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>Where in Italy is the best place to go to see Fat girls?
>how big was the biggest girl you’ve ever seen in Italy?
>Is it really true that Italy is one of the thinnest Euro countries? Even with their food culture?
>Online it says ~1/3 Adult Italian females are overweight. Does this seem true?
>Is there more scrutiny for being with a bigger girl in Italy?
>Is it true that Southern Italy is fatter than the North?

Yes, I copied the Dutch guy
I was friends on a certain site with an Italian girl who was technically obese. Most of her fat went to her ass; in fact she was SO lard-filled pear that her thighs kneecaps grew "pads" of fat I found incredibly sexy. However even her boss made fun of her just being chubby and other stuff made her insecure she tried to cope by posting pictures of herself for a time then quit then disappeared. She wasn't even first Sicilian gainer I saw there.

To answer though, she was from the south and fittingly tanner and in general Sicilians etc tend to be softer and more indulgent than the more Germanic Northern Italians. Italy overall though is still quite fatphobic.
Thanks, this is exactly the type of thing I was looking for.

>Italy is still fatphobic
I’ve read Italians are extremely blunt, and just saw whatever is on their mind. Seems that checks out haha
>>33232 (OP)
My SO visited Florence and Rome before I met her (I've never been). She's very chunky but not superfat, 5'5" and 220ish at the time, a little heavier now but she was more curvy then and in her 20s. Attractive otherwise with long dark hair, but a jeans and t-shirt type, doesn't dress "sexy." Anyway she said she was harassed nonstop in Rome — guys whistling and cat calling, and she had her ass grabbed more than once. She said the only place she's ever been harassed worse was Cairo.
so the italians liked her
Italian men would have no problem sexually harassing Shrek in a wig. Then later that night they would talk about how gross and ugly Northern European/British/American girls are.
Kisame here. I saw an Italian woman and holy shit they're ugly. I'd rather impregnate a Sicilian woman or a Scandinavian woman.
you saw one(1) and decided they are all ugly?
who the fuck is kisame?
Italian women with their Gucci and restaurants are fucking ugly
Went to northern Italy last year. Italian women are either very ugly or very hot. There is zero in between

Italian dudes love fat girls for some reason. And despite that the country is still one of the thinnest in Europe
The only fat Italians are Sicilian mobsters in my area. All they want to do is eat Pizza and make tacos out of pizza
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As an Italian, the south is where it’s at. But, there are some spots up north. That’s because the whole country is infatuated with food, but only the north walks enough to stay slim.

I’ve provided a map + obesity graph. Ecco e te mi amico

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