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Just wondering if any college students past or present have had any experiences related to feedism while they were in school. And where would be the best classes/places to find possible big girls around a campus.
Not necessarily feederism, but there was a girl I saw around campus who was probably the heaviest girl there. I approached her in a club one night and she was surprisingly nice to talk to.
I brought her back to my place to hang out. I put a movie on and lay down in bed and she came to sit on the side of the bed.
I don't know why, but instead of sitting down normally, she threw all her weight at my bed and snapped the frame in half.
We ended up just fucking on the mattress on the floor, but she was nice enough to replace my bed so I didn't get fined.
Met up a few times after but drifted apart. Wonder how she's doing now.

>>she threw all her weight at my bed and snapped the frame in half.

Surprised the bed frames are cheap over there considering everything is made of brick and is actually built to last.
My thoughts exactly
Have you seen bri'ish windows? They are single pane, at least on older housing so brits freeze in their homes 6 months a year.
>>34717 (OP)
Not related to feederism really. But when I was in university there was a pair of Twins in my class. Identical twins. The interesting thing was that one of these twins was physically fit and worked out all the time. The other twin was the exact opposite of her sister. Must of been somewhere in the 250lbs range.

It was hot as hell to see the fucking butterfly effect in real time lmao. Here is one timeline where she fit, here's one where she fat.
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>meet girl through uni's reddit platonically
>meet her roommate, call her L
>L is 5'3", 100 lbs, 18, and hella cute
>reddit friend says, "all she eats is tea"
>chat a bit and fb friends but whatever
>browsing fantasyfeeder
>see L on new pics section, "i wish someone would feed me..."
>message her on fb about it
>talk about kink. feels amazing to know someone irl that fully understand my sexuality
>find out she lives literally 5 houses down from me, i shit you not
>offer to take her to mcdonalds but she get grossed out at the idea
>go to in n out, taquerias, trader joes and feed her
>she was in pain from being stuffed but kept going
>never fuck, kiss, touch bc i was in a relationship but we both wanted to
>few months later she's 155, face is chubbier, arms are chubbier, belly contour under shirt, thighs getting huge
>craves and eats mcdonalds, taco bell, and kfc multiple times a day
>her parents weight shame her hard
>loses all the weight
>becomes a feeder and dates a huge guy

haven't talked to her in a couple years, just see her post on insta now and then. but damn if i don't think about what she would have become if i was able to date and support her

pic related
This is why I use Feabie TBH

The hope…
>They are single pane, at least on older housing so brits freeze in their homes 6 months a year.

That's what happens when their country doesn't adopt HVAC systems. But I'm sure after this year's set of heatwaves, they'll come into the 21st century.
Dated a ~230 pound sophomore my freshman year of college... iirc she's 5'6, she might be 5'7 though... either way still chubby, not fat per se but chubby and had a belly and huge boobs... I had told her about feedism and how I like fat girls gaining weight and eating etc. and she wasn't into it but was very kinky and didn't judge me at all for it... one day we're out to breakfast and she's STARING at me while eating a bagel with cream cheese... mind you its like 10am and I'm hungover as fuck, not horny at all... and she just goes "does watching me eat this turn you on?" my eyes got SO big and I said yes lol it does... long story short our personalities weren't/aren't compatible (this was over 10 years ago now) and we basically had an on/off relationship throughout college until she graduated... long story short is that she gained to about 300 by that time, and I like to think with my constant encouragement and offering to bring her snacks/food over the years I contributed to that... she didn't mind the weight gain at all either. Sometimes I wish we were more compatible, but it was an emphasis on the "off" type of on/off relationship if you know what I mean lol... haven't talked to her in years now
Now how about some advice for those college students who would like to possibly meet a big girl

You don’t need advice, there are so many fat girls in college and girls that gain the freshman 30. Just be into them and make it known to them you are. Only advice is don’t hide it or be afraid to admit it/date them in public. They can sniff that shit out faster than their post drunken fried food
Which majors might generate said fatties?
The library is always a good move
Bump because I’d like to know if anyone has any interesting stories
Ever see the size of nurses these days? They get their start in college.
Truth, fat nurses deserve their own thread, but I'll hijack this one instead:

I have a black 40-something nurse on my block and she can barely walk, her thighs have to be 50" around. I don't know how she does her job.

I saw one a couple years ago outside Mass General (Boston) who looked like Roxxie — blonde, 30ish farmgirl type, easily 400 lbs.
I'm still thinking about the cute fat librarian with a bobcut and glasses who checked out my book 2 weeks ago
Anything art-related (fine arts), or media-related (like film or media studies) as well.
I can confirm this, at least for media studies
Bump for more fat girl college stories
Bump because I’d like to see if anyone has any other college stories
Bump because I’d like to hear more college stories
Sounds interesting enough
is it not rude to hit on girl at library?
Bump for the last few college stories
Bumping this for more interesting stuff
>>34717 (OP)
Just a warning that it's rare to find a fat college girl (at least in the UK) without issues. Out of the girls I've been with, one had daddy issues, one was borderline depressed and one was mental to the point that I'd known her for a few days and she wanted to marry me.

I guess it also depends on their social position. All of them would probably be at the bottom of the social ladder at high school. Equally I went on a date with a fat middle eastern girl who was very socially adjusted, but she was way more experienced than I was at the time and she ended up ghosting me. Apparently she ran a very popular feederism blog on tumblr that I never found out what it was called. But she was probably at the top of the hierarchy in school.
Met my current fat wife at college. She was a chubby freshman at the time, around 220 lbs. We started going out not long after the semester started, met for lunch, movies, bar hopping. Saw her blow up before my eyes, shirts from September were getting tight by November. After winter break she was freaking out about getting up to 260, her biggest weight. I told her it was okay, she wasn't buying it. I came out with my preferences and she was confused as hell. She experimented by eating some cookies that night in the bedroom.
Over the next few months she got really into feederism, making a show of how full she was in the cafeteria, sending me belly pics during class, asking me to pick her up sweets. By the time we graduated she'd levelled out at 320 lbs. Hottest experience of my life!
Are you planning on helping her get any bigger or is this a good enough size for the both of you
I'd love her to gain more weight, but she's been talking about losing some pounds. Although you'd never guess it from her sweet tooth.
What ethnicity is she, if you don’t mind me asking. I wish you both the best as well
Bump for the new year
What do you guys think is best when going after a huge girl or a potentially chubby girl who’s destined to be big in college?
Fat girl thoughts: you know how she puts weight on, prob has self esteem issues, may be used to eating more, is already fat with all the good things-touching squeezing all that extra. Prob thinks you're a weirdo feeder.
Chubby girl thoughts: body could change good or not desirable, no self esteems issues, might not be amenable to overeating, you get to ruin an almost skinny girl. Prob thinks you're a weirdo feeder.
>>34717 (OP)
an ABC BBW hit me up over facebook back in the day and I got to feed and fuck her a couple times.She agreed to gain and I had her drinking shakes everyday but she blew up so quick she got spooked and that was that.

was hooking up with an incredible ginger later who got on the gain train for me and seemed to be loving it. Was thinking about locking things down with her but she was infertile and I want a family so no kids is a deal breaker and we eventually just stopped.
had a gf who'd get bloated for me but never wanted to gain. while we were dating though I had the hottest ssbbw coworker at my fast food job. We had some real sexual tension, but because I had a gf at the time nothing came from that until after college, and just some long distance sexting then. I still fantasize about that girl.
Has anyone when to a Georgia college before and seen a fatty or interacted with one?
Yeah I did. She was Jewish tho, so no fired chicken of biscuits in gracey. Her parents were both therapists so you know she’s totally fucked in the head.
Used to take pills and powders all weekend and skip meals and then gorge thousands of calories when coming down on Sunday. It was kinda fun, all the eating. especially when she kinda sobered up to just beer and keep gorging at the dining hall so she gained a quick freshman fifteen.
Starting to wonder if this ginger hotty classmate of mine was a feedee... I saw her Facebook pfp from 1 year ago and while not skinny, she definitely looked a lot thinner (maybe 170ish compared to 240ish she was when we met). She also tended to wear a lot of revealing clothing (probably the most enjoyable thing in that class outside of the actual teaching), and her belly had a lot of stretch marks... Idk, I'm probably wrong but either way talk about a hot gain
Anyone else I hope to find more Georgia related stories
I’m in Georgia, Atlanta suburbs, there aren’t that many fat people in Georgia.
i went to UGA and it was almost impossible. i met my girlfriend of the past 8 years back in atlanta when we were 18 and 20..
>>34717 (OP)

Mind speaking on that, Anon? I know someone studying Psych rn
Anyone have any fat GSU stories
not OP but I don't see many big girls in psych
I wonder. Was this at GSU?
Bump for more college stories
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I did a grad program a few years ago. It was a small program so you really got to know each other and mainly did classes with the same group of people. One gal was somewhere in the 300s, cute face, body similar to the photo.

On orientation day we had to go up a big hill from one building to another and it was clear how winded the walk was making her. Red face and all. She was doing her best to hide it from all of us fellow students she met 10 minutes ago.

As time went on, however, it became clear she was a trainwreck of emotions and self-hatred. Totally one of those girls where her weight was just the tip of a huge iceberg of baggage. Like, cry in class regularly levels of trainwreck, so I stayed pretty far away.

The other fun bit was that the classes were almost always somewhere between about 4-8pm since it was a grad program that assumed you might already be working in the field. That meant most people just ate something for dinner in class or on a break. Naturally she was never seen eating anything, ever, the entire time. Seeing as she didn’t lose any weight over the 2 year period, she was almost certainly bombing a drive thru while famished on the way home on a very regular basis.
North Korea?
>>49562 I've seen some posts like that (with the north korean flag)... How does someone even do that?
They’re generally just frumpy girls or below average girls who go the distance self care wise.
Sociology is generally where you get not only bigger but better girls. base wise, mentally and looks wise, not to say that’s a big ask over psych
how to talk to fat girls in uni?
Step 1: approach them
Step 2: say words
I can't seem to make a seperate post so I'll post it in this thread:
So we're both in our twenties and we're both ready to be married. About 3 years of relationship, which has been great. She was very skinny when I met her, she gained until she's a tiny bit chubby now. At least her legs and ass are. Now I love her with all my heart. I just can't ignore my fetish though. I really want her to gain more weight, it's a major part of my sexuality. The progression, seeing her get softer and curvier. Seeing her female attributes expand and become more exaggerated. It's primal, I think. I've had this fetish since my childhood, though I did not think I would truly want this in practice this badly. She's been giving me mixed signals about gaining more. I've been grabbing her belly and thighs a lot and telling her how much I love her softness. During sex I told her how much it turned me on that she gained for me, and she replied that she would do anything for me as long as I kept fucking her like that. Sadly, today I brought up how much I liked her progression in the nudes she sent over the course of our relationship, and she said she wouldn't gain much more on purpose. She said she didn't want to eat more on purpose. To me, however, that is the hottest part. Wanting to get bigger, purposefully eating more to make herself more soft for my pleasure. Idk, it's just super hot to me. Now I loved and found her attractive when she was skinny too, but holy smokes the more she gains the more I'm just infatuated with her gaining 20-30kg over the course of the next few years. We've been dabbling in some light tied up BDSM, and I just can't get it out of my head to fantasize about funnel feeding her, and training her to stuff herself for her sexual pleasure and mine. So... I am very confused on what she wants, so I definitely need to talk to her about that. But I'll really have to be careful with my words, as I really don't want to appear like I'm unsatisfied with who she is. I love her to death. It's just a big part of my sexuality. I've been gradually opening up to her about that part of my sexuality, especially the last year. But from the get-go I've been all over her belly and such. Now I know she probably doesn't want to deal with the hassle of eating on purpose for me. On the flip side, I would just love it if I could get her to take sexual pleasure (out of submissiveness I guess) from eating more for me.
So, fellow bbw enthusiasts, how retarded am I? This fetish has always been a part of me, it's not like porn made me think this way, so even if I completely stop consuming this type of porn, it will not change my sexuality like that. How would you deal with my situation? Have you been in a similar situation?
>>34717 (OP)
The number one key to feeding anyone but especially people who are responsible for their diet for the first time… get them into night eating. Build that habit of binging after dinner. THAT is where most weight gain magic happens and its how you get them b i g
It's Kim. He is into fatties too.
I think I computer science might be the place to find girls into this, but I’m still looking
Keep your findings posted here then cause I’m a computer science major surprisingly XD
Enjoy what you’ve got. Keep all of her favorite food around for a year, and if she ends up gaining weight see if she enjoys it when you bring food into bed. You just might convince her yet through experience
What do you guys think the biggest dynamic of fat girls are? Black girls/White girls/Asians/Latinas/Arabics/Other

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