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What percentage of people with this fetish do you think are visible? Considering how socially unacceptable it is how many people do you think have it but never talk about it or act on it compared to the vocal minority online.
>>34284 (OP)
I'm guessing about 80% don't talk about, only consume p0rn etc. Imo Eventually they will start talking about it, but by that time there will be come about a new generation/newcomers, who have just discovered the fetish
I'm in my early 20's living in a smaller city and I've dated or talked with a pretty significant number of the really big girls around my age locally, and there are a 2-3 guys that I know have also been talking with several of the same girls I've been with.

First is a rather handsome guy, great job, car etc. But fat AF so he might just be dating his own league. Pretty sure he has figured out my preference because we've been both in a relationship with the same two SSBBW's.
Second is some absolute loser creepy dude, unsure if he only goes for fat chicks because he can't get better or if it's a preference. Pretty sure he has sent a friend request to every single fat girl in my region aged 18 to 35.

Third guy seems to be a pretty fit guy, I'd guess he's a chubby chaser. Not someone I know personally, but I would think he'd have no problem getting skinny bitches.
>>33591 (Cross-thread)
I've recently noticed how most stories (Dunno if they're true or not) written by Americans and Northern Europeans often involves dating and/or having sex with fat girls. It's kind of a recurring pattern...
I don't get what you mean. Yes I, a Northern European have dated and had sex with fat girls. What else would I write stories about on bbw-chan, elves and fairy tales? It's not like I pretend to be some sort of supermaxx gigachad, just a regular extroverted guy that's also active on dating apps.
What do we mean by visible?

Openly dating fat women and talking about their sexual preferences? Has an anonymous DA account and favorites softcore fat porn?

I don't have any proof of anything but my thought is that the older you are, the more likely you are to be open with your sexual preferneces. I'd expect younget men to care more about the social aspects than somebody whose left the schooling system.

But overall percentages? No clue.
I think it's impossible to say. With 60% of the US population overweight to obese I can't assume every guy I see with a fat woman is an FA. I'm a don't ask, don't tell kind of guy when it comes to my preferences. I'm sure plenty of people in my life have made the correct assumption, but I've "come out" to very few of them. As it is, I've met -one- guy in my many years on earth as a somewhat social person who out and out said he prefers fat women. Maybe the only way to know is to look at pornhub numbers regarding the BBW/SSBBW category vs everything else. Then again I know a few guys who won't go on any porn sites because they're afriad of being hacked (or so they say...).
the mediterranean virgin who still lives at home vs. the nordic/wasp chad who couldn't wait to move out
It's kinda ironic how you're from Singapore then, eh?
just find a fat girl to date instead of complaining on an internet board lol
!! LONG post ahead; DON'T ready any further if you're not interested !!
I would be actually very interested in seeing a scientific study done on this topic. Sort of like an anonymous study/survey in which you try to find out if a participant is:
- attracted to fat female bodies (and up to which weight/BMI) basically FA?
- ideal body type, weight, height, waist-to-hip ratio, breast size, etc. for a partner?
- attraction to fetish aspects like watching a bbw eat, encouraging women to eat/gain weight (messy eating?), attraction to burping, etc.?
- why someone might be attracted to larger women:
- do mother figures play a role?
- when/how did the attraction start? any triggers?
- do broad childbearing hips have something to do with this?
- do large tits aka calcium cannons play a role?
- does the participant plan on having kids with said (potentially broad-hipped, large-chested) female?
- does height matter? Are petite fat girls more liked than tall amazon type fat girls?
- does physical fitness matter in a partner?
- bulky (tall?) muscle mommy/ yay or nay?
- powerlifter/strongwoman (without defined muscles) yay or nay?
- does overall health matter?
- how much?
- Do more or less harmless effects like limited mobility, shortness of breath, etc. matter?
- how about greatly reduced fertility in most large women?
- how about weight loss?

- Do they act on the fetish or the attraction:
- do they pursue fat women?
- why? out of spite or by choice?
- why not (perhaps they're attracted but don't act on it?)?
- moral aspects?
- fear of rejection?
- bad past experiences?
- low self-esteem?
- do they inform set women of their preference or even the fetish maybe?
- would they be ready to seal the deal and commit to let's say marrying a fat girl?
- do they openly talk/have they openly talked about this with anyone/family/friends?
- general info on the participant:
- age, sex, height, weight BMI, and body fat percentage
- annual income
- line of work
- socio-economic background
- ethnicity and race
- IQ
- highest degree
- religion
- perhaps penile length/girth (to test the theory that men with small dicks hate fat chicks bc. their not equipped for the job...SALTS)
- physical fitness/how much weekly exercise (to test if gym bros prefer fat chicks)
- introverted or extroverted? staying in or going out?
- weight, BMI, and body type of female figures in their lives (sisters, friends, family members)
- place of residence and where they grew up

Of course, the questions would need to be very specific and written the right way (not biased etc.).

I think even an internet-based survey would do the trick, but you'd have to ask around on the most neutral of places. I mean you could probably get a nice number of participants on bbw-chan, but that would not provide any new insights as I believe most of us are into fat chicks in some way shape, or form, so it would probably boil down to the fact that many find slob girls like echo/adeline/jae disgusting or how few people actually enjoy farting content or death feedism.
So basically a Kinsey-type study. Kinsey himself didn't ask about fat fetishes/preferences yet he got into dudes fucking animals, ffs. It amazes me how little "our thing" has been studied in general.

Nobody knows.

Presumably, it's many times the number that are visible, and if your preference isn't extremely strong, then you're probably dating women of a more socially acceptable size.

Same way the number of gay and bisexual people has "gone up" in recent years, around 7% today up from 4% in the late 2000s, but in reality it's just that more people are "out" because being gay is more socially acceptable.
So I actuallly have been following her for quite some time (bc i think she's hot obvs) and find her new interview format very fun to watch.
The thing is though that the responses she gets are biased because she is a plus size girl and many men are not direct enough to clearly say no to dating a plus size girl in that moment. Another factor is this whole body positivity/fat acceptance movement which makes people scared of beeing canceld for giving the "wrong" anwser. Others though are just straight-up rude.

I also wonder why no of the men who seemed genuine about liking plus size women said something about preferring bigger women (sort of FA type). But maybe that's bc. the don't want to be accused of liking fat women only for their bodies and/or fetishizing them...?

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