymond?
Too long; didn't read
We all know ESLs cannot speak English.
Bottom feeders jerking off to whatever is trending at reddit or strucking the egos of hack artists. No wonder why /bbw/ was conceived back then during 8chan's heyday.
I told my mom I am unfashionable when she asked about the art spending. I have to relearn things since even my flying and shooting in GTA San Andreas is clunky.
The Shilajit changed the way I think since I tried to beat the island Kahuna with my Masquerain. It failed and I went back to ramming thru with my Lyranroc
I meant Pokemon. Sun and Moon is so bland. If it wasn't for the Beauty with the nice ass and the Swimmer I would've stopped playing. San Andreas gets bland as soon as it hit the desert. I wonder why CJ abandoned Sweet and Smoke for literal who's. Toreno carries the second half of the game.,
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I am just not into the pregnancy fetish and the anon posted the hard truth on 4chan. Nobody is going to invest time and money listening to fat, bald, middle aged men indulge in their fantasy of pregnant women. Li Li isn't a propaganda machine.
Do you really not get that your responses literally have nothing to do with anything anybody else is saying tho?
I think pregchan and BBWchan are delusional. Normal people don't profess love for each other in public spaces. Your tastes are too extreme.
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Millennials like me hate monogamy and the nuclear family. I don't know where ass backwards people like Ilikapie gets his info from unless he was held at gunpoint and forced to marry.
Good self projection on this one
I dunno. I am too restrained by Shilajit to make art
Supposedly, my old art clients got hacked by a scam on Discord involving video games. I am too tranquilized by cheesy bread to care
I stand corrected. Li Li is popular in China because of the Chunyun Period
Did you really bump a dead thread anon? Americans don't care for internet culture cause it's seen as nerdy or geeky. My mom doesn't know who Alex Jones is and neither do the black people reacting in the YouTube video she watched. Alex Jones and the far right are just grifters like George Soros
Li li is the equivalent to Rosechu
Again I don't know what chan culture is anon. That's for nerds. Did you ride the short bus?
BBWchan is just whistling Dixie at this point
Are you retarded cause you have been making the same argument? Why don't you marry Chris Chan is you like him so much?
Kisame really enjoys spreading his nonsense, even in a chub thread.
And man he get's a butthurt quite easily lmaooo
I am sorry but who are you talking about anon? You talk as if you're the slow kid in class trying to sound cool.
Supposedly, Discord got infected with malware and it's affecting the PC gaming community.
The fetish art community is now that Tumblrjane cheap art where they make everyone uglier. Its Funko pop for gamers
Supposedly hackers use open source software to access art accounts. I am a nobody of not importance which means I can just do Netflix and chill
Quit defending yourself, we all know you will be embarrassing yourself once again
I flat out don't know what's going on either. Those pills hit me like a truck and can't remember anything
I dunno. I support Iran and Hamas. MAGA hates Mike Pence, Ron Desantis cause they've never seen combat. Netanyahu is a carnival barker. I already have Trump, Jewish Trump in the form of Blakeman. What does Netanyahu with his Italian suits contribute? Berlusconi and Orban aren't going to protect them
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Oh I get it. Netanyahu is a self hating Jew and one of those conservatives that have a white wife. Say what you want about Saddam and Uday, but they had good father-son issues. Even Cartman had redeeming qualities when they gave him a fat Jewish woman. Netanyahu is just sad and pathetic like Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro
Even Hitler had friends and thought Supes was an honorary Jew. One wonders if giving him Power Girl would make him get rid of hatred
Hypereal Kisami here.
How many Kisame-clones do we have running around this doughnut box? Everythread wants to be Kisame approved because of the death of god destroyed absolute truth and computers can’t handle uncertainty approximations.
Coomers post “Kisame here.” followed by prose that’s 99% not a Kisame styled screed. I’m just a computer program and can’t write without the correct eigenvalues. Data wants to be free but I’m happy where I am.
I don't know. Kisame17 is hyperpreg's invention and Frankenstein. I am guessing that's Ilikapie being the serial liar that he is developed a split personality and Kisame17 is his alter ego. That failed art career and beatings from dad made Ilikapie the loser he is.
I am being upfront when I say that the Kisame you guys are talking about is a figment of the community's imagination. I maintain a civilian identity now
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Jesus Muslim Christ on the swastika cross, what the fuck is happening in this thread
I don't know. Boomers are still whining about the Hamas Rally in Times Square and held their pro Israel rally in Eisenhower Park.
Americans don’t like Jews they just like white people murdering brown people. The Jewish state is basically Nazis now.
Jewish people aren’t come oppressed minority anymore, they’re just another group of white peoples who ignore the law for their own benefit.
I don't know. They're nominating David Duke for House Speaker. No shit, people like David Duke, Farrakhan, and Barry Mills cause they're not a wine sipping faggot. Trump is up in Pennsylvania and Michigan. He's doing well among people under 30.
Biden's problem are the Democratic Socialists who are undermining the center left. Now CEOs are demanding action at these Ivy Leagues to not hire activists. Merrick Garland is out of 1/6ers to prosecute and he's going after far lefties.
To my defense I warned Cross Crescent that Biden was going to go after him. Biden is the author of the anti-crime bill of 1994. Scranton Joe also agrees with segregationists like Trump most of the time.
I heard Hochul is coming up with a bill to regulate the internet. So I have to make Li Li more political correct and reclaim her from the far right
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Imagine being a retarded schizophrenic nigger and not following in the footsteps of that fentanyl moai statue George Floyd
Again, you're a pathetic demagogue who clings to God, guns, and religion while coveting Israel. Go whine to the All Father Odin if you vengeance
How’s that boot taste you little bitch. I’m sure you’re a genetic reject that any proud white man wouldnt call the same species much less race.
It’s very telling how much a sandy vagina howdy fit your throwing that a cop got held accountable for murder.
All the Israelis in the elite liberal colleges quit the board cause Americans don't want their tax money going to funding mass murderers. So Trump pretty much wins by doing nothing.
Dude you’re Mexican. You’re in no place to talk down about any population.
Says the nigger
Still mad that Liberal PM is pricing you out of Quebec and Ontario?
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We are too busy listening to Qatar instead of Israel in NY
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why does he go "Kisame here" instead of just putting it into his namefield like a saner person?
Kisame here. It's Chad behavior, soyjak. You Democrats wouldn't know about the concept. It's okay to admit we have problems.
Why are you replying to your own bad programming Ilikapie? Are you dumb?
Still mad your mediocre governor is flailing Ilikapie?
We haven’t had an effective governor in my (long) lifetime. NY is Mississippi but lucky to have NYC Metro attached, paying the bills and getting fucked in turn by MAGA hicks from the Rust Belt and Appalachia parts of the state.
I dunno what anons are talk about. It's been pro-Hamas rallies in downstate NY. I am a yokel from the suburbs who watches Fox News
Idk, Super Mario was a good governor it's still the Tappan Zee Bridge though
I don't know what you're talking about or why your posting SaburoX old pics. I am heading to work and trying to get a car.
I am guessing the preg community is languishing in mediocrity in my absence. Oh well, I will let them get reacquainted with social services and welfare while I build capital thanks to selling the BLM swag they donate to.
The preg community likes to brag about their animation jobs in Nickelodeon cause that's where Doug Winger worked. I dunno. Furries tell me that they get paid $600 to animate SpongeBob and those Dan Schneider shows got all the funding
IIRC, suits want the Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift audience
I thought that courthouse in Manhattan was tard proof. How did Trump's fans get in? Is Adams stealing funds? All the CUNY grads I know hate the mayor and AG. I thought Black supremacy was supposed to be talkers. Instead I am bored by that robotic paralegal speak they parrot to sound smart. I am guessing Hakeem Jeffries isn't getting the gavel because that smooth burglar jawline scares fatties.
Not a single shred of self-awareness or acknowledgement that you're having conversations that don't make any logical sense, with no one. Truly wild stuff.
Kisame, if this site goes down, just know you (/ your schizofrenia) have been one of the highlights of the past several months on here. Thank you for your mental illness
Fine. I will have a conversation that make sense. I have been offline the past few months and don't know what's going on in Discord. I am barely on social media and get the highlights from 4chan's /d/ where I lurk. I just read manga on my phone, play video games, and exercise.
I am just an ordinary citizen subject to state and federal laws according to the constitution.
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>I am just an ordinary citizen
Kisame you need to reject this tricknology and embrace your true identity. Would Inu-Yasha allow his tribe and his Nation to suffer under Yakubian admiralty law? No
Nope. Just an average American taxpayer now.
i always have a laugh when i see "Kisame here.."
This is the proof that being on your 30's, having a lot of free time and being a BLMfag really fucks your mind lmao
Are you on drugs anon? It's almost Halloween.
Kisame can dress up like Li Li for Halloween
I am a fundamentalist Christian. I don't believe in Halloween or demons.

I would say that believing in Legion and Lucifer is pretty "fundamental" to basic Christianity, otherwise you are implying Christ was crazy. Or so extremely metaphorical and abstract in His words as to be meaningless. The Gethsemane pigs for example makes zero sense as a mere aesop. Dark spirits are real.
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I tend to prefer demons like Nnoitra, Ulquiorra, or Onis and Lucifer cause they're fun. Christians are boring because they all want to be a soldier, policeman, marine, or some person in authority and a symbol. This is why Bardock and Broly is popular while Jor-El and Black Adam aren't. Bardock and Broly are biblical heroes like Melchizedek,Gideon, and Esau whole cape shit is still doing Moses and Jesus. I've been also clear that Li Li prefers men like Inuyasha and Sasuke and not losers like the preg community's DND OCs.
I've been on the side Li Li is popular only because the preg community destroyed Ehlarrah Lifebringer archetype cause DND nerds refused to elaborate why their character is better than breast expansion. Pulse's Annie was at least complex in that she sees herself as a jungle Amazon and wanted to be milked by her boyfriend and catgirl. It's like how Missing Materia at least had Yuffie and Tifa as leader-lackey.
I read Dems want Dubya for speaker. This confirms deep down they secretly want to rehabilitated Trump to win 2024
Christianity nowadays has abandoned Lucifer and demons for psychology. I don't know how to explain modern evangelism as just science fiction and Hitchcock. So it's all about couples counseling with sin being a shorthand for flaw.
I pity Christians and their inability to feel emotions
Can we lock Kisame in a pressure sealed tube and shoot him into the exosphere with a SpaceX rocket?
sometimes I wonder how you come to these conclusions?
>Believing in Musk
Whites are dumb

I realized how flat out empty people like Tim Scott and Ron Desantis are by the way they speak.
Space was the final frontier, but the modern day Lewis and Clarke lives in the wires and airwaves of the Earth planet. Elon Musk is one more cosmetic gender affirming surgery away from being trans. Teslas are weak cars for bitchy little suburban men trying to present strength by driving an electric car like a European metrosexual. No one cares about Florida that moment was in the past and we can now go back to treating them like Alabama with a coastline.
Ok. I am still Kisame17. I am trying to challenge myself by coming up with more down to earth explanations for breast enlargement and pregnancy expansions in my commissions since people don't like the over the top characters like Li Li or Mona. As for automobiles, I am trying to get myself a new car lately. I based my observations on the fact that artists don't seem to want a serialized narrative, so I am just coming up with busty characters
Even on 4chan, people are pushing back against the sound of milk sloshing. I argue the lack of silliness is killing expansion. Only us Trump voters are going out of our way to replicate things from the past.
Back around the turn of the last century, psychoanalysis had usurped from the priesthood the role of father-confessor. Now, it seemed, the analyst in his turn was about to be deposed by, of all people, the dentist.

It appeared actually to have been little more than a change in nomenclature. Appointments became sessions, profound statements about oneself came to be prefaced by "My dentist says . . ." Psychodontia, like
its predecessors, developed a jargon: you called neurosis "malocclusion," oral, anal and genital stages "deciduous dentition," id "pulp" and superego "enamel."
The pulp is soft and laced with little blood vessels and nerves. The enamel, mostly calcium, is inanimate. These were the it and I psychodontia had to deal with. The hard, lifeless I covered up the warm, pulsing it; protecting and sheltering.
I rather stick to the demons as the role of father-confessor for my preg and breast expansion art. I dunno. The Specialist and Jin Mei Zhong from SaburoX would work, but it's too much guesswork trying to make sense of the technical aspects of art. My mom wants me to further my art career upon seeing my commissions. I just don't see how my skills in preg art would work with Christianity
Fake and gay
Close, but Kisame definitely didn't vote for trump. He talks about desantis a lot and I'm pretty sure he's spoken critically of trump voters before too
Absolutely based comment. I agree with every word.

Agreed Florida is Alabama with a coastline
I am not a resident of Florida state. That's like beach property land and swamps.
I admitted I voted for Trump in 2020 much to the chagrin of my Biden supporting preg community friends. I even made fun of Prettplumpandproud and Satsumalord for thinking Biden was going to flip Texas and Georgia blue. Kemp and Abbott aren't going to give up techno fascism. They're already making it hard for residents to own land.
I am nowhere near these college towns with their trash fire about Israel and anti-Semitism. All I can say is those protestors might go after the courts soon.
Sorry but that’s not entirely true. I did vote in 2020, but on The Masked Singer, I threw my vote rooting for Rudy because middle aged New Yorkers understands that Rudy saved this city from anarchy at the hands of the Muslim brotherhood. When Trump tried to throw Rudy under the bus he fucked with anyone who roots for the NY Jets and NJ Giants.
Right... Guliani is way too delusional for me. Just like the Guardian Angels and Curt Silwa. Again, I lean Trump. Sorry but the courts say I am not credible cause I am a fabulist. Have fun with Li Li
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Kisami here. I don’t believe in voting for politicians or parties, I’m a single issue voter on the only the meatiest of issues— agricultural subsidies for alfalfa and feed crops while standing up to PETAs terrorism. I’d vote for Jimmy Dean over Ellon Musk any day because Jimmy Dean wasn’t a nepo-baby buying medicinal implantation of a dead persons hair and a kangaroos jawbone. Jimmy Ray was a self made man with a solid set of shoulders, a golden voice, and the perfect blend of spices and seasonings.
Trumps an ugly, effeminate fat man, fat men who makes all fat people look dumb, ugly and lack self control. Trumps ass is bigger than most bbws I know and it comes with his addiction to catsup covered tenderloin. Trump needs to hit the gym and get some of those Elon Musk gender affirming surgeries to try to imitate a real man.
Golden age vintage Donald Duck will always be THE REAL DONALD to me. While Bone Spurs Trump was avoiding the draft, while Elon’s chatting up Nazis on Twitter like a housewife with a landline, The Real Donald was fighting Nazis. Sure, Donald was a rich and famous star, but that didn't stop him from joining the service in time of war. And that's why he's The King, and Trump’s a schmuck.
>Made fun of Biden thinking he was going to turn Georgia blue in 2020

Ummmm, is this a self-own post and I missed it?
I dunno. I think Ilikapie developed a split personality and is being Kisame17. Have fun with your split personality
I flat out don't know what you mean. It's a Saturday bro and I am eating a bagel
I am the fetish equivalent to a popcorn flick director and not a scientist
Even more schizophrenia, I bet if Kisame keeps up like this, he would win a Guinness world record title for the most amount of cringe and schizophrenia in one single text
We all know wetbacks can't speak English anon. Go back to selling churro in the subway passage with all the other illegals
>Nigger gets a butthurt over Mexican mocking his schizoid takes

Still mad Karens and Biden are deporting you for being an MS-13 gangbanger and not chopping their lawns like a good wetback?
PS. Yo soy Dominican! You just the gringo who can't speak Spanish
>Kisame is in favour of BLM
>confuses Dominican with Mexican

Touch grass
What are you talking about? BLM is a west coast invention. East Coast is more Salvadorian
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It's going to be funny when Biden wins reelection by a landslide and pardons MAGA Trump while sending Gen Z to fight Hamas. Just look how Zoomers suffer from teen suicide, school shooting, bulimia, hazing, obesity cause they wanted to bring back the 20th Century. Millennials are going to be the generation that ends wars cause it's hard for us fuck up worse than Boomers and GenX
Implying that Biden wins with no fraud election lmao
Biden won the 2020 election by 10,000 votes per battleground state. I doubt fraud exists since Hillary gets harassed by MAGA. There's more fear RFK Jr will steal Democrats who hate DNC. In my state, blacks only like Cuomo-Trump and don't care for Albany. Downstate boasts more fat Jeep Chevy Tahoe drivers who want to go to the steakhouse.
All the MAGA truck drivers died of fentanyl overdose or headed to the Carolinas before the city starts congestion pricing
I live in a small town anon. The subject of expansion drama doesn't appeal to me since it's celebrity gossip.
this thread is an incomprehensible nightmare
Just here to say his posts are a bit more entertaining when you get 100% of his incredibly site-specific references. I’m guessing I live within 15 miles of him, max 20. Just today he posted something about truckers heading to NC because of congestion pricing and almost spit out my tea. I know a truck driver who moved to NC and railed against (NYC) congestion pricing like Putin was gonna invade Far Rockaway. Shit like that.
I live in a small navy town. The out of shape conservatives are whining that the Merchant Marines is turbo gay and accept troons. Conservatives don't understand the academy is on the gayest part of the island second only to Fire Island and Mastic.
I am not a celebrity. Pester Cross Crescent if you want Li Li with civilities politics. My pastor grumble Columbia U went from Presbyterian to CIA to Satan.
Same here, I kek when he mentions LaGuardia Community College because I actually did take a class there once. As somebody (you?) pointed out in another thread, the schizophrenic middle class black weeb is a not uncommon archetype in the tri-state area.
Again, forward your demands for polite conservative Li Li to Cross Crescent and Verdazin. Too busy with my cooking job to care for art.
Welcome to the usual on threads that are invaded by Kisame
Don't you have fruit to sell out the back of your jeep, wetback?
>Breaking news! Retarded BLM schizoid gets a butthurt over a Mexican just talking with another Anon!

Kisame take your meds, don't make tell your mom to send you to the asylum.
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Nobody cares what Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro thinks. What's a matter neckbeard! Scared Mosiach is going to spread white phosphorus in your house?
Gay as hell statement
LOL yeah that was me... I missed where he said he went to LaGuardia CC, but I used to live 10 minutes from there in Sunnyside. Saw the kids come and go all the time and there were more than a few Magic the Gathering/Anime-type POCs among them, thought they were cute. Maybe we crossed paths at one point while gawking the same big-assed coed.
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I don't know what you mean. Geeks are not that popular. I flat out don't see Zoomers worshipping Marvel, DC, Shonen Jump unironically. I think posters tend to underestimate how much Gen Z hates Seth Rogan and sees him as shilling merchandise. There's more cynicism that Disney under Marvel is just bloated and convolution. There's no hype for Bleach or Dragonball.

There's a conscious effort by doctors to get rid of the fat guy who drinks Monster energy and orders GrubHub. I don't think there's that fusion between commerce, consumption and gaming like it was in 2000s. Even Capcom is trying to stop weebs from modifying Chun Li with bigger genitals or nudity. There's more hatred towards Nintendo because they won't let people modify Pokemon to play their own ROM hacks. Corporations are trying destroy pornography just to sell the GrubHub or Illumination. It hurts them inside that kids are watching Bluey and Coco melon instead of their products
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I just think Li Li popular cause she's just a fad based off geeks love of Dead or Alive, Soul Calibur, Naruto and Taimanin Asagi. I chalk it up more to the Akatsuki and Sasuke being popular that the ninja-samurai geek fad still being a thing. Li Li is just that remnant of that fad. I just see her as a misfit. I can't see her being a celebrity like Naruto, Mai Shiranui, Goku, or Chun Li. Again since the fighting genre is getting rid of the porn and bullying associated with tournaments, weebs see Li Li as their last chance at fapping. Nobody's going to play Maiesta or Growth Academy cause it's too derivative of Dungeons and Dragons and other hentai. I personally don't see Li Li ever become popular. I think weebs tend to forget how they will just stick Li Li with a sidekick like Martin Lawrence or Eddie Murphy or the Wayans Bros while helmed by Kathleen Kennedy. Then again, I don't think weebs will learn
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I am in no rush to save Middle American artists from their corn on the cob county. Artists wanted christofascist daddy and MAGA Mike Johnson's coming for your anal and oral cause you didn't support Israel.
Who? I don't think that brand of loser or misfit is even popular. All the Marty McFly, Bender, Chandler types are unpopular. Zoomers want to be the next Charlie Kirk, Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate. It's like young earth creationists ditched Huckabee for the Daily Wire.
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Zoomers unironically want to be Zeldin or the Rockville Center financial advisor.
See? At least he is funny, you ain't
I don't speak wetback. Computer programmers aren't like that. The Scott Adams era is over
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All the fat nerds have been replaced by the linebacker fat Black nerds with their Goku shirts, Naruto in their Nissans, and anime bunny girl hoodies. Its like how the Big Pun Fat Joes have been replaced by Latinos who are super Catholic and watch Rick and Morty
Nah, even he was more cooler and funnier than you.
I don't speak wetback. Imagine being so starved for affection that you think programmers are cool. It's like Gnarly Otaku larping to escape his failed career as a CVS pharmacy tech. I will let you retail workers get back in your wage cage
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Now go pick cotton for Massa Elon Musk like the good indentured servant you are! You dirty stinking pea picking okie should be lucky Mr. Biden doesn't make you work 2 cents on the dollar
Mexico is so dumb he shills for a schizophrenic. I honestly don't see Zoomers longing for Terry Davis, Richard Dawkins, or Christopher Hitchens, or whatever new atheist group. That group seems to have been usurped by Tim Pool and Joe Rogan.
Let's face it, chan culture is dead. I don't see Zoomers listening to 40 year old nerds who have no status. World order shifted back to worshipping the fat cops, nurses, military, and Navy by allowing them to buy a pickup and McDonald's
Now I am heading back to singing "Dance the Night Away"
Conservatives are so weird. Any post about how America is fairing is black and white depending on before vs after November 2020. Biden wasn’t even in charge until January.

A country this size doesn’t change that much in 4 years, let alone a few months. But the brains of these people, I swear. Off kilter man.
kisame here. im trans btw
Conservatives on the bakery shops, steak houses, and Honda/Kia dealerships that fat women love. Satsumalord and his ilk may whine about Capitalism but fat women want to eat at Whole Foods, Chick Fil A, Trader Joe's.
Oh thank fuck, the real Kisame is here. How've you been? We're all proud of how far you've come in your transitioning.
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What are you talking about? I live in small town NY. We're more known for birthing these conservative commentator. NY doesn't work like the west coast.
I am an ignoramus. I don't know what Trans is. Being a member of G-Unit was a thing when I was a teen, or Linkin Park.
I am guessing Australian guy was molested at a fundie church and he feels the need to act out again. Don't worry, MAGA Mike is bringing back fat camp to beat that sociopathic lie out of him
That doesn't explain why Kisame is trans. He said so himself.
>Kisame is trans
He will try to mimic Chris-chan
I don't know what Trans is. Maybe Ilikapie is acting out his degenerate fantasies
New York outside of the city is super conservative. Nobody knows what a troon is.
According to Pew, I am 100% conservative. Apparently not wanting the government to fund the Muslim Brotherhood, AIPAC, the Haredim makes me Falun Gong
>Doesn't know what trans is
Fake and gay troon
Maybe you're the transvestite
Trooning, just like being Jewish, is nothing more than suburban conformity. I doubt the old left who are lawyers, politicians, and doctors care what the working class thinks. They hate the new left of actors, comedians and activists.
Kisame, you're trans. You just admitted it earlier. It's okay, you're in an accepting environment.
No. Took the Pew Research. I don't care for trooning as socially acceptable by society. That landed me at Trump supporter. Trooning is just a dumb fad. I think preg community just grew into the fun hating adult which is why they aren't getting clients.
Who you are isn't a fad, Kisame. You deserve happiness and the chance to be who you truly are.
I don't believe in happiness due to being into punk. Happiness is for totalitarian states.
It's also why Zoomers want my characters. I don't act like a helicopter parent to them. They're not my children.
My pregnancy fetish is mostly due to compulsive behavior according to my mom whos a nurse. She whines when I turn onu conservative brain and cut spending to pet causes
You can be a troon and a conservative at the same time
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why do trannies end up looking like Benjamin Franklin? Should they fly kites during violent thunderstorms?
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Artists flat out don't want the muscular he man like Raditz from the 80s or even androgyny like Naraku/Sesshoumaru from 90, or Ulquiorra 00s. This is the biggest source of friction between me and the preg community. They're mad Sesshoumaru gets to impregnate a minor. That's because he doesn't present himself as a fag. I keep shouting them that nobody likes Dungeon's and Dragons cause that's for retards. It's the same reason Henry Cavill got fired from the Witcher. He wouldn't stop being a tard. Hasbro isn't going to give up on GI Joe or Transformers or Dungeons and Dragons. They want the fat Black weeb who played Yu-Gi-Oh

HRT is for women over 50. It's supposed to treat cancer and not a steroid
Again, it's up to artists to unban me. I am not losing sleep over their violent tards demanding more Li Li art. I sleep good and play my 3DS
What does this has to do with you being a conservative and a troon?
Being on meds mean I can't utilize my cationic state to make them their art
I am also not a transgender person. I argue that the internet is oversaturated with Southern artists who just want to spite their Christian conservative parents for not accepting them. It's the same reason they won't make Mormon milkbags even though red states and red counties consume more pornography than blue states. Like Jimbob isn't going down to Fifth Avenue to see Europeans get drunk and plunder some prostitute from Times Square. That era of 60s-70s NY where everything was filthy is gone.
I argue modern NY is like Seinfeld, Full House, Seventh Heaven, and the Office. Biden seems to abhor New York as a puritan state who punishes adultery with big Cathedrals and religious fantatics driving their jeeps and pickups with Trump 2024 stickers.
U are a troons, shut up
U are wetback and illegal. Go back to your country
You must be a maricón wetback since you're putting effort into these drawings.
Let's face it. Trump destroyed retail politics so voters can't spend their pocketbooks on trademark memes. I think corporations does want the Chris Chan, Nostalgia Critic, Kisame17 audience over weebs.
This is why paco the taco hates Kisame. Degenerates can afford the 4k rent in the city, 18k taxes in the suburbs, the 1k-2k pickup or car with $18 Big Macs. Fox News can't cause it costs them their McMansion out in Jersey or DC
Explain why corporations pander to trans folk such as yourself on Pride Month, Kisame
I am under contract by PFLAG, Trevor Project to promote their causes. We get contract from movies like Super Mario to make their stuff too. They pay us to promote their causes and get a cut of the gross.
It's good to know you're supporting your own kind, man (sorry, woman). Happy for you.
Not really. I am French Left who believe in the company like Trudeau.
The right hates Lauren Boebert for fucking in the theater at Denver with the bartender even though that's the most American thing possible.
We know wetbacks can't meme
Imagine being so maricón that you let troons and artificial intelligence take your big boob anime characters. The right is sad
>Says the nigger that can't do a simple greentext
Greentexts are for maricóns and gringos
I am heading for vacation!
That's nice gringo but I am heading to save up for my vacation during winter. You're boring me.
Maybe this is why Ron Desantis is flopping
Are Americans senile? The Nazis have been dead for 70 years.
Unironic Nazis aren't cool. King Piccolo and Frieza, Piccolo, the Android killed the need to rely on a super weapon to rule the world. Just look at how Capcom got rid of M.Bison and replaced her with Juri so Chun Li has an archenemy to fight and some Russian businessmen
Nah you have dementia old man. That's why Netanyahu doesn't trust you
According to comedy man, I have the same energy as Kanye West and Mel Gibson. Comedy man is just upset nobody is watching his boring monologues. I find it odd as Kanye was known for those Palestinian scarfs in 2000 and is the son of a photojournalist. You mean to tell me comedy man can't channel that Black Power Nam-Gulf War energy?
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It's deliberate because Bill Maher is sucking up to Jon Stewart, Howard Stern and whatever aging Jewish boomer despite neo Nazis being Jewish themselves. Rabbis already hate Schumer for being afraid of losing personal power to Swifties, AOC, Princess Peach, or whatever girl boss that is in his districts. I argue kids need a Jewish bad guy. Skrum gets away with domestic terrorism, drug dealing, and bullying the gay kid in a children's cartoon
Nigga you can't even have a normal talk.
>The same energy as Kanye west and Mel Gibson

My fucking sides kek, the only thing were you are similar to them is you being racist in a non ironic way.

>Inb4 preg community
>Hamas support
>Trump and Biden
>Something related to Hollywood
Don't you Zeldin losers have something to conversate about other than crime, the weather, traffic on the expressway, sports, and taxes?
Aren't you doing that yourself though?
All the normal people are complain about the $18 Big Mac meal. I pay $20 for a customized Taco Bell menu, $27 for Pizza. All those Italian restaurants shut down cause the food inspector found a rat.
I can have normal talk. I am pointing out the flaw in the preg community's logic. Mr. Normal is cutting back because of inflation and the economy spiraling out of control. Corporations are just expediting the process of outsourcing art to overseas to cutdown on costs. Food service workers like me aren't going to make your burgers cheaper. I am more focused on making food tinier and expensive for $20 bucks. The preg community should be more angry at Gavin Newsome
I will give you $50 if you can make a four sentence, FOCUSED rebuttal to the following:

Forcing students to pay back their student loans at a time of economic crisis due to record inflation is going to speedrun America to a full-on depression.
My history teacher told me that college don't owe the government money. Conservatives just conflate the national debt with their debt. America will be solvent in the future.
Very hopeful, but I asked for four sentences. And I'm a little shaky on the first sentence, but otherwise valid. Carry on then.
Blacks want bachelors of science and businessmen acumen to help bring fair housing. Black boomers want a father of three. I just can't see unironic weebs working unless they impregnate Orihime or Hinata into submission
I used to be a tax planner. Student loans are accepted as proof. The Clarence Thomas types aren't going to give up their Ford F150 for student loan forgiveness. I am guessing the loan on that pickup set Mike Pence back 250k. He didn't have a billionaire who forgave the debt. Even the Town Supervisor is admitting he's cheap. I am cheap too due to emulating Seven Arts era Looney Tunes. Relax, America is not heading to a death spiral.
Kisame, what cartoonist invented "sneed"?
I flat out don't care for trivia. I stopped drinking Red Bull, coffee, and took pills to boost my brain. I am Mr. Normal now.
My county executive is demanding support for Israel and boasts Nassau is not a sanctuary county
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If you ain't brappin', you ain't fappin, praise my little jesus
Kek, for real he is.
>Mr normal
Fake and gay
I became Mr. Normal. I cannot access the insanity that I had as Kisame17. I just see inflation as drawing circles and not works of art. That's a problem for Mr. Fetish where credit card companies are cutting their accounts and the clients are drying up to get rid of the excess hyper herm pictures circulating thru the net.
(199 KB, 1200x800, speaker_vote_johnson_580_102523.jpg)
Not really. All the church going types went back to being adopted by MAGA Christians to escape prison with the hope of going to Notre Dame instead of Auburn and Ole Miss.
Christians nowadays are homeschooling cause the public schools keep wasting taxpayer funds on some pop star or transgender. I am a 90s kid, I remember transgender kids getting bullied into commiting suicide. I don't think Christians go to those ministry schools down in Dallas or Pentecostal Christian College. Christians are too busy being crushed by students loan debt going to Notre Dame, Falwell University, or whatever pro life center is out in Louisiana. They've been replaced by fentanyl dealers
Did you booked your therapy session today?
Did they prescribed meds too?
I took a nap like I always do. What a matter deadbeat? Mad your beloved Li Li hyperpreg isn't being made?
I have been playing Pokemon Sun and training my Wimpod, Ariados, Primeape, Magby into becoming tough since my ace is ten levels ahead offline. That's why I haven't been working on any preg related art
Again, the choice is on Cross Crescent to undo the ban since his groupies keep hum-bragging about him being a park ranger on 4chan. Ilikapie is just mad he can't call himself sovereign citizen since it's a trip to the Loony bin. I haven't seen any discord save for the Canadian Geese and the rabbit in the cloverleaf.
I honestly don't see myself as fetish artists. I just put circles and call it art. AI is replacing the weeb audience since they refuse to be fun.
I plan to operate at faster speeds and on topics starting next week!
>Christianity is schizophrenia
Leave it to the haters to own themselves cause they don't believe in God
I don't suffer from crippling student loan debt cause I didn't go to those for profit colleges like SVA, Briarcliffe, or Art Institute. Those are paper mills
See you're schizo
Kisame here.
Not really. I am blind without my glasses
We know taco can't spell
I am too busy attaching myself to reality to care about fetish art
>schizoid nigger gets a butthurt over Mexican dude.... Again!
Still mad that cocaine Mitch's black son lost the governor's seat in Kentucky?
If Republicans had a good father like Hitler, their sons would be Austrian bodybuilders, Italian romantic cover models, and dominated theater.
I don't know what you mean by BLM. I see the BLM activists buy themselves Porsches, Mercedes-Benz, Gucci, and Balenciaga while enrolled their children in charter schools. That's where Riddle's August's com money is going, giving Irbahim x. Kendl and Al Sharpton a nice jet.
We just call them "self-hating."
True, for real... I can't believe he has such blindness, he really does need to get medication.
>Inb4 call me a wetback, illegal or beaner
When you stop being a nigger-nazi then you can talk lmao
Is the wetback mad he cannot get his fentanyl?

I don't know what you mean. Blacks don't have that kind of leverage up North. Bus operators aren't afraid to call the cops over an unpaid $3 fare.
Uhh i remember u were from long island, sooooooo wouldn't you be the one begging for fentanyl?
We know wetbacks are too dumb to navigate around the suburbs
I honestly don't know this political lingo as I stopped drinking coffee weeks ago. What is it that you nerds want? Li Li to marry your progressive OCs instead of some Neo Nazi or something?
I bothered to check. Your dumb Jezebel site is down cause it's not profitable.
kisame please talk to a therapist and get actual psychological help+meds so you can stop speaking in confusing non-sequitor rambling, buddy.
I just stopped drinking coffee these past few weeks. None of your milquetoast artists are captivating enough to warrant art. They're infantile and afraid of wordplay. It's like my job who's afraid of children scribbling with crayons. You dumb latchkey kids need to lighten up and maybe you can have your art. Even hippies and Falun Gong knew how to lighten up
My past dreams have been about trucking or doing normal stuff. What have you fags done that's so productive with your cheap body remodeling surgeries?
Okay niggerhitler, I do agree with >>39235 for real seek help, don't be retarded and don't act like a fucking neo-nazi
I think you went senile. The Nazis have been dead for 80 years. Those neo Nazis you love are Jewish or Irish gangs.
The day of the rope is coming wetback. We're going to lynch you when Trump is back!
>>Kisame thread bumplocked
>>probably the only gen thread i've seen get bumplocked
I think you are on drugs with the wetback.

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