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I would like to confess about my so-called relationship with a girl. It may sound like a beginning of some weird story from /elite, but right now I am stuck in it with no idea about the future.
We first met in the summer camp where I was a 18 y/o coach assistant and she... well, she was a lonely 15-year-old bullied girl from a clearly poor family with low self-esteem. At first, I was asked to look after her by my mentors since she often wandered alone away from the groummup in the free time, even going outside the camp territory. No one knew where she was, and it was just dangerous to leave her on her own. So I organized her activity to keep her around, asking her to help in some stuff. This included us being together alone for hours, and I started noticing that she was interested in me. During the boat trip, she asked to make a photo of her on her camera, and I agreed without a second thought. Then she asked me to pose and took a couple of photos of us together 'to keep the moment'. She often came to my place asking for help but it was clear that she just needed to chat and has nowhere else to go. By the end of the season, we were a couple in the eyes of her roommates (and also in her eyes, as I realized later), 5 I did my best to keep cool to prevent her from falling in love. Nevertheless, she insisted on holding my hand at the farewell party and inserted a paper with her phone and address into my palm. Our group was close, so it was OK for us to exchange mails and keep in touch in the social media. We all communicated innocently for some time in the group chat, but the years went by, the boys and girls grew older, some got married, some moved, and the messenger went silent.
Seven years later, she suddenly called. We had a long talk, and in the end she invited me to come visit her someday. I broke with my GF recently, so I accepted her offer. We have not seen each other for long time, and I noticed that she has grown into a more womanly shape compared to a thin girl I knew. She showed me her town, we dined at some local fast food restaurant and then she invited me to her place for a dinner. While I was already full, she somehow managed to eat two large burgers, a portion of fries and then a large plate of gravy and cake an hour later. I wondered at her appetite, but refused from commenting on the now-obvious origin of her newfound curves. From the small talk at dinner I was surprized to know that she was unemployed and lived with her mother and her disabled grandmother. No boyfriend, no close friends, all communication seemed to be limited to messengers. I returned home with mixed feelings. She was appealing but something was clearly wrong in her.
Since then, she wrote me almost daily in Viber, sending girly gifs and romantic stickers. When I asked her about what she was doing, the answer usually was 'just relaxing', or 'watching TV', or listening to music in her phone, or sometimes going outside. She used to do sports at school: ski, swimming, arching, but she did not seem interested in practicing it anymore. She often reposted me videos from cooking and fashion blogs, though I have never seen her with makeup on or in trendy clothes, or heard that she cooked something by herself. When I asked her about her college drop she confessed me one day that she has a documented health disability, and any hard or prolonged physical or mental activity cause her major headaches. She asked me to never talk about job or education, or her diagnosis. She quickly found that I am interested in bigger girls but made no further moves towards me since then.
We met a couple more times for the next two years during my vacations. Every time she asked me to bring her something tasty. We kissed a couple of times, and she does not complain when I hug her but apart from this our relations are more friend-like. Of course, her lazy lifestyle and unrestricted appetite showed on the scales. She was swelling at a steady pace from about 150 lbs at the beginning to 180 lbs a year later. Now, after the second year of our closer relationship, I think she is close to 200 or even heavier. She has grown from B to full saggy D cups, has a prominent potbelly, love handles, wobbly thighs and a huge rack. Her arms are thicker than mine, and her thighs are so thick they rub together when she walks. She is quickly out of stamina for her size, avoiding stairs or uphill roads. Last time I saw her she had troubles walking, conversating and breathing at the same time, as she often stopped mid-sentence to catch breath. Her mother is aware of the situation but can't do much aside from poking the poor girl for her size. For some time, her mother and I convinced her to attend the swimming pool, but she abandoned it as too expensive, and the handrails were uncomfortable for her at her weight.
I am attracted to her physique even more as she grows but at the same time I am scared by her sedentary lifestyle, her disability (which can be mental as well) and decreasing mobility. For a while I suspected her and her mother in feeding her intentionally as a honey trap for me but she is not interested in any serious relationships and prefers to live her whole life with her mother. We both see no future in becoming a couple but I feel myself unable to break and leave her alone in her numb state. So we continue as friends. She sends me recipies and online postcards, mostly with food displayed on them. I learned to reply her the same way, notasking much about her personally. 'What are you doing today? Did you go out somewhere?' - 'No, I'm just lying around, mom is cooking dinner'.
This whole thing is hot in stories but IRL it is weird as hell.
>>33843 (OP)
Interesting story, Ivan.
>For a while I suspected her and her mother in feeding her intentionally as a honey trap for me but she is not interested in any serious relationships and prefers to live her whole life with her mother
This is your signal that either you keep her as some sort of an object to please your fetish and just meet up ocasionally with some romance included, nothing serious. On other hand, if she tries for it to be serious, I'd run if I were you. No harsh feelings for the girl but having a possibly mentally unstable girl, who can't work and wants to live with her mother all the time is a huge red flag for you. Of course, if you're into having a lazy slob at your home and you make good money, go for it, but I'd rather not.
I hope you sort it out, brat.
You're Russian. Is she Orthodox at all, even a tiny bit? You asked Batyushka for his advice? Nigga you can't walk down the street in your country without passing a church or monastery, be grateful and use what you're given. You walk on holy soil.
>USA country flag
>Muh Orthodoxy
>Muh Holy Russia
>Muh pure virgin Slavic tradwife
>Muh based Eastern European heartland of traditional Christian values
I swear, American Russiaboos and Orthocels are even worse than weebs. At least Japan really is the homeland of anime and video games.
>>33843 (OP)
Honestly? She just sounds boring. I would cut it off. Even if you do get in a relationship, do you want someone with no personality, no ambition, who contributes literally nothing to the relationship? If you date someone like that you WILL eventually start to resent her. Either fuck her once to get it out of your system, or stop thinking with your dick and cut it off before you are trapped. There’s plenty of fat girls out there who are fat and also a lot of fun. And surely that includes wherever you are.
>This is your signal that either you keep her as some sort of an object to please your fetish and just meet up ocasionally with some romance included, nothing serious.
This. All in all this Girl seems to be a red flag...
This is new to me and super-cringy. Of all places to put on a pedestal... A depressed kleptocracy where the men drink themselves to death by 60 and their daughters will fuck you for pocket change, while the best looking ones line up to be prostitutes in a Saudi harem. Not to mention half the population is nostalgic for Stalin, who'd send you to a forced labor camp for worshipping God outside your house.

It's like when Irish-Americans go to Ireland and they're disappointed no one eats corned beef and cabbage, sings Danny Boy, or gives a fuck about their existence.
>It's like when Irish-Americans go to Ireland and they're disappointed no one eats corned beef and cabbage, sings Danny Boy, or gives a fuck about their existence.
This definitely happens. Most Irish people hate Irish-Americans but I don't mind them.
On the subject of religion, I think some tourists/immigrants are also surprised/disappointed that Irish people aren't very religious these days. In my opinion it's because of all the scandals with the Catholic church. Good riddance, I say.
>inb4 some "tradcath" retard tries to argue with this
The pro-Putin propagandists get insane sums of money to keep the positive image of Russia abroad and to demonize the Western inside the country. If one could listen to the translated speeches of masters of propaganda like RT, Solovyev, Keosayan or BesogonTV (the YT channel is still not banned) he would die of cringe. For them, all Western people are LGBT+ pedo-zoo-necrophilic satanists that only see to sell Russia and rape its citizens.
This is indeed one of the reasons I posted it here. Indeed, we meet up occasionally as she lives in a nearby town (nearby means 90 min by car, about an hour by train). I think I can financially afford her being a lazy growing NEET at my place but I really have no intention to ruin her life (anyone's life, in general) even more. If someone thinks that a gf can be a happy healthy feedee with no physical activity gaining 20+ pounds a year he is terribly wrong. First, a person is most likely missing some screws in her head to be content with such lifestyle. Second, the lack of activity degrades the physical and mental health damn fast, so the story would go dark faster then many of you expect. The advice I hoped to get here is the opposite to what is expected in such situation: how can I convince her not to be a growing slob or at least take minimal care of her own health?

I am not good in reading people's minds so I can't get what does she want from me and why she spams me daily with stickers and stuff. Is it some defense mechanism to not feel lonely, or to raise her low self-esteem, or she does not even care about sending hearts and kisses?

She is Orthodox, but the Batyushkas have repulsed most of the devoted prayers since they are too busy collecting donations and licking Putin's ass.

I agree that the girl is a collection of red flags but somehow I feel that simply dumping her would bevery cruel. Call it co-dependency, but from what I know she really does not communicate with anyone else outside of her family.
It's one of the funnier subcultural developments of the past ten years, an American audience that actually buys into the Russian propaganda about how they're a bastion of traditional Christianity defending family values against the degenerate West. Usually these guys are sexually insecure incels who blame feminism/LGBT for their inability to get a girlfriend. It's like the equal and opposite version of Cold War-era communist sympathizers who actually believed that the USSR was a worker's paradise.
Yes, the West, and America in particular is that fucking bad that Russia looks like a paradise. All it would take for the American ZOG Niggerocracy to look better than Russia is for them to not blatantly hate and actively work for the extermination of its own citizens, but that's obviously too much for people (kikes) with a vested interest in destroying the white race.
It turns out that niggers, troons and screeching liberals are that repugnant that people would rather live in an authoritarian shithole than deal with them for a single minute more.
Kisame here. Only the Russian-Ukranian Mob is that wealthy and many of them just want to own the Brooklyn Nets, Nassau Coliseum, live in Trump Tower. Nu-Russia are Rich kids while Old Russia are /fit/
Where the fuck is Russian T-Boone Pickens to tell us to get on the Gold Reserve, Russian Alex Jones selling vitamins? RT is just fucking Fox News for Putin

This might sound harsh but you are not responsible for her feelings or her physical/mental health. She is in control of her own life, and it's not your job to change her. Most times, if you want someone to change who they are, you will be disappointed.

Do you want to be in this person's life? Or are you just horny and feel bad for her because she seems isolated and lonely? If it's the second option, it is co-dependent and not healthy for either of you. If you are making yourself available to her out of pity, you are encouraging her to be stagnant because she knows she always can rely on you for attention and dopamine.

If you actually really like her, and do want to be in her life, as a friend or lover, it should not be with the expectation that she will change. Do you accept and like her for who she is today? If not, you should step away. If you want to encourage her to change, you must do so accepting that it is unlikely she will change. Can you be at peace with that?

If you do step away, it does not have to be cruel. You can just become less often available over time, until she understands. You don't need to tell her "I don't want to talk to you anymore" or ignore her messages suddenly.
Honestly bro. Look around at how many disgusting dumb fat woman are married and taken care of. Just fucking fatten her up and fuck her for however long that’s entertaining and return to sender. Someone will end up breeding her.
>I am not good in reading people's minds so I can't get what does she want from me and why she spams me daily with stickers and stuff. Is it some defense mechanism to not feel lonely, or to raise her low self-esteem, or she does not even care about sending hearts and kisses?
Women are weird things. On one side, she might be trying to somehow make you hers but in a rather weird way. It's something like those psycho people who threaten you to cut their veins if you leave them, so you might have a similiar situation here, it's just that she isn't that crazy enough, thankfully.
>how can I convince her not to be a growing slob or at least take minimal care of her own health?
Here's the deal and it's not pretty. Either you satisfy your fetish and do exactly what you said, then dump her. That's cruel, indeed, but it's your life and you have no business to help her like a 12 year old child. On other hand, you can maybe express your fetish and intentions to her in a more detailed way and see how she reacts. For example, say that you like girls a bit bigger and if she is comfortable with being bigger in the long run, etc. If yes, then you can maybe do some fetish related stuff.
Of course, most of it really depends on your own possibilities and will. If you want to put your hands in that mess and get dirty, do it, Ivan. If not, then stay away and steer clear from such women, if you don't want to be seen on the local TV as a main suspect of a criminal case, where the girl unalives herself and you're the last guy who talked to her.
>Usually these guys are sexually insecure incels who blame feminism/LGBT for their inability to get a girlfriend
This is your brain when you think about sex more than about wealth, success and building a stable life, rather than just fucking some random hookers and one night stand whores.
>It's like the equal and opposite version of Cold War-era communist sympathizers who actually believed that the USSR was a worker's paradise.
And this is the most retarded comparison I've ever seen on this God forsaken board.
USSR was a massive shithole and there's no doubt about it (although there were few decent things which I could talk about from personal and family experience).
Like that aussie lad has said, the collective west is so absurd and disgusting nowadays that a shithole like Russia looks better in a lot of aspects.

>more emphassis on traditional family values and the nuclear family concept
>more emphassis on religion
>not having to pay 3500 dollars for a ride to the hospital in an ambulance and then 750k dollars for an appendix removal
>everything is cheap as shit
and etc.

Before you scream vatnik at me, just reconsider how retarded your statements look in an objective view. These are not facts you have mentioned, this is your opinion, which is very retarded. In my opinion.
>Most Irish people hate Irish-Americans
Only west brits whose entire culture, politics and opinions come from brown UK and USA pigs.
Nah. Want to complain about troons and BLM, sure, a lot of us normie Americans are fed up with that shit too. If you think as a Baltbro that a multipolar world is better place for small nations to pursue their destiny than American hegemony, that's arguable but reasonable. I don't deny that Russia is a major world civilization.

But its birthrates are well below replacement, and its alcoholism and abortion rates are sky-high. Whatever else Russia might be, it's definitely not an Orthodox wonderland where the masses are simple hardworking men of faith, and where all the women are either pious old babushkas tottering in the snow to Divine Liturgy, or blonde virgin princesses praying for a good husband. This is propaganda, directed at the sexual insecurities of Anglosphere males, and the people who believe it are dumb.
How do I acquire qt chubby (or at least willing to grow) autistic Balto-Slavic waifu?
Psychologists like to insert themselves into politics and accuse Trump fans of being an authoritarian cult. Deep down, liberals tend to hate self reliant cults because all that free labor and government within the government means it's not going into their pet projects like homosexuality. America sucks at the government is good because voters tend to pick Republicans like , Trump, Reagan, Bushes over their bland mediocre centrists. Obama was their last chance to be cool, but like Mario Cuomo, he's looking out for himself. It doesn't help that a lot of fat women are working menial labor at Chick-fil-A for elderly fat boomers. Wall Street is already taking the Trillons in assets meaning NY is about to go 60s-70s kino. I dunno Gary Indiana sucks and Commiefornia is already going hurricanes and quakes while Maui's on fire.
This whole post sounds like conservative fan-fiction. Most of us Democrats want an economy that works, assholes to shut up and let people be, and focus on addressing actual high-stakes stuff like Russia, China, climate-change, oil dependence, healthcare, and the impact wage-stagnation and inflation has on us all.

Oh and to OP: Date someone you want to be with, not something you know you’re lured into. You deserve to be happy, and their are plenty of hot fat chicks that you don’t have to settle for something you know isn’t a good fit.
you caused this, war mongerer
>and the impact wage-stagnation and inflation has on us all.
so what are you going to do about central banks?
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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just lack any charisma to carry interest in these goals. Corporations actually lost 70% percent of their revenue investing in activists goals, so much that Van Jones had to be fired from his activist job cause he didn't manage wealth. Conservatives love their country enough to defend it and boomers are the consumers of weed.

Russia and China aren't problems. Both countries have a strong middle class along with natural resources to sustain itself. Democrats hate communism cause they can't sell their off-broadway productions to the countries. My county of Nassau already has a living wage law codified and indexed. It's why they're going to lose in 2024. Us conservatives don't care for Fox News because all Murdoch wants to do is peddle fear and distrust. Rupert will never be a good salesman like his dad. He was begging Trump to go to his show and begging Youngkin to be the winner, both rejected him.
Reduce labour pool and raise wages through repatriation and strict immigration controls, further easing market pressures for housing, services etc.
We already do that. Fox News banned Trump from the spin room. It was invented by Reagan. Even Ailes think Murdoch is just buying clout.
>If you think as a Baltbro that a multipolar world is better place for small nations to pursue their destiny than American hegemony, that's arguable but reasonable

That's exactly what I wish for. To give you a small background, before 2014 we were on pretty decent terms with both the russians and the western world, we were doing pretty good (in other words - economical prosperity without that mandatory faggotry indoctrination).
After 2014 everything changed, especially after Trump got into power in 2016. Media and politicians started dividing people (typical divide et impera at play), everyone got all rowdy and political, which was the beggining of the end for us.
Nowadays, we're living in the US hegemenony, which is very noticeable (for example, your NGOs and embassy openly sponsor and promote pride parades here, sponsor all kinds of project for us to be more "diverse" and so on). We don't want or need that shit, the absolute majority of our society, judging my shitloads of polls done, don't want that crazy woke shit in here. We are conservative people, but yet both the EU and US give us ultimatums that either we take the dick in our ass and be submissive or we get thrown out from everywhere.
Until 2014, the russian influence managed to give us a certain checks and balances system. If we needed cheaper shit and your or EUs sellers offered outrageous prices - we went to the russians and vice versa. Now, it's either buy from us and get the faggotry package included or fuck off and be embargo'd.

I do agree with you about Russia's problems. I don't view them as some kind of a Christian holy ground or some perfect country, they have a shitload of problems (a lot of them are the result of the anarchy in the 90s or the later soviet times, including but not limited to alcoholism, high drug usage, abortions, AIDS and etc.), yet they're improving little by little.
I invite you to see statistics of all of my mentioned problems in Russia in the 90s and after 2010, everything changed pretty drastically but most of the problems need much more time to be fixed.

>This is propaganda, directed at the sexual insecurities of Anglosphere males, and the people who believe it are dumb.
Once again, I agree to a certain point. God, as an entity or an object of glorification, holds a bigger part in the russian life than in the western world. I've been to both during either my work traveling or just regular holidays and I observed people a lot, so I can probably make such an assumption.

Pretty hard my friend. A lot of girls here still follow the early 2000s beauty standards, where being thin is beautiful. On other hand, there are some bigger ones and they are increasing (no pun intended) with each passing day, but majority of the time they are pretty ugly both as a person and outside (ugly face, shitty blue hair and etc.). Furthermore, I have tried out using Feabie here and I only found like 2-3 girls in here and all of them without profile pics, giving an impression that something is either very off or the fetish didn't really come here yet.

>high-stakes stuff like Russia, China
Both of these countries give 0 threat to US. I'm not joking, neither of them could beat the US military and you can be safe in terms of that. On other hand, don't poke them and corner them both into a corner or else you'll get nukes in DC as a new year's gift.
>climate-change and oil dependance
Mediocre problems but the solutions that are being implemented are targetted at completely wrong problems. For example, taxation of cars or entering certain areas of cities because of muh evil CO2. Guess what, the forest won't regrow itself if daddy government receives a few billions in the taxes. They won't plant new trees, they'll launder the money into some of their relatives' or friends' company and build a new mansion in Miami. When will you realise that government doesn't give a single fuck about it's citizens?
Agreed here, ambulance rides costing 3500$ sounds hilarious and sad at the same time.
>impact wage-stagnation and inflation
big problem, agreed

All in all, the problem of the US is the two party domination and the same senile retards who keep getting into power. Both Biden and Trump are senile idiots who should be sent to the gas chambers without wooden doors.
fucking hell, the last paragraphs were meant for
nice and nuanced
I find everything you've said very interesting.
What do you personally think about the LGBT people in your country? You've made it clear that most people in Lithuania / former Soviet bloc in general don't like that kind of thing being shoved down their throats (so to speak).
I have never met a person from an Eastern European country who was homophobic, but maybe things are different because these are the ones who emigrate and move to "the west" (obviously Ireland in this case).
For example I had a BBW gf from Bulgaria who was very "woke" (that is what we would call her today, but that word wasn't invented yet lol) to such an extent that it actually turned me off.

Also I have met a few Lithuanians here in Ireland and they were always nice people. Lithuanian women are also very beautiful.

I do have a funny story about a Lithuanian I met here once:
>be me, 18 (at the time)
>at the pub with my friend
>standing outside having a cigarette
>an old beggar approaches us with money (a few coins) in his hand
>me and my friend offer him money
>he shakes his head and says something like "zhig ar yet" over and over
>eventually we realise that he wants a cigarette and is trying to buy one from us
>we give him one for free and refuse to take his money
>we try to chat to him but his english is very very bad, pretty much non existent
>eventually we get it out of him that he is from lithuania
>we ask him how long he has been in ireland
>he says "9 years"
>i was mystified that he lived in ireland for 9 years yet seemingly never learned english and was a beggar

>I have tried out using Feabie here and I only found like 2-3 girls in here and all of them without profile pics, giving an impression that something is either very off or the fetish didn't really come here yet
I had a similar experience when I tried out using Feabie in Ireland. This was probably about 3 or 4 years ago. There were maybe about a dozen girls and about 300 men. Only 3 of the girls had photos, and only one of those talked to me. One girl had body photos but none of her face, the second was a young chubby cosplay girl who didn't reply to my message, and the third one was an American living in Ireland who messaged me. We chatted for a while but eventually she admitted that she had a bf and only wanted money from me (even though I explicitly said on my profile not to message me looking for money, but she obviously didn't read it or didn't care). When I politely told her to read my profile, she blocked me lol.
I guess everywhere in Europe is the same (low number of users) because I had a few girls from all over Europe message me. They weren't looking for money though. I didn't bother with those girls because I didn't have the money to travel at the time.

As for whether the fetish has come to Ireland? Not really. But I don't think it's actually very popular in America either. I have dated a few Irish BBWs and most of them hated being fat (the Bulgarian girl also hated being fat). Two of them were into it though. Not like hardcore gaining or anything, but they would eat a lot and liked it when I played with their belly etc.
Baltbro, Nassau County is full of Trump voters because they like his pro America policies. He's a good statesman who helped created a surplus. China and Korea like him because there's a lot of presbyterian and Methodists who see God as the guy who they can do business with. Desantis is popular with the military, pundit class. Libs are mald that Ann Coulter is hired by the New York Times. Propaganda of Communism sucks because it paints people as happy civilians getting bombed by a powerful enemy. Trump learned from Netanyahu how to go full extrajudicial, conspire to commit sedition against Catholics, heavy taxation, and 34 counts of rape. It's the same reason gay Robin Hood praise Richard to spite John in Disney, or gays love Hitler. They want a leader. China and Russia are trade partners. Japan loves Trump because like Tojo, he was a statesmen who wanted to unify the country without invading other continents.

Trump literally tweet and got Putin's number 2 killed. He knows Putin isn't long for the world and Kim is going to be the man cause N.Korea and Cuba are conservative while China are doves
Fat women are not on the internet. They see social media as invading their privacy or for dorks who work at IT in America. It's not helped by Elon Musk being a manchild. Fat women see space programs as taking from their entitlements. It's the same reason the hambeasts in the Bronx got fired from her job as NYC Housing management. Nobody wants to be a slave to hambeast to fluff their wigs or do degrading work.
I have difficulties putting my thoughts out correctly in english, but it's nice to hear that you understood it well, medkit friend

>What do you personally think about the LGBT people in your country?
Depends on the age group. The younger generations either don't care or support the movement, yet the statistics are still very in favour of the traditional family concept (pretty recently there was a big poll, done by the order of our president's office, which showed that around 70%+ of residents support traditional family rather than LGTV).
As for me, eh, I follow the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I don't really care about them if they don't shove it up my face or try to indoctrinate my kid to follow their 600+ gender schizophrenia.
>You've made it clear that most people in Lithuania / former Soviet bloc in general don't like that kind of thing being shoved down their throats
That is statistically correct, with a few exceptions, like Estonia (a lot of nordic influence), Czechia and few other other Warsaw pact/USSR countries.
Just look at the difference between east and west Germany (Berlin is an exception). East always votes for conservative (either CDU or AfD) and west always votes liberal or green (which are pseudocommies anyways, lol).
>but maybe things are different because these are the ones who emigrate and move to "the west" (obviously Ireland in this case).
That's interesting. Most of our emigrants to either Ireland, UK, Germany, Norway or other western countries aren't really the brightest "bulbs" and are oftenly pretty conservative people, with some exceptions (mostly the ones who are higher educated but still fail to reach something here in Lithuania). They're the biggest virtue signallers and the same ones who fling shit at our country for being backwards and not embracing western culture (although I doubt western culture has to be in the form of faggotry and changing between 72 genders, Let's take the good stuff, not the bad).
>For example I had a BBW gf from Bulgaria who was very "woke"
That's your answer. Usually, bigger girls here in Eastern Europe are the more liberal, blue haired ones. Sure, there are some conservative girls from the rural areas who are pretty traditional (hell, I even dated a girl who read and liked "Mein Kampf", heh).
>the story
Heh, so I see you met a "bright bulb" from our lands. Eh, I don't really understand those idiots who go to foreign countries and don't even bother to learn the language, especially when they live in those countries for nearly a decade or more. At least we get rid of the societal garbage and have less crime here, at the expense of your safety. Sorry irish friend, I hope that lad finds a job and starts improving himself.

>When I politely told her to read my profile, she blocked me lol.
Damn, that's pathetic from her side. I guess stereotypes about americans being materialistic people isn't really far from the truth. Otherwise, you dodged a huge bullet, friend.
>I guess everywhere in Europe is the same (low number of users) because I had a few girls from all over Europe message me.
Indeed. Well, I guess it can be correlated to the low number of european BBW/SSBBW models, in contrast to the shitloads of models from US. As far as I remember, there are only a couple models from Poland, France, Finland and Germany. On other side, UK has some decent girls (Jodie, Bonnie, KittyPiggy, Lana2002, Aliss Bonyt and etc.).
>I have dated a few Irish BBWs and most of them hated being fat (the Bulgarian girl also hated being fat).
That's quite ironic, heh. But yeah, I imagine they feel that way due to either pressure from relatives/society or just some obstacles they face due to their weight. To be fair, I was pretty chubby in my early teen years but I dropped all of the weight and got to a pretty tonned body and never felt better, so I imagine carrying lots of weight around isn't a pleasant thing to do. But oh well, we're all in this fetish shit together.

On the bright side (for you, at least), you still have a much bigger chance to meet bigger girls in Ireland or UK (Northern Ireland is rightful irish territory, heh) than I do.
>Not like hardcore gaining or anything, but they would eat a lot and liked it when I played with their belly etc.
Nice, that's probably the best way to put it in real life. No hardcore shit but just some nice body to enjoy. Let's leave the hardcore for the videos and the models, because I really doubt some poor soul wants to be the 2nd Adeline in reality.

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