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Anybody here watch Planet with a Palate, Rennaye's YT cooking show? It's an alternate universe from her modeling, nothing to do with fat fetishism/feedism except that most of the stuff she makes is white trashy, hypercaloric, and unhealthy to a perverse degree.

In fact she doesn't mention her modeling at all, and very little about her hypersized life. She even had a couple episodes with Ivy where none of it come up. She sits when she cooks so for 90% of it you're seeing her from the shoulders-up. So for me it's "accidental porn," just watching a superfat do regular stuff. The only big bonerkiller is occasional appearances by her kids, but that's what FF is for.

She does a pretty amazing job filtering the comments because it's all positive — no trolls, fat shamers, or health nazis at all. I've been waiting for her to pop up on one of the SA criticism sites like Sam at Every Size, Megan Ann, etc but so far not yet.

Anyway she had a Q&A recently where she finally mentioned the elephant in the room, so to speak, but only in the most general way. She didn't even say the name Rennaye, much less getting into the details of how she pays the bills. She was basically positive about "sex work", but said she's tired of it and is looking to retire. I know she's not everyone's cup of buttermilk because of her hair and gender nonsense, but I find her sexy and really enjoy her content.

Anyone have any inside info about her and this new(ish) venture? Anyone else find this intriguing, despite Rennaye's determined attempts to not be sexy? And if anyone knows of models who have other outlets, like cooking, fashion, travel, etc, I'm interested.
I've seen a little of this and it's... totally fine, I guess. A fun curio if you're interested in seeing Reenaye shed the cartoony persona and be more herself.

As for other girls, cookie_bbw has a more traditional fat fashion/lifestyle instagram and youtube, but I think she links to them from her porn profiles so she's not really blurring any lines there.
This girl popped up on my recommended the other day and I watched a few videos. She's just a body positive vlogger who is very comfortable showing her full body.

Meg is Pretty Cool on YouTube
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*Forgot my screenshot
>not a notorious hoe
First day on the job, huh?
It's a little unbelievable, tying her kids into that online presence. Zero chance it doesn't end up linked to the sex work. And she's done some wild shit.

The kids might be progressively minded and totally chill with it. But an aggressive minority of their peers will be relentless. Seems like an unnecessary burden on their social development.

The YouTube vids are authentic and a little raw. I can appreciate that, though probably won't get back to them. I can see the appeal in immortalizing some family time too.
>The kids might be progressively minded and totally chill with it. But an aggressive minority of their peers will be relentless. Seems like an unnecessary burden on their social development.

Those kids also have a mother that's the size of three of their classmates' mothers put together. They're going to get shit from other kids regardless.
(OP here) I too was legit surprised she'd include her kids in this. It's beyond bonerkill actually, more like 'WTF are you thinking?'

Then again I feel that way about all parent influencers/youtubers who feature their chidren, even those who've never been X-rated fetish models. Child actors these days have on-set social workers and a union to protect them but these kids are thrust into the public eye without independent advocates. They can't say no because then mom and/or dad are mad at them. You could say they're just part of the family business, like if they did chores on a farm, but something about having your image/persona sold without consent feels much worse than just economic exploitation. It's like your parents are selling your soul.
>Those kids also have a mother that's the size of three of their classmates' mothers put together.

Or four, if you believe Rennaye's numbers and the moms in question have a BMI that's just "overweight" or lower. Which is kinda hot.
god damn I just realized somebody called the "reenaye is almost done with porn" thing in the old predictions thread
She might feel almost done, but it's not like this channel is going to replace that revenue stream. No chance she's going to just copy Candy Godiva and become a YouTube mukbang star. She's still got years left in her.
During all that Rosie drama, one of the things that came out is that her teenage kid was helping moderate the comments of PWAP. Where you absolutely know there were some freaks from this community. It was really gross imo cause she confirmed that she did let them do it, but that "they don't anymore" like...???

This person is one of the biggest scammers in the business with the exaggerated cosplay of ussbbw life and excessive 100+ pound lies. Literally damaging and warping the community, I HOPE they leave soon.
Lol okay person who is obviously rosie
lol, extremely generous of you to assume Rosie can put together a coherent sentence.
lmao >>34686 is right Rosie's just a schizo that finally fucked off I think
I just live in reality, where Reenaye is garbage and very obviously not 740

Anyone care to give a synopsis on the shitstorm between them? I didn't see anything of it on here. And I mean, bbw-chan should be the leading site for all kinds of news right?
Yeah, I was disappointed in us for dropping the ball here tbqh
I am wondering who the first major bbw model to pivot to ASMR will be. Seems like that's the easiest pathway for unmotivated white girls with no transferable skills to make money.
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OMG next you're gonna tell us Robert Downey Jr doesn't have a flying metal suit and Daniel Craig isn't a secret member of Mi6 with a license to kill.

Yes Virginia, she exagerrates her weight, her health and mobility issues, her eating habits, etc etc. Because she's a performer, selling a fantasy.
Yeah somebody spill it. I love drama and the drama thread has devolved into political Mad Libs, as usual.

Good point, it's been 9 months and she's getting 3-4k views per video so PWAP ain't paying the bills. And it's not like she can go pick up a few shifts at Trader Joe's either so I guess she'll be doing the fetish thing for the near future. Just hope she doesn't get burnt out and depressing with it, or god forbid lose weight.
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Rennaye called out Rosie for pretending to, or hamming up, her disability(ies) because Rosie used Rennaye's walker (or cane?) In a video. Rennaye said that Rosie was using limited mobility as a prop, so Rosie doubled down and got a bunch of quick, superficial, diagnoses ranging from AudADHD, some sort of processing disorder, to fibromyalgia.

In the midst of this internet meltdown she decided she no longer wanted the porn she made to be online, so she asked (told) Ivy to take it down. Obviously Ivy is friends with Rennaye, and Rennaye was pissed at Rosie, so Ivy made a big stink about it and said "no, you signed a contract."

Rosie said she didn't have time to read, or understand the contract (because of her processing disorder), so Ivy was like, "we went over this. It was very straightforward."

Eventually this all devolved into a conversation about consent and who shit in who's cheerios. Apparently Rosie tried to coerce some rando dude into signing an OF release form because there's a video of her fucking another random guy and she lost contact with him.

Rosie says she's coming out with a tell-all book, but she's functionally illiterate so who knows.

I attached the contract because it's fucking hilarious.
Thanks for the summary. Fighting over who legit needs a cane or not is peak SSBBW drama fodder.
Which one is Rosie again? I’m assuming I’ve seen her doing guest stuff in old videos
I don't think she did a lot of guest spots. But the one she did with Ivy was the cake scene from Matilda.
Not gonna lie that's kinda fucked up, so Ivy and Reenaye can keep on posting content of people they worked with long after they die?
It's generally in poor taste to keep someone's content up after they've died, but technically they could. Most webmasters take down sites once it's come to light when someone's died. But that's not the case here. Rosie is probably in the same boat as BigCutie Ash who would love to have their fetish history behind them, but they don't own the rights to what they've made anymore.
Why not? Think about Hollywood: if an actor signs a contract with a movie studio, stars in a movie and dies, the studio can still sell and distribute that movie. I watched M last night, everyone in it is dead.
That was me. She just randomly started getting super morbid and online feedist coombrained about it and faking her weigh ins all at once and I think it’s a deliberate gambit to burn the candle brightly, make some money and peace the fuck out.
I don't doubt she's blitzing and faking her weigh-ins to cash in pre-retirement, but I think she's leaning into the morbid stuff is because it sells. She's savvy about her audience and takes cues from commissions. I commissioned a couple of videos a while back and she put out a bunch of related content soon after.

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