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Made a thread about this a few years ago and decided to give it a new try. I'm a guy that loves to know the weight of the women I'm talking with.. but of course this is a touchy subject for many and even if they tell their weight they might not tell the entire truth.

Therefore, my (possibly ethically questionable) question is.. anyone know about ways to weight a girl without them knowing? Someone suggested to find a way to change the tolerance of the seat belt reminder in a car, so that it only beeps if the weight is higher than x amount, but unfortunately my car is too ancient to even have a seat belt reminder at all lol.

Another one is to simply have a smart scale in a visible spot in my bathroom hoping that they would step on it, but then it should ideally be a model that does not appear to be one that has memory. Not very likely they would weight themselves at my place anyways, but I guess better than nothing.

Always interested in hearing any other ideas or if anyone else have had experiences regarding this! I know you guys are a creative bunch.
I watch a lot of weigh in videos. After seeing a lot of various sizes and shapes of women over the years, my guesses are now usually within 10lbs.

It doesn't always translate to real life because out and about women aren't in their bra and underwear (much to my dismay lol). In any case, it gives me a starting point to guess the weight of women I see.
Vehicle weigh stations. If you go to a junkyard or a truck stop here in the US they have weigh stations to weigh the entirety of the vehicle. This is free, but your wife/gf/whatever may notice.

If you want discretion, you can get wireless vehicle scales that go underneath each wheel, but the problem with that is that they cost something like $2,000 for a full kit, depending on the manufacturer. They are very accurate however, and unlike the seat sensor tolerance thing it’ll actually get her entire weight rather just her ass and upper body.

You’ll need to subtract your weight assuming you’re in the car with her, and of course find a way to hide the fact that your car was sitting on little platforms. Being a mechanic I could probably wave it off as them being ramps to help ease my back when working under the hood, but that may not work for you.

You could also get bed mounted scales that sit under the frame supports but those cost just as much if not more.
Just get some digital scales with Bluetooth. At some point she'll get curious. Ones I have store it in memory, so you can just connect to it after, and it won't be flashing the fucking Bluetooth logo while she's on it.
Ok see you suggested that anyway, but it worked for me. A lot of fat girls don't have scales at home, so curiosity gets the better of them.
I have a weight station for trucks in my city, but it should work for regular cars too. If I for some reason have a sleeping BBW in my car I will certainly give it a try, even thought it's probably not a very likely scenario lol. Bed or vehicle scales would certainly have been a solution too.. had they only cost one quarter of that amount.

Definitely the easiest way of doing it and just hoping you get lucky, should be some discreet one thought and I've yet to see a discreet bluetooth scale. If there would exist one that would just send you a message straight to your phone without a million blinking purple lights and Chinese-English voiceover.
This is the one I have:


Yeah, it's not totally consistent. Sometimes it only syncs the weights afterwards, so there would be no tell-tale Bluetooth logo. But I distinctly remember my gf going to the bathroom and my phone suddenly showing me that she was at 24st 7lb (343lb). Hot.

Tbf now I just get her to go on it right in front of me, but she was more shy back then.
So believe it or not I was actually thinking about this exact task of getting the weight of fat women in a inconspicous way.
So here is what I have come up with:

Basically DIYing a scale hidden in a doormat. So building a slightly suspicious doortmat encased in a wodden frame with the stading area beeing the top part of the scale.
As too the scale part itself I see two ways of going about this:

1. Bulding a diy scale with a microcontroller and a couple of a apporpiate sized load cells. You could then trigger a meassurement from your phone trough bluetooth or wifi. From that point on you could obviousley expand this design further and keep weight records in a database and track the weight, bmi, photos in a database automatically.

2. Simpler variant would be to put a 1 or 2 bluetooth scales inside of the frame and cover them with a wooden board. The board itself would the be coverd by door mat material (cut to size) so it sits flush to the frame height.
Not sure tough how stable the top board would be or if a person were to stand on a doormat long enough for the scale(s) to power on and take a reading...

Another flaw to this generall idead is the movement on the scale as someone might take of their shoes and the fact that you would get a weight fully clothed (including shoes, jacket etc.).

So another spin on the idea would be a portable bed scale or something like idea one integrated in a bedframe or a couch.

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