
(616 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1631.jpeg) (321 KB, 960x1068, IMG_1628.jpeg)
Well… look who is making another triumphant return. Much to the dismay of the schizos and retards who convinced themselves she died from some ridiculous incident in her early 20s. Looking forward to seeing her return and hopefully is still as big as before and will continue the blow up
She's moving? Seems like theres a chance she and her guy broke up. Guess we'll see when she releases new content.
>>33412 (OP)
>Much to the dismay of the schizos and retards who convinced themselves she died from some ridiculous incident in her early 20s.

Yet you decided to make another thread that will attract them and have it turn into a shit show in less than a day? It's as if you WANT people to come and shit on her just so you can go full retard with the white knighting.

Mid september can't come soon enough (◔_◔)
Are we sure it's her and not an impostor? You can never truly know these days... "she's" probably gonna lose it anyway.
oh jinx I didn't even see this reply. See? Great minds think alike. This is very well a doppelganger,or possibly her bf trying to cope with her covid death by RPing as her on her old account.
Nah, she has it on most of her socials. Still not convinced they're together but who knows.
>>33412 (OP)
Curious if her health journey involved weight loss...? I'll guess we just have to wait for a staring weigh in and see.
Of course it has. She is going to cash in on re-gaining and losing the sand 50 lbs or so here in out
>>33412 (OP)
>blah blah blah she's not dead
Let's not pretend that all the other theories about what her fate could have been were completely unrealistic. They've been dead silent for almost three months and then this.

What I'm curious about is whether or not new apartment = they broke up, considering they moved into a new one like two years ago.

>>considering they moved into a new one like two years ago.

Most apartment leases are less than years. So them not renewing the lease and breaking up is on track.
>Let's not pretend that all the other theories about what her fate could have been were completely unrealistic. They've been dead silent for almost three months and then this.

They stop communicating for a few months with random internet strangers to whom they owe literally nothing, and that's grounds to speculate that she's dead? This isn't even her first absence, and we have ample precedent for dozens of other models just up and leaving this space and moving on with their lives. The speculation was wildly unreasonable, and morbid.
Not really. Her other absences were very structured and communicative. She's a chronically online coomer, so obviously it's strange that they'd both start deleting posts/ privating socials.
You mean with all the rampant crusading about how covid was genetically engineered to kill the obese? And this girl goes from slim to 400lbs in a ridiculously short timeframe and she suddenly gets this virus, and goes radio silent? Not even her partner posting on her behalf? Not to mention out of all of the models who "owe literally nothing" to this place, she was pretty engaging with her threads and even dropped older vids to deter piracy.

It may have been morbid but we were all expecting that one way or another, she wasn't coming back. And this didn't help things. I'm glad she's alive.

to me personally, all this points more to the death of their relationship, rather than her literal death. but i guess we'll find out if they're still together
Yeah the death speculation was always stupid, but there is the possibility that her relationship ended. Boyfriend stopped posting and her moving into a new apartment come off as signs.

But whatever. As long as she’s back and getting fatter.
Notice the "I"s everywhere. I'm in the process of moving, I'm settled, I plan etc. On previous (break) announcements it was usually "we'll come back, we're taking a break". Plus she had to work through "life issues" other than health.

It's pretty likely she and fat peter dinklage are over bros. Now's your chance NY bbwcels
Also a breakup COULD explain the length of absence and the radio silence inbetween. I don't buy that she's been fully incapacitated by covid for five months and couldn't drop so much as a "hey still dealing with covid but we're alive". On the other hand ending a relationship could easily make someone go radio silent in this community, especially when that relationship was completely built around feederism.

Reminder that kittypiggy went silent for months when she broke up with her feeder ex, then came back just to let us know she broke up, before disappearing from the scene forever.
>They stop communicating for a few months with random internet strangers to whom they owe literally nothing, and that's grounds to speculate that she's dead?

I like how you're ignoring how she was also radio silent with her actual fanbase to the point of even deleting content without warning.
Actually I was dying laughing last night I almost couldn't breathe. Even now I'm giggling at the thought of the bf gapping away while he whips up an excuse story while setting up the next Weekend at Mochii's video.
I mean death would just be the worst case scenario. But it wouldn't be unrealistic, considering she's incredibly unhealthy.

I mean let's not pretend she couldn't have died from Covid if she got hit really bad. She might even have gotten hospitalized. But going radio silent for over two months? Noone's saying she owes us an apology or whatever, but it's weird behaviour to be such a chronically online coomer then suddenly just go completely gone. When someone's behaviour suddenly changes, you'd have to be an idiot not to assume something has changed, even if it really hasn't.

We'll have to wait and see, maybe she was just ill and it was just a honest to god break. It wouldn't surprise me. But this fetish relationship could strain and break very easily, who's to say they've not broken up? Moving into a new apartment and stuff like that.

>The speculation was wildly unreasonable, and morbid.
I really don't think so.
This thread is fucking hilarious
Mochi Baby is still inside her house with COVID, bloated with overheated Shit from her binge and fever! She is sperical like Violect Bluregard from Willy WONKA. This is a false assumption that she is either dead or OK, instead she's in a constant state of blimping and is filled with gas and creaky. Without staying conscious she continues to live as a ball filled with overheated bodily gases! It is best for her to stay happy none of us know where she is and come with a pin. One poke and she will explode spewing shit and hot gas everywhere. GRASS
Least schizophrenic and incoherent Japanese man
I'm a skinny Japanese woman who loves fat American women!
Okay who asked?
>>33412 (OP)
If she turns to the current model of sending vids via DMs on OF, I'm done with her.
I won’t lie if you are gonna gain 300+ pounds for somebody and turn yourself into a literal nearly immobile blob who spends thousands of dollars on food every week you need to lock that shit in and get married. I doubt that the boyfriend wasn’t doing a huge amount of stuff for her to let her avoid having to move around and stuff so idk how she’s gonna deal if they broke up since she can barely fucking move
She already started doing that with her comeback earlier this year. It wasn’t all her videos, but some where exclusive to DMs.
Please become a BBW for us
Fuck if they broke up how she gonna get fatter, guy bought all the food and we not gonna pay for it 😭😭😭😢😢😢
Her army of simps will sustain her until she finds herself some new rich white dick.

In the meantime hopefully the breakup means she gets even fatter. IIRC her original weight gain from 120 to 170 pounds was because of a breakup.
The BF always gave me kinda scummy vibes tbh. He even looked like an evil cousin of DarksydePhil
You mean the Producer/ Pimp BF came off as a scumbag? Crazyyyyy
I'm sure she hammed a lot of it up for the camera tho.
Yes I hope so too if she comes back and mentions anything about weight loss I'm going to freak out 😱
I hope breakup made her eat her feelings away even more and she get rich feeder

>>Her army of simps will sustain her until she finds herself some new rich white dick.

I'm waiting for when she gets knocked up by a black guy and this place goes nuclear.
I legit tried killing myself like a dozen times since she's been gone. I war inches away from the ledge of a high rise when I saw this post. Thank you, Michii. Please dont leave again. It hurts far toi much.
It’s funny that she always referred to him strictly as her ‘feeder’ and never bf. Gotta give all those desperate simps hope and not putv >>33549

Lmaooo. I never knew I wanted that but now yeah I would love to see that

Rich white dick checking in. 100% facts. This girl has her pick of fat loving autists. The computers make us wealthy and we don't know how to spend it. She never has to work again.
She went from like 130 pounds to nearly 400 pounds and spent the majority of her gain literally not moving from bed and burning like 600 calories a day. Her muscles didn’t develop with her gain. Imagine if somebody just piled 2-300 extra pounds on you right this second and told you to walk around.
I'm not saying she didn't gain a lot. I'm saying she exaggerated for views. If you believe all of that one hundred percent I have a bridge to sell you.
nigga this is an english board we don't speak schizo
Mix of both, yeah. 100% she didn't reach 400lbs, she was low 300s at best. Her mobility issues were genuine though I'm sure.

I wonder if she ever really wanted to get fat. Like, I think she did have a fat fetish but her BF was the one who actually made her actively gain. Now he's gone she's fucked until the next feeder comes along.
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Do you still feel like the big man of the world?

Your pursuit of the sun never setting has burned you out. We know the sun sets but sit proudly knowing rises for us first.

Thank God. I've missed her lol. Hog kino is back on the menu boys.

Funny how the jacked tooth brit is saying nigga. Sit down somewhere twat.
Racists are mentally handicapped and inbred
Eh she's young. All that blubber deformed her face into Jabba the Hutt's, so it's hard to tell but she must be what in her mid 20s? Relationships in your 20s are not built to last.

In time she'll settle down with someone who's 100% into fat shit and has a personality beyond being a chronically online coomer.
What the fuck is this because it sure isn't birth rate.
If she became normally skinny again I wonder how healthy and longlived she'd be compared to someone who never gained so much at all.
I am convinced that technology gave mentally retarded people the confidence to use stats to support their fetish. We used to heckle people who used PowerPoint, but now it seems it's accepted

Penis size chart. The fuck do you expect twat?
Japan has a declining birth rate
OKAY, I've raped everyone in this thred who've accosted me

Just a warning to the people wanting to do it again
I wish they dropped a third bomb
We all know Japanese are committing hara-kiri cause they're losing to China and Korea.
Young people in Japan have been killing off the elderly population

>>Thank God I became normal

If you were normal, you wouldn't be on here.
I am normal. Retarded fetish artists are going homeless cause they want to blame blacks for their lack of success. Nobody told troons to disown their Christian parents.
Korea only just now created cinema on the level Kurosawa, can't create even decent manga ripoffs with shit webtoons.

China builds human meat processors in malls.

You're awful delusional. You should be raped twice again.
It apparent now the primary cause of bad in a thread is Chinese and Korean dogs. They make it apparent in the above writings.
Are you retarded anon? America wants dumb stuff
Market data has shown that Americans don't care for European or Chinese sophistication. This could be a deciding factor as to why Ben Shapiro isn't popular, or why people aren't taking fetish art. People are tired of sophisticated storytelling.
Blacks hate respectability politics cause they know civilities fags aren't going to change the status quo and preserve it.
Is there something about mochii threads that brings out all the weirdo neets from their basements
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I honestly think black anime geeks like me, Kisame17, are just popular because it's preferable to the alternative of thugs, pastors, doctors, or lawyers. It's like how Urkel and Carlton just went from being shunned to accepted cause cool people like Barack Obama', Lizzo, or Will Smith just don't have any skills that translates to real life. I can cook, clean, and pretty much do a job. What skills do celebrities have that translates to the real world?
These posts always read like AI sloppily cobbled them together.

Suburban women are pissed at Ron DeSantis because black people like Elon Musk. Meanwhile Californians are not going to vote for Biden because he’s gay.

There, that made about as much sense.
There was another post that says everyone hates women for ruining cartoons and women ignore flyover country for LA and NY. And in the post above he says he makes fun of fetish artists.

Buddy, if your posts on pregchan are as incoherent as what you're putting out here, you're not trolling anyone. We're all just confused at the madlib-posting. Big difference.
I flat out don't care for either of these big name politicians. Plus, you guys are retarded with you sleeping with the housewives bs. Nobody cares for your tyrst with porn stars.
You guys deserve to be make fun of. It's like Dobson and ChrisChan. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if fetish artists are locked up in a loony bin. Nobody wants fetish garbage or shares your interest in fetish. Madlibs will always sell better than your grievance.
I dunno. I think fetish artists are going in the way of the dinosaur. I don't blame Congress for regulating the internet.
It annoys him enough to say something but I can't make heads or tails of it. Its like English is his second language.
I speak English well. Why don't you speak English, wetback?
To answer your question, French People consider English a utility language. People like Macron and Trudeau are considered retarded by French standards cause they want to pal around with their art friends as opposed to taking the situation seriously. This is why the British Royal family and American Politics are considered strange by French people. We often opt for fake English. It's why Canadians like Ryan Gosling are liked. He's not there to sound like a nobleman, he acts like a normal person.
Yeah idk. The words are all there but it doesn't make enough sense on the first read to warrant going back to parse it. Makes sense to him at least, but it doesn't bode well in a discussion.
very fucking tired of whoever kisame is and the incoherent political schizophrenia posts that come with it
I feel that the internet is too full of greviance and your obsession with psychology makes you all tiny dicked losers obsessed with reliving your high school years. I don't care what a bunch of bald and flaccid men think. The moment you stop trooning out to gain acceptance from your oppressive conservative father figure, the sooner you will get acceptance. Instead, you act like a French schoolgirl who wants to run away from their oppressive conservative father to become a degenerate lesbian in Paris and die in the slums getting a late term abortion.
Same, but I wish he would stop using Google Translate and ChatGPT to come up with his responses. It's not that hard to learn English if you actually put your mind to it, I've seen it before.
I speak English perfectly fine porch monkey. Not my fault Americans dumb down their academic standards and got rid of books for electronics. I still own the Bible, Qur'an, and a few other books that I read on my spare time.
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You just want that sexual deviancy promoted by mass media as opposed to peace. This is why America fell to the Taliban. Biden want to be a sexual deviant instead of governing. His son is a prostitute for China and too arrogant to understand he's doomed. When conveying information, being at peace is necessary.
Uhh sweaty actually America fell to the Taliban because they didn't press the brown people extermination button (cucked)
No, America is a failure cause Biden comes off as a weak man who's carried around by a fat black woman. He's making so many blunders that the country is self destructing by anything he touches. Nobody is actually watching news cause it's cheap entertainment. It's getting to the point that Trump is seen as a distraction from domestic policies.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is gaslighting his haters into getting dementia using social media.
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Finish this first. ChatGPT doesn't work well with broken English, and I'm not putting your responses in a program to help me understand you. This is a primarily English-speaking chan and you're embarrassing yourself by trying to hold a conversation with your level of fluency. I'm not engaging until you can prove some sort of competency with ENGLISH.

Use Simple Wikipedia in the meantime to help understand what everyone is talking about here. It's literally built so you can get the gist of what you want to research without the complicated vocabulary.
Small talk are for women, inbred hillbilly. Why don't you go to social services and get your free hormone treatment? Us immigrants are the dominant workforce in the service industry because we know you just want to suck the manager's dick for a bargain. This is why Westfield Sunrise went bankrupt. You won't stop flapping your gums about speaking English.
Even /a/ thinks you are mentally unwell for trying to seduce fat women.
yup, this thread brought out the schizo talking to himself in the last ~20 posts. was cool while it lasted, time to nuke it now
The internet is supposed to be madlibs. Why don't you rip your nuts out and become a eunuch for God? Anytime retards use the internet to make a quick buck, it dies a quick death.
All for it. No one can understand this ESL dropout. Mochii is back, sucks we had to wait this long to get confirmation that she was alive, we'll just have to wait with bated breath what her comeback entails. /thread
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Kisame here. Mochii isn't going to engage in coitus with you. You are a failure of a human and an adult. Go commit suicide, you disgraced your ancestors
Part of the problems is that you downies wrapped your online identity around being counterculture social misfits. It's too late to put on the veneer of gentlemen cause your all worthless failures.
I will answer your question. Fetish artists aren't taken seriously cause you had too much suffixes and commas that draw attention to your ego. It is the same reason Tolkien went out of style. Purple Prose is fancy but we have stuff to do. It's the same reason nobody can understand Ben Shapiro. Leave college lectures at college.
>in the service industry

that's not the flex you think it is
The service industry is far more stable that your cheap tech sector jobs. You are just bitter that got laid off to save corporations and investors money. I just commission art of anime characters because African Americans don't like their likeness being profit off of.
Hey guy what u thinking mochii weigh is? I thinking 400
What are your thinking
As much as I'd like to believe that, I am realistic and say that she might have lost some. Let's say at most (imho) down to 300lbs
>Retarded fetish artists are going homeless cause they want to blame blacks for their lack of success. Nobody told troons to disown their Christian parents.

Look who just relapsed.
I used to work in real estate. The millionaires are fleeing their east coast homes for the south and raising home prices as well as Van Wyck-Belt traffic on the interstate. Our electrical grid isn't strained cause the rich are now destroying acres of forests to build their suburbs in the middle of nowhere.

I don't give a shit about your past profession.
I don't give a shit about your fat fetish. Normies like me just treat breast expansion and pregnancy art as a hobby. I am not interested in monetizing my hobby.
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I honestly think the hyperpreg and fat community want stepford wives. What am I going to do with a robot with no emotions?
あたしのせいですぅ :3
She stuck a hose up her asshole and inflate herself bigger with water so when she steps on the scale she weighs more . More more more she was in orgasm, due to carelessness and joy so then she didn't realize she was at the limit and burst and died! The coroner says she gone from 381 to 415 pound because of the water inside her. Meaning she put over 15 liter inside her before the hog explosion.
I dunno. I will leave you mentally ill people with imaginary Kisame while I do my usual trip to the New Black Panthers. I chose my normal boring life in the suburbs.

Cry some more shit stain.


Ask someone else.
Yo-yoing is worse than staying fat - fucks with your heart apparently
You can't lose fat without losing muscle, and guess what your heart is made out of.
The solution to yoyoing is to rebuild with muscle first, no?
Usually the damage done by weight gain isn't mitigated fully when you lose the weight, you just are wearing the engine down faster when you bounce back.
Any tips for someone who was fat then became really skinny because of life stuff then wants to gain again? Already did some but goal is at least second class obesity. We're already past the disclaimers just help please.
Hey guy what is up, still here, any new video from hero? Hero pls save this carnage and post hot sexy good looking and sexy mixhii babi video pls hero okay 👍 👌
Celebrating her return 🎉 Anyone have any of her bonus nude shorts, help a brother out 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I don't like black "people" so no lol :)
Please do not use emojis on imageboards. At best we accept kaomoji. ^_^
Don’t tell me what to do 🙃
Hey guy wjyone have vodeo 😝🤪😜
Aren't Austrians/Germans most famous literally for being told what to do? _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ That one time you got too silly, mein Kerl...

They got their ass kicked in back to back world wars. Then got neutered to the point where there was a custody battle over them because they couldn't look after themselves.
hey hero any video here pls
Plot twist: incoherent Japanese poster is the ex
You are black nigger whom I raped
Flags on this board were a mistake. Instead of actually discussing Mochii people just go "hurr durr you cuntry bad"
cant wait for the 17 replies calling me a british faggot or something
I agree
Of course you would agree, Frenchie
go smoke a fag

You do realize you can opt out having a flag in the extras, right?

Besides, all of these brainlets who use flags as a base for their insults are probably 14 and think sayin slurs is cool. They're bottle of the barrel scum.
Can we get just a LITTLE moderation in this thread? As a treat?
Did you forget you are American or what?

Kisame here, my posts prove there is little to no moderation in these boards. I purposely derail threads because of it, and also to cope with my closet gay and scat fetish. The political stuff is just to get people riled up and a distraction.
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Kisami69 here. Don’t forget to include a thematic celeb photo or anime portrait to emphasize the point when imitating our lord and savior Kisami. Elon musk stans and Biden fanboys can’t stop arguing despite both shopping at Kruger’s market for fish and meat. Trader Joe’s costs too much and wraps their food in indigestible plastic, which sometimes gets eaten and clogs your shower drain.

I know you want to be black, but saying nigger isn't going to make your ghost skin any darker.

It's called sunlight. Maybe if you go outside more than once a year, you'll get some.
You have a ton of simpletons assuming no one is using VPNs

Weird flex but ok
Heyyyy guy any new video hehe I want to see movhii sexy ass belly jiggling please post
I want 700 lb mochii babiiiii
she looks like a man anyway
Looking at her previous announcement post when she originally got Covid, she actually never used the word “us” or “we” and she only mentions her partner once. They might have just moved to a new apartment because maybe the one they own was to expensive
Hello hero new video when are they coming9 want to see movi. Babi reach 400 lbs rigjfNow
does your mother know what you're doing on the family computer?
Damn, I can't believe that in just about three weeks we'll have brand new footage of this hippo-like being inhaling pure cholesterol into her beach ball of stored fat
I just nutted
Let's be real, Mochii's content is hot because she literally ruined her body in front of our eyes in a very short period of time.
Pretty much. Mochi is hot because of her depravity and gain, not cause she's actually hot. She looks like a goblin.
God, you know that pussy's rannnkkkkkkk

I like big bellies and watching a big belly fill her big belly. The self destruction isn't really a kink I have
She can look a little sickly at times, but she cleans up nice imo
I also have a preference for very round body shape
>>33412 (OP)
So, what are we all expecting? That she's lost weight? The same as when she left? Gained weight?
Fatter, especially if she broke up with the dude. Nothing stops this train
>Nothing stops this train

Covid easily took her out for nearly half a year. Also the ilness she had prior to getting covid.
She was gone for like a year before to "improve her health" and came back fatter. I have faith covid didnt screw with her appetite
> I have faith covid didnt screw with her appetite

When a main side affect is lost of taste/altered appetitie, I'm keeping my hopes low for now.
The weight had time to settle. My money is on a little lighter, but substantially flabbier. And top tier content. Before COVID derailed the project, her public stuffings were top tier.

She won't weigh as much, though we don't know how much she weighed when she got covid.

The month long heads up that she's returning tells me she's gearing up. She won't look flabby because she's stuffing herself now to at least give the appearance she hasn't lost. It was similar last time.
Where is mochi babii video

What's the magic word?
Have to disagree, fat asian women are sexy.

In the best way.

Idk, you tell me where it's at.
Is she back yet or did she just breadcrumb the community so they wouldn't reach out to people tangentially related to her.

I'm calling cap on her making a remarkable comeback.
boy you are so stupid you couldn't pour piss out of a boot even if instructions were written on the heel

if that were why, she would have said something about 3 days after she was actually supposed to come back and didn't, or whatever

you know how the internet works. no object permanence.
she said "mid September" and it's not like she's previously been early with such schedules, so I'm not going to start doubting until like the 21st
Wheres the evidence she's even broken up with the BF?

Did he have an account or something where he posted stuff like BC Marilyn's husband did?
Anyway, hype, going to be anticipating all September
Only thing brought up to support that wild theory was the use of I instead of we, when writing I moved appartments instead of saying we moved...

Seems pretty vague to me.
I'll guess we just have to wait and find out.
Anyone have the video of her getting pumped with ice cream then fucked
This. She always runs late. If she actually comes back, I don't think it'll be till October.
Nothing really. He deleted all of his reddit posts and they shut down their video game discord.

Also the "we/ I" thing, but who knows.
If her comeback is genuine, which I happen to believe it is, she’s likely spent the last month gearing up. More than likely she dropped weight during the covid thing so I bet she’s just been eating enough fast food for a village every day to get closer to where she was. In her February return it looked like she was hogging out for weeks preparing to return.

This is what I'm thinking too. It's why she announced her return in August. To have this stuffing time.
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I can't wait for Mochii's intellectually stimulating and varied descriptions of her feeding sessions
we're not here for her writing skills
Hello guy it'd smikd here and today I want to know where is mochjii babii I waiting for days and no know video please if some one has boseo or weight in pls share it with me I will appreciate your kindness
Go to your nearest highway at 2am and lie in the middle of the street, head opposite to the direction of traffic. Then close your eyes and wait patiently. Mochii's video will come to you

Based. She needs to read Hemingway.
there is no such video
Surely someone has the video of her getting pumped with ice cream then fucked

The weight gain turned her brain into mush. This is a good thing.

The fat is clogging up her brain a bit. Just a bit. Just a bit.
It's her birthday today where is the new video?
Have some patience, you coom-brained malcontent.
I heard the rumor wasn’t the fat clogging up her brain but her fat clogging up the drain.
Is this bitch back yet?
shes taking forever

Probably decided to walk.
You’re on a fat fetish website nigga

she said mid September and it's the 18th. did you dumbasses think she was going to be early for the first time ever?
Idk man it's just annoying from a customer service perspective. I subbed to her OF before she got sick, unsubscribed, and now I don't want to resubscribe since she clearly does not care about her base.

Literally anything would be fine. A tweet, a curvage status, anything other than two vague posts in six or seven months. Instead the people who've literally given her thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars are met with nothin'.

If you want to be treated like a queen you need to at least feign decency to the gentry.
Kisame here. Customer service jobs are fully automated to maximize transactional experience. It's just this quadrant of the internet that demands human interactions.
It's not that serious. Just sub when the content starts flowing. Until then, wait.

>Instead the people who've literally given her thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars are met with nothin'.

Any retard giving her (or anyone) THOUSANDS deserves to be fleeced. Unless you're fucking her (you're not), you shouldn't be investing that kind of money in online models.
That's the problem with the expansion scene in general and why I went back to breast expansion.
>paying at all, for this ugly fucking blob nevertheless
Fucking simps. Kys both of you
I am so bored where are the new videos mochii you better not have lost weight or else ......
I thought Germans were supposed to be intelligent. How do you think piracy works? *someone* has to buy it to share it

The wealthy men paying these women are bros. Without them, there's no content.
my month is ruined
mochii babii fucking sucks now
"Haven't been able to eat like that in a while and it felt so damn good" definite proof of weight loss if she can't maintain those calories up so she deflated.
At least post a fat pic or a selfie at least, mochii babii has let down her fans once again but the curvage simps will keep giving her money and praise her
I wouldn't really be angry about her losing a little weight since I think as long as she gets into the general groove she's bound to put it back on anyways. I think as far everything has gone, she's been generally truthful (i.e. on covid, reducing the frequency of her stuffing excursions, etc).

What irks me is that she seems to have a diminishing motivation. When she first started, she seemed to be awfully vocal with the community, and even came in weekly to give her own thoughts about what she was doing. She was very generous in allowing us to share her content and even started releasing her own content for free every week as a compromise.

Her posts became pretty corporate, and over time she seemed to stop interacting with the in forums. That's not entirely odd, given her increased weight and settling in as a full-time model, though it doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

I'm still holding faith that she is being honest, since she's always seemed to try her best in honesty. I think that her going dark in certain intervals is fine, as she may just want to retain her privacy. She's claimed on a reddit comment that she pretty much wants to never stop, but time will tell there. Assuming that her commitment to the bit is honest of course.

You could always look at it as a means to maintain her audience which still wants to watch her gain even more. At some point, if she has reservations, she's gonna have to come out with those feelings, so she also may just be coasting off them simpbux.
Speculation until we see how the videos look but this further proves the theory that she’s working on her own/with a different partner and has to put in more work to meet certain quality standards

>>What irks me is that she seems to have a diminishing motivation.

Nearly dying will do that to a person.

> When she first started, she seemed to be awfully vocal with the community, and even came in weekly to give her own thoughts about what she was doing. She was very generous in allowing us to share her content and even started releasing her own content for free every week as a compromise.

>Her posts became pretty corporate, and over time she seemed to stop interacting with the in forums. That's not entirely odd, given her increased weight and settling in as a full-time model, though it doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

That's because her partner did 90% of the work behind the scenes including answering fan comments. Supposedly they're no longer together so that's also a negative that she's facing on top of having to find a new place to live.
That's what I thought too. BF did all the camera work, if he and his equipment are no longer around she might be looking for alternatives. Going from this to shitty phone recordings where the phone flips over half the time is gonna suck.

Did anyone ping the guy on steam?
> Supposedly they're no longer together so that's also a negative that she's facing on top of having to find a new place to live.
This is something people really gotta think about, If they have broken up, It's going to put a massive downer on ALL of this for her, She only started actually gaining weight once she got with him, If he's now gone, It's gonna be one of those cases of "Got fat for her partner and was left with nothing to show for it but a completely changed lifestyle" that Kittypiggy ended up being.

Though Mochii seems worse because her antics seem to have REALLY done damage to her body due to how fast it was.
It's over, the hog has fallen. ;_; Millions must diet.
But perhaps all is not lost. Look at ChubbyChiquita - she creates content by herself and does well. It might be nice to get more casual, easier to bump out content that’s less manufactured.
You missed the point.
Also I'm talking about the TOTAL she's raked in. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Seethe harder
>If she actually comes back, I don't think it'll be till October

Feeling vindicated. Not that this was a challenging prediction to make lol
Idk but I saw that he was online on her birthday so who knows
I’ve seen the guy around and let me tell you, he’s the definition of a so-and-so if I’ve ever seen one
Speaking of blimps being out of town, is Carmen ever coming back?

She had a knack for knowing how to make really excellent content imho
(196 KB, 901x624, IMG_9438.jpeg)
Speaking of blimps being out of town, is Carmen ever coming back?

She had a knack for knowing how to make really excellent content imho
Prolly not. But if you're into meatballs feedeedecode is actually active.

I thought she either died during the lockdowns or retired, lost weight, and has been living off her OF. It's been about 3 years since we've seen her anyways and she closed her C4S store all of a sudden too.
Either way SOMEONE's making money off of her.
All I need is Carmen and KittyPiggy to return and I'd be beyond happy. Actually, if they fed each other into immobility that'd be perfect. But I'll take any signal of either of them at this point. Perfect Pale Pear vs Perfect Blubber Gut.
Fuck mochii babii that bitch be lying to us about coming back and lied what a hoe 🖕🖕🖕
She probably deflated and saggy, I don't wanna see her if she ain't 400 lbs
Damn what a shocker, huh? Didn't see that one coming.

I'm betting on that they broke up and she had to move out.
> I am NOT watching her coomer (but I will anyway)

Stunning and brave
Mochii babii I know u read your page here so I just want to let you know you let us all down....

90% of you bums never even bought a clip from her, let alone even given her support. The fuck she'll care what a bunch of cheapskates think about her?
Consider suicide
Why is this fetish so pathetic?
They all are. Sex brings men down more reliably than fear, hate, greed, etc.
Anyone have any of the bonus nude shorts

What are you asexual? Fucking sea sponge....
My prediction is that Mochii and her boyfriend broke up. The delay is caused by her moving out into her own place and having no energy or motivation to really do anything whatsoever. I'll be genuinely surprised if they're still together at this point.
I was wondering why someone who always delivered on content keeps getting threads about her deleted, seeing this thread makes me understand that a bit more.

Part of it is because a thread locks after 400 comments and gets pushed into deletion. If that wasn't a factor than the OG thread from almost two years ago would still be up.
Been almost two months since the last update now. So very likely she's either done or comes back having lost a noticable amount of weight. But she is a beast, potential goat, so hopefully she's been packing on a couple of pounds or at least maintained.
She literally posted a message two weeks ago.
I did not know that tbf. Still stand by the second half of the comment.
if she comes back smaller its over.....
my prediction is bf is gone so she will come back with significant weight loss because she has no one to pay her food bill. That and the vid production will be shit like her using an iphone with terrible sound and shitty quality
Or just bills in general tbh. I can't imagine she contributed to their household as much as her earnings went back into their Frankenstein project. I wonder if she saved anything.

We could all be wrong tho and they have both just had horrible health episodes.

>>We could all be wrong tho and they have both just had horrible health episodes.

Iirc, COVID didn't hit him as hard as it did her.
He had long covid complications that knocked him out of his day job for a little bit. I want to say he was hospitalized briefly, but I could be making that up.

He *had* a handful of long COVID posts in some, now deleted, posts on Reddit.

The only thing that makes me hesitant to say that they broke up is that all of, both his and her, avatars are the illustrations from their twitch endeavor. I would assume they would delete/ change those icons if they split.
But also yeah who knows. She's also morbidly obese. I remember him having some weird neurological issues.
Starting to doubt she'll ever return. Constant setbacks and delays. She probably has 30 minute long workdays. I don't know how high of a production value they think this stuff needs to have, but I'd just watch a normal session of her eating a fat burger. It doesn't have to be some obscene stuffing where she stretches her gut out more than a burma snake.
We're only a few days into October, I don't think we've reached that point yet
I agree, sometimes all the cutting is too much. The different angels are nice, but we don't need to see all the zooming in and out and cutting in the middle of bites. Just put that bitch infront of a camera and make her eat a fuckton of food

The "point" was mid September. When are you people going to stop pushing the goal post and defending this woman? You don't need this much delay and prep time just to sit on your ass and eat in front of a camera.
Yeah, the circus is out of town, just accept it. Make peace with her never coming back, if she does, well celebrate the miracle. My wager is she had a secret health scare and it was too much to handle. She doesn't want to drown in the slop again (and that includes sucking it down a tube). It's over.
okay but if that were the case, why post at all? everyone had given up already. there's no point in telling everyone you'll be back unless you aim to be back
She's ALWAYS been late in the past, so I basically build at least one delay into my expectations. And sure, she might not show up at all, but I'm not ready to call it off yet
Since we’re waiting, anyone have any bonus nude shorts

Because she doesn't want to lose anymore money. If people think you're done, they're going to fuck off to the next fatty.
Ngl I think feedeedecode is better than she is.

and, like, actually alive and engaging..... crazy!
That’s not how it works; it’s not a zero-sum game. Reiina “retired” 3 times, came back, and is making more money than ever.

And nobody should be actively giving her money right now anyway. But if she comes back, people will pay again just like they do for dozens of other bitches.
lmao. the number of retards still subscribed to her OnlyFans and awaiting content prior to this last posts probably wasn't even in the double digits. that's the thing: there's not really any financial incentive to do this, because nobody is going to start buying again until they know you're back.

you guys like to speculate that she's gone for good, and hey, she's certainly unreliable. but I think we sometimes forget she was willing to fucking balloon herself at a rate not seen before or after; that isn't just a grift!
If we’re being honest, extenuating circumstances aside, she will likely be a huge ball of fat the rest of her life. Putting on 200lbs in 3 years changes you. Her appetite is likely larger than 98% of the population. So it would only make sense for her to capitalize on this and make content. Regardless of if her bf actually left (no real evidence to support that as of now) she’s still gonna be a blob and eat like a glutton. It’s a one way ticket
>Reiina “retired” 3 times, came back, and is making more money than ever.

Reiina's a horrible comparison. During her time away from the fetish she was losing money since her skinny bimbo phase failed miserably both times.

And no shit she's making more money now, she's actually active and not dealing with a breakup/housing issues/ and long term covid.

>you guys like to speculate that she's gone for good, and hey, she's certainly unreliable. but I think we sometimes forget she was willing to fucking balloon herself at a rate not seen before or after; that isn't just a grift!

You act like sitting on your ass all day and scarfing down food is hard. I'd do the same thing if coomers were throwing money at me too.
>. So it would only make sense for her to capitalize on this and make content

So where the hell is she? You're telling me she can't pull out her phone and record herself eating food? That's my main complaint here. It doesn't take much energy to upload content, yet she's delaying for whatever reason. It makes it all more suspicious that she's trying to hide something. I could care less if she lost weight, but this radio silence and continued delays bullshit needs to stop.
Dawg, do you not remember how much money she was spending????

Literally THOUSANDS of dollars, my guy.

I guess at the end of it all we can say is she got to have her cake and eat it too.
It's giving poor community engagement. 0/10 stars.

How difficult is it to post on Snapchat 😭
it's pretty difficult to regularly consume 10,000 calories a day if you're not either a bodybuilder or into the fetish, yeah! I've dated a few feedees, even the ones who actively try to gain usually sit at around 4-5k. it's entirely possible she'll find that she can't come back without her bf, but it's laughable to act like this is some cash grab. it just doesn't make sense! she gains nothing by leading people on.

yeah exactly. she was making plenty of money too, but the sheer amount she was eating (and for a much better price plan than people like Reiina) must have taken most of that cash to sustain

You two goons easily forgot that she's living in New York, literally one of the most expensive places in the world to live in. Rent alone for two people is easily $3400+ a month. Not including another 1K for food and takeouts and another 1K+ for other expenses.

Reiina lives in the bumfuck midwest and her cost of living is a fraction in comparison.

>>it's entirely possible she'll find that she can't come back without her bf, but it's laughable to act like this is some cash grab. it just doesn't make sense!

It doesn't make sense because you're literally the only one here with that mindset. She doesn't need a bf to hit record on her phone, why can't you understand that?
She lives in Queens, not Manhattan. The rent is doable for two, working, people.

>>She lives in Queens, not Manhattan. The rent is doable for two, working, people.

1. You're still paying damn near 3K a month just for a studio apartment there.

2. She hasn't "worked" in about 6 months.

3. It's heavily implied that they're not even together anymore, so where's that second source of income coming from?
Idk about that one, bud. 2600 is pretty average for a two bedroom. 1300 for rent is not crazy and seems pretty normal.

I'm assuming she's saved SOME money or her parents are helping her. I do remember, from being in her video game discord, she'd say she was busy working. Maybe she's doing some WFH customer service job or she was just saying that to save face.

That's a lot of assumption that you're doing.

>>maybe she saved some money
>>maybe her parents are helping her
>>Maybe she's doing some WFH

blah, blah, blah.

Also it's not just 2600 in total, bud. She still has a lot of other expenses tacked on including moving into a new place.

She's not that well off to go without work for 6 months and still be in a good shape while living in an expensive city.

>>1300 (Dead) for rent is not crazy and seems pretty normal.

Maybe for a hole in a wall with a toilet. You're going to pay more if you want something decent in Queens that isn't bummy looking.
You're also working on the assumption that they've broken up.

No one knows anything concretely for sure. Guess you'll either just have to sit on your hands or move on to another gravy sucking hog.

To be fair why would she all of a sudden be looking for a new place after spending less than 2 years at her current one?
Could have been a rent increase.

Or maybe he got a job and they had to relocate.

I'm not saying that they haven't broken up, but it seems easy enough to explain things away either way.

Or someone could just badger him about it on steam.
it doesn't make sense because none of you morons have explained how it benefits her. how does she make money from this? how does she profit in any way? have you people asked yourselves that question or is it just a vague feeling?

Make videos = More money

Don't make videos = No money

How slow can you be?
Kisame here. She doesn't. Rent in Queens is high unless you live in government housing like 21st Street
Bitching on a piracy fat board isn't going to make her come back any faster. Shut the fuck up, wait for her to start making videos again, and jerk off like everyone else.

Don't you retards have anything else better to do in the meantime?

Don't YOU have something better to do besides bitching about others? The weather is nice, go outside and smell the fresh air sourpuss.

Neither of those reasons would explain why she delayed her return. She could've still made content during the move. 5 minute clips of them eating at a rest stop or getting ice cream while apartment shopping.

She could've easily had made a whole series out of it.
(30 KB, 640x454, no_u.jpg)
great retort

anyway bye, have fun I suppose
Moving and sickness has to be the two most used excuses for these girls. Moving takes a couple of days, yeah it sucks but it doesn't literally take months to move. And if for some reason it takes a long time it doesn't take all of your time for those months. You can easily just record a five minute clip, you don't even have to eat you can just talk a little about the situation. Not even a few pics or short clips on her OF. Sickness can happen of course, espescially to these fat girls that do nothing but sit around all day, and turn their bodies into literal shit. And personal stuff is the likely reason, maybe break up, maybe someone in her personal life find out what she was doing or something idk.

I do not give a fuck about her personal life or the reasons she's stopped, but this is like the third time she's had to take a break lmao. I would be very surprised if she returns this time, and if she does it's for a very short time anyways. But if she actually returns, and make content for years to come, and she gains more. Then she would be one of the best we've ever had in the scene. It's not sustainable of course, but the gain she had in the start of the quarantine where she gained around 2lbs a day was some of the best nuts I've ever had.

For the long run she should hold her vids simple; eat, talk, play with her belly. Don't do this zooming in and out shit, multiple angels and alot of cutting. It's probably tiring with all this over-producing shit she's done thus far.
I agree, I genuinely don't need these huge eating binges. Watching her eat a big, fat burger is hot enough as is ... I just don't see what the end goal is here.
Heavy disagree, she's one of the hotter asian fat chicks I've seen
She never gained 2lbs a day. The initial gain “over quarantine” was stretched out and she just lied about the timeline. 100lbs in 3 months or whatever she claimed is literally impossible
Let's just say for the sake of argument that her life is as hectic as she says and has been as transparent as she can be.

Maybe she just isn't feeling herself! Moving sucks! Bring sick sucks! It's hard to feel sexy when you're stressed.

That being said she could just as easily leave a live streaming webcam on and I think most people would be at least "alright" with that
Idk maybe she's tired and doesn't want to deal with c00mers.
OR, the most REASONABLE answer:
She's a flaky 25 year old.

You have the worst excuses I've ever seen.

>>Moving sucks! Being sick sucks!

Life's tough, get a helmet.

>>Idk maybe she's tired and doesn't want to deal with c00mers.

So don't visit this site, problem solved.

>>OR, the most REASONABLE answer:
>>She's a flaky 25 year old.

Just because you're a flaky 25 year old doesn't mean she is. Especially when she's nearly tripled her own weight just for this fetish. You're telling me a flaky person would've gone through all of that?
Lol, I'm not 25 but considering her track record with actually keeping to a schedule Id say, yes, she's pretty flaky. The only reason she's been consistent is because her boyfriend did all of the UX design and organization... she just kind of exists as the product.

As for her needing to toughen up I'd say that's probably something you should post on her curvage or reddit if it's irritating you THAT much.
Nah fuck that. She's one of the very few girls out there making great binge videos. I hope she keeps doing it.
and? I'm asking how promising to come back, if she doesn't actually intend to come back, benefits her
Because a monthly post about promising to come back boosts interest for her lmao. People get excited, sub to her OF maybe buy a few older vids. She can’t keep doing it forever. A friend of mine even subbed to her OF after her first post because he wanted to «show her support». Our brains are destroyed from coom bro, these bitches know how to farm them.
This board gets so bored that it doubts the commitment of a model that effectively destroyed their body in a month
>last post on the OnlyFans page was over five months ago
I wonder why

>was supposed to have returned almost a month ago

>keeps delaying said return

THiz BOArd iz so bORed. wHY U nO TRUst hER?????
These hoes ain't loyal, man
Maybe if you sub to her OF for another month or two she’ll come back
I recently noticed that their dormant Twitch channel had a name change from SpaceMages to Mavxmaya and their discord account is now Mav & Maya, suggesting that they're still together
Not only is that vid cute as hell i never realized that man had such a silky voice lmfao
After reading the comments in this thread I am of the firm belief that they should just pivot to making cute tiktoks like this
She looks significantly smaller… sigh
Tbf it's baggy black clothes at a weird angle, and also she was probably quite sick for a time.

But if she really quits and tries to get even just chubby, she messed up her organs for literally almost nothing.
She can't be 380lbs
Wow, weak. I can't believe they're trying to make this stupid steaming thing their main source of income.

They'll come crawling back to the porn shit after they realize how stupid this is.


Looks well under 280 lbs
She basically ruined her life regardless for nothing meaningful in return anyway but honestly what did she think was going to happen.
she lost weight ;-;
at least her bf still here so regain???
gonna take a while to get back to 380...even 300
Like she was ever actually 380.

Tbh she looks the same. She's just not wearing hyper constrictive clothes.

I'm calling cap on the whole thing. She's a lazy liar and took everyone for a ride so she could buy an unnecessary gaming system to entertain the eight people in her discord group. Fuck them both.
Aww She still looks chunky.
I dont care if she gains more for now. She's still a piggy.
Just do some stuffing and creative role plays.
i would recommend she gains some muscle to stay healthier, and .. wait until later to gain again if she's ready.

and if she just wants to do the Tiktok route... at least from time to time do some Belly Play or teasing, or smaller stuffings. Glad to know she's okey. (& that she still with her Bf.)
lol right. Who other than the feeder community cares about watching some fat girl stream. Unless you’re super hot or have some schtick you’re just like the other dime a dozen streamers nobody cares about. Hilarious.

Also agree with others. She lied about her weight and time frame of her initial gain. Why wouldn’t she about anything else. Anyone who is still subbed to her is a sucker
>she's a lazy liar and took everyone for a ride
like, now specifically? I'm willing to entertain it since I found out people were actually stupid enough to sub before she released a new video. but it's pretty clear she was into it previously, you don't gain so much weight when you're just doing it for money. hell, most of the genuine ones don't gain even one quarter as fast!
I'm talking about the last year, year and a half to two years.

The first few months to year of her doing it? Gold.

Everything outside of that has been chasing that high. The bitch rakes(d) in tens of thousands of dollars without so much as lifting a pinky. Would you stop shoveling gravy down your throat if it meant you wouldn't get an easy 15k?

Even then I think the simps are pretty tired of it. Her streams weren't that great considering you couldn't really see her body. I hope people will stop giving her money, but who knows.
Girls do actually get post-nit clarity aswell you know. I don’t doubt it turns her on, but after a few breaks now she’s obviously not as into it, and maybe she had taken some distance to it. And it’s starting to get obvious that her monthly post about returning is to cling to some form of relevance.

But I agree on the streaming content lol. I watched a couple of streams when they just started out. She is not entertaining, or funny, her bf is also not funny or entertaining. There’s nothing other than her fetish content that makes her relevant, sorry if you’re reading this mochii lol. I get the irony that someone on an anonymous imageboard say that, but come on, you know it’s true.

Our only hope is that she gets bored again, and horny enough to make content. But also on that point the only reasons I watch her is because of her gain, so if she’s lost alot of it I’m out. It was a good couple of years
Yeah, u ryte u ryte. It looks like they're trying to fall into the Twitch Couple Streaming niche which is..... Weird in itself. Good for them, I guess, but the only active engagement is from other weird couple streamers and I doubt they're actually buying their merch/ paying for anything. Maybe they're swingers now.

streamer swingers.
I don't think anyone is watching her streams who isn't also gooning the whole time. Who the heck wants to watch a fat Asian and a goatee Soyjak play video games. Even the tiktok comments are obvious coomer desperate for her to show off some jiggly meat.
Bitches do this shit all the time, same with artists and fetish models; they get an audience of niche fetishists and wanna move on to either a) vanilla stuff or b) not porn, and it almost always fails cause nobody wants to watch yet another fucking streamer
Dear god, please don't try this streaming stuff again. Legitimately nobody cares. It's sad, but people don't care. It needs to be a thirst trap for fetishists for it to work.
Idk a bunch of couple streamers them so who knows
I agree. They’re streaming stuff is neutured af(at least the stuff I’ve seen, can’t speak for all of it) It’s not even a little goon worthy, all we see is her face, her least attractive feature imo, and her soyjak bf lmao, can’t imagine a bigger boner killer

Tbh I get kinda second hand cringe from seeing all the streaming stuff they’re buying, but they’re not the only ones to do that I guess
My guess is that the health scare has kinda opened Mochi's (or Maya, I guess her name is) eyes and she wants to cut back on the slop. She probably realized how fucked she was proper and she had to stop for a while. So they wanna try streaming since everyone does and Mochi is too fucking unhealthy to ever have a real career again
But again, it will fail because every streamer who will get popular has already made it, or hasn't started yet. Market's saturated as fuck at the moment.
Yeah I agree on the health stuff, has to one of the biggest post-nut clarities ever as I mentioned earlier lmao
I think it’s funny how many people think that being over 300 pounds is considered permanently disabled for life. A couple drugs, a proper diet, exercise and maybe even a WLS if she really needs it and she’s back on track. The woman is like 24 or 25, the doomer shit is crazy man. Not to mention lots of people IRL are just as big (sometimes bigger) than her anyway and have jobs and stuff. My girlfriend is like 320 and she’s a photojournalist and makes great money. You guys need to go outside.
I mean, it's pretty obvious that she's just lazy and does not *want* a real career. I don't think anyone's saying that being over 300 necessitates a death sentence, just her specifically. She hasn't had any real movement in three/ four years and is the textbook definition of a slug.

The sad thing is she has a degree from a decent school. She just doesn't want to do anything.
How would you know of she had any movement lmao
The guy I was replying to literally said she was to fat and unhealthy to ever have a real career. She’s literally like mid 300’s, not immobile.
I'm just going off of how unhealthily she portrays herself to be.

I mean, I took that as him talking about her *specifically,* not all fatasses are created equal. Funneling Velveeta cheese, double fisting KFC Double Downs, and participating in forced intox kink, isn't really the face of health, you know. For *HER* body she is too fat and unhealthy to do anything. Not that she WANTS to do anything because we would have seen that already.

Use your brains, retards. Have you seen how sunken her eyes are and the quality of her skin?
And even IF it's MOSTLY hammed up for fetish content, she sounds so fucking out of breath in one of her TikTok videos just going into another room. C'mon, y'all. You really think this girl who's been veritably unemployed for three years doing nothing but sit on her ass can have a thriving traditional career? Gtfo
>You really think this girl who's been veritably unemployed for three years doing nothing but sit on her ass can have a thriving traditional career?

Considering Americans now are sitting on their asses collecting unemployment checks for years now, yeah I believe it.
I don't think you know how unemployment works.
I can tell you were typing this one hand Anon-kun
Oooh, can I share with her? She's been so much that we are worried sick and we need to gradulate.
Her for her return. (Gradulate with a "con," i mean.)
When do you guys think she’ll make her monthly return post? It has to be soon right? It’s been almost a month since last one now, people might have started unsubbing and she needs some cash for her streamer gear
shes gonna cancel again and make us wait til next year
Oh, you know, that makes sense. She made her "just a few more weeks" post on 9/18 and then started posting videos on 9/21 l m f a o
Literally how hard is it to even just do a video of you rubbing your belly while eating a McDouble, literally anything is better than this perpetual radio silence. I think the fat got to her brain. I feel as neglected as a Team Fortress 2 fan.
U don't understand, she just has SO much going on. From sleeping, playing video games, and not showering, she can't just pick up her phone and take a thirty second clip. Pls b respectful during this chaotic time.

I'm surprised nobody's doxxed her out of frustration.
Think of the calories she might burn by recording a 30 second clip!
the exertion might actually kill her
Any doxxing retard should neck themselves, ruins any chance of a model coming back. The neckbeards in this chat need to stop the gossip and post when she actually comes back. This thread keeps getting pushed to the top when she isn't even back yet.
Her giving a mild tease of a text post every half a year is literally the worst option. At this point I'm almost gonna say she should get liposuction and WLS and pretend that second life never happened. (So much money, food, water, electricity, etc. wasted for her hedonistic insanity while so many in the world suffer, kinda hot in a very twisted way honestly).
She isn't going to come back, bro. Her throwing out a fuckin' flare every six months is infuriating. Fuckin' commit to something or someone else will make the decision for her. For the people who've spent money on this project it's a god damn disgrace.

Agreed. While she was spending literally THOUSANDS a week I knew people getting evicted because they couldn't afford rent. She should just post a half hearted goodbye and tell whatever loyal fans she has left to follow her or just bow out.

I'm fine with her spending her earnings on whatever stupid hobby she has going on, but she hasn't been transparent and that's what chaps my ass. Fuck her.
>Reeee I pay you zero dollars how dare you not give me my fap material I'll dox you

Yeah beats me why she's in no rush to cater to this wonderful community.
No, asshole, I'm mad about giving her money just for her to not do her fucking job. I'm not saying I'd dox her. I'm just saying I'm surprised no one hasn't.

You act like this site will even still be up if/when she returns.

I swear New Zealanders are bigger pussies than Australians. Y'all do nothing but bitch and moan.
She just updated again on tumblr… another delay
At this point she's just waiting out the chan. I'd bet dollars to donuts she posts her return update within 24 hours of this site shutting down for good.
She posted after someone leaked her TikTok. Probably saving face.
You called it she's never coming back, fuck mochii babii she fucking sucks and keeps on fucking lying to all of us. I swear she's going to do this delay shit and will be skinner than before she left. Fucking annoyed by this stupid hoe
Leak??? That shit was public bro
If you knew how to look for it. She hasn't cross posted it anywhere.
Hmm she probably wants to keep her normie shit as separate as possible yeah. But no one is interested in her other than degens like us that watch her fetish shit, who are desperate to see even glimpse of her old self.
Yeah she 100% knows that vague health reasons are the perfect excuse, because anyone that would complain or call her out would get look like an asshole because “health comes first” (‘health’ after gaining 200 lbs lol) and if someone called her out her legion of white knights and simps would attack
(74 KB, 1170x1128, 1cfo1sp54al81.jpg)
>When I eat like I want to I'm getting awful digestion problems, extreme fatigue, abnormal spikes in my numbers and more...

If this is all true, the gravy train is over, no pun intended.
Yeah this is probably it. She used to try and come here and “give away” old irrelevant content like she was doing us a favor, but really it was self promo and to get people here to deter sharing new stuff by being “cool” or “one of us” by interacting. Either that or there’s enough simps still subbed to her OF to get decent money without even lifting a finger.
Yeah she's not coming back. Just waiting out till people stop asking about her return

>>At this point she's just waiting out the chan. I'd bet dollars to donuts she posts her return update within 24 hours of this site shutting down for good.

Well this site is going to be around at least another year thanks to an anonymous donor.

>>>When I eat like I want to I'm getting awful digestion problems, extreme fatigue, abnormal spikes in my numbers and more

When you speedrun the weight gain, you don't give your body enough time to properly adapt to the new changes. And Covid has brought down even the healthiest of people and messed up their appetite long term.

Her adventure was over as soon as she mentioned long-term effects.
Her real name is Colleen.
are you 100% fucking retarded? delete this. how many girls have we lost because some autistic dipshit got obsessed, discovered her real name, and started harrassing her?
>>38710 maya was her literal handle on twitch, coombrain

Calm down sperg.
mochii returns winter 2025 LFGGG
this isn’t the result of speed. it’s the result of being over 3x your body weight while eating like absolute shit, never moving, drinking heavily, and smoking.

There’s no way she doesn’t already have diabetes/GERD/chronic lifelong fat people diseases. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t had a stroke or heart attack. It’s one thing to be morbidly obese, it’s another to consume enough salt to kill a normal person everyday

>>it’s the result of being over 3x your body weight while eating like absolute shit, never moving, drinking heavily, and smoking.

1. When did she become a chain-smoking alcoholic?

2. She's been doing this for only 2 years and some change. Give her 5 years before talking about a heart attack or stroke. Especially when she was a health nut prior.
She says that she smokes Marijuana before every video. That's not healthy
>She's been doing this for only 2 years and some change.
Irrelevant. Morbid obesity is morbid obesity
Source? Or are you just talking out of your ass because you’re a whiney bitch with no friends?

Snoop Dogg's and Cheech/Chong are still around despite smoking pot while you were still swimming in your father's ballsack.
Why does my post keep getting removed? Mods riding this thread hard.
She and her bf have a forced intox kink. She's definitely a drinker, and overimbibes, but idk if she's an "alcoholic."
Anybody have any of the bonus nude shorts she sold during the indulgence month. Especially the pumped with icecream then fucked one. None of the bonus nude shorts are anywhere online
True but Snoop Dogg and Cheech and Chong aren't fat as fuck and don't eat a lethal amount of fat every other day
Fact is with how hedonistic she is it'll be a mix of shit that brings her down
90% good luck with that
Haha «great internet personality». Where the fuck did he get that from? Bro just say the only reason you’re interested in her is because she’s fat and can eat. No need to fluff up with all that personality bullshit lmao
If you're simping too hard you can get all sorts of crazy ideas.

Exactly. Where was this guy at when she was still skinny and starting out?
Dude be honest we watch her because she made best stuffing content online. Stop sucking up admit it. She wants to quit that’s her choice

She can fuck off for all I care. Just quit leading people on with these bullshit return posts if you're not coming back. It's almost mid November and she was supposed to return almost two months ago.
>she keeps chiming in to string people along so they stay subbed, and using the “vague health reasons” so people can’t call her out without sounding like an asshole. Fat people are lazy, so shouldn’t come as a surprise she’s trying to milk this shit with literal zero effort lmao
Yep 100%. She's gonna keep dragging us along until her subs drops significantly or if she is in need of a lot more money for whatever reason. Even if coomer goes down I still wouldn't sub to her OF until she stops this bs.
Mochii fucking sucks, lying ass I hope mochii comes here so she understand how much the community hates her now.
None of those stupid ass simps who still pay for her OF
You guys are unhinged and mentally ill lmao
We’re just over the denial phase of the grieving process and have moved over to the anger phase lmao. But I agree it’s not that deep. Yes it’s done, but just enjoy it for what it was, one of the best real time gains I’ve ever seen. And let’s move on, this bitch is done out here
Yeah this bitch is over
y'all say that like you're not gonna come crawling back asking for a coomer update the second she posts a new vid
Honestly, she's lost so much weight that I know *I* wouldn't be interested. If she can't stuff and get as round as she used to there isn't anything to keep me interested, regardless of video quality. There are other meatballs doing what she did, so I've moved on.

That's just me tho.
Judging by what she posts now it wouldn’t shock me if she got diabetes (the poor digestion and nausea and other things) and is scrambling to manage it. Always a consequence to this fetish
I mean if she doesn't have diabetes now, she's certainly doomed herself to it in the near future. I wonder if the realization hit her like a ton of bricks

>>I wonder if the realization hit her like a ton of bricks

Unless she's an airhead the thought of "Yeah I'm going to severely fuck my body up beyond repair if I continue to gain like this" would've crossed her mind a long time ago.
she lost too much weight and is no where near peak, its over
Bumplocking this thread. See you all in the next one.
“She lost weight”

We haven’t seen the bitch, what are y’all talking about?
She has a couple of videos uploaded on tiktok.
she deflated dumbo
Why do they care so much about this dumb live-streaming shit that brings in a dozen viewer max?
I want to assume it's like a proof of concept for his day job. Just nerdy AV tech stuff, but it's a money sink right?
They deleted the post because someone was posting the fact that mochi was a feeder and they got upset

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