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Whatever happened to BrittneyBliss / BodyLoveBritt / GodBritt / BigCutie Britt / whatever the fuck name she’s using now.

Last I heard she totally went off the deep end in this god complex insanity. Now I see she’s writing her own bible on the Amazon books marketplace. It’s really surreal.
Last I saw was an onlyfans video of her stripping naked and talking about her vacation. How did this happen?
>>34377 (OP)
>Now I see she’s writing her own bible on the Amazon books marketplace.

I'm gonna need a link
I wonder if it's fair to say that she's become Dave Sim.

For those who don't know Dave Sim is a comic book writer and artist who created Cerebus the Aardvark. A comic that went from being a Conan the Barbarian parody to an analysis on various things. Sim took LSD for a week and a half at one point and was institutionalized for schizophrenic symptoms. He was later divorced from his wife Deni Loubert and celebrated his bachelorhood by taking more drugs and fooling around with women.

Years later he wrote a text piece where he said that women are irrational, parasitic creatures that suck the life and creativity from men. That logic trumps emotion and men are more capable of logic than women. After a while the story reflects this view and then becomes his religious views which is a mix of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The story is just paragraphs of his character Cerebus reading and reinterpreting religious texts.

His text pieces are disjointed and go from talking about logic and emotion, to saying women are ruinous creatures to men, to anecdotes about comic creators he met. He also insists that he's not a misogynist, just anti-feminist, even though he wrote about women and the female gender at large in his text pieces.

The controversy in recent years was that he groomed a 14 year old fan.

I wonder if i should call him an incel or manosphere since he displays that mindset that men > women. He isolates himself, he talks about why women should be a man's sex object. He groomed a teenage girl, clearly liking how he had power over her and could manipulate her into being in a bad relationship with him. The difference though is Sim not using modern technology to communicate his views rather using comics he publishes, he looks down on artists who use technology to help them with their work. Him publishing his views lost him an audience. I don't know how much of his fans agree with his views.

Anyway, for why this is similar to BrittneyBliss, is someone going crazy and writing their views. Having disjointed stuff that supposedly makes sense but it being pporly written and nuts. I came across some stuff she wrote before hand and it uses this new age type of speech about energy and comfort and the flow and whatnot.

I just wonder what made her do all this. Did she have a bad experience with drugs, was it hanging around new age thinking too much, was it her having issues with Fat admirers lusting after her bod?, was it her combining body positivity with new age stuff?
My experience was I dated someone who started out in 2018 as a part time cam girl. By 2020 they were on OF and completely within that twitter-OF world. It warped them.

Something happens to a human when they can "cycle" through others who displease them. They stop behaving like a rational person, because they will always be enabled by others. The worst part with sex work over say a comic creator is that there is always going to be a subset of people who get off to someone becoming more narcissistic and out of touch with reality.

The primary driver in getting through to mentally ill people is appealing to their self interest. Reminding them they have people who love them, who are valuable, who they will lose if they do not seek treatment. But when you see everyone as replaceable, it's impossible for this to work because even if theyre wrong and will regret it years later, they see everyone around them as barriers to their 'true self expression" and that "better people will come along." Generally this thinking would lead someone to be alone and isolated, but unfortunately there can be no rock bottom because there will always be someone with an actual simp fetish who gets off on being actually abused by mentally ill people.

My advice for anyone disheartened by this is to remember the mind is the most important organ. Whether its sex, creativity, or athleticism, the mind is the linchpin and when the mind is not stable or strong, everything else will suffer in time. We all want to feel valuable, but sometimes it's a blessing that we are not given endless love and care from an infinite arrangement of people.

If Britt wasnt a sex worker shed either be living under a bridge or she'd be in treatment. Most would say she's better off as she is than under a bridge, and who knows maybe theyre right. Personally I think the critical thing is to reach rock bottom. It will take longer for someone like her to reach that place but she inevitably will, I hope. The alternative is she remains an absolutely unapproachable abusive kook for the rest of her life. I have hope because tbh I think the idea of 20-40 more years of her lifestyle would simply get boring and a change would need to come eventually. Feel somewhat bad for her because the delusions of grander lasting as long as they have seem less like narcissism or bipolar and more like a genuine psychosis brought on by whatever she had happen in her life + as mentioned before, the enablers online. If you were kinda insane, it would make sense youd think you were a divine manifestation of God when you have so many people praise and worship you. I cant watch her content anymore because it makes me sad. Being around people who have lost touch with reality is stressful and scary so either no one cares abt her IRL or shes worrying/hurting the ones who do care and either way, just sad!
i know im sperging right now but another point:
for the last 10ish years looks have become more and more valuable for women. You can now sit inside all day long and basically live the life of an incel but as long as you wear makeup and take pics, youll be seen as valuable. But this is a novelty due to the emergence of the modern internet. With each passing year, more and more young women age up, and older women who are good looking become less and less uncommon. 10-15 years ago most women were bad at makeup, had basic taste in clothes, and were too afraid of social backlash to "be sexy" online. But thats changed and for a brief time if you were willing to be sexy, were good at makeup and had a unique fashion sense, you basically could do whatever you wanted without fear of losing income, love, or friendship. It's starting to change. Because tbh theres countless women who look exactly like Britt except theyre not depressing and tbh shes not aging the best either.
I know two girls who did onlyfans. No idea whether either of them still do it. I knew them both since we were teenagers. I fancied both of them but neither of them were interested in me. One was skinny and the other was fat. I'm going to call the skinny girl Amy and the fat one Becky. Not their real names.

Amy basically lost her goddamn mind after she started doing OF. Her family disowned her over it and she emigrated. She started dating a trans woman (male to female) and posting pro-trans rights stuff on instagram, which eventually morphed into trans supremacist stuff (yes, really). Stuff like "We should kill all cis people" etc (even though she is cis herself). Amy was anorexic before, but it got much worse. She evidently wasn't making much money from her OF because she started making very desperate posts begging people to subscribe to it. Stuff like "I'm whoring myself out and ruining my life and you fucking bastards won't even give me £5 a month" etc. She also just posted very weird shit on social media in general. One example is that she posted a video of herself standing naked in her kitchen while crying and holding her cat like a baby. I think she got banned off instagram for that one.

Becky's story is a lot less interesting. She was notoriously promiscuous when we were younger. But that changed in a weird way. She was still promiscuous, but became very choosy about her partners, and developed (in my opinion) unrealistically high standards. The stereotypical "he needs to be 6'6" with a six pack" kind of thing. She had already started down that road when she started doing OF, but OF made it much worse. In other words,she became very arrogant. I don't know if I've explained that very well.

Also, if you were wondering, I never saw either of these girls' content so I don't know what genre it was. I don't think Becky did any kind of fat fetish stuff (despite being fat).

Based on my experiences with Amy and Becky, and seeing what happens online with girls like Britt and (to a much lesser extent) Delilah, I think all this OF business can be very bad for a woman's mental health. But I am a hypocrite because I'm posting this on a website dedicated to stealing and sharing OF content.
>prostitution = bad
wow such insight
With the isolation part, that too is part of Sim's philosophy as he advocated for being alone. For his ego, he managed to be an independent comic success story. He made a lot of money and was his own boss. His creative decisions on cerebus made it a success and likely felt he could do whatever and have an audience and be successful. Thus he could write a misogynist piece and have lectures about his religious views and have people who would support and love him. Being alone a lot would make him not have people to call him out on his bad behavior.

You are right, there are differences. I was just examining how if the similarities are a person being alone a lot and surrounded by yes men and enablers that they have this entitlement about themselves and feel they can do whatever and always succeed and have people who will say yes to whatever. Even if the circumstances are different.
Kisame here, I disagree with this assessment of independent creators with schizophrenia. I just have creative skills and math skills at the expense of day to day planning. Blue collar folk just hate liberalism because it's a threat to their way of life, namely earning income working a trade as opposed to white collar monotony. I am just disorganized in the sense that I don't want linear choices and obedience. It would hinder me if I just let the government handle things, but I just ignore my need to prove that I am smart and go with the flow. Judeo-Christianity attracts megalomaniacs because they want money, power, and order.

Misogynists like Hitler, Dave, or whatever are unable to leverage their talent in day to day affairs. Women join Pentecostal cults cause they want to be better than the roasties. It's not like Japanese Hentai where their orcs, onis, and toku monsters brainwash the heroines into being pregnant sex dolls. Tomino was a misogynistic and he gets Yoko Kanno to write for him cause she sees him as dad. Dave Sim is a nutcase just like Scott Adams: HI IQ libertarian. It's the same reason people groan when Desantis open his mouth or dread Vivek the Hindu becoming president. Both parties are controlled by teen geniuses who make Billy Quizboy, Dr. Venture look sane.
Hey look, it’s a sterling example of internet schizophrenia
I only said that Dave Sim was schizophrenic because he did LSD and had a bad experience from it and many believe that his bad views came from his bad drug experiment and getting divorced and choosing to be alone. I don't think all creators are schizophrenic and are nuts. I think there's more than just a person being a crazy that can lead them to choosing to be alone. They could end up alone, they could enjoy the feelings of praise. With Sim, there's proof that he did do drugs and had a bad experience from it. Many wonder if this is part of what led him to become super misogynistic.
I don't know if BrittneyBliss is schizophrenic, or had a bad experience with drugs. It could just be surrounding yourself with people who praise you all the time. It could be just being alone. That made her what she is.
Don't bother. I currently work day to day as a line cook and it keeps me stable.

Church leaders and the troubled teen industry loves fat sluts like Only fans. They get paid to abduct fat women, insult them and make them into housewives. It's a six figure industry in red states.
>>34377 (OP)
what the fuck koolaid did she drink
No. Women hate Mike Pence and his biblical liberalism or Curt Silwa and his fake fights. Even CPAC is flopping because of the sexual harassment and grifting. Most likely some AME like Warnock brainwashed her.
Oh my god, the defensiveness of the reply to this mixed with his original comment.

He actually has schizophrenia. It explains so much. He is a legit schizophrenic.

God, now I feel a little bad for making fun of the creep. He literally thought it was banter and didn't recognize it. I guess no harm no foul but still.
Like I said, don't bother as I can function day to day affairs just fine and obey orders without question. I don't agree with linear thinking, but I will try it if it helps my goal.
Dude if you just owned up to it, I think a lot of us would have given you pause when you went on so many weird tangents.

I'm sorry, Kisame. As sorry as I can be on a chan board, anyway.
Ok. I own up to being crazy. It's just when I stop being crazy, it also means I can't be flexible.
you're so punchable
BBWs in America are horse girls with no people skills. Many of them live south of Virginia. Only fans are for people like Chris Chan. Unless you can find some Mormon or Mennonite to control them, fat women tend to become nutcases
I am sorry for my outbursts too as they were unprofessional. I'd like to help the preg community, but I am bored by their smash the patriarchy tweets and political activism. I am more focused on Inyouchuu Shoku at the moment while living a normal life in the suburbs.
Hey, enjoy your fap man. I've already had my fill of SSBBWs tonight, but I've also toked up so who knows what the night will bring.

Take it easy, bud.
I know it’s chiefly due to her using ayahuasca or whatever, but I think men in this community helped her down this path. If she met someone who kept her under his thumb, she’d still be sane, possibly bigger, probably raising a kid or two.

It’s no skin off my nose, but it’s sad to see a woman with potential go to waste.
Honestly that makes a lot of sense. I think an issue is the people most likely to do OF especially the young ones are people who already had some sexual trauma + mental health concern. So basically the exact people who should *not* be doing sex work. But they are too mentally ill to deal with the feelings of missing out to stay away. They don't realize how many women genuinely have no desire to even do sex work and they dont investigate why this is something they, as mentally ill traumatized people, would want.

The irony is how if you aren't comfortable dating a sex worker you're labeled a bigot. I'm sure some of the models have their shit together but theyre ALL really good at *looking like* they have their shit together. Commodification of sex and attention like personally it goes against my values so I've made peace with it but no doubt this is shit is making life worse for everyone.
While we can point fingers at her being a BigCuties model as what set her down this path, let's not forget - she got pretty famous on YouTube at a certain point. She had a bikini lookbook video that got at least a million views. She came out as gay right after the Pulse nightclub shooting. She was a clout chaser and probably had a lot of pressure on her to keep that up if she wanted to not do porn for the rest of her life, despite parading around in revealing outfits online for both cash & attention.

Then she deleted her channel. It's pretty obvious she had a meltdown from all that pressure she put on herself. I think what we're seeing in the latest stage of the BrittneyBliss saga is yet another stage in untreated mental issues that have been exacerbated by drugs.

I think she regrets doing BigCuties since I remember seeing her chew out Steph on an instagram comment. Might have been deleted. Either way, she's gotta know she's getting attention by being a sex object. Make it make sense.
In another life, she’d be barely mobile enough to chase her kids around the house, doing content on the side, with the help of a husband
couple years ago she was big into the rave scene, probably fried her brain on some kind of trendy white girl party drugs. she's shown up in here a few times since she became god or whatever the fuck and her ramblings make Kisame look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Yeah, I think you're right. I think a lot of the young women getting into sex work these days are too cavalier about it, not realising how badly it can fuck up your life. Not to sound like a moral crusader here, but I think this could arguably be a consequence of the modern "woke" attitude towards sex work.
On the other hand, sex workers have pretty much always been vulnerable people.
For example one of the few prostitutes I've met is literally a schizophrenic crack addict. Thought I'd mention that since we're talking about schizophrenia ITT.
>modern "woke" attitude towards sex work
>sex work
>sex workers
you are part of the problem
These animals don’t know their limits and need us to reign them in. I love ssbbw but they take work and a strong hand.
Kisame here. Hard to say. Conservatives pride themselves of separating from the world and reject modernity. It's not like Japan or China where technology is used alongside traditions. Judaism is more having their birthright stolen by demons and needing a chosen one ala Zuko or Sasuke to get their land back. It's why conservatives envy anime. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha get their teen wife while Frieza gets to be part of the cast despite chocking Vegeta. They hate demons get to commit murder and get away with it out talking to G-d
Liberal here, I don't see sex workers as evil, immoral harlots that corrupt men. Sex work is real work, they do it to pay the bills and because getting well paying jobs can be hard for some people. This conservative backlash against them is to view them as corruptive seductresses that lure men into immoral sex. To treat them as demonic succubi instead of people doing what they can to pay the bills. I support a woman's decision to be a sex worker. For mental issues, I hope that a woman in the sex industry gets the help she needs because she deserves it with everything she's done.
why do we have people simping for "sex workers" aka PROSTITUTES/WHORES here out of all places?
Go outside and get hit by a cab you giant faggot
western fags can't comprehend this
many such cases, medkit friend
>>34377 (OP)
Obviously she heard the Dimensional Merge is happening and is getting on board with it early. Believe in the OCs anon!
I don't think Chris is attracted to fatties, she'll probably erase Britt from the universe along with all BBWs when he becomes god.
>I don't think Chris is attracted to fatties
While Chris does openly state that he's not interested in fatties, when setup with one by trolls he jumped at the chance.
For what I said, I was just wondering how Britt went off the deep end and to give reasons beyond she's schizophrenic. I used Dave Sim to show how events in one's life can lead them off the deep end. Even if they have mental issues, it could be due to other factors in their life beyond craziness.

I was just wondering if she had a bad experience with drugs and being surrounded by enablers (us) gave her her god delusions. Just want to have a conversation about her that isn't just she's schizo. Even with Dave Sim, the schizophrenia didn't happen until after he had a bad drug trip. There are various sources that confirm this.

>>Balticbro seriously not thinking their country is 88% western

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