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Had a second date in a long ass time with this afro latina girl from Wooplus and this girl was fucking huge. Like 400 lbs or close. She was triple my size, had those those aunty fat arm hangs, huge thighs, large fupa and round ass face. Similar to this pic here but with much meatier arms and rounder face. But idk at that point meeting her out in public for the first time after just getting photos was super off putting with how much meat there was everywhere. I have watched videos of girls like Lisa lou, boberry, ssbbw emma, Anna oli, and bbw layla and all that shit turns me on. Meeting this actual fat chick irl made me lose interest and find out at some point maybe hanging out with this 400 lb woman isn't all that. I remember we went to get food and I was able to get on top of the stool while she was standing because she couldn't hop on. She was also super slow when we were walking down the street and it was embarrassing having to slow down a bit to let her catch up.
Anyone else kinda like this, fat fetish is more an online thing. I'm probably going only 250 lbs max as my limit. The first fat girl I met on wooplus was similar but was probably in the high 200 lbs but trauma dumped on me and had a disgusting double chin turkey neck combo. Also had other problems but lost weight so no longer an option.
Maybe I'm not strong enough yet to go with a huge woman right out the bat out in public again. Maybe it's just the gaining process that's more exciting. I'm feeling like my fatphobic friends who ridicule fat women but I started to feel it. Anyone feel like this too irl? Maybe I just need to find a more conventionally attractive fat woman.

Have you tried not dating trash and just fatten up good wife material supersize?
Sounds like you're only concerned about what other people think, which is cringe. Trust me, no normal adult walking by gives a single fuck who you're dating. And even if they do, they care far less than you're imagining in your head. Stop being a cuck.

Or keep being a cuck and start dating skinny girls because it looks better to others. I don't care. Either way, can we stop with these soyboy posts whining about shit like this? Fuck whales or don't. Nobody cares.
>>31813 I disagree. I think that those of us sane people wouldn't care, while others would pretend to "care" about your business for their own mallicious and selfish purposes.
>meets ugly ssbbw that doesn't carry it well
>thinks this fetish is online only

you don't have to date blobs, much less unattractive ones

woo plus is for ugly desperate girls anyway

the only reason someone would download it is because they weren't getting any attention on tinder/hinge/bumble
It sounds like you just weren't attracted to that girl. I can't tell you whether or not that was because she was too fat; that is something you need to figure out for yourself.
I agree with the other anons who say you need to care less about what other people think. I know it's easier said than done, but my life got a lot easier when I made that adjustment.

Regarding the question in the topic of this thread: For years I wondered if I would actually enjoy dating and fucking fat women, or if it was just something I liked in porn. When I met and started dating my first SSBBW (who was about 350-400lbs) I was hooked. I can still find skinny women attractive, but to say that I find sex with a fat woman more satisfying is an understatement.
I get all the stuff about women eating and gaining weight, and I can jack off to it (otherwise I wouldn't be on this website), but the actual IRL sex is the biggest draw for me.
Thanks for the replies guys, I was kinda happy meeting my first actual huge fat woman but am feeling a bit less motivated to text them back. It's been more than 17 hours since I responded back and idk. I'll probably give up on wooplus, twice I met a girl and they were conventionally unattractive for fat admirer standards.
I'll figure it out
>I remember we went to get food and I was able to get on top of the stool while she was standing because she couldn't hop on. She was also super slow when we were walking down the street and it was embarrassing having to slow down a bit to let her catch up.

Other anons are right that you should work on getting over your embarrassment and concerns about what other people think, but you've also noticed something real here, which is that women who are 400+ have real and unavoidable physical limitations and struggles.

There have been some slapfights here recently about this issue, with some anons insisting that there are no tradeoffs involved in choosing to date supersize women and that only a pussy would be worried about health/lifestyle concerns. But if supporting someone through those physical challenges is too much for you, that's your decision. Personally, I agree with Irish anon that once you go SSBBW you can't go back. But it's not wrong to think about the tradeoffs and decide that you'd rather limit your real life dating to smaller sizes. And there's no shame in a butterface being a dealbreaker, or in being incompatible with someone for reasons that have nothing to do with her size. Just don't pull any closet FA shit that leaves SSBBWs more bitter and cynical towards those of us who actually want to date them.
Yeah this was a big change from when I hang out with ny friends and family. I even remember telling her the restaurant was only a 8 minute walk from the nearest train station and she told me she was gonna get an Uber instead. You're right, I'm guessing most people just date bbws for the pump and dumb but actual relationships with them have their real setbacks.
I have an Asian friend on the chubbier side who I think I'll rather just ask out instead. Finally learned my limits. Maybe when I'm like 30 and meet a true super sized big Beautiful woman like a lisa lou or roxxie I'll change. Learned the extra for ssbbw Beautiful matters a lot
Fat women are only good for hookups. They are totally useless for long term relationships though
>>31810 (OP)
Of course fat women have more problems as the scale goes up. Hell, even I had more problems when my BMI was approaching 30.
My experience with SSBBW has been amazing in bed but not good in other ways--they really are special needs at that point. It's a compromise for me to go with the ones who carry their weight well and still can do stuff that average people are expected to do.
If you trip and kill yourself I'm buying the drinks

He's not wrong. Imagine trying to care for a blob 24/7.
>>31810 (OP)

I love this shit been into it ever since I can remeber but yeh was a big eye opener for me when I dated a girl a few months ago, she was 5'4 and around 140-150 kg id say. Wasent at all embarrassed being with her out in public idgaf bout that but she really struggled to do like really basic things for example, getting in the front seat of my van. Once it was parked on a bit of a funny angle and she could not for the life of her get in. Always thought id find stuff like that hot but honestly just felt bad for her. Worse I could tell she was embarrassed and she refused any help from me even calling herself pathetic and shit like that I was like fuck this is kinda sad, but ya know it's all about body positivity! That being said for me there were also huge plus's that came with dating a chick that big but yeh now I got no idea what I want
You've got a bit to unpack here:

1) Limited mobility is a reality in the 350+ lbs range. How bad this is varies on how physically active the peraon is, but as you go over 350 pounds the odds of leading an active lifestyle goes way down. If you plan on having a relationship with a very fat woman, this is just how it is.

2) Beibg attracted to fat women doesn't mean you're attracted to every fat women. I don't get this mindset at all. I'm attracted to fat women but there are plenty I find to be unattractive for one reason or another. Maybe this was your experience too? You can't judge whether or not your preferences are online only based on one date.

3) It's true that the camera subtracts a bunch of weight. 300 pounds on a woman is very, very big in person. 400+ is downright massive. In that sense your preferences may be online-only. My wife was around 280 when we met and I was shocked at how big that was.

4) Get over the hurdle of being embarrassed about your partner. Literally nobody who matters actually cares who you date, unless they think that that person is causing you harm. Gossip stops mattering after high school.

Basically, date around some more and get comfortable with yourself and what you're into. If you find that you're not really attracted to 350+ women, then don't date them. And for fucks sake don't try to hide your dates from friends or family, tgat'll kill things faster than anything. You'll figure this out with experience.
I agree with the above statement.

I would like to think that you aren't a shitty human being but it also sounds like you have a lot of things to think about in terms of your intentions with women.

There is nothing wrong with being honest about not finding someone attractive, but you also need to understand that you being embarrassed by being with a fat woman in public says more about you than it does the women you are dating.

I have never met a confident man who has said any of the things you just said about anyone regardless of what they may look like.

Perhaps get off the dating apps and touch some grass until you can grow some balls and be a decent partner.
It’s really not that bad. Many of us have been there for years. There are some downsides like having to clean her folds, or help her do most household tasks, and the cleanup of shitting in the tub but it’s really not that much harder than having a dog or girlfriend with a slight disability.
>clean her folds
>cleanup of shitting in the tub
>not that bad

What fucking planet do you live on? I jerk off to obese women as much as anyone else here, but I have no earthly desire to ever have to do that for my gf/wife, unless we're both elderly.
I’m with you there brother. I want a wife, not a fucking semi disabled nursing patient.
is your gf a 700lb quadruple amputee? im 400lbs and dont need someone to do that for me, hell my mother is similarly obese AND physically disabled and doesnt need my father to do anything re hygiene for her apart from cutting her toenails
The older you get the less you care about what other people think. To the point of regret sometimes, wishing you would have done things you didn’t because of that. I would and have dated chubby to fat women. I can find very fat girls attractive (some ssbbws, but not all as that’s not mainly my thing), but there is a limit to IRL dating.Not because they’d embarrass me, but because there are things I like to do that require a certain level of activity. I feel like beyond 300 lbs you start to run into those. Obv not a hard and fast limit
>twice I met a girl and they were conventionally unattractive for fat admirer standards.

I’m guessing this is the issue mostly. Fat girls are def attractive, but not solely because they’re fat. A hot girl who is fat I prefer over a hot girl who is skinny, but still have to have a good face. There are ugly fat girls just like there are ugly fit girls. Try going on a date with a hot fat girl and I’m guessing you’d have fun and wouldn’t be embarrassed, and if you still are then grow up and stop seeking them out.
Now who’s being naive. You’re telling me all your 400+ butts fit on the toilet? The tubs a one stop shop if you have the spraying attachment

Touching grass definitely helps.

Get some hobbies. Volunteer. Go to the gym. Whatever you have to do to get out of your bubble and feel confident. It helps when you're on those early dates and have to push through your insecurities.
It’s nbd in the grand scheme of things either way. Idk if anyone on this sub would rather empty a bedpan.
>You’re telling me all your 400+ butts fit on the toilet?
Yes. You have terminal fetishbrain if you think anyone who is able bodied and not actual blob status requires intensive care
I think yall are getting things confused, I live an active lifestyle and go to the gym 4 times a week. Yall should be telling her to learn to walk more. The problem was I wasn't used to the big realistic shock that an actual huge fat girl isn't that fun to hang out with in person.
She can't sit inside of restaurants cause she can't sit on stools, she walk very slow I had to slow down so many times, she was also so lazy to walk to the nearest train and would rather Uber home.
I enjoy long walks in the parks and being outside which I saw actual huge girls can't stand. Besides the butterface, all this was a not what I expected when dreaming of meeting a ssbbw sized girl irl. Been texting her less and less because on one hand yes ssbbws are sexy but that first date was a real downer.
>400lbs and dont need someone to do that for me
Not yet. You’re probably young
Really? You’re full of shit and some child masquerading as a bhm on the internet.
I’ve met plenty of women in that size range and they 100% didn’t fit on every toilet every time.
Bro, all respect, but you're a dumbass. A 400lb woman is carrying 250lbs+ of fat. No shit she walks slow.

Hang 250lbs off your body and try to go somewhere. Of course she wants an Uber. It's fucking hard.

The trade is you get to take that too bed. Some of us are also turned on by the struggle. Need to be reseated at a restaurant, cause she can't fit into the booth? That's so fat. Hot as hell. Not easy though.
Not to mention if you're not that size you can get into it and out of it at your own convenience. If you're that size and you have a fat fetish, it wears down on you.

Can't fit into a restaurant booth? First time it's hot as hell, if not uncomfortable. Hundredth time, you're probably missing not having to squeeze in every time and just want your food.

Broke a chair? First time it's amazing to see how fat you've gotten that normal furniture can't hold you. Hundredth time, you just want to sit down in your favorite chair that you know can hold you (for now) and not have to test the weight limits for EVERYTHING.

If you're dating someone 400lbs BE SYMPATHETIC AND ACCOMMODATE THEM. Life hits DIFFERENT when you're that huge and it's absolutely a factor in so many of these fatties outside the scene getting wake-up calls and losing weight. Guarantee you these 500-600lb heifers in their early to mid 20s had a family or friend group that catered to their size and never gave them a reason to lose weight other than "high number bad". Clothes that fit, everything they wanted in a short walking distance, comfortable cars, favorite foods on hand, you get the idea.
I never reply here as u dint want to talk to dudes about women I jerk too, but this is an interesting topic. I won't date a fat chick, most of them are unkempt, don't dress well , and a myriad of other problems. I work out , dress nice, put effort into my appearance. I just can't do it, it's a lifestyle thing and their weight and looks are only going to get worse as they age. Every thick girl that dudes drool about in 5 years is going be be go disgusting.ive fucked some big girls and dude I just can't, it's fucking embarrassing..porn is where this fantasy dies.
I agree, 400 lbs might just be fantasy for now. My hobbies and lifestyle just won't work with that, I love long walks and would take every chance to ride my bike than waste money on Uber that could've been done just walking 5 blocks.
I think I'll limit myself to 250 lbs max for now with women and see the gain gradual from there and see how 300 lbs is. Still seeing it online videos of ssbbw like Lisa lou are amazing and make me horny asf but irl yep. Unless I meet andactual ssb"beautiful"w, most huge girls don't do it
FPBP, no wonder you had a shit experience when you date what's basically a crossbred animal
I’m 7 million pounds and poop on the carpet
250-300 is sweetspot (for average woman of average height and strength)
You joke but I’ve seen it happen.
It wasn’t intentional but it takes me morbidly obese mom some time to waddle to the bathroom and we’d been eating out a lot recently since the move. She just didn’t make it, sat down to catch her breath, stood up and found herself taking a shit in the living room.
Yo what's her @
You fat bastard.
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>she just didn’t make it, sat down to catch her breath, stood up and found herself taking a shit in the living room.
I have to agree with the fat man mostly. If you’ve had a massively obese person in your life you’d know it’s not everyday you’re scooping poop off the floor or out of the shower drain. It’s incredibly rare.
A bidet is a fine investment to make clothes last longer, really the worst of it is how sweaty they get sheets and clothes and upholstery.

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