
Hahhahahaha you will sure find out one day my friend.
That shark dude from Naruto
The savior of bbwchan. Our liberator.
Kisame and Das Ritter are the same person.

We are not. I completely disavow the works of Tex Avery and Warner Brother. MGM and Hanna-Barbera. I’m more a Da-Da idiot, he’s a full blown case of looney tunes.
METV is having Woody Woodpecker. Millennials and boomers bond over their hatred of Disney in my area.
DasRitter is totally Kisame now. I escaped to the real world holding down a Job
whenever he doesn't get the attention he wants he will quote random posts or post several times in a row pretending to different anons. ignoring won't help, he's going to reply to every post posted after a reply from him as if they are reacting to him indirectly. kinda funny.

he's an example of how multicultural societies produce people obsessed with identity. I started noticing this on anthropology forums that's full of bickering about who is "white" or not and can pass in place X or Y not from nazis but admixed people, immigrants and dark europeans as well as American stand-up comedy that 90% about race. I didn't even get into his anime brainrot that he inflicted upon himself by only consuming that one form of media.
>he's an example of how multicultural societies produce people obsessed with identity.

Now you sound like Kisame yourself, inserting random, poorly-observed political/sociological drivel into an otherwise useless post.
I saw him shit up a pregnant thread on 4chan's /d/ board recently and the users there all seemed to think he was an AI program based on the way he types. I thought that was pretty funny.

>>33591 (OP)
OP, to answer your question, he is a schizophrenic black guy from New York who posts incoherent nonsense to the point of making this website borderline unusable. He is obsessed with politics, cartoons, and New York. All of his posts are about these topics and they never make any sense. I would tell you to ignore him but >>34515 is right, ignoring him doesn't really help.

I might be in the minority here but I don't think he's actually a troll, I think he's just nuts. There are definitely other users who impersonate him from time to time, which muddies the waters a bit.
I got high one night and understood him. It's actual off-the-meds schizophrenia. I feel better about ignoring it now, makes me feel better than engaging.
I liked one of the other threads where they insinuated he was esl and that’s why his word choice was so bad and he really flew off the handle over that
(22 KB, 276x183, IMG_0631.jpeg)
Kisame really changed the META five or six times— I consider him the Stanley Kubrick or Kanye West of shitposting.
/gen/ used to be an intellectual wasteland of racial slurs and shaggy dog stories before Kisame introduced daily Disney/Desantis posting in the lead up to the dismissile of Bob Chapek (here Kisame was legitimately months ahead of any politician or newsman worth his salt)… basically ushering in this era of deep political discourse in /gen/.
Kisame can easily be credited with expanding the use of unrelated thematic images and titlegore. He’s years ahead of his time in general writing tone and texture— composing buzzwords and demographic with all the characteristics of GPT meets ESL.
The man is a dynamo, mistaken for machines, rarely imitated tho the often try, doubted, disparaged, and mocked the whole world over— yet everyone in /gen/ is looking to find out what he shitposts next.
Does anyone like, take care of him? Is he on welfare? In his parents basement?

How does he manage to shit up hyperpreg threads on /d/ for 3 fucking years non-stop without anyone IRL noticing? Or is he like a high functioning spastic that just flips a switch at 17:30 pm out of office and unloads on /d/?
Simple. I work 28.5 hours at a day job and spend my off days at the gym, church. I also eat healthy like normal people while looking for a pickup to drive or a car. It's called living in the real world. You should try it sometime.
The fact you're a black ESL living in NYC that didn't get killed by a cop speaks volumes about how often you actually get out of the house
>28.5 hours a week

So you live with your parents then. What a scumbag. If you're over the age of 18 and still depend on mommy to make your meals and wash your clothes/dishes then you are completely useless and deserve to be sterilized.
FWIW I'm pretty sure he's on Long Island, not in NYC. Or maybe far eastern Queens which is basically the same thing: suburbia. It's not at all a melting pot like the city but in fact one of the most segregated areas in the US. Super-racist as well, but the quiet kind because it's still in the middle of a blue region. Lots of redlining to keep towns and 'hoods white, or these days, Asian-exceptional as well.

As far as police harassment/abuse, it's like the old South. Black people keep their heads down and stick to their own kind. The lazy, well-paid, not looking to be cancelled police don't GAF about them as long as they know their place and stay there.

Kisime reminds me of a semi-schizophrenic black kid I knew in college. He was from St. Albans (Queens), lower-middle class upbringing, big vocabulary/no ebonics, and decent awareness of the outside world. But he was totally batshit, obsessed with comic books to where sometimes I wasn't sure if he knew they were fiction. His essays had a similar Dadaist/stream of consciousness cadence as kisime's posts. The professor would shake his head, some kids would laugh but I thought they were like poetry.
I work for shake shack. The company abolished overtime and 70 hour work week in favor of 32 hour work week. I wash my own clothes since I gained experience working in the hospitality industry for 10 years. It takes me an hour to do so. I can only afford rough the Rockaway Peninsula or Willets Point with my income.
There's no redlining. The future of fast food is making burgers and tenders tiny and looking for smaller locations. The goal according to NSF is to make the area more like Wilmington,Delaware. The mob that still lives in my area were cheering Guliani getting indicted because he was dishonest. According to my comptroller, I make enough to pay the car loan and apartment. Art is just motivating me to do better along with the new car.
Find out who that was. Yearbooks, friend socials, fucking anyone.

You wanna end this problem? It starts with a name.
I am a normie now anon. I care more about watching sports and paying off my bills than surfing the net. Also, Eric Adams is a notoriously paranoid cop. Good luck reasoning with a schizo black cop who thinks you are undermining his run for a second term with your memes.
Meant to reply to this. I can't see without my glasses. I am just an average guy of average height. The rules say no bombast or aggressive tone. I am just a performer class artist, not a journalist
LOL it's not him — I'm old, dude would be in his 50s now and that's not kisame. We're talking about an archtype: middle class black schizo nerd. There's 1000s of them in my city alone.
Busy watching the news. They think Cocaine Mitch finally got Parkinsons. Trump finally broke cocaine Mitch.
I flat out don't know what's going on either as NS4U and Shydude's account got deleted by DeviantArt
It's incredible, the retard trained himself to IP hop with every post how often he'd get banned off of /d/
30 somethings like me don't care for 4chan. Chan culture is now seen as a breeding ground for the alt right

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