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Ok, so I’ve been seeing this girl and I really love her. I won’t gush too much, but long story short, she’s really great. With only one problem: she is very thin. Probably the thinnest woman I know in fact. Huge thigh gap, no excess weight to be spoken of anywhere on her body. She is very beautiful despite this, and I still am generally physically attracted to her. She is incredibly active, physically, and doesn’t eat much. We bike for at least half of our dates and she regularly goes hiking. It’s not hard to see why she’s so skinny.

Now, I’m a pragmatist at heart. If I could get rid of this fetish, I would in an instant. But I do worry, if she remains so thin I fear for my ability to ever be sexually active with her. Both her and I are taking things pretty slow and steady, but as we get closer I feel terrible that I will never be able to please her sexually speaking or even do anything in that department. The idea I’ve concocted: get her a little chubby (nothing too much, so she can still be active and autonomous, and nothing too far beyond an overweight BMI). I really do love this girl and want to have a long term relationship with her, and I feel terrible, but I legitimately fear for my ability to be sexually intimate without this.

My question: how? I don’t want to manipulate her cruelly or blow her up to morbid obesity or anything. Despite fantasies, I am a pragmatist, like I said, and I don’t want to greatly impede her ability to function in society, nor do anything far beyond the reaches of consent (that said, I don’t feel the need to be 100% honest upfront, aside from maybe just saying she looks attractive with extra weight). I came here because, for one, it wouldn’t judge me for my fetish or tell me I’m a horrible person, and because unlike most other “fetish places” I could look for advice I won’t get the “just be heckin honest with her and I’m sure she’ll accept you for who you are!!!” I don’t want to break up with her, I truly do love her for just about every reason beyond this fetish. I don’t want to just say “hey I have a fat fetish and want you to get fat for me” (maybe further down the road if things work, idk, but for now, no)

So, how do I get my gf from skinny to chubby?
Already fully prepared for the replies calling me a weak little faggot or something
>>31818 (OP)
Find a new chick. Either be happy with how she is or fuck off
Yes I can and you are fuckin retarded thinking you should change her to what you want with no regard to what she wants
I'll submit your consideration
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lmao everyone agroing this guy when she might not even be opposed to it

if she loves you and your tactful, she might dabble. i'm 3:3 for vanilla gfs getting into this kink. 2 of which had horrible anorexia at some point

otherwise sugggest she get into powerlifting. it's the most socially acceptable form of weight gain. you literally need to force yourself to eat more to progress in it

it's always a longshot, but just make sure to respect her decisions if she's not down
You're fortunate that you're American and the toxic food and environment are on our side to mess her hormones up to store blubber, but at a certain point if she's not going to budge with reason you gotta... pray I guess. Be patient.

It is the nature of a woman, and really it's for guys too just human psychology but femoids more so, to compromise and drift in the name of Love.

Just keep normalizing and romanticizing fatties to her in art, even in very cute ways like anime art but also refined like classical paintings like Rubens. Repeat it over and over. The elites know Normalization works just look at the world past years. Do you?
Also this and sadly true about the ED thing but "conquering" it often entails becoming chunky.

Powerlifting is not just a great excuse to fatten up but it also strengthens bones and blood. I'm sure she doesn't want osteoporosis right?
>it's always a longshot, but just make sure to respect her decisions if she's not down
I feel as if, even if she doesn't, I think I'll stay with her. I just feel like it would be better for the both of us
Thanks for the advice!
>Just keep normalizing and romanticizing fatties to her in art, even in very cute ways like anime art but also refined like classical paintings like Rubens. Repeat it over and over.
Now there's a very interesting idea. That's something that I hadn't thought about bit would work very well... I'm already a sperg for history and so know too much about the changing of beauty standards and whatnot (among other subjects) and she's already pretty used to me blabbering on about some historical subject that I'm interested in. You've definitely got something smart there anon...
We seem to have a lot in common in then haha, how did a fellow sperg even score a cute high-conscientiousness qt fitness nut girl to begin with? I wish you best success in unlocking what she was meant to be. I think lifting is the wises route, but yes, be patient and don't be afraid to use that tism to nag her ears off, waxing poetic on the virtues of chub with all kinds of highbrow references. Reference even historical instances of feederism if you want to do a Hail Mary.
does she know about your fat fetish? I'd start with just being honest with her about your sexuality (although ofc be careful with your wording) and work through it with her. no good relationship comes from manipulation and secrets
very much this
>how did a fellow sperg even score a cute high-conscientiousness qt fitness nut girl to begin with
I'm still questioning this to this very day
I suppose so. But I truly feel as of I'd have to reframe it. I don't think saying "I have an all-encompassing niche sexual fetish that depends on women eating food and gaining weight" will lead to a good outcome at all
yeah, you need to get them to understand you but also minimise their gross-out and emphasise your respect for their bodily/sexual autonomy. you can bullshit a *bit* though, so long as you're still giving them enough understanding to have meaningful dialogue with you. like, instead of telling her you like women gaining hundreds of pounds and becoming morbidly obese just tell them you like it when women overindulge and get chubby lol - you can leave out your darkest fantasies since you've said you don't intend to practice them (maybe bring them up once trust has built up as a bedroom fantasy). obviously we don't know your GF's attitude towards fatness or her own self image so can't give you super specific advice.

do you know *her* weird fetish(es)? you could try having a general conversation where you both talk about that, then maybe she won't be judge you too hard.
Merci beaucoup, Brit. I will definitely employ some of these strategies
>i'm 3:3 for vanilla gfs getting into this kink. 2 of which had horrible anorexia at some point
I'm also curious how you did this. Did you use the powerlifting strat every time?
>tell them you like it when women overindulge
>do you know *her* weird fetish(es)? you could try having a general conversation where you both talk about that
>if she loves you and your tactful, she might dabble. i'm 3:3 for vanilla gfs getting into this kink. 2 of which had horrible anorexia at some point

These men speak the truth. The only skinny woman I've dated was in my late teens/early 20's, and I kept my fetish a secret for 2 years before I told her.

When I did, it was during a drunken conversation about our sexual fantasies. I framed it as I'm turned on when a woman is greedy/gluttonous/indulgent, and that I enjoy feeding them. And that if they gain a bit of weight from it then that's hot too, but I emphasised (bullshitted) that the main arousal was from the feeding/gluttony, not the weight gain.

She was skinny and used to have a mild ED in high school. She took it pretty well to be honest, and was willing to indulge me. She didn't gain much weight, 15lb or so, but it was still hot. We broke up about 6 months later for unrelated reasons, but she probably would have gained a bit more if we hadn't.

If she is completely unreceptive to it, then you have to make a decision if you're willing to stay with someone who you love but is sexually incompatible, or break it off and find someone more compatible.
That's comforting to know. Especially considering that I think she may have or have had a mild eating disorder in the past, at least from what I see of her diet
>do you know *her* weird fetish(es)?
Should I ask her??

It wouldn't hurt. Best case she does that there's a median.
Yes! Although I wouldn't word it as "weird fetishes". Maybe something more positive sounding, like "secret fantasies".


lol, nah, that suggestion was just for OP

i've told my stories a few times in the community but pretty much:

first was already chubby. 190, 5'7", had an ex that kept pressuring her to get skinny. after they broke up she had gained from 160->190. we hit it off, fell in love, i tactfully made it physically aware i liked her body, then tactfully mentioned it verbally, about 2 months in i disclosed after sex while giving her a foot massage that i'd love her and find her beautiful no matter what, and if this makes you uncomfortable, i'lll never bring it up ever again, but i think it's really hot when a girl gains like 10 lbs for me. she didn't freak out, but years later she told me she initially thought "hell no". as time went on, i started commenting and indulging in her softness during sex until gradually talked about making her fat which unlocked something in her. by the end of it 3.5 years later for unrelated reasons, she was 263 and told me how she gets crazy turned on thinking about her own fat and can't orgasm without jiggling her belly. told me she wouldn't have minded getting to 300. she doesn't much social media, but in the small pics i've seen since here and there, she's lost "some"

second was a little chubby, 5'4" 160, ex-anorexic. on our second date we were joking around with kinks and i wouldn't tell her mine. she got really hurt that i didn't trust her and was about to go home then i told her the same spiel "love you no matter what, won't bring this ever again if you don't want me to, i'd help you lose weight if it'd make you more comfortable with yourself, how you feel about yourself is way more important than my boner." she was relieved and was like "no, but that's not so bad." 3 weeks later she texts me that she hasn't stopped thinking about it and wants to try it just a bit. we slowly worked it into our sex life and she would get super wet. i remember some intense weight gain talk making her go crazy and she said with genuine distress/surprise/joy, "WHY AM I SO INTO THIS?? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME??" she kept saying how much she loved chubby nicknames and talked about getting to 200 lbs so matter-in-fact, and 220 after depending on how she feels. we broke up for other reasons about 4 months later when she was around 180. i believe she's still gained a bit since then

current gf that no one believed me in the other thread was 5'3" 105 when we met bout a year ago, very serious anorexic past. disclosed my kink with the same spiel as before. she wasn't into it but entertained me and teased me with it during sex because she wanted to please me. things escalated and she gets pretty wet and has a lot of fun with it. eventually made it a habit that she has to think about what her body would feel like at 200 lbs while i go down on her, which makes her orgasm way harder and way faster. she's probably about 150~ now, definitely chubby, holds it really well in her arms, tummy, ass, and thighs. wants to go slow and just enjoy herself but was intentionally gaining for me until about 135ish. now just not watching what she eats. she tells me that her appetite has gotten way bigger and she felt so out of breath and sweaty when going out dancing for the first time in over a year. has been replacing clothes like crazy. loves chubby talk and cute chubby animal relationship insta posts, giggles and glomps me when i call her my little piggy. she likes the concept of being "mine" and being surrounded by the product of how happy i make her and keep her fed

not sure if she'll end up gaining much more, but it's been hot af watching a skinny girl now quintessentially chubby all over. i'd be psyched even if she stayed at this size, but she really hasn't been slowing down. when we go out, always orders way more food than when we first started dating, and always gets a milkshake if they serve them
Look at casanova Amateur Pierce Brosnan here. What a story Mark.

No really I am happy for you but where do you even find these girls? How do you feel you indirectly helped conquer a couple EDs now? Which do you think is most likely to get super fat?
You don't love this girl, you want to subjugate her to your fetish. By all accounts here, she's a fit person who probably detests fat people.

I think the problem is you. You think you won't be able to be turned on by her. This demonstrates that you're a beta male because you want to sneakily make her fat so you can be attracted to her, if that's even possible.

Are you gay, by chance? Not even trying to be mean. I love fat chicks as much as the next guy here but I also have no problem being sexually aroused by a fit woman I found attractive. You have some serious reflecting to do.
>>31904 Yeah, like you know love. Spare me the lecture, Catholic. Your generation cultivated a nation of frauds, and the hippies with their free love bullshit weren't anywhere near the worst of the lot.

lmao, i'm actually dogshit with girls. 2017-2022 was a pretty rough dryspell for me

college english, okcupid, bumble

the second two had already conquered their ED tbh. they both were tumblrcore as shit, so they were well-warmed to body positivity and took me as an opportunity to explore it

that being said, all three definitely had times they felt bad about their growing bodies. all of them had days of "fuck yeah, i love having a huge ass" and "i hate how i look", but i think it's just a depression thing more than anything else

even 10s have days they feel ugly, so i hear

>Which do you think is most likely to get super fat?

the first told me she would have been fine getting to 300, but she's probably in the low 200s now if i were to guess

second would have probably gone to 300 if we stayed together. she was so turned on by all of it. she even said to me, completely out side of sex or any aroused moment while we were cuddling, "i wish you were more assertive in fattening me up...", said all sorts of tumblr shit about rejecting her own internalized fatophobia, and while she was riding me, "i wanna be the biggest you've ever had". really cute girl, fucking hilarious sense of humor, but i'd always accidentally set her off into a 4 hour hysterical fight, which weren't becoming less frequent. but you bet your ass i think about what she'd look like if i stayed.

no idea about current GF. we've talked about it and she usually dismisses it with, "we have our entire lives to get there", but 40ish pounds in a year, enjoys playing with her belly, constantly puts my hand on it/arm around it when we're hanging out, noticeably growing appetite, and loves getting food for the first time in her life apparently. we'll see /shug. she won't weigh herself because of past ED mindset, but she's definitely overweight now
bro wtf are you even on? the main point of your statement was already retarded but him being gay? i think maybe you need to do some serious self-reflection
>By all accounts here, she's a fit person who probably detests fat people.
I know for a fact she doesn't
>I think the problem is you. You think you won't be able to be turned on by her. This demonstrates that you're a beta male because you want to sneakily make her fat so you can be attracted to her, if that's even possible.
It's not my fault I have this fetish. Sorry I'm not an uber-alpha-delta male or whatever the fuck
I honestly think feeders should collectively commit suicide
Why are you even on this website?
Take her on progressively more intense and risky adventures - hikes and bike rides. Eventually she'll pull something and have to slow down. Dote on her, showing your sympathy with food treats.

When she's ready to get back to it, repeat. Rush the resumption of activity, causing her to over do it and pull back again.

If she gets upset about the weight gain, praise her beauty. Not her fat. You'll be the good guy who loves her for who she is, even though she gained weight.

Eventually, let on that she's changed your preferences.

If that's too much work, you could taste a fat chick. They are the majority these days.
sneak sleeping pills in her food and then when she's out for the count you can pour weight gain shakes down her throat and she won't be any the wiser. if she panics about frequently dozing off for unknown reasons and missing hours out of every day just gaslight her and say she's imagining it all. you can also hack the social media accounts of her friends and family and use them to send threats to her so that she'll be too stressed and scared to break up with you, and when she gets fat tell her how ugly she is and that you're the only person who could possibly be attracted to such an unwanted insane bitch :)

some might say it's easier to just talk openly about your preferences but they're being cucks, *real* men are manipulative and abusive to their partners
Fat might be a stretch unless she’s the type of person who was destined to put on weight anyway but chubby is potentially doable. It depends on her though, you aren’t going to be able to force it out they will have random freakouts.

My college gf was fit and had a naturally skinny body. She eventually came to know my preference, and became willing to cool the worry about fitness. She got chubby eventually (not Bbwchan chubby where “chubby” is 250lb, I’m talking like BMI 27-28) and it didn’t really bother her because she knew I was 100% into her.

Mind you she wasn’t into the fetish at all so if you need an active participant you might never get it, but finding someone willing to back off their diet and put on 25-40 pounds can be done with the right, level-headed person.
Once again, very comforting to know this. Thanks for the advice
Jesus, we have one guy telling OP to low key allow herself to get injured and another one suggesting he drug her. It's seriously rapey, incel behavior, no wonder you people will be alone forever.

Not a trad Cath in the slightest, just tired of beta and gamma males claiming to be crippled by their fetish. You can't be in love with someone you're not sexually attracted to. Wanting to change someone isn't love either. OP needs to dump this poor girl and stop playing with her emotions.
Faggot particle levels off the charts ☢

OP this girl you KNOW will be far happier as a hug, just do it. Have her stuff until she packs on wobbling globs of cellulite.
Look man, it's not like I'm gonna drug her like these (obvious) trolls are suggesting. It's not my fault your holier-than-thou moralistic attitude makes you respond to everything in earnest. You know nothing about my relationship with this girl. I love her and she loves me (she approached me, not the other way around. I know that makes me a "gamma male" or whatever but I really couldn't care less). I would do anything to stay with her including accepting her lack of weight gain, if that need be. I am sexually attracted to her, I just can't get hard withoit something feederism related. I really wish I could be a "high testerone sigma provider" like you but all I'm trying to do is figure out the situation I'm in with the resources I have.
White knight vagina
Best move to get a girl fat is substituting one addiction for another. Get her addicted to coke and swap it out for binging on food and weed. Coke workers better than horse because it can become a habit to skips days worth of meals and then gorge those missed calories in a meal.
OP, it's great you made a friend. If she's literally the physical opposite of your strong fetish though, then she's not sexually compatible. Save everyone the heartache.

Otherwise, you're left with strategies that take her autonomy, to turn her into the idealized version created in your head. It can be done, but it's manipulative. There's no getting around that.

Ultimately, you need to shift her daily calorie balance. It has to happen in a way that she's making the choice. The less it's tied to your fetish, the better you'll be able to avoid the fallout when extra weight gets shitty. It always does, btw.

Your best bet is accelerating the transition between life stages. Extinguish the active behaviors, replacing them with sedentary ones.

They don't have to be destructive. Help her achieve the pinnacle of her physical goals. She might lose interest after peaking.

Support her killing it on academics, and eventually her career. Riding the desk and dining with coworkers always packs on pounds.

Celebrate time with her friends. Brunch. Parties. Dinners. Wine tasting. And yes, weed.

For the love of God, get a little more creative about dates. How the fuck is she going to get fat, if you keep putting her on a bike???
>when extra weight gets shitty. It always does, btw.
What do you mean by this? Like, when it stops be attractive? When it starts to become a physical hinderance??
Also, I'd just like to comment on all the anons saying "durrr, you CANT be attracted to her if you worry about sexual intimacy!" And ask them: do you know what love is? Believe it or not, I love my gf for more reasons than my desire to fuck her. This is my one area of concern and I still am sexually and physically attracted to her (something which has been repeatedly ignored by the moralizing anons in this thread) I simply fear for sexual intimacy. Ie, I believe I can preform if need be, but not in a way that would satisfy either of us, something which I want to subject on neither me nor her. That is the fact of the situation, not me saying "I'd only be attracted to her if she were fat!!!"

There are downsides to gaining fat. Self image change. Clothes fit differently. Athletic performance drops. Doctors act differently. Blood work gets worse. And so on.

When these happen, someone/something need to take the blame. If she's fat "for you," the cause is you. At best, you're on for some amount of bullshit. At worst, the relationship is over. Society is going to blame her problems on the fat, and by extension you. Rightly so, honestly.

Instead, the cause needs to be her choices, or circumstances beyond your control. Then it's "us against the problem." As a collaborator, you have influence over the narrative. You can empathize (work's been so hard), enable (who wouldn't miss some workouts) and distract (let me massage out some of this stress).

You seem young. Are you already fucking her. If not start there.

The men telling you this is an uphill battle, have been down the road. Sexual incompatibility gets more intolerable as the years turn into decades. A sexually fulfilling relationship is much better. Once you've had it, there's no going back.

This fetish tends to escalate over the years too. 200lbs might be the pinnacle at 20, but too thin at 40. Ignoring it deprives both of you. Everyone deserves sexual community in their relationship.

Otherwise, you're just friends. A relationship includes friendship and sexual partnership.
>I just can't get hard withoit something feederism related.

And you don't see a problem with this?

>I really wish I could be a "high testerone sigma provider" like you but all I'm trying to do is figure out the situation I'm in with the resources I have

Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up faster. You need to seriously work on yourself if you're unable to even provide for this woman. Do you have a job? I'm trying to help you, sometimes that requires speaking in earnest.

I'm just surprised that you say you're attracted to her but can't get hard without your feeding involved. Have you considered therapy? I'll admit, I just like fat chicks, I'm really not into feederism myself so I lack understanding into this fetish.

I'm 38, married to a BBW giantess, stable job, one child. Just looking to help here, if my frankness upset you, then I don't know what to tell you, I make no apologies for being an alpha male.
>Otherwise, you're just friends. A relationship includes friendship and sexual partnership.
See I don't get this. What about other ways of being physically intimate (kissing hugging etc) that distinguish from friendship cause I do all that stuff. Idk. I really shouldn't have expected anything but this attitude from a porn piracy website but this attitude still sort of baffles me
You sound young and naïve, not an insult, just an observation. I've been around long enough to know a healthy, adult, relationship requires a good sex life to last in the long run.

Fuck your girlfriend anon.

Try fucking an obese woman, while she's eating a giant bowl of macaroni, and her guy is bouncing off you the entire time. Then tell yourself some boney hugs are enough. If you're wired for this shit, there's no point in fighting it. Everyone loses.

The right fat chick will be thrilled you cooked her macaroni.
Alright I've been convinced to just give it up. Thanks for your contributions everyone
This is me, by the way
I mean, are you saving yourself for marriage? Why post on a porn piracy site then?
I don't actually don't download anything on here. I just use /gen/ mostly because I know I have this fetish and this is the least annoying place to discuss this stuff. Curvage is full of creeps, Tumblr is alright but often very moralizing and Reddit is full on "heckin body positive *feedism*" or otherwise full of fake stories. People here are a lot more honest
*don't actually download
Just be open about your tasted with her. It's going to spill out eventually one day, she'll find out. Just bite the bullet, rip the bandage
What about my first question.
I'm not necessarily but she is.
You actually seem to have one of the more balanced perspectives that I've seen on this site. You're at least acknowledging that there are more factors than just sexual attraction in loving someone, which is more than most people on here will admit. This idea that your relationship is doomed unless you are 100% sexually compatible is a myth. Obviously it is an important part of many relationships, but not all of them, and not to the same extent in all of them. It just depends on the people and no one here can tell you anything about your specific case.

As for what to do, I mean I think a lot of us have significant anxiety around these compatibility issues, and it can be very troubling to feel like you'll never be able to have a healthy, happy relationship with someone. I think that the best approach is to view your relationship more holistically, where sexual attraction is one variable among many. And for that matter, that your relationship is just one variable among many in your life. If you're willing to find happiness in more places than just your relationship, and within your relationship, in more places than just sex, it at least diversifies your sources of happiness so that you aren't so tied to one alone. None of this means that sexual attraction isn't important, just that it isn't the end-all be-all of happiness.

Lastly, I think being honest with her is the best approach. Not only in sharing your fetish, but in sharing your struggles with it. I know some people will think this is beta shit, but if you're real with her and she's more aware of how you feel, then it lets her have more information to work off of. Maybe she decides that this isn't at all for her, and that's okay, you need to respect that. But maybe she gets a lot out of the relationship as well and decides that 10 pounds wouldn't hurt, you know? Really the best approach is to be totally straight up with her and not try to influence her in any way, while at the same time focusing on the other good things in your life and trying to find happiness wherever you can. There's never going to be a perfect answer, but you can try to be flexible and more resourceful for your happiness. Don't let coom-brained internet opinions influence you too much. Relationships are dynamic and change over time - everyone experiences ups and downs, needs to compromise, and struggles with certain things.
Thank you for your pragmatic perspective anon. You've been the most useful guy in this thread
This is a great response :)
>>31818 (OP)
He’s not in love, he has a sick infatuation. Love would require some brave honesty with her and with himself.

A) Unicorn hunting: he doesn’t love her, he’s attracted to the idea of having a thin woman blow herself up for him.
B) Lack of honesty: it’s exciting to keep a secret and that excitement feels like love. She would reject you if you were honest, that ain’t love bro.
C) No shared values: he likes fat chicks, she thinks they are gross, it’s hard to build a relationship with such a gap in aesthetic values.
D) You will always feel like a secretive gross freak with her, you might like that feeling or find it familiar but it is not healthy nor is it love.
>A) Unicorn hunting: he doesn’t love her, he’s attracted to the idea of having a thin woman blow herself up for him
I would instantly discard this fetish for her if I could
>B) Lack of honesty: it’s exciting to keep a secret and that excitement feels like love. She would reject you if you were honest, that ain’t love bro.
You think I enjoy this asshole? You think that my deep insecurities about the woman I love that keep me up at night make me giddy? Fuck you
>C) No shared values: he likes fat chicks, she thinks they are gross, it’s hard to build a relationship with such a gap in aesthetic values.
I already stated this earlier in the thread, but unfortunately, you are illiterate. She does not think fat people are gross nor does she hate them.
>D) You will always feel like a secretive gross freak with her, you might like that feeling or find it familiar but it is not healthy nor is it love.
Fuck you and everything you stand for. I've been in love with her for 5 fucking years and only now am I in a relationship. You know how long I've felt this, how I feel? Apparently not, because you're a disgusting, projecting pervert
TDLR: kys retard. You know nothing about my life
You are indeed being overly cynical and bitter but re point A especially: "naturally" fat women have more baggage most of the time, they're unlikely to be into it unless they're sympathetic to the fetish, born with it, that's just the truth.

And in the West especially USA many thin couples blow up over time anyway. I mean just look at Boomers.
Ok. Just keep hiding the most important romantic and sexual fact about yourself hidden from someone you claim you love.
Look I’m telling you, this dramatic reaction is more proof you’re into this for the tensions and emotional rush of being a secretive little fuck.
A good relationship is fucking boring to someone with your issues.
Mostly ugly fat women have that much baggage or self hatred. This guy doesn’t need anymore copium for his self inflicted problems.
Believe it or not, you usually don't often have good cause to start discussing sexual fetishes, especially in an unconsummated relationship, which she and I have because she is a practicing Christian. If you could stop generously serenading me with your sanctimonious "advice" that would be great because I will never take the suggestions of anyone who accuses me of being an emasculated pervert who secretly hates my girlfriend laying down.
>you usually don't often have good cause to start discussing sexual fetishes
Are you gay and are you talking about discussing likes/dislikes with other dudes? Bro, you need to get out of America. That place's killing you
#1: you're from the most straight-laced country on earth
#2: if she ever asks me I'll tell her. Also, I've decided to find a time to tell her anways so you people can stop complaining
>>32113 It deeply saddens me that I don't know what you mean by straight-laced, but to put your overly active and naturally curious mind to rest I would like to tell you this. I've known many gays. I've even had a co-worker who was gay. I recall vividly how disgusted he was with me on one fateful evening that I was helping him move furniture. After a couple of drinks where he for the first time got to talking about his likes/dislikes in grusome detail I went ahead and told him about an intense anal 3some I had with 2 young white girls where I let them shit on me. All I wanted to say to you was that after I finished telling him my story he sat speechless for about 5 minutes, and that he never tried to flirt with me ever again not once. That's real power, and that's why I love and will remain faithful to cute girls no matter what. I don't have anything to disguise. My penis' spoken for.
I'm gonna be honest Koreanon, I have no clue what you're talking about

You can do better bro. Find a woman who is sexually actualized. Ignoring all this fetish bullshit, at some point that "saving for marriage" game blows the fuck up.

She ends up sexually repressed and your reward is a dead bedroom. Or maybe the sex is awesome, she starts thinking about what she missed. Infidelity follows.

The are so many problems with the one partner strategy in this modern era. Don't end up the miserable divorcee, who regrets wasting his youth. Good sex is part of a full life. This ain't the path there.
Dead bedroom is my contingency plan. I'm totally OK with that. It's why I've avoiding ever masturbating in my life
You had me going with this thread for a long time brah, ngl
>The are so many problems with the one partner strategy in this modern era.
Elaborate. I'm not OP but trying to understand what are you suggesting. Like, are you telling him to search more than one sexual partner? Because modern times throw shit at polygamy a lot.

No, he needs to ditch the chick who won't have sex before marriage. That's a recipe for disaster.

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