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Yes, I have had sex with complete strangers on quite a few occassions being a professional photographer in India and because of my bold nature. But the most unexpected one happened at a rural village in west bengal in India where I had gone for a photoshoot. I had sex with a year old married woman on that occasion and I was. It was completely unexpected which made it even more exciting for me. I had gone for the shooting of “poushmela” alone . This was one of the few times I had gone for a photo shoot of such a large event alone, and anyone who does professional photography knows how hectic it can be. Shooting models in studios and shooting a live cultural event spread across a large area has a lot of difference in the way of approach and the latter is much more hectic. I had a tiring day and after shooting and walking for 8 hours, my body was aching all over and I really wanted some place to rest. I knew it would be impossible for me to make a 8 hour journey back home that night and I decided to stay somewhere in the village itself. Now, villagers in west bengal are very kind hearted and helpful but not very eager to let a complete stranger stay at their house overnight. Even after trying hard, I could not find a house to live in. They were ready to offer me food and tea but when it came to sleeping, they suggested the nearest guesthouse which was 8 kms away and at that time of the night, I would have to walk 8 kms which was not possible for me. But when I found no house eager to let me stay, I knew I would have to manage the journey of 8kms somehow. I started walking along the deserted road of the village. It was dark with dim lights at the side of the road. After walking for about 15 mins, I found a small shop on the side of the road. It was a small tea shop and had cigarettes too. My legs were now really hurting and I decided to have some tea and biscuits and buy a pack of cigarettes. I went to the shop and surprisingly found that a woman was sitting at the counter . She was around 35 years old, married( I saw the sindur). It was very unusual for a woman to sit at a shop at such an isolated space because villages at night are not vey safe in west bengal. Moreover, It was unusual in the fact that the shop was actually open that late. I asked for a tea and cigarette. I could not help but notice that the woman, though a villager had very good physique. She was chubby, with large breasts which was half visible through the sweat of her loose fitting blouse, she had a giant inviting navel hole which was revealing and those legs. As she turned back, I saw her waist and her sweaty back with half a bra peeking from under the blouse and immediately had a boner. She was voluptuous, with an unusually wonderful set of assets for a poor villager. I decided to find out more about her. After a brief conversation with her, I came to know her husband worked as a construction worker in my home city, Delhi. She had three kids, one 10 and another 7 and another probably 4 and showed their house which was a small hut at the back of the shop. She said that the shop was the only one in the village that remained open at night because there was a burial ground nearby and thus she had customers coming as late as 10 p.m . Now let me describe the atmosphere around. It was dark, isolated, peaceful and the weather was very hot and there I was …a weary traveller and there was a lady, a curvy lady with a figure that I am sure villagers were tormented by everyday. I suddenly had an idea. I opened by tshirt citing that it was very hot. I had a very good physique , I go to the gym regularly and had abs and all. As soon as I opened my tshirt, I saw her staring at my body. I knew she must be hungry too. After all, her husband has been away for 6 months. But i had decided that I would not force myself on her. I would give her small hints and if it was to happen, it would happen anyway. When she came to serve me biscuits , I said”look, you are sweating all over too. I have opened my shirt and I am now comfortable”. She blushed and her hands trembled but she only smiled. I knew it was going in the right direction. As she turned back, I said ..”The sweat is making you look all the more attractive”…She did not say anything but i saw her biting her lips and smiling. The conversation was in Bengali though. After finishing my tea..I said”do you have a bathroom. I want to have a shower as I have 6kms of walking to do”.She said that they did not have a bathroom but said there was a place in the trees nearby where they used to do their bathing and all, and If i was comfortable, I could use that place. Of course I was!!..I asked her politely..”Will you bring me a bucket of water please??dont worry, I will pay you “…I handed her 500 rs. and said this was for the attention and caring she had given me. She initially refused but i grabbed her hand and put it in there and lovingly caressed her arms saying that she was the most attractive woman of this village and she should take this as a reward for her inner and outer beauty. By now, I saw her blushing like a small girl. I touched her navel and said…”Bring me the water, close the shop and come to the trees. I need someone to hold my clothes when I am bathing”. She said nothing and went inside, her feet trembling. My heart at that time was beating fast as I knew I was going to have my first sexual experience in the open fields of a village. My fantasy since childhood!!.i went to the trees and got into my undies. I made sure my bulge was visible to her when she came . She came after 5 mins with a bucket of water and she was shocked to see me almost naked and also noticed the bulge. I gave no reaction, gave my clothes to her and asked her to put them under the tree. Then, with the help of the mug that I was carrying, I took some water from the bucket and poured it over her. She was drenched in water and the sweat and water made her skin easily visible.”Saheb, what did you do?”..she exclaimed. I pulled her towards me and whispered..”You need a bath too. You need some relaxation. Should i clean you up?””…”My kids will wake up”, she said. “Do not worry, We will be able to see them if they come over here before they see us”. She was still reluctant. I knew I had to make the first move. I opened her saree and started kissing her soft belly. That skin was very soft and she was a little smelly but it actually turned me on. All sexual experiences I have had till then was with sophisticated ladies who had many barriers. I knew this was going to be a no-barrier one. I was licking her navel like a mad man and she was moaning and weirdly pulling my hair as if to punish me for making her do this. I inserted my finger in her navel hole and started spinning it round and round. Her eyes rolled up in pleasure. I gave 10 mins to her belly area as that was easily her best part of the body. By then, she was only in her bra and her petticoat. I crushed her against a tree and started to explore her. Her nose was stuck against my armpits and I knew they were smelling but I did not care. She tried to move her nose away but I did not let her. She was also smelling, it was natural because we were there after a full day’s hard work. I made her touch my manly chest and turned my attention towards her breast. I was an expert in the breast section and I can guarantee that within 5 mins of my expert handling, her breasts had grown very large. I can guarantee that within 5 mins of my expert handling, her breasts had grown very large. I bet she never had been sucked like this before. Her eyes rolled so deep that I felt that it would come out.
Then i asked her to touch my *ick and tell me how it was. She did that reluctantly and said that it was good. “Then get ready!!”, I said naughtily and turned my attention towards her armpit. The armpit of a village woman almost always had stubble and this was no exception. The smell, the sweat, the heavy breathing of the sex deprived woman, it was a heavenly feeling. I licked her armpits dry within 5 mins. Now i opened my underwear and asked her to take care of my thing.She was reluctant at first but I made her kneel down and take it. She was not an expert in that and it was not very bad but not very good either. I knew she was not very experienced, she probably had sex twice or thrice a year. But that night, I made her do things that no city woman would have agreed to do in the first encounter. I asked her to fulfill all my fantasies. She did not know how to do half of them, but when I taught her , she obeyed me and did pretty well. I also did things to her she would not have imagined in the wildest of her dreams. She was too weak for me at times but she tried to keep up as much as she could. It was only after 2 full hours of constant playing when she declared she would be able to continue no further as she was feeling too weak and would die if anything further was done to her. I realized that I should stop because she had cum*ed for the 8th time in 2 hours and another session would be fatal. I however was ready for more. She said that her kids must be waiting as it was past 10:30 and she normally served dinner at 10.I allowed her to go and said that she could go, serve her kids food , make them sleep and come back as the bathing was still to be done. She was horrified with the idea of another session but had no time to speak. She got up, cleaned herself somehow, put her clothes on. I saw mosquito bites on her body along with my bite marks!!..damn these mosquitoes..how dare they share my food!! yes, there were lots of mosquitoes but i did not care if I had dengue that night. I waited for about an hour and a half in the dark amongst mosquitoes and god knows what other bugs when I saw her coming again . She came and said that she was feeling a bit tired and I should go easy on her. I said okk but I was too hungry for easy. I had waited for 2 hrs enduring mosquito bites and bug bites, and moreover I had not explored her backside properly. The second session was even tougher than the first one and towards the end, she was panting like a mad dog and was squealing so much that I was afraid that her kids would finally catch us. I had to put my hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. At the end of the session, she was too tired to even sit up. In fact, I had to turn her from one side to another and clean her up.All she could do was lean against me and her naked body had my proud passionate marks glistening in glory. I cleaned her up properly, shaved her tubble, her armpit hair properly and then naked hugged her and went to sleep beside the tree. It was a very risky thing to do in a village to sleep naked in the open, but I was very bold and she by then was too tired to even say anything. We slept till 4a.m. when she finally got some strength back and said that now they should get going as farmers might come this way anytime. We got up, hurriedly dressed ourselves. She had to hold my hand to walk as she said her body was hurting like hell. I told her it was nothing, it was just that she did not have such hardcore sex before and one day’s rest should make her okk. She agreed and said that her sex with her husband always happened when her husband was drunk and it never lasted more than 5 mins. I sat with her infront of her house and talked with her at length to make sure she did not feel guilty about this. “you needed love and some sort of care. Just imagine that you got it from me and do not overthink about this”. I gave her 1000 rupees more and a very nice gift I had bought from the Mela for one of my friends. She seemed happy. I then had one more cup of tea, a cigarette and kissed her passionately one last time, bid her goodbye and left. Surprisingly, after all these action my body seemed to have been rejuvenated and I was now ready to walk 20 miles. I realized that last night. some fun was all that my body needed. The best thing about the entire encounter was that it was nothing but only physical attraction. Neither of us felt any form of romantic interest towards each other. I was tired and she was a woman who did not have sex since 6 months. I am sure she is loyal to her husband. After all, she was working day and night at that shop at that remote area just for her husband and she had her right to have fun once a while like this. Physical satisfaction was what both of us needed and we gave that to each other. I can bet she will not enjoy sex after this encounter with anyone else…:P…I will definitely go to the next poushmela as well and hopefully would give her a chance to refuel herself again. For me, that was one of the most exciting sex I had. That atmosphere, that isolated place, that fear of someone coming, the fear of snake bites and yet almost 6 hrs of a juicy encounter where i fulfilled all my childhood and adulthood fantasies on that poor woman. I do not know if I will have such sex again, I am sure city girls would not want to have such rough, and dirty and pervert sex because they are not accustomed to it. She was not too but since I was more dominant, I was able to convince her and she must have had the time of her life…:P..I would like such encounters again..:P
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Contemplate the stench.
Consider the foul vapours.
Ponder the putrescence.

You'd have to pay me billions of dollars to touch a jeet, and I'd probably never feel clean afterwards. Have you ever had to ride the bus with them? They don't smell of curry or anything, they reek of body odour and the smell sticks to the bus seats and will stick to the clothes of anybody who sits in those seats for an hour afterwards. It's the most foul thing you can imagine, and it's the product of simply not bathing. Even the craziest eastern european consuming his weight in garlic and spiced fish (I would know, I live with them) doesn't approach the sheer weight and visceral stench of a jeet who briefly washed his arms and legs last month. And you fucked one of them.

Your shame (and that lingering smell) will never wash out.
There's literally(lol) a board for this, it's called "elite" for erotic literature. Post it there.
>I’m sure she was faithful to her husband

Between that and about 18 other things, I realize from this story I have no idea how India works

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