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you know the drill. the well seems pretty dry lately but I'm always down to relive old stuff.
Does anyone know what happened between boberry and roxxie?
boberry has a thing for taken men and fucked roxxie's boyfriend iirc
That's more or less been confirmed. Caitidee has also hinted she's two-faced, and there was an account of a bash earlier where all eyes were on her when she made her entrance. There's a lot of animosity and jealousy towards Mary in this community, so I guess it depends on the character of the person telling the story here, but Roxxie's tale is true if anything.

I think that feud between Rosie Jade and Reenaye Starr has more or less quieted down, but now Rosie is getting the attention of YouTubers who make lolcow content a la Amberlynn Reid.
There's long been a sort of headcanon/fan theory on bbwchan that Boberry's the mean girl of BigCuties, or just kind of snobbish and stuck-up in general. There's some evidence to support that she's at least kind of a bitch (the Roxxie stuff, her more affluent/classy aura, she didn't often work with other models while with bigcuties and seemed almost entirely isolated from "the scene", she ran with a different clique of hot non-model fat girls, the massive ego trip that is her current website, etc.) but I am willing to bet there's a jealousy/people being generally weird online angle to it. CaitiDee has also shown herself not to be super trustworthy after her feud with LisaLou so I'd maybe take any shit she talks with a grain of salt... that being said eeeeverybody knows Boberry did fuck Roxxie's boyfriend/fiance lmao.
Some people think that Moochi's dead
due to her being silent for 4 months now after getting wrecked by covid.

Not even a "hey guys, i'm not dead" update post.
Does anybody have insight as to how KiwiFarms' whole crusade against Ash started? Always thought it was weird how out of all the targets in fat fetish porn, it was specifically her they went after.
I don't know of any specifics, but I'd wager it was because of Ash's pivot toward body positivity / fat acceptance stuff. That kind of content always pisses those guys off.

I don't know if KiwiFarms was involved, but the lolcow community also went after Becca a while back. In that case I'd say it was because she was already pretty well known to the wider non-FA imageboard community. I'm sure everyone already knows about this, but for anyone who didn't, she used to post lewds of herself under the alias "pearchan" on 4chan years and years ago. I've heard she was doing that before she was legal, but I don't know if that's true.
I think if you're on bbwchan you're well aware of pearchan lore, haha. But now that you mention it, I wonder if the KF harassment is part of what made Ash scrub nearly all her porn off the web. I know she's going for a different image now, but... people don't forget, you know?
It’s somewhat confirmed fact more than one of these women has a slatted wooden shower chair.
I’ve heard she stopped gaining for a while and even lost weight until a bariatric toilet bidet combo was installed.
I used to be friends with Adeline and she said Boberry seemed to the only other model who intimidated her. Other folks in the scene seem to have the same opinion
Sent this comment to my SSBBW model friend. She agrees that Mary has mean girl vibes and is intimidated.

Frankly I guess we should be glad she doesn't start drama. That kind of influence can cause havoc and scare off more fatties than this site has.

Out of curiousity, how can a blob be intimidating? You can outrun her by just fast walking. Like seriously, does she sit on whoever pisses her off? Does she eat them?

They’re intimidated by someone they’ve never met? That says more about them than it does about her. I’ve always had the impression Bo’s nice irl. Sadie and Kass both said she was sweet and that’s definitely what I get from watching her videos. She seems genuinely happy and kind.

I have a feeling the people talking shit about her fit into 1 of 3 categories:

1- People who are judging her based on unfounded rumors/gossip spread by her literal competitors.

2- Men who she’s rejected

3- Models who feel intimidated by her success and who are envious of her lifestyle.
Plenty of jealous simps and hoes but
Boberry seems like a sketchy trick golddigger. Idk how many tall, built attractive men with money are into women her size but the competition is fierce.
Look at the mini-man in suits she’s settled for compared to Roxxies tall Chad.
Being intimidated by someone that outside of the Internet is regarded by 99% of real people as monstrous and disgusting. Yeah lots of social capital to be had there
Are both of you not in competitive fields or something? It's blindingly obvious that Bo has had a very successful career resulting in a lot of fans and that kind of influence precedes her, especially in a line of work where everyone is competing to be the most eye-catching. If you can remember what high school was like, she's being regarded as the head cheerleader that runs the school (in a metaphorical sense, not literal).

Adeline & Unnamed SSBBW Model #7 are not literally quaking in their boots at the idea of BoBerry. They just know she's their competition and it makes them work harder to stand out. I'm sure BoBerry would be happy to work with anyone that most in this community would consider to be on her level, but we're still playing by high school rules when it comes to social classes. It's dumb, but this is a naturally catty industry. >>32320 was on the money with point 3, and >>32322 is right that there's only so many objectively desirable male partners to go around so that fuels some of the jealousy.
The ssbbw scene is incredibly competitive with the few rich/tall/fit/normal men into these women. They all fuck each others men and will abuse/gaslight/cheat to get a chance with a winner.
Having a hoard of unwashed coomers obsessed with her obesity means jackshit to these women. “Unlimited attention from disgusting men” (The fact that massively obese women look down on overweight and short men makes the SIMP empathy here laughable)
tbh not enough people focus on the guy who piped Rox and Boberry. final boss type shit, can we get him for an AMA?

>>Are both of you not in competitive fields or something?

No because I don't put myself into those situations. Quit acting like the women who are participating in this fetish are on the same level as NBA players.

You record yourself stuffing your face and upload. Anything else is bullshit drama that can be ignored. None of these fat heifers have any real life influence outside of their simp audience who would turn on them the second they start losing weight.
I doubt BoBerry ever slept with Roxxie’s husband. All Roxxie said was that BoBerry was a flirt and not very nice, and people ran with it. Didn’t this all happen like 10 years ago anyway?
Real life influence is not the point here. These women that are stuffing themselves on camera are competing for your money and attention. If I only have $20 I want to spend on porn, and Model A has been gaining weight faster than Model B, that's a point in her favor on getting my purchase. That's why this scene gets competitive: they want money, dumbass. And BoBerry has been making more of it because she's pretty and super obese, where some of these girls can barely manage one or the other.

I guarantee you if someone like Jackie started doing stuffings at the same magnitude as Mochii, we'd be seeing shit flung between them too. The cool girls don't participate in drama but the ones that are at the top of the food chain are going to get shit spread about them. That's just how it is. Whether or not it's directly impacted sales I don't have those numbers, but since some simps are obsessed with model personalities I wouldn't put it past them to not support someone over a rumor.
FYI I’m a gossipy asshole and I love drama but it would never stop me from supporting a model lmao. I think most dudes in here would agree cash and coom over everything
I mean the guy has a tumblr, allthingsfeedism, and he answers questions on there all the time lol

Based on the endless waves of greasy scum simps throwing themselves at these models constantly, my money is on "acceptably normal and otherwise completely unremarkable guy who happens to be tall," as by comparison someone like that would probably seem like a godsend to these models (Roxxie, Boberry)
Nice irl is a lot different than interacting with a direct competitor. If you or me (i assume youre like me and are not a ssbbw model) ran into Boberry irl and struck up a friendly conversation I also believe she would be "nice irl." But that doesn't mean she isnt potentially stuck up and caddy when it comes to this fetish/business and her competitors. Another model messaging her would probably get a much less friendly response from her than an (appropriate) approach from someone irl; in fact I doubt she even responds to most messages from models. She probably sees all other models the same way those models see all the guys who message them all day every day, and completely ignores them

> These women that are stuffing themselves on camera are competing for your money and attention.

They're not, quit bullshitting. The only time Ive seen any competition talk are from you coomers being tribal.
this is the first I've heard of his Tumblr and I'm pleasantly surprised he seems like a genuinely cool dude and good husband without being too much of a clearly-projecting-an-image wholesome wife guy on social media. good for them. I'm totally shocked to learn they met by her sliding in his DMs on FantasyFeeder tho. guy won the fucking l o t t e r y, man.
My dude. Anyone here who’s 6’3”, has a six pack, and makes six figures can pull these women. What’s interesting is him sticking around this long.
She hit the jackpot with him.
>If I only have $20 I want to spend on porn, and Model A has been gaining weight faster than Model B, that's a point in her favor on getting my purchase. That's why this scene gets competitive: they want money, dumbass. And BoBerry has been making more of it because she's pretty and super obese, where some of these girls can barely manage one or the other.

What the fuck does this have to do with Boberry being itimidating? What you're describing is called capitalism, which newsflash happens everywhere. It's been happening before Boberry was even a thing and it'll be around after she retires/dies.
Jesus Christ suck is dick already, it’s one guy dating one model lol I’ve never seen so much literal gayness about a straight thin man on here before
That’s the thing with both Boberry and Roxie
If you watch her shower vid you can pretty easily see the shower chairs.
this is supposed to be a shocking revelation? any idiot can tell you someone with Boberry's proportions would have balance issues in the shower
If you know you know.
It’s because they outgrew the toilet.
I recall someone posted in an old drama thread that they had a hunch most collaborative pairings in bbw porn eventually ended badly. Kellie kay/Ash, jae/Brianna, ivy/violet, anybody who works with caitidee, etc. The one that everybody cites because it got so sloppy in public was BBB/Brianna and we definitely know bonnie/jodie fell out too.
>I guarantee you if someone like Jackie started doing stuffings at the same magnitude as Mochii, we'd be seeing shit flung between them too.

This would literally never happen. And to be clear I’m talking about the drama, not the stuffings.
there's money to be made if two models went out of their way to book a fictional feud over who could eat more, gain more, etc. model A offhandedly remarks model B sucks on twitter/insta/etc and it turns into both girls putting out clips aimed at outdoing the other. there's enough kayfabe in fat fetish porn to begin with, why not go full WWE worked shoot with it.
>why not go full WWE worked shoot with it.

You obviously don't know the ramifications of your idea. And what happens when your plan backfires and model A is labled as a cold bitch for starting the argument and her video sales go down? How about model B getting harrased and doxxed by model A's fanbase? What if their plan gets exposed and both models end up looking bad?
These are all things that have happened anyway bruh
>>32453 Somehow, at this point, I have no faith inyou doong anything but fucking up.
My wife is a former BC and I met her by messaging her on FF, lol. It's not that crazy of an accomplishment honestly. Before we were married we had a double date with another couple where the girl was a BBW model, she was super flirty with me, so I can confirm that:

A.) If you are over 6 feet tall and not a greasy weirdo it's not hard to pick up these women
B.) They are very competitive for men who fall into the above category.

So what's the point of doing a fake rivary then when the risk isn't worth the payoff? Keep your fantasy booking to Raw and Dynamite.

>over 6 feet tall
Get a load.

I laughed only because literally everybody on this site saw this coming a mile away and yet you decided to post this valuable information anyways. You're awesome, dude

What else in other inside secrets would you like to share with us? BBW models are superficial and shallow (eg unlike real American fat women)? BBW models love wealthy, single, men without children from previous marriages? BBW models secretly love ice cream, but only when they're young and still haven't been put into a mental state of psychotic depression caused by modern American life/society? BBW models in the 14th century were probably streetdrunks in love with Victorian lifestyles and probably couldn't get dick to save their breasts, but this isn't the 14th century?

Sighs. We're trying yo do our best. Some of us more than others yeah and also there's this illuminati thing that's sort of kicking America's ass tight now, but thanks.

>>They are very competitive for men who fall into the above category.

No they're not. You just lucked out by find someone who's into taller men. Every other woman is going to go after men with money, a car, and an extra free bedroom.

You can be a 5 foot 4 manlet and still get women if you guarantee them that they can sit on their ass and do nothing but eat all day.
>>32466 Yeah? Good luck not getting cucked and cheated on.
Nah, honestly my wife doesn't care about that, her favorite store is Dollar Tree. I've never had much money and she's always been right by my side regardless. We both wish we had more money, but that's true of everyone.

Most women are into taller guys, it's just a fact of life, it's honestly cruel how mean they can be to my shorter kings out there and I say that as a guy who is 6'2. My point about the double date was that the other female model was very flirty with me even in front of my then GF and her BF, so I can easily imagine Mary flirting hard with Roxxies BF/Husband. Fat girls are extremely thirsty for a conventionally attractive man, it's proof to themselves and others that they are just as good as a thin woman.
BC wife guy (I have no reason not to believe him) makes me wonder how many bbwchan regulars are actually the guys who date around the bbw model scene. I've had a couple encounters and a some missed opportunities, mostly from the heyday of Feabie.
Banged one the bigger, younger and more popular BCs ten years ago. It was terrifying how desperate for a relationship she was. Basically banging down the rentals door sobbing after she left.
That reads like Jae. Wife guy feels like Jackie or Brooke.
Wife guy is obviously Roxxie's husband reveling in the dicksucking fest that is this thread. I guess if I was married to Roxxie and a bunch of guys were randomly worshipping me on bbwchan like a bunch of cock addicted gay boys I'd probably respond too lol so i dont blame him. but still this thread is just pathetic
How many BCs have been in a stable relationship much less marriage? There aren’t many.
Fewer than ever as the millennial cohort is hitting 40 and more despondently single than ever.
Roxxie makes like 7k to 10k a month from subs alone...
Wife guy is not her husband.
Yeah, not married to Roxxie, she's cute, but I don't think we would be married as long as my wife and I have been married. Congrats to them though. I didn't know she made that much, where did you read that?
My bet is Jacki or Holly or one of the other “girl next door (in a midwestern town)” than these done up city girls. But I’m just a humble dirt farmer meself.
Good guesses, last post on this subject because who cares anyway, but to prove my earlier point I used to talk to "Stuffing Kit" a lot on FF, definitely could have met up, just never did. She was very nice. These girls really aren't completely unobtainable, it's actually that attitude they are unreachable "goddesses" that I think holds some guys back. Maybe it's different than 10+ years ago, but they just want to be treated like normal girls on a normal dating app, and if you act otherwise it marks you as a simp or an unredeemable coomer. In private, the few that I've talked to seem semi embarrassed about doing modeling, and I personally think it's more a vehicle to find a suitable husband than internet fame or money for a lot of them. I'm sure the top girls make a lot of money, and the smaller names still make a lot of money for cheesecake bikini photos, but it's not as much as guys on here think. If you look at the retired BC roster you'll see a fair amount of girls who just stopped doing it all together, so apparently the money wasn't worth the hassle once they found a BF/Husband.
>>32512 Kisame, here. There's no such thing as secret organized groups in the US that spy on citizens and keep records of information that they then collaborate to sell to internationally by the use of underground black markets. The man behind the curtain doesn't exist.
>The US spies on citizens

No shit, fat security guys I know love the CCTV and Brinks job.
>Kisame, here

Who the fuck are you and why do you keep derailing threads into political bullshit. We don’t care
I don't know why you guys are taking about. I work 11-4 today and it's a Saturday. Look, I live in a deep red county and everyone is watching the Barbie movie. There's also an actor's strike in NY so I am not even sure how studios are making money. I just manage the food and beverage station.
I am working roughly 30 hours now. Best part is that I am close to home. According to my mom and brother's gf, there's a shortage of hospital workers, and they're doing 15 hour shifts.
I am not derailing your dumb threads.
I bothered to check what's going on. Kamala Harris is protesting the curriculum on slavery. There's one problem, nobody cares for the NAACP. I also have relatives in Tampa. Without the smoke and mirrors, Florida is a fucking swamp state.
Say what you want about McEhit, he was right that nobody wanted to be preached to or see Tupac Shakur Preach.
Anyone else starting to doubt ChubbyChiquita's mystery illness? "I get sick from eating, the symptoms have no discernible pattern, entire teams of doctors are baffled by it, that's why I've lost weight." Awfully convenient syndrome to have if someone wanted to have a life outside the fetish while remaining addicted to online simp attention for her outlandish goal weights.
After the doxxing scandal she had a free excuse to get out permanently but she kept coming back. I don't blame her for weaving elaborate tales to fend off the coomers, the 10% of people in this community who are smart enough to sniff it out will just move on to someone else anyway.
I'd be a lot more suspicious if something similar didn't happen to me. Couple years ago my gallbladder quit out on my and the doctors had no idea what to do, I lost 40 lbs inside of 3 months, and I still can't eat like I used to.
I can see both sides. With the food quality in the us it’s no wonder that there genuinely are surprisingly common digestion issues that are complete mysteries. My older sister (skinny, former marathon runner) went through some that quite literally baffled her doctor(s).

With that said I don’t think there’s any reason for any of us to ever trust models, especially when it comes to weight loss/not wanting to eat/general shadiness about commitment to the fetish. Hell, that German girl with the terrible skin just got WLS after trying to lie to us for years about it and now she’s bragging about it on TikTok. I think for the younger girls, aka CC, they’re a lot more likely to believe they can get away with some deception.
ChubbC seems like someone trying to ride on the self-abuse of actually 400 pound women as if she’d ever do that to herself.
Her blogs all reposting women twice her size. At that point it’s just using their mega obese bodies for her own advertising while staying midsized bbw.
you people have actual worms in your brain, the idea that a woman would double her size only to start an elaborate conspiracy theory about irritable bowel syndrome so she could stop gaining, while simultaneously being very obviously actually autistically into the fetish, is jewish space lasers tier
Simp hard bruh. Plus who are you calling Jewish, you fucking hitler loving krautball.
> calls you a conspiracy theorist for being a conspiracy theorist
> "simp"

i don't want to start a weird fight with bbwchan right now, hence the deletion, but also, you guys are wrong and i'd be happy to show you the uncontrollable bowel issues to prove it

jokes on you, this fetish is my life, im autistic as shit. Awfully Convenient
>i'd be happy to show you the uncontrollable bowel issues to prove it
post shit pics to own the trolls
I got that same exact vibe from her too
also just gotta say I miss CC bbwchan drama, you gotta come here more often
>>32560 i did too, but unfortunately now when i call someone a name i have to worry about them sending nudes to my cousins

>>32559 dude how many dozens of lbs do i have to gain before i've passed your arbitrary vibe test
>i did too, but unfortunately now when i call someone a name i have to worry about them sending nudes to my cousins

oof yeah, it's fun slinging fesces on the internet but when people bring it into real life and start fucking up people's familial relationships and giving them panic attacks n shit that's too much. btw I believe you about the bowel issues, if they never get sorted out I'll still stay subscribed to your OF if you produce content. please don't use the dildo in your future masturbation videos though, I hate the squicky sound dildos make lol
>dude how many dozens of lbs do i have to gain before i've passed your arbitrary vibe test

I'm sure you know most of this community has no limits. Frankly I've always felt bad for people who make content because it'll never be enough for most people
Also it's probably better for you if you don't take the comments on this site seriously, most people, and I am not excluding myself, are straight up retarded
i am pleasantly surprised by how nice u are, bbwchan anon. for u, no more dildo. it's too much exercise anyway.

>>32564 well, thank u for the honesty i suppose. i will continue in my efforts of enormity and hope to pass ur vibe check at some point.
people still bitch about boberry going down to 550lb from 620lb because she wanted to live a fulfilling life where she could exist without feeling uncomfortable/exhausted all the time lol, *she's still hyper morbidly obese* and looks beautiful. this community is fundamentally commer-brained, there's nothing sustainable about online feedism/fat-fetish content.
>well, thank u for the honesty i suppose. i will continue in my efforts of enormity and hope to pass ur vibe check at some point.

I hope your main focus is passing your own vibe check and not a bunch of bbwchan coomers. Their vibes are unquenchable.
It’s a shame they made you delete the post just cause you called out Zionism’s colonialist lasers.

Ok it’s clear you’re just a troll and a fucking retard too
Kisame here. I am not a troll either. The internet is a raging dumpster fire thanks to Elon Musk making so many spontaneous changes.
I am happy and optimistic despite my lack of sleep.
This is the problem with feedees.
Half of them are conflicted AF about gaining weight and this conflict shows up in stomach issues. The anxiety about getting massive is half the emotional rush that makes it exciting for them.
hey remember when I called you autistic in a thread similar to this and that made you look into getting a diagnosis
yes, was offended at first but it led to a lot of self reflection and acceptance, so thank u! pretty much everyone with a weird fetish is on the spectrum and/or traumatized, someone should do a psych study
Kiwifarms doesn’t even exist anymore. Why is she still hiding?
KiwiFarms doesn't exist cause Null is considered a cyber terrorist and the site has more hate than Stormfront. It would be one thing if he just wanted to establish a resort like most klansman did, but KiwiFarms is so extreme that everyone hates them.
She’s not hiding lmao, she just rebooted her public persona and isn’t doing shitty softcore porn anymore. Last I checked she still has Instagram and a couple half-baked fat issues websites.
The difference between the infamous bikini photo shoot where she’s bigger than ever and he current size is pretty stark, you have to admit. I still find her pretty appealing at whatever weight she’s rocking now, but her current content is just so vain and borderline not even “content” that it sours the whole thing for me. Simps will simp, of course, so I don’t blame her for putting in so little effort nowadays.
and still trying to make "#infinifat" a thing for herself and the 20 other 650 pound women out there. ol gal's looking kinda rough these days imo.

yeah that's jae, not even close
You can tell that Kiwifarms and her magazine failing rattled her, though. She ain't showing herself nearly as much nowadays, not even face pics.

As far as rebranding herself to get away from fat fetish porn, ain't no way Heather is letting her backlog of content go without a fight. Any amount of googling and you'll find it.
I think the bigcuties backlog is Heather's to manage, yeah. Ash's personal clip store is long gone (years and years of content we'll never see again, a shame) but I was surprised to learn her old one with Kellie Kay is still up. I understand the notion that she's distanced herself from porn but I disagree with the guy who implied it was all totally scrubbed from the internet.
It is, I've spoken with a BC model and Heather gets all the revenue from retired sites. Don't know how many subscribe to retired sites, especially knowing all of it is floating around places like here. She would only remove them herself if a model died, but I'm sure there's a process for determining if someone still alive can have their site purged. Betting it comes down to if it still makes Heather money since she owns the rights.
not sure if you saw but i did eventually end up dming you that advice on medication/diet for audhd you asked about
there was a period a year or two ago where a lot of bbwchanners were questioning exactly what BigCuties models get out of their relationship with Heather and tbh the more I think about it the more I understand why they had that huge exodus of models
I'm good friends with a model or two in the know, and one of them knows Steph. Turns out she was considering OnlyFans for a while but stuck with BC because Heather was desperate for a win. Makes sense - BoBerry left and that was a meal ticket in of itself, LisaLou left and she's done pretty well in her own right, and Jolene left as quick as she came aboard. All that was left with new talent was Jazz, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you black SSBBWs kinda underperform (though her size is huge and she's making squashing content, so she's probably doing okay). The business model is super outdated - you have to pay for advertising on top of the work they do to edit photos and keep a timetable.

It's a shame Steph went back to BC and got that treatment. She's bigger than ever and had a lot of hype drummed up and Heather took the wind out of her sails.
Yeah this is quite easily the worst era of BigCuties since the very early days when it was just Heather, Sable and bunch of lunch ladies. Steph's not thaaat interesting outside of being huge and I don't really see how she and her... grand total of five updates since the comeback are supposed to save a sinking ship here.
Thing about Kiwi is that its all gossip much in lieu of here. But major difference is that we openly jack off to these girls and Kiwi will only start talking about or fixating on a person if they go out of their way to make a major name out of themselves in a dramatic fashion. I am curious to see why they're talking about Ash though, she is insanely politically charged so I guess thats why?
So what was the beef between Jae and Brianna all about?
I assume a lot of people already know about it. But I believe Sexy Signature was at the height of her career. She and her boyfriend befriended a lot of BBW. One was that part black girl, Breanna. I suppose they were having threesomes and then Breanna accused the boyfriend of rape in their threesome. Which tarnished her image with a lot of other models she'd collab with. She slowly came back but is nowhere near as active as she was.; My take: inviting other girls to join in on their personal intimate lives is very foolish. But I highly doubt whatever happened resembled rape and more likely she regretted it.
Obesity wreaks havoc on the GI system. Constant overeating damages the lining of the stomach and intestines and causes inflammation and imbalances in gut bacteria. She may have leaky gut, dyspepsia, gastroparesis, sibo, or candida
I used to have a few contacts in the scene including a former bigcutie who's still kind of on onlyfans but seems to have quietly hung it up this year. My memory of the details is shaky but I can tell you there was a lot of dissatisfaction with heather and bigcuties during that model exodus. At least a few of those girls demanded out from their contracts, etc. Wondering if you heard the same thing.
I can corroborate that. It's just not what it used to be and it's not for anyone who wants to make real money doing this work (unless you're a real bombshell alone). It's a side job through and through, and they justify the higher revenue split because of brand name and exposure. Unfortunately that's a hard sell now and I don't begrudge anyone on Heather's behalf who left to stick it out on their own.

If you wanted to do this as an actual job and TREAT IT like an actual job, then you do OnlyFans, edit everything yourself, and keep up with community engagement through Tumblr & the like. It's much more effort but you earn every cent. Heather's not into it anymore and that's really clogging the gears over there. She really needs to pass the torch.
Heather also got rocked pretty bad by Covid and has been essentially immobile ever since. I have to imagine getting up the energy to manage the site (she did pretty much everything down to airbrushing each individual picture) doesn’t come easy to her these days.
Pretty much. It has nothing to do with her being a fetish model, it's that she was a prominent fat activist on Instagram who (tbh) embodied a lot of stereotypes of fat activists as whiny and entitled. Once they found out that she was *also* a weight gain fetish model, the hypocrisy of that really set them off.

I've never quite understood why, but trolling/lolcow groups tend to leave fetish communities alone, except for furries. I guess anyone who's extremely online enough to be posting on Kiwifarms probably has some weird shit of their own in their own browser history.
FWIW I think fat activism is a pretty noble cause but Ash's whole vibe to me in that world just seems off. Extreme weight gain fetishist turned loud and proud size acceptance activist just seems kind of incongruous to me. The sense I get is that she's too vain to understand her particular issues at 600+ pounds are very, VERY niche, or she just desperately still wants to feel important/part of something in that community without debasing herself by doing porn. Like you can very clearly tell in her late BigCuties content she was fed up and growing out of it.
>The sense I get is that she's too vain to understand her particular issues at 600+ pounds are very, VERY niche, or she just desperately still wants to feel important/part of something in that community without debasing herself by doing porn.
Yup, this is exactly it. I don't even disagree with it in principle. The whole point of the "infinifat" hashtag was to point out that people who weigh 600+ pounds have very different issues from people who only weigh 300. But the fact that she ate herself to that size deliberately and documented herself doing it was always the elephant in the room when it came to being a spokesperson for the cause.

As an oldfag who watched her come up I have mixed feelings. It was incredible to see a woman who had extreme feedism and immobility as a kink straight-up go for it with no limits. For my money, some of her fat chats from the early 2010s are strong contenders for the hottest shit ever recorded in this fetish. But even back then I wondered what her endgame was, and sure enough, eventually she had that Wile E. Coyote going over the cliff moment, where she looked down and realized "holy shit, this isn't fun any more."

I'm sad that we're not seeing candids any more as a result of the dox. She low-key looked like she was still getting bigger. I like to imagine that she and her husband are still doing feedism in the bedroom and are keeping it to themselves, but who knows.
I imagine you're a little older than me (early 30s quasi-oldfag, been into this since my early teens) but yeah I was also watching her during that insane 2010s period and I've been chasing the high ever since. I think her actual content/on-cam persona was a little hit-and-miss but it's almost more appealing to me now that she was just some simple next-door midwestern chick harboring an insane weight gain fetish with the willingness to actual indulge it to perverse dangerous ends. Guess that's what happens when you hitch your wagon to Heather and Kellie Kay.
Who knows. I kinda doubt anyone at big cuties actual has the fetish. I think they enjoy the money and attention that comes with being the biggest among ssbbws. They’re just mid grade obese Midwestern women who wanted to be treated like hot chicks online.
Those were good years for the fantasy. Before enough people actually met these women or before they told on themselves.
I think Ash's pivot to SJW is pretty simple to explain: she hit her mid-30s and realized she hadn't done anything relevant or meaningful with her life (other than fat porn). She was too fat to find that fulfilment through kids or work (her e-zine was an epic fail), so tried to become an activist. Which obviously rings hollow as she made herself disabled in the first place.
I'm holding out hope that with Kiwi Farms now dead, Ash will eventually somewhat re-emerge online. Her 2010s content was elite.
>I've never quite understood why, but trolling/lolcow groups tend to leave fetish communities alone, except for furries.
You have to really stand out to be noticed and most people with fetishes tend to stay in their own little area domain without it spilling over. Furries wear their fetish like a badge whereever they go and have done so since they became prevalent on the internet in the 90s which means that they always drag around drama like a rotting carcus.
And we live in the age of the cumbrain where porn and fetishes are normalized in society. So without a doubt I'm sure many on kiwi have their own shit they jack off too.
Furries will never be popular outside of the internet. MLP Friendship is Magic was their last chance to be accepted, but they pissed it away because Bronies wouldn't stop harassing the writer of the show. It's the same reason Breast Expansion and Pregnancy Fetish won't be popular. Artists won't let go of their grievance against Hollywood. Normies already hate Zone, Shadman, and Mike Inel for all the porn they made, devaluing art as a medium.
Andrea Dwarkin is flat out hated by the left for inspiring a fascist and repressive view of sex that may or may not have lead to Trump getting elected because SJWs attacked liberal leaning women as opposed to conservative men
I feel like the lack of a seen enemy is killing the alt right. We're living in the most peaceful times in our country.
Lol, what does "Alt-Right" even mean in 2023? Richard Spencer voted for Joe Biden. KF is not "Alt-Right" either, they are super edgy goons who left SA to more effectively hassle Chris Chan. I don't even post there and I know that.
I don’t love this argument because it kind of implies women can’t have weird kinks, be horny, etc but the guy waxing poetic about how *~into it~* fucking milquetoast ass ASH was is giving me “it’s still real to me dammit” vibes
Anyone whose gotten with more than one model can confirm they aren’t into the kink and would lose the weight if they could while continuing the revenue.
Women can have kinks, I’m implying these women are selling you the fantasy of sharing your kink.
Speaking from experience, it ain't all models. But you can tell which ones aren't into it for sure, and if you're not sure it's best to assume they're not.
The alt right are conspiracy theorists. They were mocked ala Dale Gribble for not figuring out their spouse are having an affair, but Dale was likable since he doesn't resent his wife.
That's definitely the best way to put it. It's not hypocritical to have a fat fetish and also want better inclusivity and respect for the clinically obese, especially if you're a gainer and want to enjoy what society has to offer outside of your home. The way she took her platform to broadcast her modeling career and shifted it to fat activism was always a weird thing to reconcile, especially to other body positivity accounts that already had a following and actively shut down fetishists for aligning with them. JerseyJennie and RealFatRealFabulous come to mind immediately with that - they want to show off and get positive attention but not be fetishized, and having women in their corner that played to that fantasy prior really blurs the line.

Thing is, >>32797 is right on the money here. There's tricks and planning involved with selling this fantasy, but I don't think you could mistake the enthusiasm Ash had while she was with BigCuties, and especially when she was living with Kellie Kay. Her video of her finally weighing in at 600lbs was genuine excitement, whereas with some girls there's real trepidation when they see that number go higher than they expect it to, like with Candy Godiva's or Destiny's respective highest weigh-ins. Ash was full-force wanting to gain as much as possible, and it wasn't until it was exhausting to stand, find clothes that fit, and really deal with the consequences of being over 600lbs did she start changing her tune with her paid content...

...which is around the time that Kiwifarms swung into the picture. If KF wanted to make fun of fetishes, there'd be too much low-hanging fruit to bother with and get bored by, to say nothing about how tame feederism is compared to people clipping themselves to car batteries for arousal. Kiwifarms generally pokes at anyone who takes themselves seriously while fighting an uphill battle, and goddamn if body positivity isn't an uphill battle. Not only are you going against the grain with societal standards, these girls are usually doing so in the most ostentatious ways possible (re: Anna O'Brien hanging out in Times Square in a bikini and getting hit on) but Ash previously making money off pulling a King-Size Homer and eating her way to disability? They hit the jackpot. Amberlynn Reid was already laughable for going on a weight loss journey and discovering an extra 300lbs, but she wasn't doing it naked and eating cheesecake for horny perverts.

She ain't coming back to model on camera, gents. Not even anything private I'd wager. There's always that thought in the back of her head that it will find their way to people who think she's a joke and know where she lives. It's why she's selling refitted jewelry and is a something-or-other remote position for a fat spa. She'd rather anything than relive her fattest regret.
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I agree that this is true of models in general (then and now), but Ash was the real deal. There's a level of enthusiasm that's hard to fake if you're not a professional actor. That's also why her content did a swift 180 and became crap once she no longer enjoyed making it.

Rather than argue, I'll post some magic digits so that the audience can judge for themselves. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MFthc2ggd2FzIGxlZ2l0XWJDOTBMVk5ZYzBoQ05qbEVTMUE9
I doubt it. I don't see Eric Bischoff or ECW kick-starting sports entertainment for fatties anytime soon.
A lot of the egirls seem to be faking it. Also their progressive politics are sussy af. People like ThinkHungryHoney and ChubbyChiq just seem like golddiggers who got called out as toxic, regressive hoes. (But neurotic about their online image)
Like wanna pretend to be socialists and posting about finding a rich feeder sugar daddy at the same time.
I dunno. I knew WCW was fake despite being Kisame. Vanilla Ice was fake, Soulja Boy was fake.
To be fair, this is true of all online Zoomer chicks regardless of weight
I've seen alot of negative talk about Caitidee from Models social media, I remember Lisalou made a post on her Instagram about Caiti talking about her behind her back and Roxxie chipped in saying she'd done the same thing to her.

Nailed it.

Ash is long gone from the fetish world. Even if you sidestep the whole drama with Kiwifarms, the objectification of being a fetish content creator is pretty demeaning. If she truly was going into activism out of an altruistic sense of "my life is getting more difficult, I have empathy for other women who live like this, I want to advocate for them and for our shared experience," we have to accept that it's pretty likely hand-in-hand with feeling dehumanized by the fetish community.

There is literally no reason for her to get back into it, aside from money (probably not that much) and maybe missing the kink of the community. I don't see it happening given how things played out.
The LisaLou beef spilled over onto /ssbbw/. It was sloppy and awesome.
the best part is Kellie kay tagging in with a cookie and a soda lmao. if they had it planned that was good shit.

I find "is she into it" kayfabe talk to be interesting if a little repetitive but lately I am coming around to the idea that it's more radical and hot if the girl isn't into it. oh you destroyed your body and quality of life by faking a taboo kink for several years and you didn't even enjoy it?? nice
I think at this point Ash is only staying fat because she's defined by her size and without it she's nothing
Ash has no reason to lose weight.
She's 40, happily married, a homeowner. She doesn't have to work in her current arrangement.
Due to her size her body is fucked no matter what -- no amount of weight loss is going to make her able to play sports or start a family. And the damage to her organs is done.
At this point, staying 500 lbs or losing weight is going to have zero impact on her day-to-day, and likely no impact on her life expectancy.
Well, when your whole identity online revolves around your size, you've kind of eaten yourself into a corner. As much as some people felt betrayed when Kellie Kay lost weight, Ash would be a fucking pariah.

>>33023 is right on the money. She's got no reason to lose weight, but she doesn't need to share it with the likes of us anymore. No real benefit to losing weight when the damage is done, and she's got the bases covered in her own life.
>At this point, staying 500 lbs or losing weight is going to have zero impact on her day-to-day, and likely no impact on her life expectancy.

LOL Wow, she must be an android then.
She has lived at approx. 600 lbs for a decade now. And has certainly been 400+ lbs for nearly 20 years. That's a ton of stress on all of her joints and organs.
Let's say she went on a health kick and got down to 250 pounds over the next couple years.
Now she's tangling with extra skin and nutrition issues on top of the long-term damage she already did to her body.
Middle-aged people who lose a ton of weight still end up dying young. Her chance to turn things around was 15 years ago.

Unless she earned her living with extensive physical labor (and I'm pretty sure she did not have to do that) she is fine. Knees are probably shot and she either had to replace those or take hormonal prescriptions.
But that's it. Loosing weight would probably do more harm than good.
If you check the data its more common for people who tries various weight-loss technics to get health issues/die than for people who just stay fat.
I'm no doctor but Ash clearly has a lot more wrong with her than just that
Honestly, she actually seems to be doing pretty well for a 40-year-old woman who is 600lbs and has been 600 lbs for 10-15 years.
Her knees and joints are probably shot, and her skin has shown signs of deterioration, but as far as we know she has avoid hospitalization. She seems quite lazy, but that's not unusual for someone that size.
All things considered I'd be she has 20 years left in her.
You're all out of your minds. If she got down to 250 pounds (assuming she does it healthily) her QOL would improve in myriad ways and her life expectancy would increase by decades. Ask literally any doctor.
Not to sound morbid but she doesn't have twenty years, not even close, with as much abuse as she's put her body through she won't be making it to fifty and that's just a fact, you can simply look at her legs and easily tell she has extremely bad water retention issues and that leads to all kinds of problems, and were not even getting into all the circulatory, respiratory, and basic pain that comes from her size, at this point Ash is no different than an 80 year old woman in the sense that if she takes a hard fall and breaks a hip(it wouldn't surprise me if she isn't already living with a cracked/broken hip) you might as go ahead and buy the coffin because she's taking a dirt nap.
A doctor would HAVE to say that. Just like they have to tell the 95-year-old who smokes a pack a day that he should quit, when really it makes no tangible difference.
Yeah I’m in my early 30s and have a bad shoulder and back and my weight fluctuates between 180-200. I have days where I’m just generally in constant discomfort/pain and it’s miserable. I pretty much can’t fathom ever feeling “good” at 300 pounds, let alone 500-600, and that’s before tacking on any other conditions someone might have unrelated to weight.
I was 330 pounds. I recently lost 60 pounds. My god, I feel so much better. Moving is so much smoother.
Maybe you’re unathletic and in horrible shape muscles wise? I’ve seen plenty of men in worse shape than women twice their size, especially if you’ve met country girls.
Chubby-Chiquita 100% confirmed waffle stomping her shits down the shower with her last tumbler post: plastic shower chair that lets her ass hang over the showerdrain to shit with a spray nozzle on a hose for bidet style cleanup.
Jesus she's hot
>I’ve heard she stopped gaining for a while and even lost weight until a bariatric toilet bidet combo was installed.
>Kiwi Farms
Way to show that you never stepped foot into that sight and only heard some silly story on MSM. You're the type of person who believed that 2007 Fox Local LA news special of how Anonymous was "hackers on steroids" blowing up vans.
oops typo
I honestly think it’s hot as shit when a girl gains to the size she needs to waffle stomp dookies down the drain.
yo facts. the way that furries will just openly be furries outright disgusts me. I'm all for letting your freak flag fly but other fetish groups have the ability to turn it off in public spaces. fuck furries.
I saw this in tumblr. You’re an idiot incel Andrew Tate wannabe misogynist mongoloid. Of course these women still fit on toilets what they don’t fit on is you’re throughly average sized penis.
Jae has a tiktok and livestreams but bans anyone who who hints at her career / mentions they are a fan because "I don't want to talk about work". Fucking bitch, glad I only pirate porn.
It probably has more to do with the fact that tiktok will ban her account if any adult content get discussed rather her her just being a “fucking bitch”
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She doesn't want to lose followers like Lizzo since it's sexual harassment. It's the same reason Super toned down Master Roshi's dirty old man humor.
I don’t wanna out anyone but there’s a very prominent model who also streams on Twitch and somehow she manages to keep the two personas entirely separate, as far as I can tell. Probably easier to do so on Twitch than Tiktok tho.
Again, porn is considered sexual harassment because women have the mental fortitude of a toddler. It's not respectable where Lydia Carter or Helen Mirren can conquer titcows in art house films. It's childish. Just look at how woke killed FIFA women's soccer, women's tennis, WNBA cause the left are theater nerds who engage in performative theater.
God. This has me worried. If these women can’t fit on a toilet how could my dick even fit inside her?
I don’t even dare bbws because they’re all size queens and I’m kinda average.
Doesn't she have kids? There's your answer. I know it doesn't make sense, since both are in the Internet and easily accessible to an adult, but she probably sees the illusion of a split between her modeling and her vanilla life on the Internet and wants to preserve that.

Like most women in the industry she’s probably delusional if she thinks her kids won’t find out
Is this a confirmed fact?
I’ve heard this but plenty of bbws say they’re fine with all body types including small dicks, as long as you’re a short king and not SDE.
short answer yes she does. models/content creators/etc deserve as much privacy as they want and IMO its not really our place to judge them for it. some are just better at compartmentalizing than others.
Probably true, you can't blame her for trying though.
Agreed, there's a small handful of actors and other entertainers that I'd be really excited to bump into on the street, but I'd be cautious about approaching them, doubly so if they were with family. Adult entertainment performers have an even harder path to walk in this regard, and I'd view a non-sex account the same way I would if I saw an entertainer with family.
Elon Musk doesn’t own the internet, retard. Get out of here and take your meds
Of course he does, retard. Biden sees the internet more as a den of pornography and far right exchange of information. I think Obama just hides his boomer views on technology.
I met my girl on feabie. She said size didn’t really matter, and she’d seen plenty to know what she likes. She’s not really into sex tho, says it’s not an important part of a romantic relationship.
You’re talking to terminally autistic retards with their heads up their own assholes.
They will say whatever they want and lalala after the fact when pesky things like reality get in the way of their make believe bullshit
Feels like this site gets raided every now and then by troon tier shitposters
This has got to be bait, or at least I hope it is for your sake. She’s seen plenty of dicks but told you she doesn’t like sex?
Mentally defective Troon tier take (pottery given the contents)
I think you’re just throwing out buzzwords trying to get people mad and derail the thread. Low effort trolling
It’s not about sec. Plenty of women will tell you it’s not how big you’re dick is, it’s how well your treating her.
Nope. Public figures are public.
Want privacy? Don’t sell nudes online to strangers.
How tiny are your dicks that you need to fap to porn on a Monday?
Read the thread. There’s no shame in having a small dick, plenty of BBWs will have no problem and maybe even prefer it.
I heard Lisa Loud fucked Boberrys boyfriend yo get revenge for Roxxie.
No one fucks someone's boyfriend on someone else's behalf, that's just weird.

Also I guess we know which general you frequent on /trash/
I used to hang out with a model who ended up spending some time in Heather's circle in LA - not a bigcutie but I've posted about hanging with her before so maybe some of you will be able to guess. She'd tell me Heather's fat girl parties out there were pretty fun, lots of food, lots of hooking up, pretty much all the west coast BCs minus Boberry would make appearances. No real drama to report on that I can remember but she did tell me she heard Echo had a heart attack which I don't think a lot of people know. iirc this was before Echo stopped modeling or went "part time" (I never really followed her so my timeline may be off)
If this is who I’m thinking of, she does a really good job. Cartoon avatar, never shows her face, you wouldn’t know it’s her unless you’re one of us and recognize her voice. That being said she seems to have a very small audience and does twitch strictly as a fun hobby. I’d feel bad about outing her too.
Anyone got anything on Jenni Bombshell and other Bombshells such as Barbie and Diva? Interested in talking about and learning more about them especially Jenni
before the cartoon avatar she actually filmed herself. the username she uses led to a tiktok account where I saw pics of her parents, and where she aired family drama, that account is now deleted or hidden and renamed, too bad I never saved it.
Too bad I don't know who this is I'd like to check it out(in a non invasive creepy way I mean)
Through the grapevine on Feabie I heard LisaLou demanded out from her BigCuties contract. She wasn't there for very long at all, hell I'd imagine most fans forget she ever was at this point
I believe that. I think she saw she had potential, and the Caitidee/Leighton group got it in her head that she could do so much better on her own (especially since Caitidee had history with BC and could give her the inside scoop on how it really is). Heather lost a rising star when that happened. Shows how she was desperate for Steph to make a comeback, but I don't see any recruiting being done to bring more people in aside from her... Guess her health must be a priority.
something I noticed is that Heather follows the late realfatrealfabulous's daughter, I'd bet money on her already having gotten an offer. she def has all- timer potential, embracing her size even though she witnessed a lot of struggling first-hand.
this is random but I would love to know how Lisa is the only model Roxxie has collabed and done girl/girl with. Rox seems like she kinda keeps to herself in that sense
I know some people give BoBerry shit for not collaborating with a lot of girls, but I think Roxxie's been pretty exclusive herself. IIRC in this case however, Lisa I believe shared something about Caitidee being performative in how she's all BLM and doesn't actually believe in any of it, and Roxxie said she agreed with that assessment with her own stories. That probably sparked the conversation, at the very least.

From my own experience in talking with some of these models, a lot of them ARE open to collaborating if they get along with each other. It's just that high school shyness/hierarchy bullshit that stops anyone from even trying. Fuck, Kasstheblast has been straight up asking everyone if they want to do content together and she landed some of the biggest names in the biz at the moment.
Could also simply be that Roxxie lives in Colorado, away from most of the hubs of bbw porn creators
That's really gotta happen. Carry on her mom's hypersized legacy.
True, but she did go to Arizona for that shoot with LisaLou. Girl's not inflexible. Not to mention Colorado's got some nice cities to vacation in. BoBerry and Kass met in some AirBnB up north earlier in the year - Kass even took a dang bus.

It's not impossible is all I'm saying. For a shot with one of the most recognizable names in the scene?
What’s the daughter’s name?

For the love of God, please act normal and just don't engage. If you scare her off before she opens a paysite I'll find you.
lol thanks. Nah I don’t interact, I just fap
We need a follow up. Was this actually confirmed or are people here crazy?
girl just looks like she'll get scared off the millisecond something goes wrong tbh. then again I said the same thing about Hayley and she's still hanging around.
>you are over 6 feet tall it's not hard to pick up these women
Why does everyone repeat "it's so easy to pick up women, just be over 6ft" like that's not a freakish outlier height? So it's not easy to pick up fat women at all, you just happen to meet the ridiculous standard that even women at the bottom of the social hierarchy seem to have for some reason
Hate to sound like an oversupportive mom, but do you really -want- a woman who won't give you the time of day if you're not over 6'? Women like guys with confidence and who make them feel special. Tallness, along with a six-pack, seven figures in the bank, etc are definitely not gonna hurt but they're hardly a prerequisite for meeting women.

PS: 14% of American men are over 6'. So not common, but not freakish or an outlier. I have a feeling if you're over 5'9" (60% of US males) and have your shit in order otherwise you'll do okay. Under 5'9" you may have to work a little harder lol.
Models dating tall men isn’t absurd.
Short men can easily pull ugly fat women or skinny ugly women if he has money.
Do you not realize how bleak this is lol
5'5" manlet here. You can still pull them in, but your personality can't be shit. Being funny help too.
Generally you gotta be at least 2 of 3 for the list below:
-Tall and fit
-Funny and nice
-Successful and generous
FWIW it was my 5'6" friend who nabbed the most normie-gorgeous (thin) gal of any guy I know. Kicker is that she's my height, 5'10". Oh and BTW he's been a fuckup his whole life, never held a real job for more than a few months. He basically became Mr. Mom once they married and had kids. But... he's super-athletic and has stayed ripped into his 50s, and he's a very funny life of the party type.
it seems pretty obvious to me. Roxxie has high standards for her videos, and realized that LisaLou does too, otherwise she wouldn't have became so succesful so quickly. She's consistently ranked in the top 5 on clips4sale, right up there with ivy and reenaye who post daily, and whichever of jackie/roxxie/adeline etc has recently uploaded. Another clue is that they both had bad experiences with Caitidee, and probably started a friendship off by having that in common. My personal thoughts on that drama are I don't know LisaLou all too well and don't necessarily trust or distrust her but I do trust Foxy Roxxie, and the fact that they both said virtually identical things about caitidee makes me believe them that caitidee is a toxic person.

Also none of these girls care how tall you are. Just message them and talk to them about anything except for fat fetish stuff/modeling/their work and they will like you.
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fresh beef from over at the maria alive thread on /bbw/ looks like carmen was being a weirdo and asking to pay her for sex. reiina was high most of her trip and ruined her relationship with maria. the stealing ideas from her is also a claim. interesting stuff.

thinking about it i do now remember seeing a pic of reiina and maria. it was so long ago. the fact that there is no content from their meetup was sus before but now we have an answer.
I am not at all surprised that Reinna is a druggo (or that she got so much fillers/botox due to a "am I pretty enough?" complex) but the concept of Carmen trying to pay another woman $700 for sex is genuinely mind-blowing
Also I hitherto had never heard of Maria
does anybody have anything on VanillaHippo? obviously her whole saga played out on TV but I just find her fascinating in general lmao
Ew Maria is dutch? I knew there was something I didn't like about her
VH and I were friendly in the early days of Feabie, to the point we used to talk on snapchat a few times a week. Vaguely flirtatious but nothing would have actually happened there since I lived across the country. This was waaay before she linked up with Bombshells, blew up to half a ton, got mainstream attention, went on My 600 Pound Life, etc. She was down to earth as hell, we'd basically shoot the shit while she drank, smoked pot and binged horror movies in her apartment. I found her much sharper and way more well-spoken than she appeared on TV. Obviously her weight got out of control but I think the show painted her in a bad light, like she was a total dullard.

I don't have a lot else to share but these two tidbits: she never mentioned having a daughter at all to me and I feel really bad that the kid got dragged into the TV stuff. She also once told me her "boyfriend" (possibly that scrawny hood rat looking dude she did one or two videos with?) was too embarrassed to go out in public with her because she was too big. remember telling her to dump his ass and get as fat as she wanted. Whoops.

Btw, can someone put her on coomer already??
Based on her Tumblr she seemed like the agoraphobic type, but that must have been when she crossed the 700lbs barrier.
>the maria alive thread on /bbw/
i don't see it?
She seemed very articulate and with-it in her videos, not at all dumb or clueless like a lot of 600lb Lifers. Which makes her self-destruction by food all the more surprising, and hotter.
Exactly. I'm not gonna pretend she's not trashy, but compared to some of the other trailer park runoff that show preys on, she's brilliant, lmao.
Anyone got anything on Jenni Bombshell and other Bombshells such as Barbie and Diva? Interested in talking about and learning more about them especially Jenni
I know Jenni was married to Stu, the sketchy Bombshells webmaster. Believe she was also in some kind of fat people documentary but I may be thinking of someone else?
I've heard about this Stu character for years but don't know the details. Anyone care to share?

Also, is this the doc? https://we.tl/t-cyFRaAf2SL I love it because she's out on the street in a few scenes so there's some context, shows you how truly huge she is.
Jenni's entire ass was also all over cable TV in like 2010 when Tosh.0 got ahold of her Wii Bowling video. I have always assumed one of Daniel Tosh's producers was a fat fetishist because how else would you even find that.
I might have seen Barbie crushing a watermelon in Tosh.0 or Ridiculousness
Now that you mention it I am pretty certain there was other “look at this fat lady” content on tosh that was just porn lmao. But I definitely remember something awakening in me because of the jenni video and being mind blown a couple years later when I found her content

Barbie was quite popular in the FA community and kind of just in general for like a year or 2 mainly due to her shelf butt (btw did anyone ever experience her shelf butt in person?) but then fell off after that for some reason. Short modeling career compared to other models. Too bad because it didn’t look like she lost weight after retiring

Yes that’s the doc. I wish more ssbbw did docs like that. Jenni actually did another one years before that. The one you linked is from 2015 I think but she also did one around 2010 iirc. Although, I find it odd that they were both with European groups where as Diva Bombshell did one with an American group

Do you have any post-retirement stuff? I was way into her, great personality and amazing body.

>I wish more ssbbw did docs like that.

I agree, I find that kind of thing hotter than 95% of the content SSBBW models put out. Again, something about seeing them in a "normal" context. They're more relaxed and real, and you see them doing everyday things that shows how huge they really are.

>Diva Bombshell did one with an American group

I thought Barcroft was a British company — oops.
Lawl I remember when Tosh showed a porn clip of an Eddie Murphy clone squeezing a bottle of oil to some fat naked girls, it looked something from the late 90s.
Does anyone know anything about Gillian and Patricia, better known as Spanxbeluga and Fupatrooper? I spent a little time with them at a bash several years ago and they seemed cool but I always got the impression they were kinda sloppy and trouble kinda follows them around

I saw a post of Barbie B on Facebook from 2020 or 2021 and she was still big af. I think she retired from modeling in 2018.

Oh and my bad about the Diva bit although I think that makes it even more odd (not in a bad way since we wouldn’t have the documentaries without them lol)
used to have a friend in the scene who confirmed the BC contracts aren't really shit and Heather is generally cool with letting girls out to do their own thing, especially nowadays with the porn landscape having changed so much. but for the record I did also hear LisaLou asked out
Am friends with a current BC model - can confirm. Having a restrictive contract builds resentment. They need to make sure to have enough content backlogged so they can put out something new while they're editing. They know OF is a viable choice but with so many of these girls shitting the bed as far as consistent content is concerned they're not terribly worried.
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Looks like some drama between Ivy and Rosie Jean. Not watching the whole pod I'm sorry, itls 2 hours long and I've got other things to do lol, but does seem like she's going on a bit of a crusade against Feedism.
Kek sissy tranny faggot got called out.
At least we have real ones like Ivy. Some are here for the grift, but I maintain that no one is getting that big just for the cash. There are ways to set yourself up that don’t involve grinding your knees into dust.

Figures the one complaining about being groomed is some lesser known. Convenient way to get attention when you don’t want to put effort into your appearance.
Fact. She said so on tumbler.
/pol/tards desperate for a win looking for month old comments to plant their flag in
Then you wouldn't mind linking the post then
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I don't know if she actually wafflestomps, but since she obsessively reads this board, she decided to give us a little shout-out.
I agree with your Ivy take. Her content and general persona can be a little too much for me sometimes but she has easily overtaken Heather as the model/figurehead most dedicated to the craft and fat fetishism in general.
Not really drama about a particular model, but I hear there's a new site sharing BBW bash pics and vids. Anyone got the plug on that?
I’ve heard a lot of bigotry rumors for these girls specifically. I ain’t saying she a…
Like they are racist? Nice.
I mean, there really isn't a lot of diversity goin' on.
Elaborate. From whom exactly?
Yeah they probably hate white people. They seem like the self-hating type.
Pretty much all of them. If you’re doing a four person collaborative at work and only involve white women you’re kinda sus af. Every WoC in the industry will tell you these whites women are toxic af.
Look at the image, it’s a mafia of Beckies.
>>36655 chiquita is latina and cece is asian
They are all white passing. Throw an actual brown person in there and I'm sure the dynamic will be *off*
Nominally. It’s not noticeable and that’s alone is sus. Neither is really impactful if you’re white adjacent and have a colonialist mentality.
>>36658 it's not noticeable that cece is asian? please get your eyes checked.
No white supremacists really care if she’s Asian or light skinned hispanic. It’s the white side of the race war they’re obviously on.

Lol at all the salty blaq pipo pseuds ITT malding about being left out of a fat fetish photo shoot of all things. You wouldn't invite these broads to a BBQ but you get big mad if you don't get invited to a very weird niche fetish photo shoot.
idk if you know this or not but it isn't about these four specifically.
I can't even recognize 3/4 of these women, so I'm not simping or whiteknighting or whatever, I just am pointing out that the above anons are calling for "inclusivity" in a fat fetish porn shoot, but most likely practice strict racial exclusivity in the rest of their daily lives, and would call these girls "Karens" or "Emilys" if they were mad about not being invited to a black photo shoot. Ironically for a fat fetish board, I'm saying it's ridiculous to want to have your cake and eat it too.

I doubt they do.

I think the issue is with the fetish itself and the higher your proximity to whiteness, even if (sometimes especially if) you're busted, is going to yield greater engagement than an attractive black/ brown woman.

That's probably every niche fetish scene tho.

Honestly they probably don't even know any WoCs
>Honestly they probably don't even know any WoCs

Ok, but there is another thread in /gen/ mocking CC(which admittedly I was getting confused about which thread I was in, mea culpa), and in that shoot there are 2 "WOC" with Reinna Pop(or whatever her name is). CC and some Asian girl, both "WOC". Or are only black people "of color" now and "off White" people can have their POC status revoked at any point? I don't know these women, don't buy their content, and can't name more than two of them, but the internal logic presented in both this thread and the one involving CC are triggering my autism(it is a Chan board after all).

How about fighting your 'race war' among your own kind? We'll easily deal with the last man standing.
Idk why I keep triggering an autoban.

The long and short of it is WoC can be white passing. Can you really say you're inclusive when your diversity is different shades of beige.

I misspoke earlier saying that they probably don't know any WoCs, they probably don't know any non white passing ones.

This is more of an observation than something that can or will ever actually be addressed/ fixed.
Of all the places to find intersectionality. A reasoned dismantling White Supremacy, on the bbw-chan/gen gossip thread... Nice work, keep it up!
>I misspoke earlier saying that they probably don't know any WoCs, they probably don't know any non white passing ones.

Reiina definitely does. She's done collabs with a few:

J4Iisa 3lite
WIlson (feederandfeedee)
Bro’s it’s so over, thought I hit the gold started talking to this model a little while ago and thought things were going good, turns out she was stringing me along to pay for her 100 dollar premium, then after talking to her some more about how fucked that kinda was she proceeded to tell me she wasn’t even into feederism and just does it for the money and the only reason she even entertained the idea of talking to me so long is because she thought I was rich, I fucking hate life
What part of “White passing” was misunderstood here? I never assumed any of these women weren’t white.
Basically ever woman online is a scam, it’s all pay-to-play pretending to be pay-to-win.
They’re not into the fetish, most just didn’t have the work ethic to be normie hot.
Never give women your money, flaunt it to attract them (it’s really all they care about) but keep that shit invested— don’t chase bitches, chase checks.
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If you think Jalisa or Wilson are white-passing you must look like Malik Agar
Kisame here. Reiina pop is a woman of color because she's 1% asian. When I was working at the bodega in Queens, I met several mixed race white passing women, all of whom had different accents. I learned to appreciate the Jamaican, Dominican and Trinidad accents. I wrote in Ron Desantis for governor of New York in the 2022 election because I knew he was a rising star and I turned out to be right about that, as Kathy Hochul has turned new york into a communist liberal marxist woke hellstate. This is why I moved to suburban West Virginia where, as a person of color, I feel much safer.
I flat out don't know what your talking anon. I went to the gym today. I think you're mentally impaired as I don't know West Virginia, or those political correct terms. That sounds too American and fake
Of the two ssbbws in FeederandFeedee which one is Wilson?
I thought they were Russian and some kinda of Kardashian tanning situations
Fat chicks hate the Kardashians. They cultivated their way to fame
Is this Reina? Is this CC?
You both went to college and know what the brown paper bag test is.
What kinda of hypocrite Karen pretends to be an antifa slut but won’t work with black people.
This is the best Kisame post not by Kisame, 10/10.
Hard to say cause I don't follow models. Ilikapie just outed himself blowing money on Only fans while working a dead end job at Chick-fil-A
The syntax is almost dead-on, but it's missing an autistic comparison to a mid-2000s Cartoon Network show, and I don't really think Kisame leans on boring old "woke liberal marxist hellstate" stuff.
You guys got me lol. I kind of panicked and added the Marxist communist part cause I know he always talks about politics but yeah that part wasn’t accurate. Also I forgot the cartoons part too lol. I know I nailed the syntax and included my favorite of kisame themes, being a black person who prefers rural suburbia.
>>36832 Not just cartoons, but how "women" or "everyone" hates all cartoons now because something something adult animation.
I don't know. I am on brain boosting drugs and think you guys are stuck in the past like that Letita James. I don't believe in victimhood mentality.
Canuck, we already banned cartoons. Now they're finding out the hard way violent tards like Trump will go after adults in the room for taking away Pizza, McDonald's and games. Marxist leftists forgot that they were the court jester and they had to entertain the media. Washington Press Corps are theater nerds and have been since WWII. They've vented that Biden is too old and will go for RFK and Cornel West. Mr. And Ms Black Regular doesn't care for progressives raising prices to enter NYC just to fund bridges and tunnels
I remember this. Signature probably would've gotten so much bigger if Breanna hadn't tarnished her rep in the BBW subculture.
There is a real alt-right. Easy to find. They won't shut up about Jews.
Thick Hungry Honey or Little Yellow Spider... I like her but I think she kind of spiraled when her boyfriend who convinced her to get fat dumped her. She seemed very angry and didn't shut up about politics. Seems to have settled down now. I think she also has family issues and trouble with sense of self as I recall on her on the old Tumblr saying that she is half Latina but somehow wasn't raised by her Latino dad and I guess her mother and stepdad are rightwingers in the south. And in a recent video, she said the guy who introduced her to weight gain is married to a thin woman, who she ran into and was surprised and confused at how much she'd grown. Chiquita seems unstable. I remember her saying on her Tumblr that the US is fascist and racist and should be torn down and anyone who votes GOP is not allowed to masturbate to her pics.
I agree that this woman made the fetish look very bad. Though I think it was called feeder ism until the more woke people thought that it took agency away from the feedee or whatever.
Who is Cece?
Anyone know what Couch Queen is? She looks part Asian but her ancestry could surprise me.
It isn't pol to be against trans. Pretty much everyone on the right is. And some not on the right. Not just Nazis. You look at Stuffingkitt's husband suddenly calling himself a lady and not get disgusted.
I looked her up and I guess she says she's some agender or different orientation or whatever. There are so many models who fly the rainbow flag in their bio and say they are not straight but only date guys. Speaking of which, is Britt still saying she's gay or is she straight again?
Which ones actually like it?
Again, what alt-right? MAGA hates McCarthy cause he was the mythical moderate who wanted to aid Ukraine. Most Latinos I met are pro-Trump, Pro-Pinochet. Socialists like Cantinflas are hated for being puppet of the United States of America. It has less to do with politics and more to do with Latinos being super Catholic or super Protestant
We've already muzzled Trump. Nobody expected Gaetz to oust McCarthy and cause chaos in the house, destroying the GOPs chances of winning 2024. Trump Republicans are hated for working with Democrats and respecting socialists like AOC. The factors preventing Trump from losing 2024 being McCarthy being such a disaster that the speaker's inaction caused the death of Feinstein and collateral damage to Ukraine
>woke killed
I mean, if I can’t be a misogynist then what is the point?
Again, Democrats got rid of McCarthy so Ukraine and people of color have no opportunities if a politician is disposed. Communists and Nazis have rank and file members given that both originated out of Berlin and Bavarian street gangs in the 20s
I flat out don't know what the left wants despite being Kisame17. They rejected purity culture of the 90s, Satanism of the 80s, 00 emo culture, Pottermania or anything resembling Judeo-Christianity. The youth doesn't like millennials to begin with and they lean hard right than left. Zoomers hate reading books or anything resembling Valerie Solanas. Literature has always been a women's dominated field since Sherlock Holmes and Perry Mason. Socialist literature whether it be the Great Gatsby, John Steinbeck have always been derided as counter culture. Even Stephen King is hated in literary circles for being simplistic and counter culture.
was rumored round these parts that fupatrooper shacked up with Amatrix’s ex, an older gentleman out in Vegas
100 percent true but the real gossip would be they're both recovering alcoholics (fupatrooper n the older guy) and she's been seen drinking at bashes this summer
was unaware bash culture even existed anymore tbh. I do know she also dumped a bunch of weight since she ran off with the old man.

Amatrix is someone I’d be weirdly into learning any gossip on if someone’s more familiar with her
I heard her ex got a restraining order against her so now she has to move back in with her parents.
I heard through the grapevine Amatrix defended a rapist and now all the girls hate her

It was more along the lines of a rape victim deciding well after the fact it was rape but was consentual at the time. Which is a shitty thing if true, but you can't say something like that on Feabie or they will burn you at the stake.

The dude she was living with in SD?

You know, I KNOW she's into the gaining thing but it seems to be a failure to launch with her for years. I don't know what's holding her back....
Agree with that Amatrix take. Girl’s been around forever and has made some genuinely good feedist content but nobody seems to care. The couple times I bought a month of her OF it was a lot of “sorry I haven’t been posting, etc etc etc” which was super disappointing.
Kisame, how old are you? 35? 38?
Fupatrooper had to move back in with her parents, or amatrax had to move back in with her parents? Fupatrooper, despite being a sloppy drunk, seems at least capable of some semblance of financial independence. Amatrix on the other hand, I would be surprised if she has ever been financially independent.
He’s saying Amatrix

I remember the whole Amatrix-defends-rapist thing from Feabie and while I do recall a lot of people (cough biggestmermaid cough) subtweeting and attacking her for it, a couple more senior models/ex-models came to her defense. Whole situation was overblown.
>was unaware bash culture even existed anymore tbh
The glory days are gone but bashes are still around. Idk how many under 30s go to them, though.
My mom is Gen X. I'm millennial. I made fun of her for driving a clown car of a Honda Fit, and my brother for driving clown car of Dodge Charger as if they're trying to beat the man while working 9-5 jobs. They get mad when I try to call them a conformist

I think she's just gotten too personal with the community. She's very pretty, but once you open your mouth you're opening yourself up to criticism and different opinions that may or may not jive. She's also older now. She's becoming old hat at this point.

I think she's a textbook example of why you absolutely need to keep your SW/ internet personality out and away from your real life.
also a huge psychopath and narcissist, was recently scamming women for "collabs" then threatening to call their family about it when they dared to ask for their portion.. She needs legit mental health help
Thank you.

Fat women love Honda Fits. Also glad to see your on meds now you seem more stable and healthy
I don't like Honda Fits. I want a pickup truck
There's a guy in the Fully Clothed BBWs thread on /ssbbw/ that brought up how one of the girls pictured would make his whole truck shake when she hoisted herself into it. Fat girls want a car they fit into, but trucks are definitely in for big girls these days.
From what I heard the girl she collabed with backed out at the last minute, and SHE'S the one who did all that. Amatrix's family was getting screenshots and shit. This is all third party vague recollection..

Regardless of who did what she just has an air of chaos surrounding her. I feel kinda bad.
Seem exhausting.

Don't yuck my yummmmmmmmmmaaaannnnnn
I bother to check on DeviantArt. Basically they're removing harmful content. I dunno, I've said I prefer OCs like Cross Crescent Bolette and liked when she was erudite as opposed to retard. I also like DogMom. Yes I am healthy and stable,but it doesn't change my taste in women for buxom or big butt
I told my mom that those stupid cars aren't going to work on cluster fucks like the Van Wyck, Sunrise Highway, or that raging dumpster fire that is Jericho Turnpike
Kek, Long Island…hate that place.
I like it because I can get what I need. Only art hoes hate it since they can't LARP as social justice warriors. Mona and Li Li are supposed to be Long Islanders
it was 2 different people she did that to right before she left ol boy's in SD, and her family knows what she does for a living already. Don't feel bad for her or fall for her shit. Sounds like you just have a soft spot for low-key ugly insane aging "goth" girls or that one 480p video she put on YouTube 16 years ago that everyone settled for came buckets to cause it was free haha
Listen, man, I'm just recounting what *I* heard. It's not that deep.
What is it that you need on LI?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the VIMMEN.
I know I'm opening up this thread to being totally ruined by asking this, but do we have any confirmation as to which models are maga/qanon/etc? Was rumored Jodie was into Q shit for a while and GoddessOfGluttony was allegedly maga. Going to spitball that BBB's maga just because she's got the right kind of trailer park dumpster human vibe.
There's a model who has Gadsden and US flags on her wall, but I can't remember her name. She does stuff with that BBW pearadise cult guy so she probably believes in that stuff.
BBB is definitely right wing, no doubt about it.
There's a very famous picture of her posing in the mirror with an assault rifle (which I was shocked to be unable to find on google images)
And another infamous picture of her mugshot - I believe she got arrrested after going on a racist karen rant in public or something like that

But on the other hand there are other models who are a lot more "trailer trash" than she is
I lean pretty far left on most stuff but the idea of an ultra-right wing SSBBW is really fucking hot to me for some reason.
Plus her name is “Jonda Sue” or some ridiculous backwater shit like that. She reads like she doesn’t know how to register to vote to me though.
Does anyone have anything interesting on Heather? I know she’s lived her life pretty publicly for someone in fat porn but I’ve always been curious about these whispers that she was easy to hook up with on the bash circuit and that her husband isn’t even into fat women.

It was for domestic violence, she beat up her husband

GoddessOfGluttony it was never fully determined but since she's dead it doesn't matter. Confirmed on Jodie being into QAnon.

They have an open marriage and not only is she on the table she's likely to hook you up with models if you make an impression. Real good to have in your corner.
CorgiFairy is back on Tumblr (as "Bellyfairy") and has started an OnlyFans. Is she single again?
Thanks for the heads up. Always liked her on feabie and wondered if this was a possibility for her. LunaLoveFood/LasangaDelRay next, please.
Nice. I know we have some former east coast bash goers in here, I wonder if anyone has any stories
BBBXL has a LOT of lore. If anyone reading this is interested, a lot can be found in comments on reddit, cause I'm not gonna summarize it here. But all things considered it's safe to assume she does not know how to register to vote, as she is confirmed barely literate.
CorgiFairy is the perfect balance of spiritual/tarot card/astronomy/crystals nonsense and actually good personality. I'm excited to see what she posts. Girls like LunaLove and Jae are just too far off the deep end with all that bs for me. Like I need to be able to at least believe the girl can distinguish between reality and delusion.
Can you share a link to what you're talking about? Assuming it's her comment history on there.
you're thinking of lunarosa I believe when you think of crystals and shit, not LunaLoveFood
She looks ducking creepy with all these filters and makeup. She was never pretty but damn, that’s gonna be in my nightmares.
Wow she's really leaning into the feedee vibe. We talked a few times on Feabie way back and she always seemed more sheepish about it.
Fat girls only gain when they have a feeder enabling them
She knows what makes money
pathetic faggot cuck
Oh shit. Post photos of lunalove food??
Can confirm that Heather fancies herself a matchmaker. We spoke a handful of times on Feabie - she's the nicest woman alive fwiw - and one of the first things she asked me was if I'd like to meet a semi-local BC who wasn't on Feabie. Nothing came of it but that always stuck out to me. Very sweet of her.
Feabie name is LasagnaDelRay now. She's just kind of okay looking IMO. Hair is falling out.
Came all the way here to say that, Swiss Miss? Don’t worry, daddy does love you. He just has a hard time showing it because you’re such a disappointment to him.
Anybody have some good shit they wanna put out there before this places closes up?
Most models:

- hate BoBerry for no reason other than jealousy and her standoffish behavior

- pity Kellie Kay for how off the goddamn rails her life has gotten

- judge the fuck out of larger SSBBWs, like over 600lbs. Imagine being in the fat girl club and getting ostracized because you're TOO fat.

- are keenly aware of what everyone has said on this site

Broad strokes, but I can't pin down who said what.
I’ve heard rumbles that CC is a bit of a white supremacist. Makes sense why she likes this place so much.
lol chubbychiquita a white supremacist? she's known to be PC and would get regular posts on her thread complaining about her supporting BLM or whateverbefore she stopped posting politics on her tumblr. the only person who's called CC a white supremacist is that schizo in her thread (iirc) who said because she hasn't collaborated with any black models then she has to hate black people. nevermind the fact that 1. she's only ever collaborated with 4 models so this comes from a ridiculously small sample size, and 2. there are very few popular black models that would be worth collaborating with in the community (I think there's something to be said about feederism porn consumers being biased against black female content creators tbh). it's made up drama by anti-woke retards to smear someone they call woke.
or did you mean another CC? you probably did and I'm retarded
Am I missing something with Kellie? I know she’s still doing some porn part time, shacking up with Igor Night, etc, but I thought she’d settled down with a family and dropped a ton of weight. She’s a little kooky but I get the impression she’s in an okay place compared to a lot of older/retired models.
I wouldn't say that she's explicitly racist. There's probably some implicit biases there, but that's porn for ya. Idk if any black models would want to collab with her anyway since she looks like she smells like wet dog and hotdogs.
>>32265 (OP)
Threads like this are inherently why this site is going to be dead next year.
Focusing solely on the relics of the past
Solely focusing on feedershit
You refused to move with the times and now because of that, we're losing the site

Fuck y'all
>shacking up with Igor Night
Wait, what? Kellie's been in an LTR with someone (also black) for as long as she's been modeling, is this an "all black guys look alike to me" situation or did she actually leave her longterm boyfriend for Igor?
Apologies if “shacking up” was the wrong phrase to use but she’s been working with Igor for at least a couple years now. Check his Clips4sale.
Women are weird. Point out their racial blindspots and habit of hanging out where men use the n-word out of hate and get called “anti woke retard”.
Y’all aren’t as moralistic or progressive as you think.
Reasonable take. Biased af is the right framing.
Speaking of Kellie Kay, people are getting uncomfortable with her IRL because she's referring to her current man as her nigger. No big deal to us, but it warrants some looks when you're within earshot. Might be some race play in the bedroom leaking out.
(Very) old head checking in. Went to bashes back in the day, had a small stint on Feabie but am mostly withdrawn from the community now, just lurk here for the free porn. I will run through this discussion and see if there’s anything I can confirm or deny. AMA in the meantime, if that’s of interest.
Which bashes? Geographically speaking.
Made it to one Vegas bash, other than that I was New England based (have since relocated).

I will say, from reading this thread I think some of you all will be disappointed that, at least from my perspective, things aren’t as sloppy as you might think. I can confirm general skepticism around Mary Boberry and that girls tend to fall into cliques based on weight even within fat positive communities (IE the 600 pounders have their own thing going and sometimes feel excluded).
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Is any of the skepticism founded? We all know there was that story from a while back of her fucking Roxxie's now-husband, Caitidee having a story out on IG saying she's not what she seems, and that whole thing with her gossiping about Hayley getting aired out a little while ago (pic related)

Vegas bash, all I can think to ask about are Sadie, Trysta, Catidee/Luscious/Jae. But not anything in particular.
Cannot say if it’s founded or not, all I know is whenever her name came up, it was in hushed tones with a lot of eye rolling. Heard her referred to as “Heather’s cash cow” and “too good for this”. Never interacted with Mary personally nor can I corroborate the Roxxie story.

Of the other girls you listed, I know Trysta is fully out of the business. She’s a veterinarian which seems like a challenging job for a woman her former size, so kudos to her. I have seen a pic of her post-WLS and she seems in good spirits. Jae and I were Facebook friends a long time ago and unfortunately the sense I get is mental health and her weight really took a toll on her. Most folks in here probably know she has children with multiple men, we were friendly around the first time she was pregnant and things seemed stable with her then.
>Heard her referred to as “Heather’s cash cow”
Kek, this I can totally believe
No kidding. Heather must have been panicking knowing most of her revenue from BC was leaving when Mary called it quits. Site hasn't been nearly the same since.
>She's probably implicitly biased against people with a different skin tone
>She smell like wet dogs and hotdogs
>Why don't nobody wanna work with us, ya'll racist SMH.

Do you not see why maybe people don't want to interact with you? It reeks of black incel in here.
Yes and no. I’m sure she wasn’t thrilled but most people don’t know her and her husband were fairly well-off before BigCuties and the site was a passion project for her.
Do you know of any stories of models becoming immobile? I heard Goddess Patty and Teighlor were immobile at some point in their lives.
What is Heathers backstory? Was she always a fat feedee?
Nigga, respectfully, shut up.
> there's something to be said about feederism porn consumers being biased against black female content creators

Black women are less popular in porn, period, whatever size and fetish. Be as anti-racist as you like but people want what they want.

>Threads like this are inherently why this site is going to be dead next year.

Wrong, it's because of adblockers/lack of revenue, rising server costs, and cp. Anyway if the models talked about here are too old and tied to feedism, who do you think is a more worthy subject for a gossip thread? Drop a name or two, be the change you want to see.

>What is Heathers backstory?

Part of the New England bash scene in the early 90s, "discovered" at 20 by Dimensions magazine founder Conrad Blickenstorfer (actual name). He featured her in the print magazine and made her his second "wide angle video" subject (after Brie). She was around 300 lbs at the time, and in the video she talks about a big recent weight gain and tries on outgrown clothes. Nothing about feedism in it though there was a lot of controversy about feedism in Dimensions in general, where Blickenstorfer was accused of being a feeder and promiting it in the magazine and online. (A whole other topic...)

She met her husband John through the same bash scene and they started BC together. A few of the original models (Ann Marie, Kitkat) were also from the metro Boston/lower NE bash scene. They moved out to California late 90s, where Blickenstorfer and ssbbw wife Ruby were, but I heard there was a falling out between couples shortly after. I've heard they're fairly well-off too and BC is a side gig/hobby, not their main income.
>Black women are less popular in porn, period, whatever size and fetish. Be as anti-racist as you like but people want what they want.
yeah I agree that anti-racism doesn't have to extend to sexual preferences, I'm not trying to shame people for not being into black models. I'm not into any myself lol
Fat Black women aren't popular because it's often the worst aspects of black culture like Monique, Lizzo, Tyler Perry or whatever Eddie Murphy flick is pumping out. Then there's the drama like Amber Rose has been stripping since 16, or Carbi B stripping and drugging men. It's why violent pimps are making a comeback
Is there a way to check which IP's are associated with chronic curvage use/abuse/addiction and ban them? I'm sick of the normies jerking off to 175 pound girls thinking there into fat girls coming here and ruining the site. Go back to curvage loser
I don't care about your "respect" and don't call me "nigga". Touch grass and change your smoke detector battery.
>>Blickenstorfer was accused of being a feeder and promiting it in the magazine and online. (A whole other topic...)

Whats the story with this whole other topic? I thought dimensions was openly associated with feedism
>Monique, Lizzo

Regardless of black or white, thin or fat, 24/7 overcompensating bitch mode is a turn-off.

Not openly, though not much of a door on the closet.

The paper magazine was officially against feedism, as it came out of a NAAFA FA subgroup, which was officially against it. (Though it was not an official NAAFA publication.) The exception was the erotic fiction and art, from Wilson Barbers, Ned Sonntag and others, which often featured feedism though at the soft end of it.

The first online incarnation leaned in a bit more. The first collection of erotic lit was called the Weight Room and the first chat board was called the Weight Board, where people (including me) discussed feedism and related topics. I'd say at that point it was a feedist site though they didn't cop to it specifically. The site was popular and there weren't many (any) alternatives, so there was soon a demand for an "everything else" board for people not into the fetish. And so it split in two, and eventually into two dozen or so, with the Weight Board just one of many.

The first mods were cool with feedism as long as it was clearly fantasy and contained within the Weight Board and its subs. At this point Dimensions was all about the boards, which were basically a mixed FA/BBW forum with a few dirty back alleys. By the time the site really started to decline, late Aughts, the newer mods were strictly anti-feedist — if not wholly anti-FA — and chased us out, and eventually everyone else.

The whole time Conrad took a lot of flak from the community for being a feeder, and showcasing it in the mag and on the site, but he never copped to it.
Ned Sonntag’s a name I haven’t heard in years. Interesting guy. He’s largely responsible for Betty Boop as a merchandising symbol, so whenever you see, funnily enough, fat women on boardwalks and at bowling alleys with Boop shirts, that’s Ned.

Forgot to answer someone’s question about Teighlor and GoddessPatty. I probably oversold how old I am originally - old for this website, but not old enough to have interacted with Teighlor who was well before my time. Unless Patty was at the one Vegas bash I attended I’ve never been around her either.
>Ned Sonntag’s a name I haven’t heard in years.

Very interesting — he was out in the way R. Crumb was, not much barrier between his mainstream illustration work and his fat fetish stuff. He was married to a 600lb part time sideshow fat lady, the actress/artist Katy Dierlam. The first-ever feeder/FA-related media I ever saw was his piece in the comic Renegade Romance when I was in high school.

The British documentary Fat Girls and Feeders tells Teighlor's sad story. Indeed she hooked up with a feeder and became immobile. Patty's story, very similar, was in another documentary.
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Meant to post these as well, Ms. Dierlam and a page from Renegade Romance:
>Patty's story, very similar, was in another documentary.
What documentary was this? I've never heard of it.
All new info to me. Interesting! I met him in passing once or twice, nothing beyond friendly how-are-yous. Was unaware he was so influential in fat fetishism. Seems like you’re more plugged in than me, LOL.
Damn, Kyle, need to punch a wall and shoot up a school to work some things out?
>Weight room

God, that opened so many doors for me as a prepubescent. I'm not sure whether to thank you guys or curse you, lol.
we need that guy who had boberry clowing on gingerbunny in his DMs to chip in
I recently met an ancient relic/ancestor of today's conventionally attractive bash fuckboys that get passed around by models or attractive bash ladies. He went to the NAAFA dances of the old days on the east coast, 60 years old or so. The way he described Teighlor's personality was like a more stuck up version of an Ivy Davenport sort of vibe. She actively looked for things like being in a bikini in publications to "make people realize huge women could be in porn too" and stuff. She was a businesswoman. I think they purposely dramatized her immobility for fatphobic society purposes in that doc but maybe I'm idolizing lol
I chatted with another OG FA a while back (or maybe the same guy?) and he said she was one of the smartest people in the scene. He seemed to have positive feelings about her overall though — didn’t mention her being stuck up. And Teighlor was friends and a business collaborator with Fuschia from Bountiful Productions, who sold her later (soft core) videos. So maybe she was playing it up for publicity — the doc itself winds up being accidental feeder porn.
I was in my 20s but it was a similar situation. I didn’t have words for feedism or what I was besides “chubby chaser” lol.
I remember "Dimensions Library" messing up my brain a lot as a young teen. I knew from a very young age I liked chubby, but those stories about WG (from mild to extreme) and early Azismiss pushed me off the depe end.
This looking back I think I prefer chubby or fat ladies not ssbbws.
It went off the rails for me once I found the word "feeder" and "feederism", and then feeder.co.uk. I was repulsed but intrigued, now I'm stuck.
The stories this guy must have. Part of why I got out was the rise of social media, and meeting my wife of course. To have been able to get passed around by fat fetish models without much consequence, that’s the American dream, haha.
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Remember when Leighton got accused of being a “non-ally” or something when the race riots were going on in 2020 and she ‘proved’ she was by donating $200 or something to some charity? These women were created by Twitter holy fuck
If you’re talking about Juicy Jackie she uses a face pic in her avatar now. I don’t watch her so idk if she is open about her model career on stream
Most of the world thinks the Russian Jews should go back to Europe and stop genociding people. But they’re too greedy to give back what they stole.
Most of the world says they support the Palestinians and Israel are war criminals, occupiers, Nazis, etc but if they really believed that Israel wouldn't exist. The US might still support them militarily but if BDS was a thing they'd be crippled economically which would force a mass emigration and Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Islamic Jihad would get their wish without firing a single rocket. Young European and North American leftists are definitely anti-Israel but they don't put their money where their mouths are — i.e., they post on X and put a Palestinian flag on their lunchbox but they don't vote. So their leaders are comfortable backing Israel, a liberal (small L) democracy with rule of law as opposed to a Sharia autocracy/kleptocracy.

Yes, Israel's right wing govt enables illegal zionist settlers in the West Bank but that's because they've given up on a two-state solution, like the rest of the world. They have to deal with the reality, not the dream. Notice Arab countries have given up on the Palestinians as well. Why? Because they've allowed martyrdom to become part of their DNA. They pioneered the idea of suicide bombers and have sent hundreds of women and children into civilian areas strapped with explosives. When a Hamas or IJ fighter kills a civilian they're a hero, even if they die in the process. Even if they're children. It's a death cult.

Remember Hamas won 66% of the vote with the open and explicit promise they'd eliminate every Jew from the Middle East and would never recognize Israel as anything but an enemy. Who should Israel talk to about peace...? The martyrdom complex is why even though they've been given billions by everyone from UAE to the USA and should be one of the richest people in the region per capita, they're among the poorest. They spend the money on rockets and tunnels rather than education and infrastructure, chasing the impossible dream rather than improving their reality.

That said, obviously most Palestinians don't want to die, they're normal people, mostly apolitical, who want to live and their children to thrive. But they've been sold the idea all they need is for the Jews to leave and it'll be nirvana. Yet their limited attempts at self-government have been horrific. The PLO, PA, and Hamas have killed way more Palestinians with infighting than the IDF could dream of. It's because they fundamentally don't believe in democracy — no Arab country does. They're an autocratic, illiberal culture, stuck with medieval, theocratic values in a post-enlightenment, liberal (again, small L) world.
Yeah. The Jews don’t need to leave x
They need a Time Machine back to 1920 and prevent the Zionist from forming an apartheid that would lead to anti-occupation resistance fighters.
At its core. All of your arguments could be repurposed to justify Hitler. Which, is def ironic that the Jewish people are now pro-Holocaust politics.
Also. Israel is not a legitimate democracy.
A) apartheid
B) Netandyahoo dissolved the rule of law last year
C) the lack of a free press, arresting and blowing up reports isn’t very democratic.

Israel is like one big mitzvah: they gather around to watch their religious leaders mutilate a baby’s genitals and vamprically suck his bloody dick.
Jews just love warc
The kind of parallels you're talking about could be made between any country in history that ever subjugated a minority. In other words you're painting with such a broad brush it's meaningless, like saying Hitler and Netanyahu both had two eyeballs. Not to mention lazy. Moral of the story, don't believe every meme you read.

>forming an apartheid that would lead to anti-occupation resistance fighters

Huh? I can't give you a step-by-step of the history of Zionism right now but maybe take a gander at the Wiki page. There are plenty of valid arguments against how things played out from Hertzl to 1948 but what you're saying is just not a thing.


A) Apartheid is specific to South Africa and, again, has few parallels to the situation in Israel and Occupied Palestine. Starting with Jews being the majority and Palestinians the minority, which was not the case with whites and blacks in SA, and down from there.

B) He's a corrupt warmongering asshole like the rest of Likud and the Israeli right but no, he didn't. He used his majority on the Knesset to weaken their supreme court in the hope of slithering out from his own legal predicament. Trump did the same here, fwiw and either way it's irrelevant to what's going on in Gaza.

C) Israel has a free press, period. I read Haaretz which has been openly critical of the occupation of Palestine and Likud hawks like Sharon and Netanyahu for decades. They're center left; there are openly anti-Zionist media outlets who operate in Israel. That said, compared to the USA they can be repressive, because we're almost unique on earth in terms of press freedom; most of Europe is more similar to Israel than us, and Asia (especially the Middle East) and Africa don't come close. And reporters get arrested and blown up in war zones all the time (again, including in the USA) but it's not Israeli policy. I'm not trying to "whatabout", just saying "lack of free press" is bullshit.

>they gather around to watch their religious leaders mutilate a baby’s genitals

Jesus, talk about burying the lede... I don't believe every critic of Israel is an anti-Semite but an awful lot of them are. Just saying.

Anyway most male babies here in the US — Christians and atheists as well as Muslims and Jews — are circumcized and have been as a part of basic natal care for several generations. Jews hardly own the franchise, though they do ritualize it, sort of like most cultures ritualize the breaking of the female hymen with a religious ritual called "marriage."

Fun fact: The dick sucking part is only performed by a tiny, fundamentalist sect (Satmar Chassidim, less than 100k followers) who FTR are more anti-Zionist than you. It's like denigrating Christians because Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions.

Which is par for the course with your arguments. Goes back to what I was saying about the BDS/Anti-Israeli crowd — they're hypocritical, flimsy, trendy and thus impotent. Israel can safely concentrate on destroying Hamas and IJ and you guys can pose with your kefayas on tiktok using your Chinese phones and feel like you've done something good for the world.
Kisame here. Nobody cares for the Isreal-Hamas wars. I live in a populist right county of NY. Trump voters care about the economy and not giving military aid. The neocons like Ben Shapiro aren't going to fight Hamas. I think people forget how irrelevant Netanyahu is to my generation. The black clergyman are already breaking from the socialists. I think porn stars are just attracted to power and want to be Beyonce or Madonna.

The Jewish far right are just fat soccer hooligans who copy the Tories high culture. I hadn't had anything to say because Ben Shapiro, Zeldin, and Chuck Schumer can't replicate human emotions. It's worse for Schumer because he's the only guy in the state who has the personality of a groundhog. I can only imagine that fat chicks who eat at Whole Foods and live in the suburbs aren't going to give up material wealth for some IDF frat bro
Seriously, Nassau might as well be the suburbs of Tel Aviv. Maybe not in Hempstead (Roosevelt? Farmingdale?) where you live but in the majority of towns there, where you don’t need an armed escort to go to 7-11. It’s the jewiest county in the US besides maybe Westchester and I assure you they’re all about the Israel-Hamas war right now.

And yes, I know I’m debating with a human Mad Libs but idgaf. The site is gone soon anyway.
So you admit the Jewish cult cuts up baby genitals to duck their blood?
You admit that Israel is as bad as Hitler, but, “lotsa people are also”.
Great attempt at disproving a point by admiring its mostly true.
Israel is Disneyland for fundies. Most congregations have abandoned Ron Desantis for Trump. I don't know how to explain Nassau but it's 50% Falun Gong and End CCP, 50% Trump voters.
I live in the Jewish part of the state second only to Kew Gardens and Forest Hills. I don't think the Chabad with their Mosiach is Back graphics are going to ask Rebbe for missiles. Only Sephardics are the gun nuts and fitness bros. I honestly think Ben Shapiro is going to have Rob Schneider do a pro Israel film for the Daily Wire.
Dude relax, Gaza is roughly the size of Long Beach, Mastic-Shirley, and Massapequa. Israel without the smoke and mirrors is just a corporation state just like Ukraine. Qatar and Saudi Arabia has better commerce without it looking like a dump.
No one is cutting up genitalia to duck blood. It’s a weird ancient ritual performed by a few nut jobs. Nothing like the thousands of Catholic churches around the world where as many as a quarter million children were systematically raped and the various dioceses covered it up at the direction of the Vatican, til just a few years ago.

Israel is not as bad as Hitler. I said one can make a false equivalency between them by selective editing, if you’re disingenuous and biased enough. It’s like thinking a cloud looks like cauliflower so they both drop rain and you can dip them in ranch dressing.

I admired it was true that the occupation of the West Bank is illegal and counterproductive, the fundamentalist settlers there are proxies for the most racist and evil end of the Israeli political spectrum, and Netanyahu is a venal, murderous fucker. I did not admire anything else.
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Again relax. The average fascist is just some yokel who goes to the pub and rides fat women as if they were bulls while watching sports. The problem is that the pandemic broke the minds of men and made suburban life look appealing while destroying urbanism as a movement. Strangely, Trump benefits from this more than Netanyahu because the Donald gave people 6k in stimulus, vaccines, and despite being a fascist, doesn't care for the gays or culture wars.

Netanyahu is the intelligent racist that Biden and his ilk wanted as a bulwark against Putin, Xi, Iran, and whatever comics book super villain the Justice Department feels like arching. Instead of protecting Israel, he subverted church and state to the point terrorists bombed a dumb club playing trance music while high on drugs. It's also why Dave Chappelle and Jon Stewart are getting cancelled. Fat chicks who support the Akatsuki and Espada aren't going to side with Netanyahu
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Is being comparable to Catholics really isn’t the moral victory you think it is vampo-pedo.
Honestly, Israel’s ethnic cleaning of the area Arab peoples is not even the top ten race based atrocities attached to the European Jewish population.
You’ve got the evidence they funded and profited off the trans Atlantic slave trade in dozens of countries in the new world.
The financial collapse of the 2000s was a Goldman–Sachs funded attempt to turn the American worker into slaves.
Then you got the Soros funded rape of children across pizza palors in the Crown Heights and Borough Park.
Such brave truth, so well articulated. Vampopedos around the world are quivering in their tefillin, burping up baby blood over how you’ve ripped the lid off it.
Dude. The Israelis just killed several thousand kids and demolished their homes.
It’s not exactly an unheard of that Israel intentionally kills children.
this thread alone is proof that this site deserves its oncoming death. jfc
Aaaaaand now for actual fat gossip: anyone hear what it was that got Adeline to start losing weight? I heard it was a breakup, but I don’t recall where I got that from.
You mean to start losing weight from being 700lbs?
She was very forthcoming about needing gallbladder surgery. Not much else to talk about.
She lost weight because her feeder let her other he was gonna cop a manslaughter case for what was happening on camera.
Adeline seems like an extraordinarily depressed woman with an eating disorder whose easily manipulated.
Still surprised she could. At that point you’re well into addict territory, so even the fact she could exert the willpower.
Getting uncomfortable eating when it's your job to is a pretty strong motivator. Besides, all she had to do was start cutting back a little bit and weight loss was inevitable.

>She lost weight because her feeder let her other he was gonna cop a manslaughter case for what was happening on camera.
Is an awesome plot for erotica, the gallbladder was the pressing thing. I'm sure more health problems were going to show up how she was going.
>Adeline seems like an extraordinarily depressed woman with an eating disorder whose easily manipulated.
The goth appearance wasn't enough of a dead giveaway?
Dear fucking lord these autists cant help themselves
I can corroborate that about Echo and honestly enough people on Feabie knew about it that I just assumed it wasn’t a secret. I picked it up in a video chat room with like ten people in the early days of Feabie. It’s also pretty widely accepted that she’s mentally challenged to a certain degree.

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