
(116 KB, 220x166, chris-farley-mind-blown.gif)
So guys, for context, I, 20m, just moved to a small retirement town (28k pop.)

Earlier today I was shopping at a discount grocery store, like I do. As your boy was walking down the aisle to line up for the till, a HUGE asian girl got in line like 5 secs before me. Believe me when I say she was like unbelievably hot. I'm guessing she is either Viet or Thai, and in her early 20s. She was maybe 4ft10, 270lbs-ish. She had a bit of a tummy/chubby arms but her legs were utterly massive and so was her butt. Im talking unreal proportions. (Her face was a light 7 too) Anyway's I'm fucking dying in the lineup and barely containing my cool composure. Like a chick getting to meet Chris Hemsworth. She was kind of looking around the store when she was waiting in line. She did a brief look backwards and noticed me, her eyes lit up a bit and she blushed pretty hard. She did a few quick takes when I wasnt paying attention to her. Anyways she gave me a long stare until I acknowledged her, she flashed me a flirty smile. Normally striking up a convo with girls is not an issue for me. In terms of looks im what most girls find attractive (6ft, chiseled face, well dressed, have great hair etc.) And girls commonly compliment me on my looks. But I just let her go because I would definitely fuck up anything good I could say. As she was walking out she gave me one last glance and smiled. I walked out of the store with my heart pounding like hell lol. Anyways the topics been on my mind all day, and its driving me crazy. My question is, what are the odds I run into this chick again? And how do not drop the ball so hard next time? Lol

Anyways if you made it this far thanks for reading my essay on the fumble of my fucking life. Ciao
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For context this was spot on her build. Her thighs looked a bit chunkier but this is the closet thing I could find to her irl.

ALSO I just reread the article and I left out that I acknowleged her and smiled back. I didnt blow her off just sayin
you blew it, you should've got her contact details or even just her name to look up on social media. Still, you might see her in a few weeks or months if you keep going to that grocery store I guess. maybe mix up the days you go there so you can cast a wider net.
It's pretty likely that you will see her again if she lives in that town, I live in a 100k city and I run into the same people all the time. The next time you meet her give her a compliment, perhaps ask which college she goes to and then try to set up a date.
Lurk around at bars where someone like that might go could work? I guess not too many places popular with young people in a small retirement town.
Thanks to everyone who commented. Odds are I'll run into her again, but I'll be ready this time!
I need an update to what happened

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