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So, at the risk of being told I’m larping I’d like to see if anyone else had had a similar experience to me. I’m turned on and also troubled.

two months ago my girlfriend was started in Zyprexa(olanzapine) by her doctor. As soon as she told me I kind of got excited because I’m well aware that it can cause some fantasy level weight gain. She was out of town and I spanked it to the thought of her losing control and gaining 200lbs etc. After about a week went by she actually did lose control. She has gained probably 5-7 pounds a week every single week and just continues to eat more and more, wakes up at night to eat and then goes back to sleep etc.

I’m into some dark shit and a pretty hardcore feeder but even I am getting a little concerned. I’ve never seen someone gain this fast or eat this much in person. She is also not a feedee and is not happy about the gain or the stretch marks (crying when we have to go clothes shopping) etc.

I’m so turned on by it but also very very disturbed by it and I don’t know. Has anyone else had anything else like this happen?
You're dating a psycho, op
It’s an off label for some pretty resistant depression. She’s not schizo or anything.
Honestly try and enjoy it because I doubt this will last for a while. If she’s unhappy then she’l more than likely stop taking those pills. Most of us would kill for our gf/wife to gain more.
>>32652 (OP)
is it working for her depression? if it is then i wouldn't worry, shes not going to gain forever.
otherwise i would maybe look into volume eating so she can eat a lot of food for comparatively fewer calories
Pics or it didn’t happen
what was she at when she started and where's she at now?
>5-7 pounds a week

Yeah this is not scientifically possible unless your girl is a god breaking laws of physics or at least has the world's largest stomach lining. 6/10 bait
>>32652 (OP)
Ummmmmm yea man I am in almost the exact same boat as you. About two months ago my fiance switched from wellbutrin to prozac (she lost about 30# on wellbutrin). Wellbutrin causes weight loss when you take it, and often people rebound the weight very quickly, and prozac can also make you gain weight. As soon as she told me I knew this double whammy would make her gain weight really quickly and I got really horny. I was worried about her libido being affected by the prozac.

Well the first month she put on about 20lbs (315->335#) and has just been glowing. I know shes gained a bit more in the last few weeks but she has been shy about it. She isnt happy about the weight and isnt into feederism, but isnt really doing anything to slow herself down. She constantly grazes, indulges in her sweet tooth, and is soooooo lazy. She got laid off from her job in May and is on unemployment until she starts her new job in September (and last year of school), so she mostly lays around and snacks. The sex has been wild. Little to no effect on her libido, may be a bit harder to orgasm but she can still have a few. She is enjoying me grabbing her soft belly, and keeps coming home with sweets and snacks. From what I know, the withdrawal period for wellbutrin is about three months for people to have their metabolism and appetite normalized so I think I have another month or so of fairly rapid weight gain.

Pray for me bros - maybe she is secretly into it and just struggling with it. In any case, I am not pushing too hard just sort of letting nature take its course.
Your comment is 1/10 bait
She was at 245, no idea now and if I had her weigh it would cause an absolute meltdown I’m sure, so for the time being thats probably not going to happen.
>>32652 (OP)
She sounds like she needs to have a few conversations with her care team:
* is there an effective enough antidepressant without this side effect;
* is it reasonably safe for her to gain some weight;
* is she capable of renegotiating her negative body image;
* is the misery her weight gain is causing her as bad as the chronic misery she suffered without the medication.
All of these are probably important factors in deciding whether this medication is really right for her. If she has any history of suicidality, they may also be factors in deciding whether she should take a third option and seek psychiatric hospitalization; for instance, if she wants to kill herself when she's off the medication, but her weight gain on the medication makes her want to kill herself too, and there's no suitable alternative to the medication, then her best option might be to commit herself so that the nurses can forbid her from harming herself and/or restrict her intake to keep her from wanting to.
Not a sexy answer, I know.
she needs church and gym and try to repair relationship with family or at least find a loving "new family"/community btw, not memeing. build solid foundations for healing. inb4 fedorafaggotry
Well, maybe that would work. I think about how many people end up on athiest reddit because they were forced into church, and it sucked for them.
Mocchi did supposedly gain over 1 lbs/day in the first weeks
Weight gain fantasy aside, f your girlfriend isn't crazy, I would get her off zyprexa. I heard people get fucked up on that and never get back to normal. There's no reason for a depressed person to be given antipsychotics.
there's no reason for most to be on antidepressants
Yeah man! You gotta trust the fat fetish website, not your trained doctors. We know shit, man!!
I mean... does anything related with the increase in the consumption of antidepressants make sense? I just feel doctors are lazy and the healthcare systems prefer giving this shit instead of hiring thousands of therapists that we actually need.
Therapy isn’t gonna help most people they’re broken. Most we could do is try to teach mothers not to abuse their kids as much.
There is only so much therapy actually does for certain people. At some point, it does about as much as the motivational jerk that your boss pays for to get the cubicle farm to work harder.
>>32652 (OP)
Damn, stop bitching and be happy you are getting what you want man.
>increase in the consumption
in some populations like 1/3 are walking zombies at this point
what do you mean mothers are doing ?
but therapy is barely, if at all, tried in most cases
did they fail the church or did the church fail them ?

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