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Is it really true there are more models now than in past eras, especially SSBBWs? As someone who actively started collecting porn this decade, I wish I began a decade earlier cause the content from that time seems way more appealing to my tastes.

I don't think people realize how many models have come and go since so many of it has been memory-holed. I'm guessing the most prominent multigirl sites SBBBWs Gone Wild, MercedesBBW, BigCuties and Bombshells singed upwards of 100 models. The latter 2 sites were exclusively non-explicit which probably pulled in many women-next-door types you don't see these days who don't want to associate themselves with porn (some were Christians!).

Some of the unavailable content from that time includes prime BBBXL, Asshley, Jenni and Cajun.

Brianna, Courtney, Roxxie and Adeline started when they were right out of high school and neatly documented their gains year-in-year-out, do these have equivalents now? Hayley, that model who gained a ton off camera who just films herself eating every 2 months? In an earlier era we would have 1000 pics and 50 clips by now (for one subscription price), shot in horizontal portrait by an experienced woman or man who knows what we like, lol.

I'd say some models produce content that is still up to earlier standards, DoughBellyGirl, Lisa Lou and ImmobilleSoon who shows potential. Can yall see where i'm coming from?
I'm old and yes, there are definitely a lot more models now. Otherwise it's pretty subjective, really depends on what you're into. If you like younger (<30), conventionally attractive models then this is your golden era. The criticism that 90s/00s models tended to be older and looks-wise more "lady next door" (at best) is valid. I happen to like them — I'm guessing you do too — so yeah, the 00s were probably where it was at for us. I haven't seen any models in a long time that scratch the MILF itch the way Asshley, Jenni, Brie, Patty, Valerie, Kitkat, etc did.

But I disagree that individual output is less these days. Asshley, Jenni, and Cajun had 15+ year careers so they banked 1000s of pics and 100s of videos. But there were Haleys back then too, models who dipped in and out but didn't make a career out of it. You don't know them for just that reason, because they didn't stick around long or produce enough content to be memorable.

Personally I prefer the onlyfans model of constant updates rather than the BC/Bombshells once a month with 30-50 very similar pics and a video. It seems to me that net we wind up with more content for the money. Of course this is assuming they're serious about it and don't blitz the first month and then flake on us.
The stigma surrounding porn isn't as nearly as bad as it used to be.
There is no stigma against porn. The Daily Wire is banned cause Ben Shapiro is friends with Elon Musk and people like Kisame17 are sick of his bitching. Even Nixon was a hard partying game gigachad and Dubya was a rich kid. Voters still like Trump cause he lightens up while Desantis and Pence cause they're power craven Catholics who don't know how to shut up. Even the Klan knew how to party.
I dont know what any of those things are but a career in porn isn't as nearly as bad now if all they have to do is take photos on their phone in their bed room without a photographer or an agent or any of that horseshit.
The Daily Wire is hated for doing sting interviews and amateur hour conservative stories. They're flat out hated by Jews, Muslims, and Christians for trying to make it about themselves.
Jfc another thread off the rails with this schizophrenic political word soup, fucking prophetic aphorisms blending trendy political rag figures and buzzwords (woke, ben shapiro, elon musk) with the fucking weeb shit this waster is obsessed with, saying all of this shit like it actually applies to the real world at large, as if it actually makes sense to anybody experiencing life outside the extremely subjective bubble that is this asshole's mind-prison.

Gtfo the internet forever and get checked into an institution for the rest of your pointless life. I can put up with the megatrad conservative shit and the bonedeep misogyny. I'm coming to this fucking chan to jerk off and think about fat bitches, I am no better than 99.9% of the dudes here. But I have had it up to my fucking eyeballs with the fucking "no one does this and that, that's why Ben Shapiro is like DBZ" motherfucker that I have to think about just because I'm home alone and horny.
Americans don't watch pornography online, inbred hillbilly. Minka and Maxi Mounds were the porn stars, but normies don't care.
We need the Northeast-Nevada talent agency as opposed to Only fans. That LA sausage fest and Midwest trailer trash is ruining porn.
Nobody cares for your psychological talk. Holy shit, even the Chin Gigante was coherent. Porn is still controlled by the mob, MS-13, Bloods, and other street gangs. Just look at Ja Morent when he carried a Glock in a strip club, or the Giants going on a coke and gun binge. That's unstable.
I totally got to hand feed mochi while her boyfriend hid in the the closet masturbating. We were supposed to be fucking but my antidepressants made my dick suck. She ate a whole bunch of pirogies and man I fumbled that bag so hard.
Did you help her waffle stomp once she digested the pierogies?
Yeah, cool. Ja Morent, the mob, Chin Gigante. That's all extremely related to what your replying to.
What a disgusting and uncalled for comment.
Dude /gen/ is obsessed with waffle stomping. It's fucking hilarious.
Hambeasts are often Spanish Chicks who work at Chick Fil A or Buffalo Wild Wings. The only fat American you can find is a 50 or 34 year old hostess. I passed by a fat man on Northern at Great Neck who sat on the street waiting for the bus. I don't give my location cause I live in Trump County and saw a boomer fly the 2024 flag on his vehicle. It's been fat people slumping over in 80 degrees heat. Fat Spanish moms in flannel can do cardio.
I am doing my civic duty as a /ck/ of 200 lbs to teach the fat Latinos to not eat the train conductor or the bus driver over $3 dollar fare
I really don’t see what’s so funny about it. It’s kinda sad some women in our community can’t fit on toilets and use other means in the bathroom.
Can we ban Americans from this site? 89% are legit weirdos who add nothing to the conversation.
What I find funny is how seemingly out of no where there's someone in EVERY thread randomly talking about it completely unprompted.

The actual thought of it isn't really that funny, but /gen/'s obsession with it is.
America is contributing more obesity to this world than anyone bruh. Why don’t you contribute more than your stomped waffle quality whining.
Guarantee you it's one person bringing it up unprompted in multiple threads and not enough people have picked up on it being a meme so it keeps getting perpetuated. This board is so susceptible to being trolled it's not even funny.
We all knew these women don’t fit on toilets, IDK who’s childish enough to keep talking about the specifics of how fat women relieve themselves and wash up.
Think what you want about my country but 90% of that weirdness is one dude.
You know it’s some Elon Musk fanboy who’s terminally online and obsessed with fat girl feces.
Honestly, I feel like it's Kisame trying out a new slant on things since his usual secondhand-ESL ramblings are losing their punch.

It IS probably a new dedicated troll but I'm keeping the book open on that one.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings on Sunday. Us fat men are now waiting for the bus and trying to survive on $3 bus fare, $15 food, and paying car loans. I just woke up after drinking tea.
In America, porn is associated with fat man looking at beastiality and child images thanks to some baptist minister in Texas or Utah getting caught with it. You know how Cult leaders are cultivating an image of father figure while having lust for cheap Americans. The Gilgo Beach killer got caught cause the FBI did the most autistic thing and analyze the crust of his Pizza, presumably the shitty ones of Sunrise Highway , to catch the fat fuck. The fat wife and fat son demand privacy.
Alright we get it you don't want to be associated with the wafflestomper. Go practice your English flashcards somewhere else, wetback.
Maybe it’s a troll. IMO it’s just a topic that’s always been floating around the ssbbw scene for years. Gen-Alpha children must have just realized how hard shitting is at that size. These fucking Covid children are the worst socialized generation in history.
What the hell is a waffle stomper? All the hambeasts tend to be horse chicks who live out on Oyster Bay or Massapequa by Sunrise Mall. It's like 106 is the last bastion of civilization before Northern. Even Jericho just disappears.
The waffle stomper. A woman so large she can't use a toilet and is forced to shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain.

It's been /gen/'s recent obsession and it's fucking hilarious how it just gets inserted into conversations out of nowhere.
I would go a step further and say that it isn't necessarily the lady next door types, it's also the fact that many of the <30 crowd don't have any idea how to act like an adult woman. This wasn't a problem 20 years ago, as there are videos of women in their mid 20s acting like women.
Why are people so triggered by such a simple fact. We all saw 600 pound life and watched similarly shaped women get hosed off behind a tarp because they outgrew the bathroom.
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You’d have to be one sick fuck to be turned on by this. I just want to take a hot shower without it smelling like a leaking septic tank.
Holy shit that picture is bizarre
Goddamn dude... she's orbtacular
I know it's AI but what if it wasn't
>If the God Empress had been a Harkonnen rather than an Atreides

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