
When a girl shows her boobs but has them hanging out over her bra and she never takes it off.
When (especially amateur) models record in the worst possible lighting, camera angles or put stupid ass filters all over the videos. Bonus points if the videos are all like 11 seconds in length
always filming like the viewers are only 3ft tall
Forced burps that sound horrible
Fax, natural stuffed burps are always better
15 minute BBW porn and 11 of it is a close-up blowjob
Shitty lighting and filters? Sounds like chubbibunni/Pizzaslut444/whatever name she goes by now content. Her content is just ruined by her obsession with filters
Sitting down 2 ft from the camera. Never standing or showing a full body.
Using buzz words is my big one. "stuffing" "bloat" "gorge"

"20 min McDonalds stuffing" and its a 20 min vid of a girl eating a #1 combo for lunch in her dimly lit room.
Models who refuse to show or even acknowledge their belly. I'm sick of models who are 300+ lbs, that act like they only exist from the chest up. Don't bother using the "fat" or "bbw" tags if you're not going to show your fat body, dammit!
THIS ! I feel that way about models who only want to show their ass.
Having a crescent or circular hunk of metal attached to their nose.
Tattoos that ruin their massive arms.
Not properly putting in the effort to take a before and after picture( like how hard is it to take a picture from the same angle and distance ffs)
Baby oil
This has been my biggest pet peeve with body positive / plus size fashion influencers on Instagram. The standards of companies that sponsor them still conform to 'thin' standards with regards to hiding or minimizing the appearance of the belly. Like, don't they understand the belly is also an asset? Bellies are sexy! Lift it! Jiggle it! Flaunt it!
To each their own; I wish more fat women wore septum and navel piercings. It'd be even hotter if they (with consent ofc) wore collars with cute little cowbells on em too.
I've noticed lately this is less of a problem but I cannot fucking stand when models leave the TV on while shooting videos. That's the easiest way to lose me as a customer.
I get it if they have a kid and need to keep them quiet while they shoot videos, but knowing that immediately puts me out of the mood. Like I know you weren't just watching Frozen and then decided to do a photoshoot for the hell of it.

Exactly. Shoot the video when the kid's taking a nap or when he's over at grandmas.
Being so close to the camera you can't wtf is going on. Like back up bitch, ur 5 feet wide. This problem is even more exacerbated by vertical videos
some girls can weaponize this into "bitch so big she doesn't even fit in frame". I remember a lot of old Ash videos gave me that vibe.
Music in videos (especially when you know there's a lot of those noises that make it even better, like creaking, breathing..)

Forced sexy talking and unnatural moaning just for adding it to the vid

Bad lighting or vid/sound quality

Low effort like 1k things going on in the background you could have removed before

Trying to hide things that are normal and perfectly fine for ssbbws (could be anything)

Filters (especially the seriously retarded ones)

Bad acting, the obvious kind..

Seems like a lot, but most of these things never happen in the pro shot videos the more successful models make anymore
Nah man I have to agree with >>34506. I love that shit. Tattoos and piercings. But we'll agree to disagree.

On the topic of before and after photos, ever notice how most "before" photos are usually terrible quality/resolution? In many cases that's just because the photo is old, but I've also seen it where the photo isn't that old at all. e.g. a woman is showing her gain over 6 months, both photos are from 2023 but the "before" photo looks like it was taken on a phone from 10+ years ago lol
When they show their shower chair and extension wand showershead.
I can’t unsee that. It’s just gross and ruins the entire vibe.
>Music in videos (especially when you know there's a lot of those noises that make it even better, like creaking, breathing..)

Juicy Jackie did a vid where she just danced and you could "add your own music to it". It was so... weird. At least something in the background, it doesn't have to be overpowering or completely dubbed over like with BigCutie Sadie.

On the topic of JJ - her Love for John videos? Unwatchable. Not even worth pirating. If anyone is going to request a custom, for the love of God don't put anything in your request that would make it specific to you.
>Juicy Jackie did a vid where she just danced and you could "add your own music to it". It was so... weird.

It's probably because people would've bitched if she picked a specific genre.

>>If anyone is going to request a custom, for the love of God don't put anything in your request that would make it specific to you.

And it's always the most generic-ass names like John, Nathan, Tyrone, and Dave.
I respect that, and you're in luck because most of them wear it them nowadays.
Agree to disagree indeed, tattoos and that particular piercing just doesn't do it for me. Belly piercings can be nice though.
The age of the photo shouldn't really matter as it's the angle that's important in showing the gains lol
you know the economy is in shambles when the fat girl cant afford a desk to prop her phone on
When the videos on their socials like tiktok and instagram talk about body positivity and the oppression of fat people from people telling them they’re unhealthy. Like I jack off to fat bitches but even I’m self aware by how bad it is.
The aversion to tattoos on arms I can understand; can't point to any specific examples I'd say look good. When it comes to back and belly tattoos getting lost in rolls though? Oh baby.
100%. Idk whose jacking off to a fat bitch showing us where she takes a dump.
When they claim they're gaining when they obviously aren't. Like I DONT CARE be at a size you're comfortable with, that's great but don't insult our intelligence. And change up the damn content! (Bonnie and creampuff!)

Also when the camera is just waaay too close and they only get part of their belly or whatever in the frame and it's like great I'm looking at pixelated skin color.

Also when they're always just naked or always sitting down or something. Like show off different styles, show off different content. You don't have to be too creative to at least keep it fresh. Like how randalin always just turns around and jumps up and down twice. You don't have to hire a team to consult on blocking and story arc, just do something different. "Oh look, in this video I'm walking around the kitchen and the camera is on the counter". "In this video I'm trying on clothes". "In this video it's gonna get naughty on the bed". "In this video I'm pretending to do day-to-day stuff in suggestive positions".
Shower vids but the steam on the glass makes it impossible to see

“Light” burps instead of deep long ones

Models saying the same thing every video - Bonnie

Reinapop in general
the many retarded feeder fetishists do
models that are always naked i.e. chloe, lailani

if they slowly undress it creates tension. you first see them how they appear outside before they go on to show the intimate side of themselves
100% Agree and starting in lingerie doesn’t count. There’s something hot starting out with what they look like waddling around town doing the shopping or whatever.
100% but fwiw Lailani has loads of clothed content, particularly in her OF.
Same, I hate videos involving water, plus they're often very loud.

Also vids in which the models keep their dogs or cats in frame, dude I'm not fapping if there's an animal near you.
>And it's always the most generic-ass names like John, Nathan, Tyrone, and Dave.

Isn't that better than having a specific niche name that only one person has? At least if the name is common, it maximizes the amount of people who can enjoy the video, and even if your name isn't exactly John, it's generic enough that it's easy to pretend it refers to you . Would you rather watch "Love for Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano De la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso" instead?
Unironically yes lmao I would literally burst out laughing if a model suddenly did that. At least laughter is positive with those other ones I just cringe
>>34576 I like some light burps if they happen naturally whole stuffing down a bunch of food. But when these girls do a burping video that is just them slowly drinking from a bottle of soda and claim soda makes them "sooo burpy", it's so cringe. I'm usually pretty bored by these slowpaced soda videos, but if it produces some enormous monster belches, that's pretty good. But why even make a burping video if youbhave no knack for it? Soda makes literally everyone at least a little burpy, it's carbonated water ffs, there's nothing special or fat or gluttonous about that
SSBBW shower vids are basically in the vein as scatporn.

Not really. They can go the Saints Row route and call the viewer "Boss", "Bud", "Hubby", or something.

I rather hear Pablo Diego Jose than Tyler or Mark one more time.
Exactly! I said this exact thing in the Top 5 thread. Where are my natural burp homeboys hiding? Whenever there's a thread about burps it's always sodafags posting these cringey bloat videos
Fuck off weeb creep.
The reaction images you keep posting are lifeless and weird.
Compilation videos of still images, releasing videos that are less then 4 minutes long, and stuffing videos that have no/minimal belly play despite being very belly focused.

Here's some others I agree with not liking, especially forced burps. That shit sounds awful.
Too busy staring down a car loan to be Kisame. I feel like the 5 year sounds nice for the pickup truck
What pisses me off is when a model has good long hair and decides to chop it off to either an uneven bob cut, mental patient hairstyle, or just straight up bald.

Extra points if they dye it some horrid color and wear a bunch of wigs after they start to regret it.
people that can never keep a promise, tease videos that are not sexy, just a misleading rip off, filters that take out all the detail so the model is perfect and unrealistic, paywalls to over priced shorties, untreated mental illness that is painful to witness, laziness where model is "phoning it in" and still has fans loving it, and lastly OF OF OF OF OF for dumming down rez and fucking up the ability to dl purchased content.
here's my two cents in no particular order:

- models who claim they wan't to gain weight, but never do so... just quit pretending allready
- fake stuffings and false claims etc. like posts claiming they ate 15k kcal casually today or "watch me drink this thiny 10k+ wg shake" vids etc.
- pretending to be stuffed to brim after having eaten like 2 slices of cake; like stop pretending that you don't overeat on a daily basis, like come on you're 400+lbs
- low effort, repetetive and outright boring content; this fetish is wierd enough, so why just block yourself from making some creative content and listen to your fans (i'm not even talking about full nude, fart content or any extreme sh*t)
- bakground music in vids (see LoveRandalin...)
- fake claimes in generall (like fake weight, mobilty limitations etc.)
- criminally high priced/overpriced content
- irregular content especially on of where people pay you monthly...
- pretencious models
- overly pc and woke, stupid feminists
This shouldn't bother you. SSBBWs use shower chairs lest they might slip and fall or because they can't stand through the duration of a shower, especially on slippery ground.

Waffle-stomping is a myth. No-one is too fat to fit on a toilet, provided said toilet is floor-mounted and not too close to a wall.

Agreed, when she's finally fat enough to need a shower chair, that's a win.

The short hair is another sign she gotten sooooo fat. The energy to contend with long hair may no longer be available. Especially if she's using a shower chair and has out grown most standard seating.

More likely though, there's a variety of issues that cause a fat woman's hair to thin. The short and colored hair is often an attempt to hide it.
Waffle stomping isn’t a myth. Ask any doctor or nurse in the bariatric‘s department has had to call in repeated clogged up drains before teaching humongous patients to use the big-boy-toilet.
Anyone who’s brought their ssbbw gf over to their parents house or small apartment would find out that not all toilets fit women 2x the normal size. Get some life experience with ssbbws and get your facts straight child.
Those women are going bald from PCOs half the ssbbws aren’t fertile fat but swollen with disease and male sex hormones.

In some cases, it is PCOS. The insulin resistance that comes with being super fat also heightens PCOS symptoms. Fact remains, thinning hair is often part of the package. It's she doesn't have it now, there's a good chance it's coming in the next 5-20 years.

It's a trait of someone who's been fat for awhile. The fatter, the younger. Maybe it could be quantified in pound years.

In any case, knowing the why, I recognize it as part of the lifecycle of a bbw. So the short hair explained, gets more exciting. Also it's easier to dig your fingers into, so you can control her head. That's an added plus.
>half the ssbbws aren’t fertile fat but swollen with disease and male sex hormones
>male sex hormones
What? Why?

Fat is hormonally active tissue. In women, it increases testosterone. In men, estrogen. The impact can be dampened, by running as many healthful behaviors as possible. But that also conflicts with continued growth, lowering the ceiling on maximum size. Age also progresses the hormonal shift. A young ssbbw can get away with way more than a woman in her 40s.
Fat tissue creates both excess androgens and excess estrogens in women. The balance is not rubbed by obesity alone. Insulin resistance does, and causes PCOS which makes it worse.
Medical professional here to clean this up a bit:
—PCOS totally is a hormone disorder, insulin is a hormone, androgens are hormones. Insulin resistance and high androgens are the primary symptoms of PCOS, and with adipose tissue being androgenic— it’s all a vicious cycle of weight gain and metabolic disregulation. Not to mention hair loss (androgenic alopecia).
—Yes the wafflestomping is real, it’s sad and rare but not unheard of. It’s as much caused by stigma and shame in the hospital because we really do have all the equipment needed to do it right. I asked my cousin who is a plumber. In the trades they’re called tub shitters.

>>shitty lighting

As someone who's spent years making ssbbw porn videos, I can tell you achieving actually good lighting is incredibly difficult. It's probably the most technically difficult aspect of shooting these videos. Of course the model has to perform well and do everything right on camera etc, but other than that lighting can make or break any video, and it's actually quite surprising (to me, at least) how much time and effort it takes to get it to look "good."

90% of models either use way, WAY too much light and it looks like a 2000's music video with your TV contrast and brightness maxed out (Reinna is especially guilty of this, Ivy's videos are better but still very very bright), or simply don't bother trying at all so the video is so dark/shadowy/grainy that it's literally unwatchable.

The remaining 10% at least attempt to get lighting right, and while they don't usually (LisaLou clearly tries but she hasn't quite figured it out yet, Jackie does too but a lot of hers are still a little too dark), I notice and appreciate when certain models (Foxy Roxxie and Reenaye come to mind) do try.

Filters on the other hand are completely unacceptable and models who use them straight up don't deserver to make money.
Kisame here. I work in the food and beverage industry. We don't say anything. We just know these fat fucks will projectile vomit and cause staff to take up drugs and smoking. They always have some kind of Trumpian lawyer who takes up their case. It's telling the fat black woman with BLM acts like Trump and snaps her fingers to get Dove to bully the whites for calling her obese.
As the infamous Kisame who directed a lot of expansion for preg and B.E., the 90s are more associated with bright colors. 2000s were more associated with nu-metal, Green Day, System of a Down, Avenge Sevenfold. I barely remember anything from the 2000s cause it was all lense flare, real and orange, and hot sweaty. I think Ludacris and Usher were the last musicians who had anything resembling color
>- pretending to be stuffed to brim after having eaten like 2 slices of cake; like stop pretending that you don't overeat on a daily basis, like come on you're 400+lbs

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that feels this way. I know that there's a little bit of acting going on, but I know that you are not stuffed after eating 2-3 cupcakes. You don't have to stuff yourself to the max everytime you make a video but at least make it believable by eating some more food.
Same as above the answer is PCOS. Basically half the calories to gain the same weight.
I get the point but we’re not asking for Stanley Kubrick to jerk off to this. I think when the majority of us think of “bad lighting” it’s when a model is in a dark room almost impossible to see or lit purely off of their idle tv screen or the neon led light strips on their wall. Just don’t make it impossible to actually see yourself and people are happy
I get that some of these women can’t fit in a dentist chair easily, but would it kill them to take care of their teeth? Fuck, with ssbbw models, it’s basically a work expense, or should be.
I’m gonna ask the question to more knowing individuals, has anyone here actually seen a bariatric toilet in the home of a super obese individual?
Because I’ve had 300 something pound fuck buddys who regular ripped the seats off my toilets and they weren’t even that big.
That has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but whatever. I'm talking about making a singular stuffing video, NOT gaining weight over the course of a period of time. What I'm saying is make it believable.

There's a shit ton of youtube videos on lighting and production tips that anyone can watch. I'm not expecting Avatar 2 levels of production, but I do expect something better than facetime quality videos.

Goddess Shar's been blowing everyone out of the water for years with her production value, and she started out with a tri pod setup.
>Compilation videos of still images, releasing videos that are less then 4 minutes long, and stuffing videos that have no/minimal belly play despite being very belly focused.

YouTube is full of this shit right now when you try searching SSBBW. Using the Within the Last Week and 4-20 minute filters drastically reduces the number of videos available and most of what's there ends up being either old videos that were reuploaded, or videos of chubby women who are over 100 pounds below the SSBBW benchmark like Candii Kayn.
At this point, I’m over the RP “please fatten me” stuff. I’d much rather hear them talk about the changes and difficulties they’re facing as they gain.
>>34482 (OP)
The many women who have risen to prominence as purported gainers talking about how they're getting SOOO LAZY and eating SOOO MUCH and want to get SOOO FAT and they might gain weight for a while, but then they clearly finish with it and stop, but their rhetoric continues as they string along imbeciles who keep studying their photographs trying to prove that they are indeed gaining tiny bits of weight here and there. There have been a lot of perpetrators over the years, but to name one going on right now - couchqueenie. The girl gained a good amount off the bad and has plateaued for like 2 years at this point but she's still posting shit every day about how she's blimping up so much and lost all control and meanwhile she hasn't changed size in forever and clearly isn't actively gaining or really trying.
She's just into the fantasy of it. She's actively losing weight, or going for a ThiccFit thing.

Tbh I wouldn't call her a feedee as much as she's a thick bitch doing hardcore/ hedonism porn.
Pregnancy without dark nipples. Don't get me wrong. Inflation is literally pregnancy without the linea nigra and dark nipples. I'm just saying.
based. oil videos are an instant turn off for me. its not like i find it disgusting, its just my brain doesn't get activated by oiled skin like it does normal clear skin. its like it doesn't even register it as human.
I have a lot so you may wanna grab some popcorn lol.

1. Bad Try On Vids. (Not to say that I don't enjoy them, but most I've seen just comes off as really boring. Also I'm a big buttcrack guy as well and if I don't see that, then I normally don't sit through the entire video. I also hate it when they hide the belly.

2. No Burps/Can't Burp. (Burping for me is a extremely sexy when a fat woman does it, since it shows their gluttony and pleasure for food. I love it when models burp and does burping videos, it makes the feteish more enjoyable. I hate it when I come across videos of models stuffing themselves and/or drinking soda and barely burps and the burps are tiny as fuck. The only exceptions to this are Candii Kayn, Tianastummy, and Reiinapop (pretty sure they're more I just forgot) because they're hot (especially Candii and Tiana) as fuck to me.

3. Forced Burps/Air Burps. (Ironic to what I just said about burping, I hate these kind of burps. They just do not sound natural and it's boring to watch them sit and force a burp out (like Reiinapop). Air burps just have a distinct sound to them that I don't like. I don't know what it is but I do not get turned on by them. Only exception is Vore-acisous since she's also hot and makes them sound well. Don't know if Rosiemariefeedee falls under this too, but she's another one I like.

4. Pulling Pants Down & No Crack (Again I also love buttcracks and I absolutely hate it when feedees pull down their pants at any point of the video and do not turn around and show their buttcracks XD. This one is fine tho because of the sexy belly hang and the imagination of seeing their ass.

5. Music in Videos. (OH MY GOD I absolutely hate loud music in videos. It nearly or always ruins the video for me and most songs they play suck ass. I'm an old soul (young age that likes older things) and if you ain't playing something that's a little old like 2000s and under, because most new music (especially rap) is God awful or cringe, then your video sucks.

6. Shower Vids. (You can call me crazy all you want, but for me personally I don't really like shower videos. I don't want to sit there and listen to the loud shower run throughout the whole video and watching them clean themselves is boring. As yes I'm all for a clean body because who would want to be around a person with bad hygiene? But I want to see them be a slob and make a mess with their food. It's a fanasty that I want to see and seeing soap covering them is boring. Also I like seeing them in un-fitting clothes and crop shirts as opposed to them naked. Bigger turn on since it's a tease factor like buttcracks.

7. Dildos. (I'm all for them playing with themselves as long as it's not what they're doing the whole video, but seeing dick dildos is not my cup of tea. I'm a straight guy and I don't want to see dicks of any kind on my screen, and I'll explain more in the next part.

8. Male Feeders + Sex in Vids. (And it's the next part, wow that's crazy. I'm probably sounding like the most crazy person right now because ain't the whole point of porn is to watch someone getting to action? I'm not a fan of hard-core porn. And this is a soft-core porn fetish, meaning that it doesn't mainly involve showing private parts and playing with it. It's an instant turn off if I see a guy feeding a girl, especially if they are only in their draws. Ik porn suppose to have this "imagining" factor where you imagine yourself as the guy doing whatever he's doing with the girl. But I don't like to see guys in the videos I watch, especially if it turns out to be a sex videos. I don't want to see a guy's dick on my screen and it ruins the video. I can't get into that shit, even though it's the most normal porn and that's how some guys learn their moves from.

9. Puke/Vomit. (This is just nasty okay? I know people who have a fat fetish don't like burps and fats because they're smelly and a body function with a general disgust by everyone. Again I live burps and farts I can get by, but I can't imagine the fucking smell. But any sort of puking in videos is bad for me. It's very disgusting and it's ironic because I like seeing them covered with food and puke is food as well, but it's also stomach acid and it just look nasty to me. I also hate it when models push themselves to the point of them puking. I like seeing them stuff themselves, but puking generally involves the person in pain and it just looks uneasy seeing them in pain. You can actually die from extreme pushing like this since your stomach and intestines can open up, releasing the toxins in them. So yeah stuffing yourself full is fine, but not to the point where your body rejects the food and you end up puking in the video. If you puke after the video then it's fine, but not while I'm watching.

Honorable Mention: SSBBWS pushing towards USSBBW. (This is an honorable mention for a reason. I still get turn on by ssbbws, especially when they're eating and burping, but I don't like seeing people THAT fat. I'm not into the whole death feedism shit (eating and gaining weight to the point of dying) since it looks miserable and I don't find multiple clunks of fat attractive. Yes I like big thighs and big round asses and the round inviting belly, but not when it's covered in rolls and it no longer looks soft and cute. Also ssbbws asses are just awful. The sitting they do affects the ass and it gives it this horrible shape. Also when you're that fat, you can't even wipe yourself so you know it's dirty as he'll in between the crack. Double bellies are actually fine and sometimes makes it hotter, but the whole idea with being with an ssbbw and especially a ussbbw is just a no to me. If I was to date a feedee, I ain't letting them get to that point because we all know being obese is unhealthy, no matter how you look at it and I would care for my partner's health. Now again I would still watch ssbbws, again especially if it involves them stuffing and burping. And some like Foxxieroxxie, lisalou, and thebigassssbbw I actually do like. But watching them struggle and seeing all those fat rolls pushes me away.

I hope you enjoy reading all of this lol. I sound like the most crazy person on earth to some of you maybe, but I just wanted to share because I'm bored and it's just relaxing from dealing with life and my ever growing negative mind, even if nobody reads this and doesn't reply. If you read at least one point then I thank you XD. We all like and dislike different things and shouldn't attack each other for our quirks. Unless you like scat then you aren't human and disgusting no matter how you defend yourself. Have a good day if you make it this far.
I agree with most of what you say, especially regarding burps. But come on, dildos?
Don't be don't insecure, some of them barely resemble real dicks.
guy is so deep in the closet he found his Christmas presents.

And all he's getting for Christmas is butt plugs :)

FFS, these fucking spergs sat in their basement manchild caves living rent free at their parents, moaning their free fat porn isn't to their liking. 'she doesn't show her tits'. Never seen a pair in the flesh since they were born.

As long as they're changing it up from video to video and give the illusion of enjoying it, I'll be dialling in. Enjoy your basements fuckbois!
personally I dislike the insertion of anything other than fingers and vibrators. if someone's face is in another's pussy but I can't see up close that's fine. I don't know exactly why it's such a turn off, and I'll still watch if there's something else in the video to enjoy (e.g. them getting their fat jiggled) but I like what I like. if I ever do watch hardcore bbw videos it's because of how the thrusting makes their fat jiggle and I try to ignore the insertion element. oh yeah, the noise is also terrible. I *hate* the squicky noise dildos make, that turns me off hugely.

male feeders are fine so long as the bbw takes center stage. I like seeing feeders play with their feedee, jiggle their fat, tease them. I hate seeing them get blowjobs though, blowjobs are a huge turn off. I agree about hating dicks, big turn off.
uhm ackshually I do pay for porn, and I'm living rent free in my parent's attic: *we don't have a basement*. bet you feel pretty stupid right now, try not to make such broad incorrect statements about us nonodickers in the future (⌐■_■)
The dildo industrial complex is here to defend the billion dollar plastic cock industry.
If seeing someone give their opinions about porn is enough to send you into a seething meltdown, then you should get off /gen/. Sit down and be humble paypig.

Pregnancy without dark nipples is pretty rare iirc. Darkened nipples are one the first indications that a woman is pregnant

>>and if you ain't playing something that's a little old like 2000s and under, because most new music (especially rap) is God awful or cringe, then your video sucks.

Just be glad most women aren't listening to Eminem. Imagine beating off to "I'm slim shady, yes I slim shady" and "Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube" The nasally ass cornball.

>>Thread is created for people to vent about their pet peeves

Person : I don't like dildos

Aussie Fag : Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My pet peeve is when a model is pregnant but never does content during it

Like ik a lot of people here aren’t into that but I love pregnant gainers, and I think its a crime how most models never capitalize on it, like Kayla Paolini never did content while pregnant and that irks me
“Dropped camera” angle

FFS. They do this in My 600lb Life, on every Curvage video, and now any fat-centric content ever. It’s so weird and odd to me.

I don’t want an incomprehensible imagine where I’m an ant and every thing seems huge up there. You could be 125lbs and seems giant from that angle. Let me actually imagine walking in the room and going “holy fuck.” You know I live my normal life as a person, right?
Animals walking around in the background. Not only is it repulsive, it shows that they can't put basic effort into making sure their videos don't have distractions.
Crushing videos.
Animal crushing in general. On video, implied, or known to do so for customs.
Too many ssbbw models are known to sit on a cat or boston terrier.
would bet a lot of money this guys never owned a cat >>39298
You can put cats in another room. I also think it's weird.
I have three, smartass. Like the other anon says you can just put them in another room.
you have a designated room with a litterbox and food and water you can lock your cats in for several hours without them making a single noise? forgive me if i think that's bullshit
I feel like you are making this more complicated than it needs to be. Booting them out of your bedroom for a little while isn't the same as locking them in a closet.

Do you keep your cat in the room while you're boning someone? I don't. Because I think it's weird. But my cat also doesn't scream for my attention unless I haven't fed him on time.
>>39381 maybe i am overcomplicating it, given my current situation in a studio apartment with a clingy cat, there's just no way i would be able to guarantee it's not in the background of anything i would potentially film in there. not to mention how much longer setting up equipment and filming porn would take over an average "bone"'

>>you have a designated room with a litterbox and food and water you can lock your cats in for several hours without them making a single noise?

Granted you live in a shoebox. However most of these other models have the excess space to accomplish this. It's no different than having a dog or toddler running around. Give them a toy or treat and sit their butts in a room with a tablet for an hour while you film.
Bird videos on YouTube do wonders tbh

If you have a bird as a pet, then you're not the best at decision making. Never met a bird owner that wasn't a nut job or hoarder.
The fuck are you talking about? They meant bird videos as simulation for the cats.

Those videos might work on you, but cats have a higher IQ that 50 lol

Bird owners are nuckin futs
I, uh, what? Idk man, try it. My cat loves them.

Ding, ding, ding.

My sides are in orbit
Cats actually don't have a higher IQ than 50. Your brain must be poisoned by cat poop fumes to be brainwashed to love cats. Cats are just as STUPID as dogs are and if you weren't so fucking stupid yourself, you would know that cats actually do love bird videos on the tv. Look up bird videos for cats on youtube, throw it up on the TV and watch how long it takes your cat to notice. Or just keep huffing cat litter fumes all day you cat freak.

Either way, models should just put their cats in the other room

Lmao, did I struck a nerve bird-boy?

"Cats don't have an higher IQ" and blah, blah, blah. Keep proving my point nutjob. You're over here talking about huffing cat poop and birds again. Fucking weirdo.
Unless your bird is a fucking condor, cat chads can rip it to shreds
the only valid discussion of which pet is best is which one wins in a fight
I just wish there was more content filmed from further away, like 5 meters, makes them look so bigger but noone does this
Here’s a few random pet peeves that I would like to add…

Underwhelming “public” videos that make past candid content by the likes of Kimberly Mavel, Helena Strong, and Alena Love (just to name a few) look like cinema verité by comparison.

Content that overall become lazy/repetitive once a model’s weight plateau (the ones who show creativity once they have become big and fat beyond just their bellies are a rarity).

Models who post non-explicit videos to OnlyFans pages instead of Patreon, or anywhere else.

Models who try to be sexually arousing (either through minimum effort JOI-type videos, masturbation videos, or full-on sex tapes), but come off as pretty desperate and cringy.
My biggest pet peeves, and mentions of my favorite models that do them a lot:

For ass focused videos when she doesn’t wear a g string but instead wears panties that cover most of her ass. Sadie

When music is in the video and especially when the music is so loud to the point where you can’t hear anything else in the vid. Randalin

When the model retires at her physical peak looks wise and without any warning or farewell. Bombshells

When she basically stops showing off/focusing on what mad her popular in the first place. More specifically, when she stops showing her ass much in favor of everything else even though she’s got a great ass. Mal Malloy
>When music is in the video and especially when the music is so loud to the point where you can’t hear anything else in the vid. Randalin

Guarantee you that's to drown out her kid playing in the other room. You see it with other models too.

>When the model retires at her physical peak looks wise and without any warning or farewell. Bombshells

Yeah, there's models that are in this for the cash grab and get WLS, and then there's models that don't see the reason to continue making so little. Say what you want about BigCuties and update frequency, but Jenni's business model of "update whenever you want" fucking sucked.

>For ass focused videos when she doesn’t wear a g string but instead wears panties that cover most of her ass. Sadie

I'm just going to say it: Sadie is a bad model. She is a walking pet peeve. She's overproduced thanks to Tofu's involvement, her videos are remarkably same-y despite all the different locations and settings, she's the type of shy that's not cute and more like pulling teeth to get her to do or say more, and she doesn't want to focus on anything we want to see from her a la your comment.

Really, I don't think we're going to see anything else from her. There's a camp of models that decide they're not going to show nipples or pussy or do anything hardcore, but at least those models know how to tease and be fun on camera. Sadie doesn't. She's peaked in gaining, we're not going to see comparison sets because she doesn't want to get bigger, her outfits aren't getting any skimpier, it's just a dead end, content-wise. I think Heather believed she was going to be the next BoBerry after she left but it's just not happening due to lack of presence.

If nothing else, I think Sadie just wants to be a traditional model or IG thot.

>>Guarantee you that's to drown out her kid playing in the other room. You see it with other models too.

That's what happens when you don't put the brat on a schedule. Make his ass take a nap in the middle of the day and use that free time to film your videos without disturbance.

I rank weak ass parents at the same spot as beta cat owners who act like their cat is going to tear up the place if they lock it in a room for an hour.

I agree with you on this especially Sadie. She’s one of my favorites but you’re speaking facts here. Hot take maybe but I think she had better content with bbw royalty. It was clearly more sexual and fun.
Thank you for this. Sadie's a blast to look at but I can probably count on one hand the number of her vids I've made it through without skipping at least half of it. She clearly LIKES to show off (her personal Facebook is full of modeling/ass pics but I suspect that's partially because she's too dumb/autistic to keep it separate) but despite now having years of experience she's never learned to do so in a remotely sexy/sensual way. Say what you will about Boberry's ego and refusal to go above pinup/non-nude but at least she has a little attitude/edge and knows what her customer base is there for. She looks like she FUCKS. Sadie just looks like a shy stupid kid on school picture day.

I’ve seen a few comments here and there of Sadie being autistic. Is that true or is she just not smart? And I understand the non sexual demeanor complaint but I feel like that’s more applicable to her Big Cuties content. Don’t you think she was more sexual in her bbw royalty days? I mean she basically had dry sex in some of her royalty clips. More than what Boberry has done in video iirc
>“That's what happens when you don't put the brat on a schedule.”
I really feel for all the children of single mothers dating men who sound like this.
I always thought it was just classic Jewish awkwardness with her
People been debating this for years lmao. Imo I think it’s hot that she’s a gawkish Jew chick with a giant 500 pounds w/ a ghetto booty build. The contrast is wild.
I don't know if anyone posted this but my BIGGEST peeve of all is when a camgirl makes an eating/gluttony/stuffing video like chowing down on a cake or McDonald's and DOESN'T finish her meal.

She just moans, makes a mess (which is hot), and smears it everywhere for a small ass cake. That's it? That is what you expect people to pay 20 bucks for? For 20 bucks I better see you eat at least five big macs, supersized fries, and enough chicken nuggets to make your arteries throb. Soda/milkshake too.

Not finishing their meal is the BIGGEST boner killer ever. "teehee -sexual moan- I am soooooooooooo full cause I ate a bowl of chocolate lard pudding before the video" THEN WHY DID YOU TRY EATING AN ENTIRE BIRTHDAY CAKE BEFORE YOU FILMED THIS? It just feels like a shallow and half-ass way to make content for the people that support you. Fuck, man. I have eaten more food in one sitting then some of these 600 pound women and I'm only 190.

They love to stretch it out too with heavy breathing, moaning, and crap dialogue that really takes me out of it the eating and body shots along with boring premises.
This, for sure. Juicy Jackie has a vid where she stuffs herself into a car and shows off how she's broken it in places, and gets a regular meal at McDonald's. Dumplin has a police roleplay video and taps out after barely two slices of pizza. Countless videos of girls eating basically a regular meal and saying they're stuffed.

You know what I want? I want peak BoBerry when she was at BC. I wanna see these women tear into multiple entries. I want bowls of frosting emptied into their open mouths. I want entire boxes of treats eaten in one sitting. We're not sitting here appreciating your respect for proper portion sizes: WE WANT YOU TO PIG OUT.

You sound like the type of dork to bitch and moan every time you had to take a nap in preschool.
...are you seriously being an Internet Tough Guy over something someone may have done at 4 years old?

Hey everyone, this retard shit his pants when he was 2! What a fuck up!
everytime the market goes up etrade comes in with the account restrictions robinhood vibes

Step outside faggot. If you still shit yourself at 2, then you needed your ass beat. Fucking lazy ass bitch.
Sing it my brother. Praise the lord. AMEN! Hallelujah!

The police roleplay video sounds super hot so it is sad she caps out at only TWO pizza slices. I eat an entire large pizza by myself and these models can't even finish a box of donuts without whining how they are "sooooo full"

They don't HAVE to finish the entire meal but I at least want a bunch of trash/random bites out of different foods kinda like what IvyDavenport does.I fucking love that shit. Like barely putting any effort into eating something that a small child could relatively finish makes my dick soggy.

I want a woman to go into the buffet, rent it out for herself, and I want her to GORGE. I wanna see shit that would make DA artists cringe in horror. I want a woman to gobble up macaroni and cheese with her bare hands, guzzle from the chocolate fountain at the dessert bar, and EMPTY dozens of trays of food. I would preferably like her feeder boyfriend to fuck/stuff her while she is moaning/begging for no more because she overdid it.

Is that too much to ask? A little effort if I'm paying you money?
Right?! Like where is the problem of filming a decent eating video....? You can literally just eat your normal daily intake and film yourself doing so. Like Dumplin did not regain +100lbs after vsg surgery by eating 2 slices of pizza. Who are they even capping by posting this shit?!
models will never be able to get a w when it comes to eating videos bc everyone has preferences. you think you wanna see the process of becoming massive but gorging for a long time and not engaging with the camera/faking those sexual moans and all the yapping about breaking stuff (and not chewing while doing that) is boring content to most tbh.. go watch a bitch eat on chaturbate or of/ig live if you want to see a mukbang

Well no shit sherlock. That's why there's variety so every model can have their own little following. See a model who isn't gaining as fast as you want? Then go someplace else and you'll find one that will.
Background music and noise drowning out anything else in the video.
Shitty lighting so you can't see them.
Claiming it's a stuffing and pretending to be Oh So Full when all they've eaten is a 6 pack of nuggets and a small soda.
Fake gainers. Gaining isn't really my thing, I'm just here for the sexy fat girls. But if you're going to claim you're gaining, then actually do it. Girls like Bonnie do my head with that shit.
Shitty camera angles.
Big belly babes who don't play with their belly. Stop trying to show me that tiny little dimple on your calf, or squeezing your tits in the bra. You've got a massive, jiggly, hanging wall of sexy flab. Fucking show it to us.
Actually, girls who don't understand their audience, period. Your fat and sexy. Vast majority of us are here to see you jiggle and bounce. We don't care that you don't like Janice, the other secretary at work. Put that on your personal channels. Just show us the body, yeah?
Forced burps with the strained 'Uuhhh' at the end (Reenaye, looking at you). I like soda burps, stuffed burps. But let it be an actual burp.
The bad background music has gotten a little better, but it always reminds me of the low effort stuff from forgettable models in the 00s and early 10s that always had some bad millennial high school pop blasting
Women who post a before after picture tagged"look how much I've gained" and it's like 8 pounds. Unless it's all in one square inch that's not going to be noticeable.
Also when they only post one body part from one angle. Supposedly they'll have gained 80+ pounds but you can't see that because all you can see is their tits and two inches down from there. It's bad enough when it's free but if they're selling an OF you might as well put that money in to a slot machine because the quality there is a gamble.
Most times they say they're too fat to fit in frame. Sometimes it actually happens but 9/10 times I want to say "Bitch I can take a picture of the damn moon just back the fuck up"
When her BF/feeder is too in shape, too lean and normie.
It just ruins it for me to see these women with someone who never looks like the rest of us here.
This entire thread pure shills & schzio's
Then one day she might fall ill and you won't be able to hold her. Excellent idea.
When its an eating video and her mouth isnt in the shot or her hand covers her mouth
My biggest pet peeve as of recent is when these females with big shapely booties shake their ass but never fully show their ass (like they shake their ass but instead of their ass facing us, it's facing away from the camera) that shits mad annoying, I'm also tired of (in general) these bigger girls who HAVE ass but don't actually ever show it (and when they do show it, it's never enough)
A specific pet peeve I have with a model is that Jenni has one of the best bellies imo and she practically hides it in her videos. I get that her hips are her defining feature, but she really neglects her other assets

Excluding face and personality, Jenni’s butt is without a doubt her defining feature. Which ssbbw has a better butt? And no, just bigger doesn’t mean better. As for her belly well there’s 100s of videos of her so there are plenty that actually show her belly and in her 2022 videos there are some great looks at her belly and it’s way bigger. She gained a lot of weight. Which of her other assets would you say she neglects and how so?
How did you know it was her. Hmmmm " this wasnt supposed to happen" best ginger head pussy in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wtf are you talking about?
Teasing done well can be great but it is the worst experience to throw money at a tease that doesn't go where it should and/or doesn't deliver. It's a Charlie Brown Football and makes me want to spent my life on Chan.
Bro a rooster will kill a cat. A seagull will probably maim it.
Let’s get this thread going again. A big pet peeve of mine is when the pics are way better than the video in the same set. What’s even worse in way is when there’s an amazing pic set but the set doesn’t have a video.
(5 KB, 259x194, farquaad.jpg)
lolicon and fucking brapfags ruining my perfect threads
Good fat chat is amazing. Bad fat chat makes the whole thing a chore. I’m talking like BBBXL meandering through 8 minutes of room tone to say “yeah, I wanna…like…be bigger and not get up”

Meanwhile Reenaye fakes a heart attack and Ivy can actually cry. I know death feedism is its own thing within fat chat, but still. We can see the effort.
reenaye is a terrible actor though. i try to enjoy cause some is solid but previews don't even need audio to induce cringe. goofy faces and the same belly pat 50 times
Buddy half her appeal is her size and unabashed gluttony. She could sing off-key with a smoke detector beeping in the background as long as I see her struggle to reach parts of her own body. When they get that big, some stuff gets a pass.
I disagree, I think she's one of the best. Grading on a curve, because let's face it, none of these women went to Julliard. Thing is she puts out a lot of content so she leans on the same dialog and mannerisms over and over. So I get it — it gets old if you watch too many vids.
I’m with you on this. I see titles and concepts that are hot (especially from Ivy), but the acting is so cringe I’ve learned my lesson not to buy.

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