
(51 KB, 500x500, artworks-000224911825-5yn1t0-t500x500.jpg)
Whoever called it a nothingburger is stupid, it should just be nothing. A nothing BURGER would still have buns, meaning every time you've ever said some hullabaloo was just a big nothingburger, you were actually saying the commotion had a big sexy ass.
>>33147 (OP)

If you willingly eat ass, then you deserve e.coli
Worth it.

Are you some kind of finook or something?

I'm a person who doesn't like dingleberries down my throat.

Go be disgusting someplace else scat-eater.
If she’s using the shower wand right, her asshole should be clean as a whistle.

In the shower? She better make sure her asshole is clean before she flushes the toilet. Don't you dare do a half ass job wiping then go the rest of the day with a crusty asscrack.

I made the switch to bidets. The rest of you Americans need to follow up too.
Chubby chituiqo and other are pretty open on tumbler about using the shower as a one stop shop bathing, pooping, station
Jumping in because whatever.
>In the shower?
Yeah, what's the problem? If you have a detachable shower head with a blast spray setting or whatever it's called, and a shower chair that was meant for someone else and you're way too fucking fat to sit in it but it can support enough of your weight for you to step on it with one foot, and you're at least thin enough to actually stand like that and do a squat without losing your balance and to reach under your own ass while doing so, and are willing to finger your dirty asshole a little bit using soap as anal lube, you can easily and reliably blast any lingering shit out of your ass. I know this because I'm morbidly obese and have examined and smelled my finger after doing this (after also doing the same to my fingernail of course) and it's perfectly clean and smells like nothing but soap. Literally just a bidet on steroids.
>before she flushes the toilet
You underestimate both the size of the shits we take from eating so much and how much ass there is to wipe. There is no single "before we flush the toilet." I can't go one dump without having to flush at least four times. Even if I could get clean with one wad, which I can't, it couldn't go down in the same flush as my monster dump.
> I can't go one dump without having to flush at least four times.

So change your diet and lay off the processed foods. Eat a bran muffin for once so your water bill won't double every time you take a bathroom flooding shit.
This is why a couple of the prominent ssbbws wafflestomp their shits down the drain: once your eating processed food with no fiber it gets hard to keep forcing youre shits down the toilet.

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