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My girls already a big girl around 180 but before I met her she was almost 300 and lost it but I’d die for her to gain that back any tips, I can provide pics too
>>33376 (OP)

Only ethical way is to let her know you're not bothered if she puts on weight, both explicitly and implicitly.

You compliment her looks. If she buys herself snacks at the grocery store you keep your mouth shut. If she wants to go get ice cream you go find your shoes. If she wants to drive instead of walk, you drive.

Lucky for you, about 95% of people who lose a ton of weight relapse and put all of it back on with interest.
Probably don't post pics of her online either, she probably won't be thrilled about being on a fetish site my guy.
I would try to open up to her about your fetish at some point, maybe when you've been together for a while. Don't be posting pics of her online tho

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