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I know most people on here are feeders (at least in theory, I know I would identify as that even though I've never fed anyone irl) but I know for a fact there are a few feedees both male and female lurking around here.

My question: what do you look for in a feeder? Ie, what makes or breaks a feeder for you in their mannerisms, attitude etc. I'm curious
I’d say looks and kinks. I’m into mutual gain, funneling, belly button fucking, etc, so I’d look for a girl who has similar interests.

>even though I’ve never fed anyone irl
Sounds like you’re an FA (fat admirer)
I suppose but the only thing I get off to is feederism stuff so it feels like the term would still apply. Idk it doesn't really matter much anyhow
I would also say with feeders, some do as it foreplay, some do it as a lifestyle 24/7, some are happy to constantly feed their partner junk/weight gain shakes, others prefer to ave their partners be fat/fit. To be fat but still eat right and exercise to minimize the health problems of obesity. Some fantasize about immobility, some try to accomplish it as a real world goal. This is me saying there are different types of feeders/feedees. Some are willing to do it as a lifestyle and are willing to deal with health problems of partners, some work to minimize health risks, and some people keep some parts as a sexy fantasy. Just pointing out that there's a lot of different people in this community as with any community.
>>33358 (OP)

Honestly as a straight male feedee I'm just looking for a girl I find cute who is also into me getting bigger. Been on and off for a few years but unless I've been in the wrong spots, there just aren't many female feeders out there. Obviously I got specific shit I would love but at this point I would like the bare minimum from someone I atleast can vibe with and isn't a dude lmao
>>33358 (OP)
But if you want specifics. Personally I'm into dominant feeders, but more the soft-dom kind. Someone who understands that I can't adhere every hour of the day to gaining and all that. It varies person to person and I can guarantee there are feedees out there who would say the exact opposite of me and want someone who takes control fully, or is a more submissive feeder of sorts
Didn’t realize people predominantly only play one role… sometimes I’m feeling dominant, other times I prefer submissive, you know?

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