
My boyfriend and I started gaining weight together, but it ended up with only me gaining a substantial amount. I started around 120 and he 130, keep in mind he is only a little taller than me at 5'5. We would order food all the time, but then he got a job as cook and would bring back all kinds of food every night, in addition to my eating out AT LEAST once a day. He stayed around 150 and I got up to around 200lbs. We would have sex when we were both full and at one point our bellies (mostly mine) would be pressing against One another and making it difficult to fuck, which was a huge turn on.
I've had a similar experience. I love when a guys belly presses against mine during sex.
Since I've been with my wife she's gone from 260 to 355 (last check she's still gaining) and I went from 330 to 475. So there's that.
2 people getting fatter together is hot as fuck, literally the best. We've discussed doing a C4S or something like that because I want her to catch up to me a little and that's a great excuse to get her into some more hardcore stuffing/funneling stuff or being more dedicated to gaining.
How did you guys meet? Was she into the fetish before you introduced her to it?
can you post fupa pics

I met her on a dating site BBWpersonalsplus which has probably been defunct for many moons now. She was a big girl but not into gaining and still low self-esteem like many big girls. It's only been the last 5 years that shes began to see herself as beautiful (she genuinely is) and the last 2 years to let go and gain weight. After gaining my first 50-75 pounds she liked the feeling of us together so it was a natural thing. I was also always open about my preferences, and she was supportive enough to let me do what I wanted. I never pressured her to gain, but she knew I liked it and I was always an enabler for her, as well as a great cook and treat her like a princess.

I did elsewhere last week. Not telling you where they are though. On one of the boards.
I got stoned and wrote a super long, literally like essay-length, description of mutually gaining with my ex. I can post the longer version if people are interested but there's likely lots of filler so the TL;DR is:

I started at 6'2 170, she started at 5'4 260, and we peaked at 230 and 355. Lots of fun moments along the way, including a weekend at an all-inclusive resort that made me feel like I was in a deviantArt story.
Please poast
Would love to read this
fucking faggots
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I sometimes have really strong desires to be a male feedee, but I'm unsure if those are real desires part of my innate brain wiring or if it's a weird FA version of autogynephilia induced by being >tfwnogf for all of my life. I've started to put on a few pounds just by passing 25 and having to rely on candy bars to make it through a work day, and though I feel ashamed, deep down I like the roundness and the slight jiggle, and I fantasize about being tied down and stuffed full of brownies until I feel like I'm going to burst. Eating until I'm super full even makes me super horny.

But female mutual gainers are even rarer than hen's teeth and I'd miss jogging and running. People constantly comment that I look underage at 26, and I wouldn't want to lose this rare youthful look (I have to keep every tiny advantage in life I get). I also have ambitions of being a sort of spiritual teacher someday, and being able to inspire respect and admirstion by your appearance and manners is the first step to getting students to listen and take your instructions seriously. It's hard to take a man's lessons on disciplining the mind seriously when it looks like he can't even discipline his fork hand. Plus if I ever do find a wife and have kids, I'd like one of us to be active enough to run and play tag with the kids, and since I want a wife with a belly big enough to brush the sides of a doorframe, that'll have to be me.

So even if it's not my brain short-circuiting from being touch-starved and lonely, mutual gaining is probably not in the cards for me. I hope it goes away when (if?) I finally find a gf who is wife material.

Does anybody else know this struggle?
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>Does anybody else know this struggle?
no, they are full blown faggots
you obviously have your mind in the right place. good luck on the recovery and everything else
>but I'm unsure if those are real desires part of my innate brain wiring or if it's a weird FA version of autogynephilia induced by being >tfwnogf for all of my life
It's the latter. I've seen this shit happen so many times.
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I'm the "staying in a dead bedroom for the sake of the kids" anon, the guy whose fat wife is grossed out by my attraction to her and was faking it during our courtship because she liked me romantically. In the past couple years I've disappeared down this exact same rabbit hole, to the point that I'm developing a real life binge eating addiction. I agree completely, this is an autoerotic obsession that would go away if I weren't touch-starved and sexually frustrated. If I were having regular vanilla sex I wouldn't need any of this shit.

Middle aged coombrain is scary stuff, especially if you had an active sex life in your younger years to compare it to. I never understood how guys with a career, wife and kids could blow it all up for sex, whether that's chasing an extreme fetish (autogynephilia is definitely a good comparison here) or just having an old-fashioned affair with their secretary. Now I do. I could write a much longer post in response to yours but I don't want to derail the "sexy mutual stories" thread any further.
So first year of uni I was going whole hog, always enjoyed food but suddenly I was flush with cash and lived super close to a convenience store, 5000 calorie days were a minimum for me, and a 2L became a normal serving size and breakfast wasn't complete without a dozen doughnuts. (God I miss being able to do this, damn life commitments) But I met this one girl called Jordan. She was a bit of a freak and was with this dude, but it was super off and on so I thought I'd shoot my shot. One of those girls starting to get a bit fat, nice soft gut and big pillow tits, but not much to speak for thickness or ass. We were hanging out and my immense eating habit must have been obvious as was hers, we quickly realised a buffet would be the best go-to for us just to even save some cash on the giant meals. I'll always remember this one night, she had told me not to eat anything beforehand, which was hard since I was such a massive glutton, I was growing a substantial gut already but it was fairly shrunk because of this sudden starvation, she was likewise, but her tits were really keeping up something impressive. We hug when we meet, boobs fully in the way and nothing else touches. We make our way to the buffet, she then flips the paper mat on her table and keep a tally of the plates we have eaten, she is so controlling she is making sure our plates are equally stacked, we're going toe to toe for quite a few plates, it gets to 7 and I'm starting to feel the burn but there is no sign of her slowing down. She then suggests going to desserts, I can just about cram in 2 plates of cakes and other sweets, and she laps me with a 3rd, I am basically tent-poled at this point, but 0 shame, I was fully food drunk it felt like I was going to split. We waddle back to hers, she's gloating, rubbing her distended gut while mine feels bigger than ever. We hug again right before parting ways (stupid of me, should have gone in) and our guts meet before anything. That single touch is one of the hottest things I had ever experienced and I majorly regret not doing more of that with her.

On another first-year uni girl going wild story, I'm now working in a phone store and this one girl comes in for a repair, she ends up just hanging around the whole time and we get chatting, one thing leads to another and the next day I have off I'm in her dorm room. We have ordered an immense amount of McDonald's and are having a great time, my capacity isn't what it was in the first story however so nothing like the feats of gluttony previously displayed. We then agreed to a pact to hit the local high street and eat at every fast food place along the way, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, etc. We had to tap out after the 3rd stop, We had eaten far too much but it was so worth it to see this girl majorly stuffed.
Kill yourself you larping fucking faggot.
You seem like a nice boy

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