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I've had urges to gain myself, but never fully followed through because, well, it'd be silly. Once you blow past roughly 250lbs you're dealing with permanent damage, to your skin and internally. I've read so many blogs and long drawn out tumblr trauma dumps explaining why people gain, and barely any of them emotion that it's such a stupid thing to do in the long-term. Even the supposed pros - is permanently deforming yourself and shaving years of your lifespan really worth orgasming a little harder? Idk, I just can't understand it most of the time.
>>32999 (OP)
There are definitely worse, and weirder things a person can do to their body for sexual gratification.
Are you gay or a woman? People will pay you to gain and it’s not hard to date.
Health impact is overhyped. Check out morbidity rates by bmi, being less than massively obese isn’t that big a risk if you do it right.
People drink and drug themselves to death every minute of every day. Codependent people get into and stay in toxic relationships and wind up ruining and shortening their lives. Adrenaline junkies do shit like base jumping and wingsuit flying and die that way. Why does anyone do anything self-destructive? They're fucked up.
>>32999 (OP)
This: >>33006
OP I think "self-destructive" is the expression you're looking for. Simplifying that to "dumb" is pretty dismissive of the kind of shit that can lead people to do this to themselves.
You're gonna die no matter what. You'll get old too. Everyone's starting to sag by 40 anyways.

Living out the fantasy is pretty fucking awesome. Exercise a little, take it easy on the drugs and crap food. It doesn't have to be a train wreck.
It feels absolutely fantastic and like others said, it’s not that detrimental when done in moderation.
Try it anon

>>Health impact is overhyped

And My 600lb life is a lie then?
Where’d he say 600 idiot. Anything less than 350 has pretty much the same morbidity rates as any other weight. But I guess you’re too dumb to check pubmed.
Of course it is
Just like excessive drinking, smoking, drugs, massive lack of sleep, risky hobbies and so on forever

People do stupid things
And when it's hardwired in your brain as sexual preference or fetish (depending on what where talking about) then it's basically impossible to not do it

The idea of the always rationally thinking people, as much as libertarism has interesting ideals, is stupid and unrealistic..

People will always have some bad habits or stupid things they do which can't be explained at all

For example why the hell would you start sth that slowly kills you over the years being well aware of it.. Any smoker would recommend you not to start, while taking a drag
Same for drugs, alcohol and so on
That's just how it is ;)

Weird examples maybe or a bit off, but the idea of it is quite similar and it's even harder not to do, due to your preferences or fetish..
Our sexual desires are some of if not the strongest impulses we have as humans.

Careful indulgence is a lot healthier than repression in the long run.
>>32999 (OP)

Yes it is. But it is also hot so *shrug*

But to your second point. I bet most gainers and online BBWs, feedees or just body positivity people, most of them would jump at the chance if they could be magically skinny without effort.
>is this reality show exaggerating reality for viewer entertainment and shock value?
i dont think true gainers/feedees would, yknow why go through all that effort to get fat in the first place then. i definitely would, i dont even hate being fat but its so much easier to just exist and be thin, and way easier to be fashionable
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OP here. Sorry if the way I worded the original post was a bit harsh, I guess I was being a bit too passionate.

Personally, I did actually gain to 210lbs before, I'm at 150lbs these days. It's just that I feel that there's some gainers who it is an absolute self-fulfillment need, and then there's gainers like me who really desperately want it, but who can still reasonably make the choice not to.

All that concerns me is, say I gained to 350lbs and beyond, I could enjoy that reasonably through my 30s and into my 40s, but at that point if I wanted avoid health issues and death, I'd have to drop it all. That'd mean having loose skin, needing surgery to remove it, and probably a lifetime of disordered eating and (still) poor health.

Idk, I guess from where I'm at right now it just seems like there's far more cons than pros with the whole thing, and it still seems like a silly thing to commit to in the long-term if I feel I gave the choice, but again I'm open to other ideas :)
Because most of them aren’t “true gainers”. They were already fat or accidentally got fat, and chose to cash in on it.

Thats why so many of them that leave the scene lose weight. Even if they seemed to be into it at the time
There are ways to mitigate the risk. People in these spaces dont talk enough about fitness. You could permabulk yourself up to 300-350 and did powerlifting workouts 2-3x a week and some light cardio a few times a week. I bet youd feel (relatively) good. When you decide its time to lose it you would already have a well established gym routine, and maybe some healthy habits so you would already be halfway there as far as I am concerned. I dont even think you need to be hardcore lifting, but if youre consistent youll be alright. You'll burn some calories and increase your metabolism, but lifting weights increases your appetite. When I got serious into lifting I was suddenly able to put down mukbang amounts of food.

I'm not a gainer but I did powerlifting/strongman and floated around 220-250 for the last 8 years or so and I have felt pretty good being builtfat. I dont lift like that anymore, but I'm still super active and feel great at 36y/o 235#. I ride bikes, do yoga, martial arts. If I wanted to drop down to 180 I just have to clean up my sweet tooth habit, and weekend binges. But if I stop eating sweets and buying snacks, my wife will stop and thats something I am not ready for quite yet.
there's worse... way worse. genital mutilation for one
but eh i'd say pretty bad for your health but not horrendous
>>32999 (OP)
it can be dumb if you just go into it blindly, but i wouldnt call it the dumbest.
but its very self destructive. actually deciding to commit and go to 400 and beyond is a conscious choice for gainers since the fetish will constantly remind you of the weight.
you dont get above that weight as a gainer without either being completely delusional, or accepting of the risks that come with it.
>I guess from where I'm at right now it just seems like there's far more cons than pros with the whole thing
ultimately its up to you: does 50+ years of being a useless sack of wrinkled flesh sound appealing to you...
or would you rather go out with a bang at 40 as a 600+ blob of fat instead?
im serious, once you get above 50 your ability to do stuff degrades rapidly, and after a while you'll just sit around and watch tv all day anyways. at that point you'll probably regret not indulging when you had the chance.
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💯 I’ve lost a few hundred from my peak and it’s basically added straight to my squat and deadlift numbers.
Being supersized is pretty easy if you have normal grooming and workout habits. It’s more work and you have to make some accommodations, avoid weak furniture, shop for clothes online, and the bathrooms kinda tricky when out and about.
You also learn a lot about the human body. I had to crouch on the shower floor with bags underneath me .. it was the only way to do it without tearing and the healthiest way to go about it.
When people say that those “hole in the floor” toilets they have in Asia and some other parts of the world are healthy, it’s because they legitimately ARE !
It is so so much better for you to poop while crouching down than seated on a toilet seat.
My EX had said similar. She’s got WLS surgery now and thinks she’s high and might because she uses the toilet sitting down. Bitch our kid was doing that at age 3. We don’t live in the city or anything crazy like that so it’s not like it’s too hard to fit in and not get looks for being her size so I really don’t know why she lost the weight but fuck her, jokes on her because that WLS surgery ruins the your bowle movements.
Been there. It’s really not that big a deal and doesn’t require that much of a lifestyle change.
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OP again. tbf, the argument that I'll be just as worn out and broken at an old age regardless of weight is a compelling argument. I do feel equally torn between gaining and not gaining for a couple reasons. For one, I'd really like to just experience life (tbh) and be able to travel the world. I have irl gainer friends my age (20) who are nearly 400lbs and to be frank their quality of life seems shite. Constantly low energy, out of breath and unable to fully experience things that make them happy.

I dunno, again, I'm basically just thought-dumping but it just makes me so torn.
Just get into powerlifting, mixed with mild cardio, and lots of healthful food. Your bones and blood will be second to none even when you pack a lot of fat to bulk anyway. Even women can do this. Think of how sumos gain
To add, wherever you stop gaining is your choice. If you experience diminishing returns for your health, you can quit anytime. Granted, you'll have to deal with eating vegetables or other hunger tricks to cut, but you can reasonably be up to 200 lbs without much changing in your life, like riding bikes or airplane seats or whatever. If it's about insurance, pick 24 BMI and go from there.

If you're afraid of your appetite getting out of control, stick to TDEE+500cal with a monthly cheat meal. Gainers and bulkers share similar goals, and both of them wrestle with their health in different ways. The only reason why it's so awkward for dudes is that they fear not getting pussy as a chonker with a beer gut, and if you're going to pussymaxx, you're going to have to learn how to bulk anyway. GOMAD is the easiest way of doing both, so if you end up hating it you at least have a good habit that won't ruin your fitness routine or give you a sweet tooth addiction.
Any tips for GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) when you're majorly lactose intolerant? :( It's unpredictable really.
You can try lactaid to help digestion (I once read an article saying GOMAD fixed their intolerance after some time, but I can't find it anymore). If that doesn't work out, you can try Dozen Eggs A Day (DEAD) instead, which works on a similar principle. Less fat gains, but as long as you eat the yolks too, you'll avoid the protein poisoning.
Honestly, I see the lactose intolerance as a plus. It makes it easier to take dumps if you stay well hydrated and take the grate off the shower drain. Otherwise, switch the milk up with half and half, milk is just empty macros you don’t need.
>and to be frank their quality of life seems shite. Constantly low energy, out of breath
well this is more a matter of perspective
for many gainers these (and things like them) are a massive turn on because its a result of the weight.
>unable to fully experience things that make them happy.
and ultimately this is a person-to-person question that only you can answer.
you need to think about what you want to do that requires a fit body, and think about which desire outweighs the other.
for me, nothing i want to do requires being that active. so obesity is a reasonable thing to pursue.
You would have to eat 35 eggs to match the calories of GOMAD, dummy
I just warned that the fat gains are lower, but the protein content is on par and clean macros. If you want to go the opposite direction, peanuts and its butter has high fat content on the cheap, but plant protein is lower quality and needs to mix other plant proteins to compensate. It makes for good vegan gains without using PUFAS.
I’m lactose intolerant and if I drank a gallon of milk I’d be rolling on the floor in agony. There are people who are just sensitive to dairy and they fart and shit but if you really can’t digest the stuff it’s like an MMA match in your stomach.
>>32999 (OP)
> is permanently deforming yourself and shaving years of your lifespan really worth orgasming a little harder

this is pretty much the logic of anabolic steroids in the modern era where non-IFBB pros are taking them. Shaving years off their life to meet a certain body type so they can cum harder via fucking more attractive women.

If you think thats fine, you shouldn't have an issue with feederism. Personally I think both are bad but I like fat chicks so eh, I get more annoyed about the steroids cause of the body dysmorphia it produces for natty ppl
Yes. I bet 80% or more of these gainers, even if they do find it hot, have some semblance of regret and if they had the chance to be instantly and effortlessly fit at the flip of a magic switch, they would take it
80% chance you have degradation fetish
>>38173 A similar comment to yours, I did combat sports for a time. I wanted to impress people, what I got was a concussion that knocked me out cold for 10 minutes. People were somewhat impressed but I still think to myself "I just lost years of my life and didn't really get anything for it". Now there are those who get into boxing, MMA, what have you and know that it's a lot of punishment but still they push on, and they love it. It's socially acceptable to see these men beat each other, but it's strange that a person could want to enjoy a cuddly body. In short, enjoy yourself doing something you love, everything is going to cost you something, might as well be something you want.
100% chance you’re retarded
This is why we can’t get any decent looking women to gain past 300.
Can I ask who the woman in the original post is?
i think you're being held back by the same societal lie about tattoos.
Your body every day is being permanently changed in one way or another, say you don't gain but keep up healthy eating routines for years and then for what? so you can be vain at 60 y/o when you're a wrinkled bag anyways?
Speak to old people, they all have regrets about not doing things for the sake of "it might be bad later", there is no later

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