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me and my girlfriend want to start a polycule of feedists and I'm honestly really excited but also nervous

any advice?

what we're mainly stuck on is where to find people. I'm on feebie already, she's looking into a couple sites, but since we're lebians, finding other female feeders aside from myself for financial stability is going to be key but also the hard part
Wth is wrong with you. You already have an indulgent ridiculous fetish and having a gf (remember: potential wife) doesn't satisfy you?

You ungrateful faggot.

I mean this without the slightest shred of irony, exaggeration, rhetoricism or poetic license, I am as literal and plain as a heart attack she's bound to have (and I mean from your cheating, not morbid obesity): find Jesus. You have my prayers.

Reported. Show your parents this straight up evil post, actually. Never post here again unless it's your wedding or she dumped you.

>inb4 hurrdurr ur on pornboard there4 no basic shred of morality

nah if you cheater you are literally worse than a thirdworld shithole you deserve to get Epstein'd
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>>33552 (OP)
Oh. sorry I didn't read the last part where you're a dyke. My apologies, but my point still stands unfettered.

I strongly recommend seeking medical and spiritual help for your trauma that led to this sodomy, because the consequences can be fire. Find yourself a nice effeminate soft guy who can read you poetry and can get pegged by you or something. Best wishes.

>pic related
hmmm you deserve the melodramatic sperg above me bashing you tbh
Post belly
As long as both of you are actually consenting then best of luck to both of you. A lot of fetish communities are open to polyamory since when it comes to finding people interested in kinks, it's catch as catch can. This holds true for models here and you see it especially in bashes - everyone is DTF. Relationships get a little more involved but it's not impossible.

As long as you approach people with the knowledge that this is all casual you might get lucky and get a few regulars to stick with you. Just be sure to set boundaries, and even then prepare to get jealous. I've been poly with my wife for 6 years and her being a woman she naturally gets more attention, but she gets jealous of me that I usually have more meaningful relationships with my partners. Be tender and check in.

Whatever you're looking for, I hope you find it. Just be open and honest with each other about developments. Know where the line is and don't judge if/when the ripcord needs to be pulled.

>reporting on /gen/
>>33552 (OP)
Okay, if this is legit, and not someone larping (which it probably is, and is also probably the same moron who wrote the two messages beneath it), then Feabie does already have stuff for poly people in a way, as I’d wager most would say they’re in an “open relationship”. Success will probs depend on where you are in the US, ie not the “worse-than-third-world” parts (looking at you Alabama and Mississippi) or the ultra-conservative parts (Hi Florida!)
>>33552 (OP)
i know this is a larp but please stop ruining the lesbian dating scene with polyamory
Based. While we may be degenerates for this fetish... polys are fucking apes. They deserve all the shame they get.
What the actual fuck, delete this oomfie
This, it's like a thief saying "oh I'm already doing crime might as well commit murder too". Let's not even get halfway close to normalizing this.

Like damn have you even tried cock once?
What is wrong with polyamory? I thought a lot of guys here would love the idea of fucking multiple women. It's not necessarily gay. There are loads of straight people that do it.

Plus while we are using the term polyamory, are you referring to being in a romantic relationship with multiple people or fooling around with various people in a purely sexual relationship? If you are planning to have multiple romantic partners, then it's polyamory, if multiple partners just for sex, then it's swinging. Neither is necessarily wrong, so long as you have consent from your partner to do so.

I just wonder why is this somehow wrong? I thought loads of guys here would love the idea of sleeping with multiple women a lot. How is any of this gay? For a dude to sleep with a lot of women? Why is it wrong and not something more dudes would be into?

What is wrong with polyamory? I'm an insecure incel, I want a fat woman because she is easy to controll, the last thing I want is her to be shared around like a netflix password

Jokes aside I think that may actually be the reason. "My dick is fine but the rest can fuck off" mentalitiy
You are right, it's a lot of work for a misogynist scumbag to mentally abuse and control one woman, having more to control is more work. Plus I imagine her being around other people will make her realize when she's in a bad relationship.This will make her abuser feel like his woman's friends are turning her against him.

He may have fantasies about screwing loads of women, but he wants one woman IRL to control and manipulate.
Thousands of generations of Christian civilization were dedicated to protecting women from polygamy only for an arbitrary trend to pop up and erase it over night. It's infuriating
Guess it wasn't as ironclad against shifting cultures and norms as y'all thought. You go ahead and pray I get turned to a pillar of salt, I'll keep talking to my girlfriends.
You are an evil faggot and shame for America. There is nothing more to say that isn't obvious. 💀
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I believe you, and I know that some people are able to handle poly relationships in a mature and responsible way. Still, on balance, I think that polyamory is too risky a deal for the male partner and I don't think most people should attempt it. I'm not poly and have never tried it, because in my personal circle of friends, the serious life disasters caused by irresponsible polyamory are way bigger than the small group of people who seem from the outside to be making it work.

For what it's worth, my anecdotal impression is that poly arrangements that are primarily about kink-based swinging, where the partners set responsible boundaries in line with this goal, tend to do better than arrangements where one or both of the partners is trying to get their emotional needs met by multiple people at once. But personally, I still wouldn't chance it.

Brother, your thin-skinned seething effortpost does nothing to win the hearer to the cause of Christ. Greater men than you have attempted to wield the report button against far more obnoxious posts than this, and greater men have failed. /gen/ is a free speech zone so deal with it.

Also, in the absence of convincing proof to the contrary, my calculations using the equation in pic related demonstrate that at least one of the "lesbians" in this post is an MTF trans woman. (Sorry OP but it's true.) Because both sides of this debate (trooners and reactos) are equally goofy, I have no comment.
I honestly ain't here to convince anyone to do polyamory. Most of y'all are convinced this is an afront to nature and society, so why bother justifying myself? On bbwchan of all places. I absolutely agree with you that doing it irresponsibly a real concern; I wouldn't recommend it for EVERYONE because some people can barely handle being in ONE healthy relationship.

If you feel secure enough in your relationship to exercise it, then by all means give it a go. It's a choice between you and your partners at the end of the day. If you think there's a chance your existing partner will use that freedom to find someone to replace you, you have bigger issues to work out before considering adding more people to the equation.
apart from the anecdotal thing that most people into poly are annoying, polyam is so popular in lesbian circles that its hard to find someone that you both want to date and also wont want an open relationship. not to mention the women on dating apps that are like "hi im super hot do you want to fuck my orc boyfriend with me?"
Would you ever consider inviting a straight male?
It wasn't. That's why it's frustrating. Now we watch as Western feminism as we know it collapses before our very eyes.
I dunno. I trolled pregchan and made fun of them for lacking humanity. It's a shame cause I saw Red Dawn and Dirty Dancing yesterday and actors could at least act human. Pregchan and white supremacists are so emotionally stunted that they can't express any emotion.
It's why I don't care for the Georgia case against Trump. Cyber attack against electronic voting machines just sound so dweeb. I'd understand it if they wanted their big ass Trinity from the Matrix, or the titcows from the sequel.
>I honestly ain't here to convince anyone to do polyamory
Yeah, I understand. No hostility meant towards you and your situation or to anyone else who's already decided to give it ago, my advice is directed at the average guy on the fence. Like I said, I've seen poly shit get *bad*, for one of my closest male friends, and that colors my take on this topic.
My comment on that is directed to those that see polyamory and kneejerk become zealots against it. No sense in addressing those people - OP got my advice and that's all it's meant for. Your take is completely valid and my condolences to your friend. It really isn't for everyone.
>kneejerk become zealots against it
>It really isn't for everyone
so who is it for then? why isn't it fair to criticize the sinful and degenerate nature (on the grounds that a vast majority of the time it is completely dysfunctional) if even you yourself put a lot of emphasis on that? what's to say you won't go down eventually as well?
>only for an arbitrary trend to pop up and erase it over night
There's nothing arbitrary about it, it's the natural consequence of modernity's obsession with the individual. Before the 20th century, you didn't just marry (marriage, how quaint) another individual, you married into a family or brought someone into yours. Individual connections, which are all important to us, were less important than these ties, because the individual wasn't the basic unit of society, it was the family, then the tribe, and your city. The idea of splitting off to make a family was absurd, and from there it's only a small step to polycules and other meaningless, momentary connections rooted only in pleasure. In the ancient world the only man without a family, tribe and city was a slave.
If you want to protect women (and by proxy, the social contract) from polygamy, you need to undo 300 years of Western liberalism.
Yet after 300 years of western liberalism polygamy is incredibly rare in western culture. In fact it’s most common in traditional, tribal cultures in Africa and the Middle East that reject liberalism. Women in these cultures are property and wholly disenfranchised, as they were in the West back in the glory days you crow about. You’re a reactionary fool.
Lol women are more empowered economically and politically than ever, in the west and in modernizing eastern countries like India and China as well. What’s dying is the conservative grip on reality.
This is why western bbws are waffle stomping or straight up doing it on the carpet because their whipped simp boyfriends will clean up their messes.
The downfall of western society; the BBW waffle stomp shitters.
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What I'm talking about is the natural end point of a way of life with no higher values than humanistic platitudes like life, liberty (to form a bbw polycule and watch black men throw balls through hoops) and the pursuit of happiness.
It was incorrect of me to refer it to "polygamy" instead of "polyamory." Either way both are utterly incompatible with Western civilisation - on what planet is pointing out that in cultures where pussy is monopolised by a few men and the rest are angry incels that drive trucks through crowds an argument for the benefits of polygamy. Also every culture that has given women more rights has rapidly and catastrophically collapsed or otherwise faded into irrelevance.
I thought this was a joke until I talked to another guy in the scene in my city irl and he at least said otherwise. I’m go bleach my shower and then clean myself cause I feel gross.
Japan, South Korea, and Singapore are eastern, but they are going extinct anyways.
incredibly stupid post. women have been enfranchised for over a hundred years in countries like New Zealand. more than half of all countries granted women the right to vote before 1960.

they're still here, you fucking idiot.
>What is wrong with polyamory? I thought a lot of guys here would love the idea of fucking multiple women.

Imagine being this greedy that one woman isn't enough.
And how many model folders do you have on your external
I did the poly ssbbw scene thing for a bit. It’s fun and you should be bringing at least one def day girl to the party if you want to bring a new sausage to the grill, unless you host. Hosting if fun if you like cooking, otherwise order pizzas, worst part is you gotta bleach your shower drain good after a party especially if people are drinking hard.
I wasn't saying that I wish this for myself, just wondering why horndog guys on a forum wouldn't be in more support of the idea of boning multiple women. I thought that a lot of the guys on this site would love women, love sexing them and love the idea of getting it on with multiple partners. This isn't me saying that I want this or wish for it for myself. I was just wondering why this idea was being mocked for being gay when I thought more men would be in support of polyamorous feedism. I thought more men on this board would love the idea of engaging in sex fantasies with loads of women.
You got me with that last sentence, kek. You're getting more subtle.
>I was just wondering why this idea was being mocked for being gay when I thought more men would be in support of polyamorous feedism
We have a contingent of trad incels who seethe at the thought of other men getting extra tail when they're getting none. "Gay" is just a go-to slur.
Got it, they don't go for talks about getting loads of women, because it reminds them how dateless they are and it gives them envy when they hear about men banging 5 women a week or is involved with 2+ women. They just are mad, because while they may love the idea of banging multiple women and likely want this, they hate hearing how there are men who are more successful in that field than them.
I was just wondering why they attack a concept they would love a lot.
yeah man we're just MAD and JEALOUS INCELS because we reject unhinged hedonism that provably leads to suffering. what a convenient goto excuse, fucking dimwit. monogamy and other "social constructs" are there FOR A FUCKING REASON
desperation for love and intimacy would be a better regardless if incel or not
You (yes, you specifically) are the reason for our poor international reputation
Nah. Poly sucks.
If you’re Chad enough to have a roster, it will never be better by wifing up a hoe.
If you’re a normal simp, she’s get your money and comfort, yet fucks whoever she wants anyway.
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>my grandpa has dementia, has coughed up half his lungs, a broken hip and his skin's turning yellow from jaundice... but he's still here and that's what matters!
Are Americucks really so far gone that they see getting a turn with some limp-wristed skinnyfat soyboy's sloppy seconds as a good thing? Normal, healthy people don't participate in this cuck shit, it's always the neon-haired refuse of MtG nights and comicbook conventions that need to stoop to this in the hope of getting their dick wet.
You are a nation of cuckolds.
Is monogamy really that natural? Many anons here have a GF but they still come for the Porn Drops aKa lusting after other women.
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The actual middle path between "polyamorous comicon redditor sharing a BPD dangerhair with a bunch of other doughy introverted IT guys" and "seething tradcel who thinks Western Civilization is collapsing because he wasn't issued a devout 19yo virgin upon reaching manhood" is literally "just be a normie." Work on self-improvement for its own sake, knowing it will also make you more attractive to women. Go on dates, practice "serial monogamy" while you look for the one, maybe hook up once in a while at a party or club. Settle down eventually if/when you want kids.

I could write a longer effortpost for the benefit of the Zoomers, but if you can't figure this out on your own you're probably unsalvageable anyway. Tworetardsfighting dot webm

like most dumb as dogshit incel conservatives, you can't even cite any examples to support your idiotic claim that "every culture that has given women more rights has rapidly and catastrophically collapsed or otherwise faded into relevance".

youre so scared and threatened by people that dont and wouldnt want to fuck you all you can do is post tired-ass wojak meme shit that only makes you seem like an even more dickless jobless loser virgin. great job!
I don't think fornication is a "middle road" though I agree in essence your point, you don't have to be a tradcuck to not take the shadowy left-hand path.
tumblr is a low-key poly feedist haven, put yourselves out there and have fun, it doesn't have the normie audience it used to, but tumblr is still plenty good fun for feedists.

Crazy that Feabie isn't proving fruitful, back in the day it was pretty great for finding local feedists, both monogamous and non-monog. But, I haven't been on the site in at least 6 years, who knows what it looks like now.
I cannot wait for the day you get arrested for posting cancer like this. And such necessary moral policy is the way the wind is blowing after years of even normies getting sick of woke crap. Boomers were unironically right about some things.
Jfc go outside. People being horny to each other online isn't a federal offense and your seething about it is cringe.
>Boomers were unironically right about some things
they were the ones who started the degeneracy
You bring up a point even though I am an American conservative. It could simply be that Trump knows Rupert Murdoch has gone senile. Messianism scares the guy. He saw his wife reading the bible and liking Tucker Carlson, then he fires her. It's why he hates Clarence Thomas having billionaires friends who gift him an RV. Say what you want about Seymour Guado, he wanted to impregnate Yuna.
Boomers got rid of Trump by indicting him 5 times. Now they're accusing Fox and the RNC for rigging 2024 to appear to the vocal minority of calculus class who want Desantis to win. The left also fired Nate Silver so no calculus means they're out of math wizards who can tell them if Biden wins
religiontard going crazy. how is pegging any less degenerate than being a lesbian. somehow both bait and mental retardation
Not to mention he's shaming lesbians ON A FAT GIRL PORN BOARD. The cognitive dissonance among religious right wingers is truly amazing.
Ron Desantis and Chris Christie are hated by the MAGA base. Fox News has to beg MAGA to not boo him during yesterday's debate in Milwaukee. It was so bad that Vivek the Hindu is more likely to take the lead.
>Ron Desantis and Chris Christie are hated by the MAGA base.

Pence too, but at least he knows what he believes. My very pro-choice GF actually said that.

Amazing that Haley felt an acceptable answer regarding a federal abortion ban was "We'll never get 60 votes." Well yeah, not with that attitude lol. Dare to dream, Nikki. Dare to dream.

I think DeSantis is done, no? The anti-Trump conservative media I've read is all like, Well he didn't embarrass himself further. Wow, what a star. He wanted to ride the wokeness thing into Iowa but people don't care -that- much, even Fox viewers. And without it he's got nothing.

Let's face it: He crows about his electability, but he won the first time by a hair — with a major Trump endorsement, running against a progressive black Dem in a state that's now more burgundy than purple. Reelection was against an ex-Republican running as a Democrat (essentially kicked out of his own party) who happened to be one of the most unpopular Florida politicians in 50 years. Bottom-line he's a repellent person and you can't overcome that, even if you have stellar policy ideas and he doesn't.

Christie's done too, not that he ever really started. Even as an anti-Trump spoiler he proved himself useless. Ramaswamy was dead right that he's auditioning for a MSNBC/CNN house nigg-- I mean, house Republican gig. Running out of breath midway through his big Law and Order rant was fun in a fat fetishy kind of way but unfortunately I'm straight.

Speaking of Ramaswamy, after last night I'm more convinced than ever he's auditioning for VP. I think he's patterned his entire political persona after Trump, being a dick and owning it, but with the benefit of being young enough where he doesn't have to pop six adderal to form a coherent sentence. Also like Trump (2016), he's pretty sure he won't win but Hey, who knows? Trump could die or go to prison and then it'll be him and DeSantis. I'd like those odds too.

Remember when plastic dog turd Tim Scott was "the one to watch"? Lol. I guess it beats listening to him... "I'm from the South so I speak slow." No, you speak slow because you're a fucking moron who wouldn't be a small town alderman if Republicans weren't so desperate to elevate a black man who's not insane and/or carrying more baggage than a 747.

And don't come at me with Biden-Harris, I could do 5,000 words on how much they suck, upside down, but I'm tired.
You're a high-quality effortposter, paragraphs anon, so please don't be so foolish as to take the Kisame bait in off-topic threads.
And they all sounded the same! They all said the same things about how they're going to make America great again and how the other guy is a socialist or a communist or whatever. It was like they were all reading from the same script.

And then there was the moderator. She kept interrupting them and asking them the same questions over and over again. It was like she was trying to get them to fight with each other, but they were all too polite.

The only thing that was kinda cool was when one of the candidates called the other guy a liar. But even that didn't really lead to anything.
Was that a kisame??? Shit, I thought it was just someone acknowledging this thread kinda sucked and was taking it in a different direction in a good faith sort of way. Maybe the guy in the other thread is right; I’m just too old to internet.

Dude we saw two different debates. They disagreed on all kinds of things — federal abortion ban, Ukraine, trump or die, etc. And I felt real hatred and venom in a lot of those arguments. Haley, Pence, and Christie really do seem to despise Ramaswamy and he seemed to hate everyone in turn.
No. I flat out don't watch the debates. Nobody watches Fox News anymore. I live in MAGA county. There's Trump signs everywhere. Desantis just sucks the air out of the room with his lack of personality. We're working with libs to revoke Fox News broadcast license so they can't fib. Ratings for all News is on the decline. It's hubris to expect Fox and CNN to somehow beat sports fans. Trump may win 2024, but only because the fire on Maui, Hollywood strike, immigrants in NY, and war in Russia is hampering Biden.

Speaking of which, nobody cares for Russia. Holy shit, Putin executed his merc the same way I'd expect from GTA III. It's so cartoonish that I am convinced Russia will lose the war. Putin makes Frieza look subtle. As for Trump, you know full well he's going to get out of these indictments. He learned from Netanyahu and the Nation of Islam on how to build a coalition. Better hope dementia sets in like his dad had before he gets into the office 2024.
All the mob guys I know hate Guliani and are praying that he gets found guilty. The mayor >>34255
Old man Murdoch is senile. The debates lost control to rowdy Packers fans. I can verify that people are angrier and threatening the courts. I'd like to calm people down, but Adams wants to dump migrants off the turnpike even though NYC mayor is a ceremonial position. Hochul is losing patience with his grandstanding
Crime in my area is that dumb father son killing moms daughters crap that goes in the suburbs. How are these Trump supporters and haters finding the time to head to Georgia? It's school season and a Thursday night.
>It was so bad that Vivek the Hindu is more likely to take the lead.
It's just insult to injury at this point. They love reminding you that you've lost control of your own nation by installing foreigners into the highest office. How Englishmen live with themselves knowing the descendent of their subject is sitting in Downing Street is beyond me.
US perspective: South Asians are culturally conservative hyper capitalists who have “go along to get along” tattooed on their nutsacks. Republicans by any other name. I think his Hinduism will be a deal breaker with religious (Christian) voters — which means he has no chance of being president — but otherwise he flatters their image of themselves as an open, accepting party. I’ve visited the UK many times over the last 30 years and lived there for a few months and it’s actually more multicultural. Makes sense to me they have an Indian PM, surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
You’re in Nassau, no? That’s not MAGA country, it’s purple and most of the Republicans there would be more likely to vote Christie than Trump.
Vivek is Jindal-lite. Hindu converted to Christianity are power hungry law students who want to abolish the government. I don't know what that National Guard is doing, but Nikki Haley feels like Wonder Woman. I concur he as no chance of winning. Desantis will just take up early voting, but I can still see Trump winning cause everything is so expensive.

They hate Christie. Trump voters say his policies are good, but he talks so damn much. Trump guys just want to do dividends and stocks then leave. I am hoping their moving brings down property values so I can just rent a home. I am just planning to get a Subaru for work
I live in a blue enclave. Biden voters are pretty pushing back on his plan to dumb illegals in their county. Obama voters are tired of their area being used as a dumping ground. Both hate Harris cause her cackle gets on their nerves. It doesn't help NY suburbs flip red cause people are tired of the DNC acting as a party boss.
News Boomers think the internet works like the Nielson Ratings box. They think of they can hit 20 million people, they win. More people are cutting cable cause they're tired of Fox owning the rights to everything. So Trump could be getting more views globally since private news hinges too much on outdated technology. It's why the Maui fire happened. The Power Company didn't do a good job and are losing customers
What doe any of this political stuff about Trump, MAGA, the republican party and boomers have to do with Polyamorous feedism?

Getting back on track.I know the differences between polyamory, swinging. Is anyone looking for a relationship where it's you feeding 2 or more plump women? Or you and another or other guys feeding one woman? You and a woman fooling around with other people or engaging in group sex with others?

Just pointing out the difference between a relationship where you and multiple people have romantic, non sexual feelings for then it's polyamory. If you and your partner want to sleep around with multiple people and not be romantic then this is swinging. I don't doubt there are people in polyamorous relationships that practice swinging. But one needs permission from your partner, both to have more people in the relationship and to have sex with other people. Fooling around with other people without their knowledge and consent isn't polyamory or swinging, I would call it cheating.

I just need to start a conversation that is about why this thread was started and not politics.
>What doe any of this political stuff about Trump, MAGA, the republican party and boomers have to do with Polyamorous feedism?

Nothing, obviously, but the thread went sideways because somehow a topic that should be really hot was being discussed like the installation manual for a washing machine.
Trump got arrested yesterday and he lost 25lbs. When is fat Trump supporters stop eating it means food is expensive
Starving is a tactic for us fat men. We know what it's like to be hungry.

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