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BBW Chan and the occasional dip into Discord servers are the only sites I really visit for feederism these days. FF is dead, and Feabie is cringe, what other sites/forums/chans/Discords/Matrix servers do you visit for feederism discussions/content?
stufferdb man it was my go to before I found out about this place
I'm really enjoying their new AI rendered section
Curvage ruined themselves by the clip store. Sure we have people like shar now, but the store is filled with shovelware and all the posts are them spamming content and dumps worshipping them for it. Feabie is a dumpster fire, and fantasy feeder is a ghost town. Sucks
Don't forget Dimensions, which is a depressing old folks' home
There's nothing for feeders on Curvage. I'd argue there's barely anything for actual FAs. It's way overpopulated by guys who are supposed to love fat women but actually love skinny women they want to imagine as fat. Or not even — more like slightly less than skinny. Bless their hearts but do we need a site for that? I mean, a lot of the internet is all about hot, not-fat women.

Most of the image-based boards are a mess, everyone posting whatever wherever. The models board is pretty good but Celebs, what was once the core of the site, is useless — I've tried to get stuff going about legit fat celebrities and there's crickets. But post "Taylor Swift has what could someday be slight belly bulge in this pic!" and you'll have 300 responses. Fuck you.

As for the clips, I've been randomly turned on to some good stuff in there but I don't have the patience to sift what seems like thousands of models, quality control be damned, and then have to "subscribe" to preview their videos, or even get a full-body view sometimes. I wonder how much $$$ the site owner leaves on the table because guys like me don't have the time or the will to dig through it.
It was a great site for a few years in the Aughts, destroyed by its own mods. The creator/owner stepped away and left it to a cabal of never-offline shut-ins who decided FAs and particularly anyone with any interest in feedism, and later "objectification" (on a site that sold cheesecake lingerie pics and vids) were all Ted Bundys in waiting. Mind you, the site's chat boards literally started with "The Weight Board", which was all about feedism.

I had a very long and infuriating debate with one of them. My point was that No, dudes shouldn't go to just any board and start asking about measurements and such. But that it was nice to have segregated, topic-specific boards to discuss FA sexual fantasies, and that many people's fantasies (men and women) weren't necessarily cool, "safe," or politically correct.

Responses boiled down to "I had a friend who was manipulated by an evil feeder, every men I've ever been with was an asshole and we're not objects so No, I'm gonna spam every sexual thread til you give up."

And so we did.
As if feabies better. Message a chick to get solicited to buy a clip.
That's why you message either meek turbo-autists (biologically female, of course) or eastern europeans/other obvious foreigner.
Not to mention Casey became a mod to promote her own shit. And probably to ban anyone who doesn’t believe the bullshit she spews. “I met an old professor that I TOTALLY used to hook up with and tUrNs OuT hEs a FeEdEr!!1 or anytime “my waiter at the restaurant was totally a feeder” lmao get real. Sure we are out there but she is full of shit. “Biggest I’ve ever been/most I’ve ever gained” when shes looked literally the same for past year or more
That’s not even the most egregious thing. Some of them literally initiate the IM and then ask you to feed them. I report them with a screenshot of the message and laugh when I get the confirmation they got banned.
StufferDB is ok if you don’t mind out of date photos, but Curvage is just worse with every passing day. The clips made it a vestigial shell of a place, and what few posts you have are especially bad for acting like 99% of people are FA’s in a facepalmy way that even this place can’t achieve.

News babes gain weight in some of their more interesting threads and you see replies like “oh man the news director is a FA for sure and she’s 100% got to be a feeder.” No, it’s called flyover America where they all just end up weighing that.

I miss Curvage from like 2014, it’s a total shithole now.
I thought it was a joke when there were hundreds of models, now there's over a thousand. Everybody is in business.
No sense of the old community, just endless promos. Not everyone is successful. I hope some of the poorer women can put food on the table. One can spend hours looking at ads. Is sexploitation being mistook for independance and realization?

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