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Let's say that I'm a poorcel and my mom/dad/wife/brother/husband might snoop on my computer. I currently reside under a totalitarian anti-coomer regime who will not respect our way of life. I might not be able to buy any harddrives if I can't explain a purpose for it that passes heavy scrutiny, but I have plenty of old/small ones.

I used UTM for a secret debian VM, but one day randomly it does not boot. I can do some debian ISO magic and see the files are probably still there, but I'm going to figure out how to fix the VM or move the files later. Right now I'm focused on what to use instead of UTM.

Right now I'm wondering, what kind of random things are yall doing, for those who need to hide their secret stashes? I'm worried about computer illiterate snitches, not state-level actors.

I'm willing to consider a variety of directions to go in, I just want to hear a variety of ideas.
Any Gmail account comes with 15gb drive storage.
compress the folders with veracrypt
Use some cloud storage only you have access to..
Save all that shit there, set up a password that's impossible to guess and delete only that part of your browser history that shows you using it and leave the rest to keep it more realistic..

That's my first idea
Better use a service that doesn't check content tho, because copyright laws and stuff like that

No idea which is good for that tho..

Oh and by the way
Whoever is putting you in this situation that makes you afraid of getting caught like a criminal on the run in a dictatorship
Get outta that shit asap

need more than 15GB lol, also with a lot less

> we banned you for no reason


> we detected suspicious activity (aka we we tried to sell your data and noticed your phone number missing), please enter a cellphone number to get access to the files you uploaded yesterday.

kind of stuff. I was thinking of things more along self-hosting, so nextcloud is an example but there's probably much better stuff to run on my local computer(s).
>>33071 (OP)

I'm fortunate enough to have my own place, live alone and can leave porn out in the open.

>> I currently reside under a totalitarian anti-coomer regime who will not respect our way of life.

I'm assuming you still live at home? Nothing wrong with that. When I was still at home, I used a flash drive and carried around a portable version of Opera browser on it to download the porn on the family computer without a trace until I saved up for my own personal laptop.
Like a year ago I was in the middle of moving porn around so I stashed some on my personal drive while I moved it around. I had an issue with my company's drive so IT was tapped into my PC and clicked over to my personal email on accident and opened up the drive and the first row of images was all weird SSBBW hentai. The rest of the call was pretty quiet.
$55/yr for 400gb + 12gb transfer with a MEGA account. That's how I store my backup Mal Malloy patreon rip.

At that point just pick up a 1TB SSD for less than $50.

any good tutorials for using veracrypt in this specific way for OSX/debian?

also looks like UTM is suddenly getting crazy unstable, it seems like any random thing I do can make the VM unbootable.
Don't store porn. It's on the internet.

>>Don't store porn. It's on the internet.

Tell that to the constant beggars asking for reups because they couldn't get it the first dozen times.
Florida state is hiring Ben Shapiro and Prager U to lecture kids while banning AP Psychology, AP African American History
Bro at this point just find a hobby and touch some grass, if you need more than 15gb worth of storage for porn you got a problem. Or at least consider it as a break from it while you're with your family and once you get your own place you can waste all the time you want jerking off
I use an Odroid-M1 ARM-based single board computer (SBC) running Debian OS with ZFS file system for my porn storage. It is equipped with a m.2 to SATA adapter, two mirrored 18TB HDDs for main storage, two SATA Micron 5400 SSDs for metadata, and a mirrored setup of an eMMC drive and a SATA-DOM for booting. This setup runs Stash in a Docker container and uses Authelia for protection along with a hidden NFS share utilizing Kerberos for authentication.

Additionally, there's space for one more SATA drive and a microSD card. I'm considering replacing the SATA-DOM with a microSD, since the boot drive is already mirrored to the robust eMMC drive, and adding two more HDDs in a RAIDZ1 setup. This would prioritize storage efficiency over performance, and since I have backups encrypted on both my local and offsite NAS, one drive redundancy is adequate for my needs. If I encounter any issues, I have a spare Xeon D-1521 to swap in.

Despite the complexity of my setup, this SBC is very energy-efficient. The extra drives I use require external power, but they don't compromise the efficiency of the SBC. For those with less critical porn storage needs, the SBC itself includes built-in SATA, m.2 NVMe, eMMC, and microSD options for simpler storage configurations.

Interestingly, before setting this up, I stored my porn directly on Spankbang. To keep my account active, I occasionally uploaded and published Creative Commons media, while keeping my personal collection as private videos.

Bro, most single videos these days are like a gig. None of the decent SSBBW content online is free, and if it is, it's not easy to find or reliably hosted. Most of us don't want to maintain a fucking monthly subscription just because we like someone's content and want to be able to go back to it in the future.

15gb is miniscule. I can agree that if you've got like 500gb you might have a problem, but a modest collection of decent content these days is at least 30gb+. And most of us don't want to just be watching the same videos over and over again for years. But if you ever delete them, good luck getting them again without paying or getting lucky. I mean, some models like Ash even scrub their content from the internet entirely so if you don't keep it on a hard drive somewhere, it's gone.

Niche fetish content pretty much needs to be local or else it disappears. Get off your high horse.

> I stored my porn directly on Spankbang

I use to be a heavy uploader on some website, but then got banned from one website copyright and another website for uploading something I didn't personally make (but the ban message made it sound like I did something really mean). I was just re-upping basically. No point in doing anything other than favoriting I guess.

> None of the decent SSBBW content online is free,

I think there are some gold mines on reddit, but you'd have to track who is posting good content and autodownload and deduplicate it. I tried, but it it was hard to not fill hard drives instantly plus the API changes.
To clarify, the purpose of autodownloading is because some gonewild people delete an hour later or up to a few days later. No one every posted anything illegal to the BBW subs when I was doing it, my biggest hassle was spam bots bulk-posting offtopic skinny bitches under randomly generated usernames.
> And most of us don't want to just be watching the same videos over and over again for years.

>>I can agree that if you've got like 500gb you might have a problem

So we're going to ignore how big 4K and beyond videos are getting? If my media center has movies and ripped shows in 4K stored on it, you bet I want my porn to eventually follow suit.

Anything below 1080p is trash anyways in 2023. And of course I expect to have than 10 porn clips in rotation.
>I currently reside under a totalitarian anti-coomer regime who will not respect our way of life. I might not be able to buy any harddrives if I can't explain a purpose for it that passes heavy scrutiny, but I have plenty of old/small ones.
America is not a right wing dictatorship. Nobody turned out for Trump's arraignment yesterday at DC. There's a perception that the news is deliberately making up conflicts for ratings. I argue Biden is losing cause he won't focus on blue collar work and his army of incompetent civil servants are hoping Musk ushers in a Star Trek like future.

> America is not a right wing dictatorship

While Utah, Texas, Florida may be going off some deep ends ATM, leftists may occasionally have dumb stances like "porn is the same thing as sex trafficking!!!!" or "porn is fine, but not in my house". England has some anti-legal-porn laws that were branded as "anti-CP laws".

Google is introducing to Chrome a "Web Environment Integrity" API. This might be the first step into shitty features like onlyfans making sure your browser is unmodified and extensionless before presenting DRM'd content. It might be the end of adblocking or video grabber extensions or scaping scripts.

The stashless among you will be putting your ID into these shaddy websites to prove your age, getting your IDs leaked in whatever hacks happen every week as coomers in a DB your wife/future wife can look up, then you'll be back here beging us for DRM free videos of obese women chugging donuts.
Polling shows that Governor Desantis of Florida is losing to Trump because Republicans don't care for the culture war despite the former commiting sedition. As for the Anti-CP bills, they are being enforced cause the financial backers for Sound of Freedom got caught with terabytes of CP and child sex trafficking.
I meant the latter, then again, donors hate that Desantis has been tweeting Himmler memes on Twitter. Even the Freedom Caucus is get sick of him and MTG cause they won't stop being talking about Hunter Biden's dick

You dickheads always got to ruin a thread with political talk. Fuck off....
The government wants to ban pornography because they believe it leads to ADHD. You know full well how much boomers like to use medication like that new weight loss drug to regulate their Trump fans into compliance. Even as we speak, Zoomers are destroying Union Square for free games and accessories.
Meanwhile the fat mom who married the Gilgo Beach killer hates neighbors gossiping about her. I dunno I mean, the killer clearly went wrong with that stupid pickup.
OP should buy a gun, not a harddrive.
Moot point. Donors from Vegas are threatening to cut funding to Desantis for being an extremist. It didn't help that Trump's man, a Nevada State Trooper, is Governor.
Sorry for talking politics. Although there's 15 Trump supporters to 600 Desantis supporters, we fucking hate family values conservatives and formed a pact with socialists to take down the establishment in the Northeast. We're only 5% of the vote, but we can destroy the establishment chances.
Yeah you need to be allowed to blossom and be yourself mate the jerkin ain’t gona stop anytime soon so ya may as well go be a free bird and jerk it freely in the wild it’s a big world out there
Long Island serial killer wife is fat ? Pictures ?
Can't. Long Island is deep red thanks to the cop shows, crime, horror novelists, and comic book artists who see it as small town America. It doesn't help that deep blue parts of the island are retarded zoomers doing TikTok dances and fighting for PS5
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The Justice Department keeps demanding protective orders cause Trump won't stop rage tweeting and it could manipulate the jurors into siding with him. They're throttling anything that can be perceived as radical. Biden is so going to lose 2024 because he outed Democrats as the most milquetoast and neurotic base ever conceived. I don't blame Biden or hate him, I just think he needs to stop listening to neocons like John Bolton, Bill Barr, and Bush Republicans. Trump is not even threatening. He's just copying Slick Willie and Hillary.

As a writer, I admit that we're sympathetic towards right wing characters cause they talk faster and work faster. Mr and Ms Black Regular love the cops.
If you haven't bought at an external HDD at this point you didn't pay for that porn. If you didn't pay for it you got it from here and thus there are dozens of copies of the files on different PCs, in other words the files aren't rare and not worth collecting, maybe just keep it simple and watch and delete stuff?
Moot point. Obama's biographer whined that Obama was a gay man inside of conservative body. We used to have Emule, but cops won't stop downloading their CP in file sharing sites. I blame the TLC. Just look at how they needed Huckabee to hypnotize the Duggars into controlling their incest

Shit the fuck up brainlet.


Finally, someone here who isn't a politi-fag. And I agree 100%, especially with how dirt cheap storage is becoming that a 1tb ssd is about $30 on Amazon right now. Anyone who's bought porn knows how to preserve their purchases.
Storage is moot cause websites are now using PhotoID. They're getting rid of the secrecy of the internet. If you aren't verified then porn creators aren't getting money.
Even Twitter is banning nsfw artists regardless of innocence.

Your education is moot. Use a VPN like everyone else with a non-smoothed brain.
Why? VPNs are just as useless. I am not a porn guy despite my reputation as Kisame17. I am a geek with hobbies.

You're a poser and a hack if you call yourself a geek and don't invest in a VPN. This place has child porn posted on it frequently, and you're content on letting your actual IP address be associated on here and end up on a list?
Again I am not a porn guy, I am a comics and anime, video game geek. VPNs are for dumb tech bros.

>>Again I am not a porn guy

So fuck off this site then. 99% of thread getting derailed are because of the politifags and that idiot Kisame and his copycats.
I am the real Kisame17. I never was a porn guy. ComicCons are for retards who want to do orgies, coitus, and prima nocta

I was at least trying to keep the politics related to what we do on this website, rather complaining about presidents like they're characters on twilight
Not sure what you're talking about. I don't have to make life changing elections until Nov. 2024. I am free to goof off on comics, anime, and video games. Thtss nothing stopping artists from drawing Li Li or Mona or Vanessa Love. They just want too mooch off Social Security

>>This place has child porn posted on it frequently

There's literally a thread right now over on BBW Real. The fact that everyone here is glossing over the fact is disgusting. But God forbid someone denied their ability to talk politics.

So keep the political talk out of irrelevant conversations. You people already had several dedicated threads to talk about politics, yet that wasn't enough so you felt the need to invade others threads and derail them.

I can give two fucks about politics, learn to contain that shit from spreading to every other thread on this site.
I don't do political talk. The Hillsong megachurch in NYC I go to talk about politics because the mayor refuses to do anything about the religious students getting bullied. The bullies apparently have a right to privacy and not be recorded, there by getting the bullied child suspended from public schools.
If you react like this, you are giving him what he wants. Ignore and move on.
Giving who? I tried a taco stand today, I was bummed it was started by Italians who just made Peter Luger steak and tortilla. I still feel hungry.
remember when this thread was a about porn storage and porn storage accessories?
Nobody buys technology. The Staples in my area closed and got converted to an Aldi. Get a thumb drive or use MEGAs. Not my fault you retards can't operate a computer.

>>Nobody buys technology

>>Get a thumb drive

>>Not my fault you retards can't operate a computer

The irony is strong in this coomer.
Tall that techno dweeb stuff is not popular. Zoomers don't know hardware or computer software. I already compressed all my stuff and stored it on Dropbox or MEGAs which takes up 4GB.
Only gooks like that coding stuff cause it's for children

Just cause you beat off to low res images and 240p videos doesn't mean the rest of us should. Your old ass probably can't tell the difference with your shitty Windows XP laptop screen.

You act like 4GB porn drive is some sort of accomplishment. Broke ass can't even spring for a $20 SSD.
Says the welfare queen blowing his money on a gaming laptop and airpods. What's a matter? You afraid to work blue collar work for a pickup, porch monkey? You waiting for Scranton Joe to give you free shit like Oprah?

No, I'm waiting for you fossils to retire and die out so all the good paying jobs would become avaliable again.

ANYWAYS, after grandpa here has finished typing out his weekly boomer rant on his Pentium 4 era Windows laptop, he'll fill his pot belly with tv dinners and pass out on the couch while watching Fox News.

>>33071 (OP)

Now back to the topic, you're better off buying an external drive and future proofing with at least a 2TB. I don't trust a site that is as stable as a stack of skittles. And I wouldn't dare leave my good shit on a MEGA and Google drive to one day wake up and have my whole collection deleted over something fucking stupid.
>No, I'm waiting for you fossils to retire and die out so all the good paying jobs would become avaliable again.
If you don't have a good paying job, that's entirely your problem. I have a sister who's 39 and just got promoted and surpassed above six figures yearly.
>I already compressed all my stuff and stored it on Dropbox or MEGAs which takes up 4GB.

LMAO nobody would make a thread asking for tips on how to hide 4GB, dumbass

> And I wouldn't dare leave my good shit on a MEGA and Google drive to one day wake up and have my whole collection deleted over something fucking stupid.

MEGA - might disappear any day now, or the US might copy China's Great Firewall and block them. Either way, I think my local copy of files is safe.

Google - I don't want me and my friends/family to all get 1984'd by association because of my "suspicious activity" which might include actual suspicious activity (this website) or it might refer to some random person we know getting hacked or not putting their credit card in correctly but we all get nuked for literally no reason as a result.
Biden Boomers don't know how to use a computer. They still think Trump is going to activate a nuclear holocaust by posting on social media or blab about Iran. America will never be like China. China is okay with big boobs and big ass. China's libertarian and communist.
Software compressions are necessary
>Software compressions are necessary

Most content before its uploaded is already compressed though, an 4GB uncompressed vid would ironically be 4GB.
*an uncompressed vid would ironically be 4GB
*an uncompressed 10 minute vid would ironically be 4GB.

I wish we could delete posts
>They still think Trump is going to activate a nuclear holocaust

I wish he would
Republicans would rather destroy the internet of they can't profit off of it. They're mald that Barbie made a billion thanks to ESG while their dumb Daystar can't generate a billion despite pastors recruiting ballers from the Orlando Magic, or Hillsong Pastors recruiting the Miami Heat.
Will Barbie have a higher box office than Super Mario when all is said and done?
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Both made a billion because people are tired of Capeshit. Even DB Superhero made money in the states cause Piccolo trained nerds to beat up the bad guys. Krillin gets to play the cop with his bimbo gf 18, and Goten-Trunks are allowed to be Teens while Gohan is the dad. Super Mario hinges too much on people acting as if Pokemon the 1st Movie didn't set the trend.
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Is Pregchan even aware that I am not on their site or even on X? All the electronics in my area are fried, including my dad's car. We had to hire a technician at my job cause the grill gave the girl 3rd degree burns, the soda machine went out, and those electric buses are breaking down.
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Hyperpreg turning into boomers with their fuck you, got mine, money will never not be hilarious. I give hyperpreg a few days before they get that reverse mortgage

DB super is nice, despite it being heavily flawed and really stupid and pointless at times, I hope they give it 100 years of seasons

>>despite it being heavily flawed and really stupid and pointless at times

You mean how Mai is somehow the same age as Trunks in the future?

Or how Goku Black saga was dog water?

Or how they nerfed Gohan even more than the Buu saga?

How Kid Trunks and Goten are literally background characters?

How Goku's even more of a retard here? Don't get me wrong, he had his dumb moments a lot in Z (like giving Cell a sensu bean and throwing Gohan at him instead of teaming up or even finishing him off himself)

But Goku is unlikable, dumb, and childish to the point where I wouldn't mind them finally killing him off for the rest of the series and having Gohan bulk the fuck up again, or even Vegeta being the hero instead of getting his ass beat in almost every fight he's in.
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I give Goku a pass because he's been working since he was 12. Even in Super, he's shown to work better with handicaps. Super was made in response to him in Z being too stern on Gohan, Goten, and expecting them to reach the next level of ultimate power.

I give Trunks a pass because he has the ego of Bulma and Vegeta. He can't handle getting bullied by Stacies like 18 and Zangya. They smell weakness. Only Krillin has a full mast boner which is why women seek him out. Broly and Gohan are the only normal ones going after /fit/ chicks.

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