
(165 KB, 1000x1132, TresLeches-764142-Solo.jpg)
I've seen plenty of threads and posts about people talking about telling their partner about their WG fetish and such, but never one about vore. So how did any of you tell your partner about your vore fetish, how long did you wait to tell them and what was the reaction?

I'm asking cause I'm in a new relationship myself and honesty is important to me, so I do want to tell her eventually, but after it being used against me in a previous relationship I wouldn't mind hearing how others have navigated the topic.
>How do I tell my partner about my vore fetish?
You don't.
Why don't you tell them over dinner? 😏
Actually a fair point.
I did this with a GF who was very kinky and "sex positive", even then it did not go well. Do not attempt. I repeat. Do not attempt.
Really depends on what aspects of Vore you find appealing. If you're into the thinly veiled Dom/Sub dynamic via Pred/Prey, then you already have a somewhat socially acceptable angle of approach. I'm mainly aroused by vore due to the stuffed bellies and implied post-digestion weight gain. If you're into it mainly for the cannibalism-by-consent stuff, then yeah, don't.
There's no way you can even do anything like vote url unless, explicit cannibalism aside (NOTE: obviously illegal and messed up, do not do, also a brain prion is the worst way to die), your plan is to get her mild liposuction after gain then eat a bit of her fat. Which again, I don't recommend. So. Just même yourself into another fetish
Do they let you walk out with the fat from liposuction? That could be a viable strategy.

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