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Just got these messages, wazzup wid that?

I didn't even post anything beforehand.
>>31805 (OP)
Kisame here. I am barely on this site. This is the gated community that fetish artists wanted.
why is auto ban triggering?
>I am barely on this site

Kisame! I never knew you to be a liar
I am barely on this site. I am currently drinking Red Bull and I realized that I am detached from my work as Kisame17.
I respect that, I'm currently drinking a coffee and responding to Kisame
We're dealing with a heat wave in NY. It's severe enough to make people go to the hospital. I am unaffected, I am just losing weight and burning fat
Yea I'm in NJ and it's been brutal recently. Hottest it's been all summer. Thankfully it hasn't been disgustingly humid though, that'd be a death sentence

The southeast enters the chat
My brother lives in Louisiana and I'd imagine that even hell feels nicer then the southeast. Humidity is vile, makes the air feel like a thick suffocating wet blanket
Pedophiles like Riddle August and Satsumalord are making the UPS strike about themselves. Look, I became a gear head after stop being Kisame 17 and say their demands are dumb. It's like my mom, I have to explain we can't jack up prices because of the heat wave as that's bad economics. UPS want air conditioned vans, but there's no space in old or new vans for the unit. There's a good reason Jeeps and Fords are back on sale. Tards can't maintain the upkeep of their expensive science fiction car. It's the same reason Dodge can't sell their charger or darts, or Tesla sucks. Science Fiction cars like the minivan are for clueless suburbanites. Cheap Japanese cars will always beat American made dweeb cars.
I do apologize for going off topic, but holy shit watching cartoonists larp as the blue collar working man is sad. Sometimes I wonder if the Devil is working with Andrew Tate and Logan Paul cause communism has failed to produce the anti-christ.
>>31805 (OP)
I'm rather confused with the above conversations... anyway.
I tried posting a link and it said "auto ban triggered" could someone explain what the go is? It was an erome link, is that forbidden or something?
And for the others wondering its freezing cold and I'm drinking a beer.
Everything is done by electronics in blue states because our politicians are science fiction nerds. I blame the FBI for demanding their science being better and their cohort, scientists for demanding we use electronics. Computers can't do anything without human input. It's why coding is a useless skills. Adults are using ideas dreamt up by teen genius.
I guess what I am saying is that people don't care for PowerPoint and spreadsheet presentation on a Tuesday morning. Even my Zoomer coworker quit his job at the county seat cause working 9-4 to edit graphics for boomers was dead end.
It's genuinely not your fault. The posts here are from someone who flunked out of ESL, threw what they wanted to say into Google Translate, then into ChatGPT to make it "sound" organic, but in reality it just adds in a bunch of buzzwords. It's all garbage because someone doesn't want to just learn English in the first place and is a little embarrassed to admit it on a chan board of all places.
It's happened to me too on occasion, no idea why. I think it's a glitch.
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I flat out don't know how to use a computer to translate despite my status as Kisame17. I learned word processing in the 3rd grade to prepare me for the working world. French people don't see the internet as a place for commerce and gathering. We think that Americans are way too obsessed with science fiction and comic books. We're traditionalists to a fault to the point of using puppets to capture world leaders likeness.
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Computers still require manual human input to process orders. The glitch is presumably due to the server operating at peak capacity and using high electricity to store terabytes of data. We used to store data in floppy disks, but Staples and Apple and PC got rid of those call Madden and Call of Duty bros wanted bigger computer to play their NCAA, FPS games. Computers nowadays need more manpower because Elon Musk and Zuckerberg wasted data to make themselves have high follower count.
Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Google have been throttling users internet cause they want the internet safe for advertisers. It's like how Yahoo bought Tumblr, got rid of the porn, and lost 4billion cause they couldn't monetize the site.

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