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I got banned from feabie and they blocked ip... Wondering if anyone has a solution to get around this? They don't seem to like it when you try to access their website via VPN either.
>>34336 (OP)
Did you say one of the ghouls wasnt a real woman?
Sadly not, was told that I was banned for impersonating someone even though I had been on the site for 7 years. Feabie mods at their finest.
Get a VPN/use Opera GX and tell them to go fuck themselves.
please ban the autist kraut on ssbbw, it would improve readability 100%
try to switch IPs, if an IP is banned that doesn't necessarily mean your acc is banned,
on the subject of IPs, does anyone else find it impossible to post from a VPN on 4chan? I got banned twice using my real IP and now I don't want to give my real IP anymore
>impossible to post from a VPN on 4chan
residential ip needed

Lmao, if you got banned twice then it's probably for a good reason.
How the fuck do you manage to get IP banned on Feabie you dodgy cunt
the 1st time I got banned because a thread on /pol about SJWs (for the lack of a better term) increasingly stigmatizing age differences in relationships wasn't related to "current events" thus off-topic

the 2nd time was when a thread I made on /v about a game journalist and game developer ridiculing male-only development teams on twitter was declared "off-topic garbage"

I can live with the 1st ban, but the 2nd was absolute bullshit
Accused of it. But Feabie admins be damned if they don't want to appeal their decision
Whenever I tried using Opergx, Feabie would freak out due to "suspicious behavior"
Just submit an appeal with Grokio and they’ll unban you if it was a random unwarranted one. Would happen to me back then and it took less than an hour to get back in. Oh and Feabie sucks
Submitted an appeal. They said no sadly. Still looking for alternatives
>posting Gaymer Gayte shit in current year
I need someone to create an account for me to access, I'm too brain dead for this.
I've been banned from there before several times for all sorts of stupid bullshit. Eventually your IP just falls off and you're not blocked anymore. The site is a waste of time.
if you somehow get banned on feabie you prob deserve it
Lucky you. My site was trying a new security feature and many were banned on accident but contacting staff takes ages via the official way.

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