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Hey /gen/, I had a question for some of you as to what you may do in this situation.

I recently got a gf, and currently she's chubby at about vaguely 200 pounds. We had a long talk about my feederism, and I recently got the green light to try and make her gain weight. We have some pros & cons to this thing though.

Pros: She wants to do it, she's already chubby, she wants the bigger ass, we believe this will improve her relationship with food, if we don't like it we'll stop immediately, she's beginning to desire me actually touching her stomach/stretchmarks and is getting over the negativity of it all.
Cons: She's got a little bit of some odd eating habits, she is lactose intolerant, she is allergic to coconut.

Does anyone have any advice or resources for folks who are new into feeding? Also maybe some alternatives for her allergies?

I have a long term GF whose allergies and sensitivities make it so what she CAN eat is actually a significantly shorter list than what she CAN'T eat. It's easy enough to navigate.

Study ingredient labels. There are fb groups and social media accounts completely dedicated to certain allergies and what foods are hitting that market am that are safe, food that are no longet safe, etc. Join them.

Go to the health food section at your local grocery stores and review the labels before you buy anything, it's asy easy as that. Don't take for granted some of these items will stay the same forever, so check them every few months.

As for dairy, super easy. If she's on the gain train, Cabot cheese is lactose free, and vegan cheese has come a long way over the years, you can find it even in the discount grocery stores these days. Ripple plant based milk is just as good as regular milk, is only a couple bucks more, and the pediatric Ripple has significantly more calories than whole milk.

Prepackaged gainer shakes work wonders too, orgain, ripple, muscle milk, etc. Just make sure you check their ingredients!

Most people with food sensitivities like dairy and coconut may also be allergic to ragweed, so stay aware of stevia, that stuff is in the same family as ragweed, and it's in so much shit these days. Sometimes that can make a person feel spacey and swollen. Just in case!

Last thing, if you want to eat out but aren't 100% sure about an item, just call and ask! State it's for severe allergies, so you need to confirm ingredients. Restaurants take that shit seriously, especially chains, since Mom & Pop places have no culpability if something goes wrong, they won't fire themselves or their family members. Lol

Coconut and dairy are easy allergies/sensitivities to avoid. Just keep them in mind while shopping and eating out.
>>34080 (OP)
holy grail of ass. bet it stinks real good
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My gf has similar allergies. I recommend the Fair Life lactose free milk, it did wonders for her. We cook with it all the time now and it's improved her gut health and it tastes great. You see models drink it in their videos too sometimes

She still eats a ton of cheese and it will hurt a tiny bit but that's life. Part of feederism is dealing with an upset stomach sometimes.
Please don’t post that here. There’s gotta be a different fetish for this
is that your gf?
Very nice, I appreciate the info.
Speaking of shakes, would you folks have any good recommendations?
No you stupid slobnigger. Fart fetish is just one material state away from being a shit fetish. Go eat da poo poo, fartfag.
why are you always so mad, sagetard?
Reading unique insults in threads like this is always very entertaining
That's a fair question, anon.

I guess my answer would be - because it's funny.
>>34080 (OP)
>she is lactose intolerant, she is allergic to coconut

Seconding the advice from >>34082 that is not actually that bad a list. There are gainers i the past that have somehow slogged on despite some truly weird ass combos. People saying 'dump her' over this are virgins or deserve to be one lol.

Give every non-dairy milk out there a try and see what tastes best for her. I actually like oat milk now and then despite not being a veggo and if I'm with someone that is or have to choose between it and long-life milk, it's my go-to.

However, oat specifically isn't that high in the Good Shit that gives Heavy Cream its legendary reputation. To replace that, you'll want vegetable oils (other than coconut oil obv, which is a shame because for vegans it's my #1 rec) that aren't super flavourful. Olive oil is great but lbr I'm Mediterranean as fuck and it makes everything taste like olive oil.

Same rules apply to wg with dietary restrictions as with anyone wanting to gain: make sure their daily energy requirements are more than covered with simple sugars, limit protein (unless going strongfat) to basic requirements and meet your desired rate of gain with lipids.
Oh and do yourself a favour if you do fortify drinks with extra fat, mix in an emulsifier (think eggs, or egg substitute). Nobody needs a disgusting layer of oil floating on their cakeshake.

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