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Why do LGBTQ people feel the need to mention their sexual orientation or gender goals when trying to do business with someone?
>>32293 (OP)
Sex positivity is a thing. If someone told me my fat art made them more comfortable with their sexuality, kink or fetish I'd probably be flattered.
>Sex positivity is a thing.
Not for heterosexual people, because they never talk like this to anyone. If they did they'd be brushed off without a thought or be asked the question of why bring it up at all.
There's still a lot of homophobia around, and they want to make sure the person they're dealing with is cool with their sexuality before getting too deep. It's like if I'm talking to a woman and I think she's flirting with me, I'll casually mention my SO so as not to lead her on.

My question is why it bothers you. If someone mentions up front they're Icelandic, or Christian, or a Democrat, I process it and move on.
>My question is why it bothers you.
It's an unusual subject to bring up when talking to someone for the first time, especially if they're wanting to work with them. They already had the knowledge going in that the artist they're asking is willing to do both genders, so I don't get the point of it being brought up at all. Whereas if someone brings up that they're heterosexual, they'll be questioned if they're homophobic. It's the double standards behind the subject, and how unnatural it is as a conversation starter that bothers me.
>"mightce made my bisexual"
Sounds like this ditzy queerdo needs some conversion therapy for bad grammar
Kisame here. Artists kicked out all the neo-fascists like me for wanting more manly characters. They're left with Gen-Z who just want Owl House, Steven Universe, and all the wimpy yaoi fics on the web. Artist feel that putting a man that the audience could identify with would scare their dumb liberal fanbase. It's the same reason Cyclops is hated. He's too conservative and a boy scout.
There's a good reason liberal actors like Ron Perlman, Robert De Niro, or musicians have higher rates of divorces. They're weak willed
>>32293 (OP)
Because their mind has been taken over by it. What else do you expect from a dead end?
>>32293 (OP)
If you ask me, it's for every last drop of attention they can get for 'being in the club.'
Because it's something people don't care for unless you're terminally online, combined with how strange it is to mention to someone they just met. Plus it's barely relevant/needed in context, sort of like someone saying, "Hi, I like puppies!"
>>32293 (OP)

Because they based their own personality around it. They're the same ones to bitch and moan when a buisness doesn't bend over backwards for them during Pride Month, or have bitchfits when someone mispronounce their prounouns.
Joe Biden is unpopular because he oppose rural poverty in favor of modernity. There's one problem, cities and queers are crumbling because they need rural and suburban poor fags like me, Kisame17, to make food. I say this cause UPS is about to strike cause they can't work 13+16 hour shifts. This and the Actors writers strike could hand 2024 over to Republicans cause their poor Latinos can't afford a babysitter. Even the rural buses on 30 minute and hourly headways are making more money than the city, which is losing riders due to fare beating.
Even the judge putting Trump agrees that he won't end in up in prison until 2025-2026 because lawyers have to go throw so much paperwork. We're heading to Depression kino where poor mothers don't want pity.
To answer your question OP, Nancy Pelosi does not have faith in her own party and want the Republicans to be president. A lot of us thugs vote Trump and Desantis because Democrats are just centre-right without any socialist party. This is why Gen-Z hates liberals. Libs abandoned California and New York, the home of gay culture, and want to destroy the South with Pride Parades. Then they get mad when red districts have a surplus thanks to high taxes and we're not using it to fund their poverty stricken youths
This is why Muslims in America and Canada are siding with Catholics, Evangelicals. They don't want to be ruled by a gay Frenchman. Roy Cohn got gays to wear suits. Gay Frenchmen create the Great Replacement Theory because they want to be nationalists.
I think too for a lot of LGBTQ+ people, with conservatives passing laws and policies that make their lives harder and pushing rhetoric against them, they want to know if they're around people who can accept them for who they are. If you felt that the world was against you, wouldn't you want to find people that can accept you for who you are?
Gen Z didn't abandon liberalism and liberalism didn't ruin New York or California. I will admit there are problems with liberalism, but blaming it for everything wrong in society isn't going to fix anything. If a policy fails, I wouldn't say it was wrong of people to suggest it, rather we work to fix things.
Bruhs been huffin way too much fascist propaganda. try going on youtube on incognito mode and see what the algorithim shows you, hole shit. your algos have you way too far down the right wing media hole. 99% of what you consume is straight up fake news concocted by billionaires trying to brainwash conservative leaning idiots into handing over more of their hard earned money to the billionaires. trump is going to be barred from running for office, locked up and die in prison; desantis or some other wooden board will take the nom and get absolutely crushed in 2024. The republican party is dead, trump, the billionaires and retards like you killed it
Not OPs question but related. Why are so many troons in this fetish. Is it because you have to be a little fucked in the head to be into this in the first place, or because men get shit on and are invisible in this kink that they have to make themselves special. Female feedees: “ don’t expect to even talk to me if you aren’t going to feed me”. Female feeders: “I don’t fetish chat or encourage for free”.

There can’t be that many people actually into trans and yet they are fucking worshipped by female feeders/ees lmao. I think it’s because they’re all afraid of being call Phobic if they don’t gush over them.
Kisame here. Actors and Writers are on strike because news can't be bothered to pay six figures for accurate journalism. Zaslav and Iger think that an AI can write better than their journalists. Liberalism is just an echo chamber that threatens to hand the country to Republicans. Even Vice went bankrupt because the exec boosted his own salary amid declining readership.
Gays are old enough to have their own children and start their own family. There's more disdain towards Pride Parades cause it's setting the movement back 50 years and even making other gays uncomfortable
>>32293 (OP)
I am seeing the news right now. The IRS whistleblower was a Gay Democrat working with Republicans to oust Hunter Biden
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Democrats may hate Tricky Dick, but Nixon knew that gays wanted to take one for the gipper
Yeah. Going from “this is what I’m attracted to and that’s ok” to overly sexual exhibitionists who are just straight up perverts and have to shame of public indecency. Any criticism is met with “you’re just homophonic”.
Even Gays are tired of Trump's dumb niece comparing MAGA to the Borg from Star Trek.
Gays want to be represented in arts positively. Bridget is popular cause he's not a pedophile like General Blue, a sissy like Aizen, of another jobber like Orochimaru. Frieza is the only positive queer character cause Toriyama based him off real estate speculators The problem is that gay characters like Bridget don't have the power like Perfect Cell or Piccolo, both of whom are transgender, to back up the boast, making them useless.
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune don't count. Sailor Moon fans hate them for being jerks who try to usurp the protagonists, forcing the Sailor Moon to beat them up and assert herself as ultra mega fat slut to force them to yield.
Kisame here. I am taking politics because Biden voters can't afford $18 Big Macs, $40 to see movies, and $100 on takeout. Only rednecks like me can. Nobody wants to watch A Sound of Freedom. It looks like Lethal Weapon or a Seagal movie
Welcome to /gen/, newfriend
Conservatives and hyperpreg hate me because my female characters are angry and vengeful. No shit, Men want to impregnate a violent Aussie woman
I dunno. I find the fetish community's racism, homophobia, and sexism flat out pathetic despite being Kisame17.
There is no "rational" justification for homophobia. It's as simple as "I don't like it therefore it shouldn't exist"
I can't really relate. I went to a Kenneth Hagin church. Tbh, Ron Desantis's popularity among evangelicals is fading cause there's a perception he abandoned Florida for the presidency. People want to homeschool their children since Catholic and Private schools are expensive
I don't bug homophobic because their culture war is getting sad. Ben Shapiro knows millennials like Barbie and Oppenheimer, and he starts going on a 40 minute rant. I told my mom that Desantis is losing because Gen X has worse social skills than millennials and GenZ. There's a lot of babyboomers who work at my job and Walmart who flat out hate Gen Z and yearn for Biden or even Trump cause Gen X birthed GenZ.

>>This thread has somehow become more about government politics

I blame Kisame. He always has something to do with these cluster political rants.
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Blame Ron Desantis, inbred hillbilly. Your dumbass governor, Elon Musk, and Joe Rogan can't be bothered to shut their traps. Gen Z likes identifying as socialists and queer. You don't get it cause you're an old man. Without an emergency, the government can't act as big shots and you can't scapegoat blacks for your problem.
Studies have shown that GenZ has anxiety cause Baby-boomers and Gen X team up to gang up on them, cause Zoomers to bust out the Glock at AMC cause trad caths try to engage in toxic masculinity. The best part is that Gen X is approaching retirement age and covet social security they try to cut while us millennials are taking over.
I already admit I was raised on this culture war nonsense and it hasn't changed since I was a kid in the 90s. I admit that Word of Faith has gotten clever offering women the teaching of Kenneth Hagin. Everybody knows cable news is full of shit and out to promote an agenda.
In short, I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens in BBWchan
You're right. They were the first to bring it up here, and I've seen them do the same on other threads.
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Not really. People were impersonating me during my absence. Neurodivergent people like me have poor communication skills and can't derail threads. Your crusades and grievance and Kisame17 just sucks to oxygen out the room. I went to shop at the supermarket. Most people are working remotely in my area. Only food service workers and grocers are still active.
I also average 200 views per art commission, not enough to have an outside influence on the internet since I go for niche stuff and not mainstream appeal
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I bothered to check 4-chan. Hyperpreg is considered a western civilization fetish. What is the point of claiming a woman as a spoil of war if you don't conquer them with strong conquistador genes?

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