
ThickS@dWorld is definitely a contender. Her capacity is ungodly.
I think it's likely between her, Mochii and Chromie
Idk mich about the other two contenders but mochii's 30k stuffing was pretty damn impressive ;)
Anyone knows concrete kcal numbers for the largest stuffings of any of the other models?
Is Chromie still around? She hyped up this big return and then dropped off the face of the earth.
Not sure if it's her biggest stuffing, but I know Jae did a video where she ate about forty sliders (mini hamburgers) and some sides.
So nobody actually knows huh? Thats a shame.
I wonder which model has eaten the hivgest percentage of their body weight in food? Probqbly one of the Stuffer31 chicks
>>31606 (OP)
Juliet Summers has two pretty mega-stuffing vids: one where she eats an entire box of 12 Krispy Kreme donuts (in 10 minutes flat), and another where she eats 3 boxes of Little Debbies "Christmas Tree Cakes" (in less than 15m).

Maybe that's not the most "volume" but that's a fucking ton of calories (2,400 for KK and 3,300 for the Xmas tree cakes) and she is cramming them into her mouth, no biting, by the end. Amazing vids despite being shot on a late-90s webcam.

>Rare Juliet Summers content shows up randomly in a /gen/ thread
You're alright, leafbro.
>>31606 (OP)
Kitty Piggy and Bonnie have both had high calorie stuffing videos
Just an FYI, Juliet's entire backlog is available on sp*nkb*ng if you just search "ssbbw" and are patient enough to look for it. There's, uh, not a great chance of it ever getting taken down.

Agree that ThickSadWorld currently has the most impressive capacity, I just wish she didn't look like a fart in human form.
I'm interested in seeing this if someone has it.
I only recently discovered Juliet Summers. What a shame, she clearly had a lot going on. She gained like hundreds and hundreds of pounds in just a couple of years. She must’ve been eating around the clock. Even to just maintain at 700 pounds at her height is like 5000+ cals per day. And the speed of her gain suggest she was eating much more than that all along as the weight gain doesn’t seem to slow down as she got near her high weight.
She’s hectic as fuck. Like suicidal levels of eating. Also she appears to be suffering from bad constipation. I think she has serious fecal loading. Too extreme for me but damn it’s raw
she's online enough that I'm probably gonna out myself by saying this, but I spent some time with her a few years ago before she got into modeling and her whole ironic millennial depression vibe was too much for me. I think the extreme overeating is a cry for help/self harm thing and as a result I can't really enjoy her content (also its boring lol)
I think it goes without saying that all these women have some degree of mental illness
This. No one in their right mind would eat themselves to obesity, be it intentionally or unintentionally.
>>31914 That's true because statistically most obese persons are gay. That's when they turn gay after being raped.
A lot of women overeat to cope with sexual abuse and becoming obese makes them less attractive to the general population, acting as a shield against attention from men and giving them a sense of safety and control.

Now whether that turns you off like >>31882 or not, that's up to you.

I'd still hit, no question.
The Adeline cake video has to be up there too—depends on the cake, but it’s got to be 2,000 calories gone in little over 5 minutes.

Tell me you at least got to touch that mammoth of a belly
How’d know she’s constipated mate?
Distended gut. It’s like a textbook photo of an feces buildup.
Lol you can’t be serious, right? I mean, If that’s what cranks your yank…

>Distended gut
>feces buildup
Suddenly everything makes a lot more sense. How many days can these individuals hold their fecal matter inside their distended gut for?
This. And because the bulge is in the upper belly and is hard looking.
I want to believe mate but that’s gotta be a mountain of shit to show under all that blubber
transfer expired, anyone feel like reuploading?
Layla bbw i think she is able to eat so much
She has diabetes, she's not constipated lol.
Chromie literally eats until her she cant swallow, the week long gorge sessions she did a while back were legendary
That sounds hot. There aren't really any videos on her coomer, does anyone have anything with her?
Could be hepatomegaly from consuming shitloads of carbs and alcohol too
I remember PurpleWings919 doing about a 45 minute video where she stopped at like 4 different fast food drive-thrus and ordered an absolute ton of food at each one, then finished it all before going to the next one.

This was after she had initially lost a lot of weight, and was in the process of briefly gaining it all back before losing it again
>get sexually abused as a child
>turn into a whore
>turn into a homosexual
>turn into a beast (morbidly)

I guess you could get a varying mix of all of these but I agree. the insane mental illness in this community makes most of these women hard to settle down with
Some of us can divorce sexuality from morality but I find it rather difficult to jack off to someone who’s so traumatised that they’re attempting suicide via gluttony or at least self disfigurement. And I’d never even consider a relationship with any of these women, in fact even the small casual gainers I’ve met have been fucked in the head. In fact finding someone who isn’t fucked in the head outside of this fetish is hard enough
enough bullshit pychoanalyzing and more posting videos of unhinged gluttony, thanks
>Some of us can divorce sexuality from morality but I find it rather difficult to jack off to someone who’s so traumatised that they’re attempting suicide via gluttony or at least self disfigurement
Oh aren't you special. Do you drink your tea with a little pinky finger in the air, fag?

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